695 resultados para mobile learning technologies
In the last two decades, there was a proliferation of programming exercise formats that hinders interoperability in automatic assessment. In the lack of a widely accepted standard, a pragmatic solution is to convert content among the existing formats. BabeLO is a programming exercise converter providing services to a network of heterogeneous e-learning systems such as contest management systems, programming exercise authoring tools, evaluation engines and repositories of learning objects. Its main feature is the use of a pivotal format to achieve greater extensibility. This approach simplifies the extension to other formats, just requiring the conversion to and from the pivotal format. This paper starts with an analysis of programming exercise formats representative of the existing diversity. This analysis sets the context for the proposed approach to exercise conversion and to the description of the pivotal data format. The abstract service definition is the basis for the design of BabeLO, its components and web service interface. This paper includes a report on the use of BabeLO in two concrete scenarios: to relocate exercises to a different repository, and to use an evaluation engine in a network of heterogeneous systems.
The great majority of the courses on science and technology areas where lab work is a fundamental part of the apprenticeship was not until recently available to be taught at distance. This reality is changing with the dissemination of remote laboratories. Supported by resources based on new information and communication technologies, it is now possible to remotely control a wide variety of real laboratories. However, most of them are designed specifically to this purpose, are inflexible and only on its functionality they resemble the real ones. In this paper, an alternative remote lab infrastructure devoted to the study of electronics is presented. Its main characteristics are, from a teacher's perspective, reusability and simplicity of use, and from a students' point of view, an exact replication of the real lab, enabling them to complement or finish at home the work started at class. The remote laboratory is integrated in the Learning Management System in use at the school, and therefore, may be combined with other web experiments and e-learning strategies, while safeguarding security access issues.
Educational videos differ from other teaching and learning technologies as they allow the benefit of using visual perception. Video lectures are not new to education, however with the use of innovative video technologies they can improve academic outcomes and extend the reach of education. They may offer extraordinary new experiences for higher education institutions (HEI). Through them lecturers can provide information and contents to students, and if used creatively, video lectures can become a powerful technological tool in education, inside and outside classrooms. Inside a classroom it can motivate students and improve topics’ debate and outside it is a good support for students’ self- learning. In some cases they can be used to work some subjects standing behind, but needed to support actual courses contents, that students do not remember (or were not even taught), opening an “in front to the past door” that backs students self-study. The student-educator dynamic is changing. Students are expecting exceptional instruction and educators are expecting students to be more and more well informed about subjects from online viewing.This article explores some of the potential benefits and challenges associated with the use of video lectures in the teaching and learning process at higher education. We will also discuss some thoughts and examples for the use of teaching materials to enhance student’s learning and try to understand how video can act as powerful and innovative to enlighten teaching and learning (note that unfortunately, sometimes, the opposite is happening).
Information technologies (ITs), and sports resources and services aid the potential to transform governmental organizations, and play an important role in contributing to sustainable communities development, respectively. Spatial data is a crucial source to support sports planning and management. Low-cost mobile geospatial tools bring productive and accurate data collection, and their use combining a handy and customized graphical user interface (GUI) (forms, mapping, media support) is still in an early stage. Recognizing the benefits — efficiency, effectiveness, proximity to citizens — that Mozambican Minister of Youth and Sports (MJD) can achieve with information resulted from the employment of a low-cost data collection platform, this project presents the development of a mobile mapping application (app) — m-SportGIS — under Open Source (OS) technologies and a customized evolutionary software methodology. The app development embraced the combination of mobile web technologies and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) (e.g. Sencha Touch (ST), Apache Cordova, OpenLayers) to deploy a native-to-the-device (Android operating system) product, taking advantage of device’s capabilities (e.g. File system, Geolocation, Camera). In addition to an integrated Web Map Service (WMS), was created a local and customized Tile Map Service (TMS) to serve up cached data, regarding the IT infrastructures limitations in several Mozambican regions. m-SportGIS is currently being exploited by Mozambican Government staff to inventory all kind of sports facilities, which resulted and stored data feeds a WebGIS platform to manage Mozambican sports resources.
This study analyses the access and use of financial services by small business owners in the cities of Mozambique, as an important tool for boosting economic growth and diminishing inequality. It correlates owners’ and business characteristics with the probability of adopting Points-of-Sale (POS), Mobile Banking and Mobile Money in everyday transactions. The main findings highlight that what mostly affects the use of POS is the size of business and the volume of transactions (positively correlated with POS adoption), while using mobile phone technologies for payments predominantly depends on the owner’s age and whether he/she is a frequent cellphone user. Moreover, to increase the use of electronic means of payment it is necessary to increase financial literacy and improve the banking services.
his paper explores how participation and sustainability are being addressed by architects within the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme in the UK. The intentions promoted by the programme are certainly ambitious, but the ways to fulfil these aims are ill-explored. Simply focusing on providing innovative learning technologies, or indeed teaching young people about physical sustainability features in buildings, will not necessarily teach them the skills they will need to respond to the environmental and social challenges of a rapidly changing world. However, anticipating those skills is one of the most problematic issues of the programme. The involvement of young people in the design of schools is used to suggest empowerment, place-making and to promote social cohesion but this is set against government design literature which advocates for exemplars, standard layouts and best practice, all leading to forms of standardisation. The potentials for tokenistic student involvement and conflict with policy aims are evident. This paper explores two issues: how to foster in young people an ethic towards future generations, and the role of co-design practices in this process. Michael Oakeshott calls teaching the conversation of mankind. In this paper, I look at the philosophy of Hannah Arendt, Emmanuel Levinas, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Luce Irigaray to argue that investigating the ethical dilemmas of the programme through critical dialogue with students offers an approach to meeting government objectives, building sustainable schools, and fostering sustainable citizenship.
