955 resultados para residual peroxide


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Os ácaros fitoseídeos, especialmente Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), são importantes agentes de controle biológico de ácaros tetraniquídeos-praga nas culturas de pomáceas no "Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén", Argentina. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a mortalidade de N. californicus quando exposto a resíduos dos inseticidas azimphos-methyl, carbaryl e cyfluthrin, e dos acaricidas cyhexatin e propargite. Os produtos foram aplicados às concentrações recomendadas em plantas de pereira. Um, três, seis e dez dias após a aplicação (DAA), folhas tratadas foram retiradas das plantas para a preparação de unidades experimentais. Cinco adultos de N. californicus, provenientes de criação-estoque, foram transferidos para cada unidade, onde pólen de taboa foi fornecido como alimento. As unidades foram mantidas a 25 ± 2 ºC, 60 ± 10% de umidade relativa e fotoperíodo de 14 h. A mortalidade do ácaro foi avaliada 24 h após o confinamento. As médias de mortalidade foram comparadas pelo teste de Dunnett, a 5% de probabilidade. A progressão do declínio do efeito dos produtos testados foi submetida à análise de regressão. Nas duas primeiras datas de avaliação, todos os produtos apresentaram valores de mortalidade significativamente diferentes da testemunha tratada com água. Seis dias após a aplicação, propargite, cyhexatin e cyfluthrin apresentaram mortalidade de aproximadamente 30%, enquanto a mortalidade nos tratamentos azimphos-methyl e carbaryl apresentou níveis estatisticamente similares aos da testemunha. Dez dias após a aplicação, a mortalidade em todos os tratamentos não diferiu significativamente da testemunha. O efeito de todos os produtos apresentou declínio progressivo ao longo do período de observação, sendo significativa a 1% de probabilidade a regressão linear negativa para os valores obtidos. Os maiores efeitos negativos sobre a sobrevivência de N. californicus corresponderam aos acaricidas testados. Azimphos-methyl foi o produto que menos afetou a sobrevivência do ácaro predador. Os inseticidas testados, usados na região do "Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén" para o controle de Cydia pomonella, praga-chave das culturas de pomáceas, apresentaram baixa toxicidade sobre N. californicus.


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This work aimed to evaluate the influence of naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) plant regulators in in vitro etiolation and subsequent regeneration of the PE x SC-60 pineapple hybrid. Nodal segments of in vitro plants with approximately 5-7 cm height were incubated in basic MS culture medium supplemented with 0.0; 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1 of naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) in combination with gibberellic acid (GA3) in concentrations of 0.0; 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1, and maintained at 27 ºC under dark condition. Evaluations were carried out at 90 and 180 days after incubation period. The best results for length of etiolated stems were obtained with 1.0 mg L-1 of NAA. In the experiment followed by the regeneration, stems with 3 cm from the etiolation treatment, were cultivated in proliferation medium and the number of regenerated plants per treatment was evaluated at 60 days of cultivation. The treatment that promoted the best etiolation of plants also promoted the worst regeneration rates, demonstrating the residual effect of the auxin used in the previous step in the regeneration of plants of the pineapple hybrid evaluated.


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Oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) plays a central role in the stress. Huprines, a group of potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs), have shown a broad cholinergic pharmacological profile. Recently, it has been observed that huprine X (HX) improves cognition in non transgenic middle aged mice and shows a neuroprotective activity (increased synaptophysin expression) in 3xTg-AD mice. Consequently, in the present experiments the potential neuroprotective effect of huprines (HX, HY, HZ) has been analyzed in two different in vitro conditions: undifferentiated and NGF-differentiated PC12 cells. Cells were subjected to oxidative insult (H2O2, 200 µM) and the protective effects of HX, HY and HZ (0.01 µM- 1 µM) were analyzed after a pre-incubation period of 24 and 48 hours. All huprines showed protective effects in both undifferentiated and NGF-differentiated cells, however only in differentiated cells the effect was dependent on cholinergic receptors as atropine (muscarinic antagonist, 0.1 µM) and mecamylamine (nicotinic antagonist, 100 µM) reverted the neuroprotection action of huprines. The decrease in SOD activity observed after oxidative insult was overcome in the presence of huprines and this effect was not mediated by muscarinic or nicotinic receptors. In conclusion, huprines displayed neuroprotective properties as previously observed in in vivo studies. In addition, these effects were mediated by cholinergic receptors only in differentiated cells. However, a non-cholinergic mechanism, probably through an increase in SOD activity, seems to be also involved in the neuroprotective effects of huprines.


