950 resultados para positivity preserving
The first part presented at the meeting by A. Dipchikova is a brief report of the role of the National library as an institution in collecting, preserving and making accessible the national written heritage. Problems of digitization are examined from the point of view of the existing experience in cataloguing. Special attention is paid to the history and the significance of international standards, the experience in the field of development and maintenance of authority files on national and international level as well as in markup languages. Possibilities of using MARC and XML in the library are discussed. The second part presented here by E. Moussakova is giving an overview of the latest activities of the Library in the sphere of digitisation of the old Slavic manuscripts which are component of the national cultural heritage. It is pointed out that the current work is rather limited within the scope of preparation of metadata than being focused on digital products.
MSC 2010: 30C45, 30A20, 34C40
Илинка А. Димитрова, Цветелина Н. Младенова - Моноида P Tn от всички частични преобразования върху едно n-елементно множество относно операцията композиция на преобразования е изучаван в различни аспекти от редица автори. Едно частично преобразование α се нарича запазващо наредбата, ако от x ≤ y следва, че xα ≤ yα за всяко x, y от дефиниционното множество на α. Обект на разглеждане в настоящата работа е моноида P On състоящ се от всички частични запазващи наредбата преобразования. Очевидно P On е под-моноид на P Tn. Направена е пълна класификация на максималните подполугрупи на моноида P On. Доказано е, че съществуват пет различни вида максимални подполугрупи на разглеждания моноид. Броят на всички максимални подполугрупи на POn е точно 2^n + 2n − 2.
Open source software (OSS) popularity is growing steadily and many OSS systems could be used to preserve cultural heritage objects. Such solutions give the opportunity to organizations to afford the development of a digital collection. This paper focuses on reviewing two OSS tools, CollectionSpace and the Open Video Digital Library Toolkit and discuss on how these could be used for organizing digital replicas of cultural objects. The features of the software are presented and some examples are given.
PRELIDA (PREserving LInked DAta) is an FP7 Coordination Action funded by the European Commission under the Digital Preservation Theme. PRELIDA targets the particular stakeholders of the Linked Data community, including data providers, service providers, technology providers and end user communities. These stakeholders have not been traditionally targeted by the Digital Preservation community, and are typically not aware of the digital preservation solutions already available. So an important task of PRELIDA is to raise awareness of existing preservation solutions and to facilitate their uptake. At the same time, the Linked Data cloud has specific characteristics in terms of structuring, interlinkage, dynamicity and distribution that pose new challenges to the preservation community. PRELIDA organises in-depth discussions among the two communities to identify which of these characteristics require novel solutions, and to develop road maps for addressing the new challenges. PRELIDA will complete its lifecycle at the end of this year, and the talk will report about the major findings.
This paper reflects on the experience of PanamaTipico.com, an independent website specialized in the research and preservation of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Panama, a developing country located in Central America. Basic information about the project is described. Also discussed, are some of the challenges confronted by the project and the results achieved. The goal of this paper is to encourage a discussion on whether or not the experience of Pan-amaTipico.com is comparable to the experiences of similar projects in developing countries in Eastern Europe and elsewhere.
Case-based Reasoning's (CBR) origins were stimulated by a desire to understand how people remember information and are in turn reminded of information, and that subsequently it was recognized that people commonly solve problems by remembering how they solved similar problems in the past. Thus CBR became an appropriate way to find out the most suitable solution method for a new problem based on the old methods for the same or even similar problems. The research highlights how to use CBR to aid biologists in finding the best method to cryo preserve algae. The study found CBR could be used successfully to find the similarity percentage between the new algae and old cases in the case base. The prediction result showed approximately 93.75% accuracy, which proves the CBR system can offer appropriate recommendations for most situations. © 2011 IEEE.
Stylization is a method of ornamental plant use usually applied in urban open space and garden design based on aesthetic consideration. Stylization can be seen as a nature-imitating ornamental plant application which evokes the scenery rather than an ecological plant application which assists the processes and functions observed in the nature. From a different point of view, stylization of natural or semi-natural habitats can sometimes serve as a method for preserving the physiognomy of the plant associations that may be affected by the climate change of the 21st century. The vulnerability of the Hungarian habitats has thus far been examined by the researchers only from the botanical point of view but not in terms of its landscape design value. In Hungary coniferous forests are edaphic and classified on this basis. The General National Habitat Classification System (Á-NÉR) distinguishes calcareous Scots pine forests and acidofrequent coniferous forests. The latter seems to be highly sensitive to climate change according to ecological models. The physiognomy and species pool of its subtypes are strongly determined by the dominant coniferous species that can be Norway spruce (Picea abies) or Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). We are going to discuss the methodology of stylization of climate sensitive habitats and briefly refer to acidofrequent coniferous forests as a case study. In the course of stylization those coniferous and deciduous tree species of the studied habitat that are water demanding should be substituted by drought tolerant ones with similar characteristics. A list of the proposed taxa is going to be given.
Stylization is a common method of ornamental plant use that imitates nature and evokes the scenery. This paper discloses a not yet proposed aspect of stylization, since the method offers the possibility of preserving the physiognomy of those habitats that seem to vanish due to future climate change. In addition, novelty of the method is founded also on that vulnerability of the Hungarian habitats has been examined by the researchers only from the botanical and ecological point of view so far and not in terms of its landscape design value. In Hungary, acidofrequent mixed forests appear to be highly sensitive to climate change according to ecological models. We are going to discuss the methodology of stylization of climate sensitive habitats and briefly refer to acidofrequent mixed forests as a case study. Those coniferous and deciduous tree species of the studied habitat that are water demanding are proposed to be substituted by drought tolerant ones with similar characteristics, and an optionally expandable list of these taxa is presented. Based on this the authors suggest experimental investigations of those of the proposed taxa for which the higher drought tolerance is based on observations only.
Individuals from the Center for Humanities in an Urban Environment and the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens discuss the issue of "Preservation vs. Beauty". Lecture held on September 18, 2013 at the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens.
Public libraries and historical societies should work together in collecting and preserving materials of local history. This brochure is a guide for their collaboration.
This thesis focuses on the private membership test (PMT) problem and presents three single server protocols to resolve this problem. In the presented solutions, a client can perform an inclusion test for some record x in a server's database, without revealing his record. Moreover after executing the protocols, the contents of server's database remain secret. In each of these solutions, a different cryptographic protocol is utilized to construct a privacy preserving variant of Bloom filter. The three suggested solutions are slightly different from each other, from privacy perspective and also from complexity point of view. Therefore, their use cases are different and it is impossible to choose one that is clearly the best between all three. We present the software developments of the three protocols by utilizing various pseudocodes. The performance of our implementation is measured based on a real case scenario. This thesis is a spin-off from the Academy of Finland research project "Cloud Security Services".