982 resultados para preparative HPLC


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This study is an integrated overview of pigment and microscopic analysis of phytoplankton communities throughout the Mozambican coast. Collected samples revealed notable patterns of phytoplankton occurrence and distribution, with community structure changing between regions and sample depth. Pigment data showed Delagoa Bight, Sofala Bank and Angoche as the most productive regions throughout the sampled area. In general, micro-sized phytoplankton, particularly diatoms, were important contributors to biomass both at surface and sub-surface maximum (SSM) samples, although were almost absent in the northern stations. In contrast, nano- and pico-sized phytoplankton revealed opposing patterns. Picophytoplankton were most abundant at surface, as opposed to nanophytoplankton, which were more abundant at the SSM. Microphytoplankton were associated with cooler southern water masses, while picophytoplankton were related to warmer northern water masses. Nanophytoplankton were found to increase their contribution to biomass with increasing SSM. Microscopy information on the genera and species level revealed the diatoms Chaetoceros spp., Proboscia alata, Pseudo-nitzschia spp., Cylindrotheca closterium and Hemiaulus haukii as the most abundant taxa of the micro-sized phytoplankton. Discosphaera tubifera and Emiliania huxleyi were the most abundant coccolithophores, nano-sized phytoplankton.


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Abstract An HPLC method has been developed and validated for the determination of spironolactone, 7a-thiomethylspirolactone and canrenone in paediatric plasma samples. The method utilises 200 µl of plasma and sample preparation involves protein precipitation followed by Solid Phase Extraction (SPE). Determination of standard curves of peak height ratio (PHR) against concentration was performed by weighted least squares linear regression using a weighting factor of 1/concentration2. The developed method was found to be linear over concentration ranges of 30–1000 ng/ml for spironolactone and 25–1000 ng/ml for 7a-thiomethylspirolactone and canrenone. The lower limit of quantification for spironolactone, 7a-thiomethylspirolactone and canrenone were calculated as 28, 20 and 25 ng/ml, respectively. The method was shown to be applicable to the determination of spironolactone, 7a-thiomethylspirolactone and canrenone in paediatric plasma samples and also plasma from healthy human volunteers.


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The protein components of GCF can be separated by reverse-phase microbore HPLC on a C18 column with detection on the basis of 214 nm absorbance. A single major symmetrical protein peak eluting with a retention time of 26 min (50% acetonitrile) was evident in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from periodontitis patients but not in healthy GCF. This protein was identified as human MRP-8 by N-terminal amino acid sequencing and liquid chromatography quadropole mass spectrometry.


To quantify the amount of MRP-8 detectable in GCF from individual healthy, gingivitis and periodontitis affected sites and to study the relationship, if any, between the levels of this responsive protein and periodontal health and disease.


GCF was sampled (30 s) from healthy, gingivitis, and periodontitis sites in peridontitis subjects (n=15) and from controls (n=5) with clinically healthy gingiva and no periodontitis. Purified MRP-8 was sequenced by Edmann degradation and the phenylthiohydantoin (PTH) amino acid yield determined (by comparison of peak area with external PTH amino acid standards). This value was subsequently used to calculate the relative amount of protein in the peak eluting with a retention time of 26.0 min (MRP-8) in individual GCF chromatograms.


Higher levels of MRP-8 were detected in inflammatory sites: periodontitis 457.0 (281.0) ng; gingivitis 413.5 (394.5) ng compared with periodontally healthy sites in diseased subjects 14.6 (14.3) ng and in controls 18.6 (18.5) ng, p=0.003. There was at least 20-fold more MRP-8 in the inflammatory compared with the healthy sites studied.


The preliminary data indicate that MRP-8 is present in GCF, with significantly greater amounts present at diseased than healthy sites. A systematic study of the relationship of this protein to periodontal disease could prove useful in further clarifying whether MRP-8 could be a reliable GCF biomarker of gingivitis and periodontitis.


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An HPLC method has been developed and validated for the rapid determination of mercaptopurine and four of its metabolites; thioguanine, thiouric acid, thioxanthine and methylmercaptopurine in plasma and red blood cells. The method involves a simple treatment procedure based on deproteinisation by perchloric acid followed by acid hydrolysis and heating for 45 min at 100 degrees C. The developed method was linear over the concentration range studied with a correlation coefficient >0.994 for all compounds in both plasma and erythrocytes. The lower limits of quantification were 13, 14, 3, 2, 95 pmol/8 x 101 RBCs and 2, 5, 2, 3, 20 ng/ml plasma for thioguanine, thiouric acid, mercaptopurine, thioxanthine and methylmercaptopurine, respectively. The method described is selective and sensitive enough to analyse the different metabolites in a single run under isocratic conditions. Furthermore, it has been shown to be applicable for monitoring these metabolites in paediatric patients due to the low volume requirement (200 mu l of plasma or erythrocytes) and has been successfully applied for investigating population pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenetics and non-adherence to therapy in these patients. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Epidermal growth factor receptor gene (EGFR) variants may be useful markers for identifying responders to gefitinib and erlotinib, small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors of EGFR; therefore, sensitive and cost-effective assays are needed to detect EGFR variants in routine clinical samples. We have developed a partially denaturing HPLC (pDHPLC) assay that is superior to direct sequencing with respect to detection limits, costs, and time requirements.


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Racemic (1R*,2R*)-1,2-dihydroxy-[1- 13C 1]propylphosphonic acid and 1-hydroxy-[1- 13C 1]acetone were synthesized and fed to R. huakuii PMY1. Alanine and a mixture of valine and methionine were isolated as their N-acetyl derivatives from the cell hydrolysate by reversed-phase HPLC and analyzed by NMR spectroscopy. It was found that the carbon atoms of the respective carboxyl groups were highly 13C-labeled (up to 65 %). Hydroxyacetone is therefore considered an obligatory intermediate of the biodegradation of fosfomycin by R. huakuii PMY1.


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Semicarbazide (SEM) was considered to be a characteristic protein-bound side-chain metabolite of the banned veterinary drug nitrofurazone and used as a marker of nitrofurazone abuse. It was recently discovered that SEM can arise in food from sources other than nitrofurazone. This uncertainty over the source of SEM may be overcome if alternative markers specific to tissue-bound nitrofurazone residues can be determined. The structure of nitrofurazone metabolites in vivo and particular proteins to which they are bound are not known. These proteins with altered structure due to the presence of the drug metabolites can be considered as potential alternative biomarkers of nitrofurazone abuse. The proteins implicated in the in vivo binding of nitrofurazone were separated and identified. A crude mixture of proteins extracted from the liver of a rat treated with the drug was separated using a series of different techniques such as preparative isoelectric focusing and size exclusion HPLC. Multiple fractions were assayed by LC-MS/MS to detect the presence of SEM. The proteins containing SEM residues were identified by peptide mass mapping using trypsin digestion and MALDI-TOF. The first protein identified as containing high concentration of SEM was albumin. It was also shown that low molecular weight species within a protein mixture whose main constituent was glutathione S-transferase contained a high concentration of SEM. The chemical composition of these components is under investigation. Preliminary data suggest the SEM forms part of a nitrofurazone metabolite conjugated to glutathione. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.