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Aquaporins are water channel proteins that mediate the fine-tuning of cell membrane water permeability during development or in response to environmental stresses. The present work focuses on the oxidative stress-induced redistribution of plasma membrane intrinsic protein (PIP) aquaporins from the plasma membrane (PM) to intracellular membranes. This process was investigated in the Arabidopsis root. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that exposure of roots to 0.5 mM H2O2 induces significant depletion in PM fractions of several abundant PIP homologs after 15 min. Analyses by single-particle tracking and fluorescence correlative spectroscopy showed that, in the PM of epidermal cells, H2O2 treatment induces an increase in lateral motion and a reduction in the density of a fluorescently tagged form of the prototypal AtPIP2;1 isoform, respectively. Co-expression analyses of AtPIP2;1 with endomembrane markers revealed that H2O2 triggers AtPIP2;1 accumulation in the late endosomal compartments. Life-time analyses established that the high stability of PIPs was maintained under oxidative stress conditions, suggesting that H2O2 triggers a mechanism for intracellular sequestration of PM aquaporins without further degradation. In addition to information on cellular regulation of aquaporins, this study provides novel and complementary insights into the dynamic remodeling of plant internal membranes during oxidative stress responses.


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Introducción: La determinación del volumen gástrico residual es una práctica frecuente en pacientes críticos, pero hay falta de consenso acerca de la conveniencia de reintroducir o desechar el contenido gástrico aspirado (CGA). Objetivo: Determinar el grado de evidencia científica acerca de la eficacia de 2 intervenciones-reintroducción/rechazo- del CGA en pacientes críticos. Material y métodos: Revisión sistemática de la evidencia disponible acerca de la conveniencia de reintroducir o desechar el CGA. Proceso: a) establecimiento de los criterios de inclusión/exclusión; b) determinación de la estrategia de búsqueda (palabras clave e itinerarios); c) vaciado de las bases de datos: MEDLINE, CINAHL, CUIDEN, IME, SCIELO y COCHRANE. Búsqueda por método indirecto y vaciado manual de índices; d) lectura crítica independiente y contrastada, utilizando la plantilla CASPe, y e) contraste de resultados del análisis crítico. Resultados: Los itinerarios de búsqueda generan más de 800 referencias que, una vez depuradas, permiten seleccionar 54. Después de su lectura, sólo 4 se centran realmente en cuestiones relacionadas con la reintroducción/rechazo del CGA: 2 revisiones, un estudio observacional y un ECA de muestra pequeña. La heterogeneidad de estos estudios no permite emplear técnicas de metaanálisis. Por ello se analizan por separado los resultados de cada estudio. Mediante este proceso se obtiene un resultado final que demuestra un bajo grado de evidencia científica. Conclusiones: Hay escasa evidencia científica acerca de la conveniencia, la seguridad y los beneficios de ambas intervenciones. Es difícil establecer un protocolo de cuidados, por lo que se planteó realizar un estudio experimental para establecer las indicaciones y contraindicaciones de ambas intervenciones.


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Background: The control of gastric residual volume (GRV) is a common nursing intervention in intensive care; however the literature shows a wide variation in clinical practice regarding the management of GRV, potentially affecting patients" clinical outcomes. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of returning or discarding GRV, on gastric emptying delays and feeding, electrolyte and comfort outcomes in critically ill patients. Method: A randomised, prospective, clinical trial design was used to study 125 critically ill patients, assigned to the return or the discard group. Main outcome measure was delayed gastric emptying. Feeding outcomes were determined measuring intolerance indicators, feeding delays and feeding potential complications. Fluid and electrolyte measures included serum potassium, glycaemia control and fluid balance. Discomfort was identified by significant changes in vital signs. Results: Patients in both groups presented similar mean GRV with no significant differences found (p=0.111), but participants in the intervention arm showed a lower incidence and severity of delayed gastric emptying episodes (p=0.001). No significant differences were found for the rest of outcome measurements, except for hyperglycaemia. Conclusions: The results of this study support the recommendation to reintroduce gastric content aspirated to improve GRV management without increasing the risk for potential complications.


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El objetivo es comprobar si el efecto residual inmunodepresor de la ciclofosfamida contribuye a la evocación de la respuesta de anticuerpos condicionada. Se condicionaron ratones no consanguíneos, machos, con el estímulo condicionado sacarina al 0,15% y con el estímulo incondicionado ciclofosfamida, a 50 y 250 mg/kg. A los 4 días del condicionamiento con 50 mg/kg de ciclofosfamida, o a los 14 días del condicionamiento con 250 mg/kg de ciclofosfamida, los ratones se inmunizaron con glóbulos rojos de rata y, a continuación, bebieron la disolución de sacarina. Se comprobó que i) la dosis más baja de ciclofosfamida no generó efecto residual, mientras que la dosis más alta si, y ii) en ningún caso, la presentación de sacarina disminuyó la respuesta de anticuerpos anti-glóbulos rojos de rata. Se concluye que no se produjo condicionamiento de la respuesta de anticuerpos, tanto si el efecto residual de la ciclofosfamida está presente, como si está ausente.


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The use of GFCI, ground-fault circuit interrupter, in the chemical laboratory is described, to improve the electrical safety of equipments such as rotary evaporators and constant temperature baths.


