955 resultados para pseudo-oxocarbons
The stepped and excessively slow execution of pseudo-dynamic tests has been found to be the source of some errors arising from strain-rate effect and stress relaxation. In order to control those errors, a new continuous test method which allows the selection of a more suitable time scale factor in the response is proposed in this work. By dimensional analysis, such scaled-time response is obtained theoretically by augmenting the inertial and damping properties of the structure, for which we propose the use of hydraulic pistons which are servo-controlled to produce active mass and damping, nevertheless using an equipment which is similar to that required in a pseudo-dynamic test. The results of the successful implementation of this technique for a simple specimen are shown here.
In this work, we consider the Minimum Weight Pseudo-Triangulation (MWPT) problem of a given set of n points in the plane. Globally optimal pseudo-triangulations with respect to the weight, as optimization criteria, are difficult to be found by deterministic methods, since no polynomial algorithm is known. We show how the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) metaheuristic can be used to find high quality pseudo-triangulations of minimum weight. We present the experimental and statistical study based on our own set of instances since no reference to benchmarks for these problems were found in the literature. Throughout the experimental evaluation, we appraise the ACO metaheuristic performance for MWPT problem.
Non-parametric belief propagation (NBP) is a well-known message passing method for cooperative localization in wireless networks. However, due to the over-counting problem in the networks with loops, NBP’s convergence is not guaranteed, and its estimates are typically less accurate. One solution for this problem is non-parametric generalized belief propagation based on junction tree. However, this method is intractable in large-scale networks due to the high-complexity of the junction tree formation, and the high-dimensionality of the particles. Therefore, in this article, we propose the non-parametric generalized belief propagation based on pseudo-junction tree (NGBP-PJT). The main difference comparing with the standard method is the formation of pseudo-junction tree, which represents the approximated junction tree based on thin graph. In addition, in order to decrease the number of high-dimensional particles, we use more informative importance density function, and reduce the dimensionality of the messages. As by-product, we also propose NBP based on thin graph (NBP-TG), a cheaper variant of NBP, which runs on the same graph as NGBP-PJT. According to our simulation and experimental results, NGBP-PJT method outperforms NBP and NBP-TG in terms of accuracy, computational, and communication cost in reasonably sized networks.
The aim of this work is to provide an overview on the recent advances in the selective area growth (SAG) of (In)GaN nanostructures by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy, focusing on their potential as building blocks for next generation LEDs. The first three sections deal with the basic growth mechanisms of GaN SAG and the emission control in the entire ultraviolet to infrared range, including approaches for white light emission, using InGaN disks and thick segments on axial nanocolumns. SAG of axial nanostructures is eveloped on both GaN/sapphire templates and GaN-buffered Si(111). As an alternative to axial nanocolumns, section 4 reports on the growth and characterization of InGaN/GaN core-shell structures on an ordered array of top-down patterned GaN microrods. Finally, section 5 reports on the SAG of GaN, with and without InGaN insertion, on semi-polar (11-22) and non-polar (11-20) templates. Upon SAG the high defect density present in the templates is strongly reduced as indicated by a dramatic improvement of the optical properties. In the case of SAG on nonpolar (11-22) templates, the formation of nanostructures with a low aspect ratio took place allowing for the fabrication of high-quality, non-polar GaN pseudo-templates by coalescence of these nanostructures.
The ability to accurately observe the Earth's carbon cycles from space gives scientists an important tool to analyze climate change. Current space-borne Integrated-Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) Iidar concepts have the potential to meet this need. They are mainly based on the pulsed time-offlight principle, in which two high energy pulses of different wavelengths interrogate the atmosphere for its transmission properties and are backscattered by the ground. In this paper, feasibility study results of a Pseudo-Random Single Photon Counting (PRSPC) IPDA lidar are reported. The proposed approach replaces the high energy pulsed source (e.g. a solidstate laser), with a semiconductor laser in CW operation with a similar average power of a few Watts, benefiting from better efficiency and reliability. The auto-correlation property of Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) and temporal shifting of the codes can be utilized to transmit both wavelengths simultaneously, avoiding the beam misalignment problem experienced by pulsed techniques. The envelope signal to noise ratio has been analyzed, and various system parameters have been selected. By restricting the telescopes field-of-view, the dominant noise source of ambient light can be suppressed, and in addition with a low noise single photon counting detector, a retrieval precision of 1.5 ppm over 50 km along-track averaging could be attained. We also describe preliminary experimental results involving a negative feedback Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) single photon avalanche photodiode and a low power Distributed Feedback laser diode modulated with PRBS driven acoustic optical modulator. The results demonstrate that higher detector saturation count rates will be needed for use in future spacebourne missions but measurement linearity and precision should meet the stringent requirements set out by future Earthobserving missions.