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The present study reports details of the stoichiometric characterization of the mixed complex system, V(H2O2)PAR, formed when vanadium adequately reacts with hydrogen peroxide and with 4-(2-Pyridilazo)Resorcinol. Also the presence of polynuclear species was investigated in order to elucidate about unambiguous assignment of the molar absorptivity, stability constant and composition of the complex. Two mathematical treatments methods of the experimental results were employed. From the results it can be concluded that this system corresponds to a mononuclear complex with 1:1:1 stoichiometry.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate a flow injection system for determination of residual CO3(2-) in soil amended with lime material. It was used a closed system were the CO2 released from soil sample acidified with 0.5 mol L-1 HCl was capted in a 0.2 mol L-1 NaOH solution. After 16h the capted CO2 was determined by conductivimetry using a flow injection system. The results obtained by the proposed method were significantly correlated with those reported in soil samples used by the International Soil Analytical Exchange Programe. The regression equation was: y = 0.987x -- 0.075 r = 0.996, P > 0.01. For acid soils amended with CaCO3 the method showed a deviation error of 2.7%, detection limit was 0.077 mmol kg-1 of CO3(2-), and a recovery of 99.7% of the total CO3(2-) added in soil sample. The method was easily adapted for routine determination of residual CO3(2-) in soil samples with an analytical frequency of 40 samples per hour.


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Residual CuSO4 was incorporated into the mass utilized for cement preparation. To a cement mass with 1:0.5:5 of cement, lime and sand to 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00% of residual CuSO4 were added. The sulfate was mixed separately with lime and water to induce metal precipitation. The hardened test bodies were submerged in Milli-Q water for three months. No Cu was detected in the water by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The best proportion for mechanical resistance and porosity is 0.50%. The cement is adequate for non-structural objects.


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In this work, we use the rule of mixtures to develop an equivalent material model in which the total strain energy density is split into the isotropic part related to the matrix component and the anisotropic energy contribution related to the fiber effects. For the isotropic energy part, we select the amended non-Gaussian strain energy density model, while the energy fiber effects are added by considering the equivalent anisotropic volumetric fraction contribution, as well as the isotropized representation form of the eight-chain energy model that accounts for the material anisotropic effects. Furthermore, our proposed material model uses a phenomenological non-monotonous softening function that predicts stress softening effects and has an energy term, derived from the pseudo-elasticity theory, that accounts for residual strain deformations. The model’s theoretical predictions are compared with experimental data collected from human vaginal tissues, mice skin, poly(glycolide-co-caprolactone) (PGC25 3-0) and polypropylene suture materials and tracheal and brain human tissues. In all cases examined here, our equivalent material model closely follows stress-softening and residual strain effects exhibited by experimental data


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This work presents two recycling processes for spent Li/MnO2 batteries. After removal of the solvent under vacuum the cathode + anode + electrolyte was submitted to one of the following procedures: (a) it was calcined (500 ºC, 5 h) and the calcined solid was submitted to solvent extraction with water in order to recover lithium salts. The residual solid was treated with sulfuric acid containing hydrogen peroxide. Manganese was recovered as sulfate; (b) the solid was treated with potassium hydrogeno sulfate (500 ºC, 5 h). The solid was dissolved in water and the resulting solution was added dropwise to sodium hydroxide. Manganese was recovered as dioxide. The residual solution was treated with potassium fluoride in order to precipitate lithium fluoride.


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The "active mass" (cathode + anode + electrolyte) of spent Li-ion batteries was submitted to one of the following procedures: (a) it was calcined (500 ºC) and submitted to extraction with water to recover lithium salts. The residual solid was treated with sulfuric acid containing hydrogen peroxide. Cobalt was recovered as sulfate; (b) the "active mass" was treated with potassium hydrogen sulfate (500 ºC) and dissolved in water. Cobalt was precipitated together with copper after addition of sodium hydroxide. Lithium was partially recovered as lithium fluoride. Co-processing of other battery components (aluminum and copper foils) affected negatively the behavior of the recovery procedures. Previous segregation of battery components is essential for an efficient and economical processing of the "active mass".


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A variety of language disturbances including aphasia have been described after subcortical stroke but less is known about the factors that influence the long-term recovery of stroke-induced language dysfunction. We prospectively examined the role of the affected hemisphere and the lesion site in the occurrence and recovery of language deficits in nonthalamic subcortical stroke. Forty patients with unilateral basal gangliastroke underwent language assessment within 1 week, 3 months and 1 year after stroke. Disturbances in at least one language domain were observed in 35 patients during the first week post stroke including aphasia diagnosed in 11 patients. Importantly, the appearance of deficits after stroke onset and the improvement of language function were not determined by the site of subcortical lesion, but instead were critically influenced by the affected hemisphere. In fact, the language impairments following left and right basal ganglia stroke mirrored the language dysfunction observed after cortical lesions in the same hemisphere. A significant overall language improvement was observed at 3 months after stroke, although residual deficits in languageexecutive function were the most commonly observed impairment at 1 year follow-up. Although a substantial improvement of language function can be expected after nonthalamic subcortical stroke, our findings suggest that language recovery may not be fully achieved at 1 year post