The crystal structure of the decanucleotide d(CGCAATTGCG)2 has been solved by a combination of molecular replacement and heavy-atom procedures and has been refined to an R factor of 20.2% at 2.7 A. It is not a fully base-paired duplex but has a central core of eight Watson-Crick base pairs flanked by unpaired terminal guanosines and cytosines. These participate in hydrogen-bonding arrangements with adjacent decamer duplexes in the crystal lattice. The unpaired guanosines are bound in the G+C regions of duplex minor grooves. The cytosines have relatively high mobility, even though they are constrained to be in one region where they are involved in base-paired triplets with G.C base pairs. The 5'-AATT sequence in the duplex region has a narrow minor groove, providing further confirmation of the sequence-dependent nature of groove width.
Using the results of large scale numerical simulations we study the probability distribution of the pseudo critical temperature for the three dimensional Edwards Anderson Ising spin glass and for the fully connected Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. We find that the behaviour of our data is nicely described by straightforward finitesize scaling relations.
Belief Revision addresses the problem of how to change epistemic states, usually represented in the literature by sets of logical sentences. Solid theoretical results were consolidated with the AGM paradigm, which deals with theories (logically closed sets of sentences). After that, the theory was extended to belief bases, that is, arbitrary sets of sentences. Besides all this theoretical framework, AI researchers face serious difficulties when trying to implement belief revision systems. One of the major complications is the closure required by AGM theory, which cannot be easily computed. Even belief bases, which do not require closure, seem to be improper for practical purposes, since their changes are usually very rigid (syntax dependent). Some operations, known as pseudo-contractions, are in the middle ground between belief set change and belief base change. In the present work we have proposed a new pseudo-contraction operation, studied its properties and characterized it. We have also found connections between this operator and some other pseudo-contractions.
Jerónimo Quijano fue uno de los ilustres arquitectos destacados del Renacimiento pleno en España. Su obra, la iglesia de Santiago en Orihuela -Alicante- posee una Capilla Mayor renacentista, de carácter funerario, de planta central y adosada a una nave gótica. Destaca su bóveda superior de 4 pares de arcos entrecruzados y revirados. Al ser dobles se reduce la superficie central de plementería y se gana en resistencia. Es de complicada geometría esférica y cuadrada a la vez: bóveda pseudo-vaída (esférica solo hasta los arcos exteriores) y plementería lateral adaptándose a la planta cuadrada. Supone la fusión de la antigüedad clásica con la tradición hispanomusulmana. Como referencia, se estudia sucintamente la Capilla Benavides en Baeza - Jaén-, obra de Andrés de Vandelvira e incluida en el tratado de arquitectura de su hijo Alonso, la cual plantea un gran espacio cuadrado cubierto por una bóveda vaída y reforzada por 4 arcos entrecruzados.
Disbound Original Held in Oak Street Library Facility.
Thesis (M. Sc.)--University of Illinois.
"This work has been supported by Contract N6ori-71 Task XXX United States Navy ONR NR 044 001"
Peter Paul Rubens; 10 7/16 in.x 6 31/32 in.; pen and brown ink over black chalk heightened with white, with brush and gray ink
At head of title: Universitati Bononiensi octavorum saecularium diem festum, mense Iunio anni MDCCCLXXXVIII, sollemniter celebranti gratulatur Universitas Vratislaviensis viadrina.