Zusammenfassung Mobile Telekommunikationstechnologien verändern den Alltag, ihre Benutzer und die Geschäftswelt. Im Zuge der Mobilität haben die Nutzer von mobilen Übertragungstechnologien ein hohes Kommunikationsbedürfnis in jeglicher Situation entwickelt: Sie wollen überall und jederzeit kommunizieren und informiert sein. Dies ist auch darauf zurückzuführen, dass ein Wandel der Individualisierung – von der Person zur Situation – stattgefunden hat. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung gehen wir auf diese entscheidenden Veränderung ein und analysieren die Potenziale des Kontextmarketing im mobilen Customer Relationship Management anhand der Erringung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen durch Situationsfaktoren. Daneben zeigen wir mögliche Geschäftsmodelle und Wertschöpfungsketten auf. Abgerundet wird die Arbeit durch die Darstellung möglicher personenbezogener, technischer und rechtlicher Restriktionen.
Die medienpädagogische Förderung junger Menschen aus problematischen Familien, sozio-kulturellen Problemlagen, der sogenannten neuen Unterschicht bzw. die Förderung von Hauptschülern, insbesondere Jungen, ist das zentrale Anliegen dieses Buches. Das sind diejenigen Lerner, die die Anforderungen für einen qualifizierten Schulabschluss, die Basiskompetenzen im Sinne der PISA-Studien, nicht oder kaum erfüllen, Distanz zur Schule haben bzw. aus schwierigen sozio-ökonomischen Bevölkerungsgruppen stammen. Diese Gruppe, meist Jungen, häufig mit Migrationshintergrund, versucht der Begriff Risikolerner zu fassen. Die Frage nach Risikolernern eröffnet die Perspektive auf Kompetenzen und kulturelle Ressourcen, mit denen es Risikolernern gelingt, Medien selbstbestimmt und reflexiv für die eigene Persönlichkeitsentwicklung sowie Lebens- und Alltagsbewältigung aktiv zu nutzen (Niesyto, 2010, S. 315). Zentrales Thema und Fragestellung dieses Buches ist, welche Bildungschancen in den Mediennutzungsmustern der Risikolerner stecken. Aus theoretischer Perspektive geht es um die Frage, wie und mit welchen Mustern sich Risikolerner Medien als Kulturgüter aneignen. Die pädagogische Leitfrage, die an den Gedanken der Bildung geknüpft ist, lautet, wie die Entwicklung und damit das Lernen der Risikolerner mit ihren Mediennutzungsmustern, also ihren Aneignungsmustern in Bezug auf Medien, verbunden ist. Die medienpädagogische Frage nach den Chancen für Medienbildung von Risikolernern fundiert auf der Theorie der Medienbildung und auf dem kulturtheoretischen Modell der Sozio-kulturellen Ökologie, wie sie von der London Mobile Learning Group (LMLG; www.londonmobilelearning.net) entwickelt wurde (Pachler, Bachmair, & Cook, 2010). Auf der Grundlage dieser Theorien verortet diese Arbeit die Gruppe der Risikolerner im Zusammenhang von Lebenswelt und Lebenslagen und ordnet diese spezifische Gruppe von Lernern mit Bezug auf individuelle, schulische und gesellschaftliche Risiken ein. Die Gender-Perspektive öffnet den Blick für bestimmte jungenspezifische Aneignungsmuster im Zusammenhang mit Medien und eröffnet im nächsten Schritt die Möglichkeit, Bildungschancen speziell für Jungen zu formulieren. Ein genderbezogener Entwicklungsprozess, der die Lebenswelt der Jungen betrifft, ist die Auflösung hegemonialer Männlichkeit und die Transformation hin zu multioptionalen und situierten Männlichkeiten, die es von Jungen auszubalancieren gilt. Die Sozialstrukturanalyse der Soziologie dient als methodischer Zugang, um Risikolerner systematisch zu identifizieren und um mithilfe der sozialen Segmentierung entsprechende Ergebnisse in Bezug auf Mediennutzung und Alltagsbewältigung zu formulieren. Diese medienpädagogische Forschung ist eine Rekonstruktion der Mediennutzung über die Spuren der Artikulation und Aneignung, wie sie in den Konsumdaten repräsentiert sind, mit dem Ziel, die Aneignungsprozesse und die darin inhärenten Bildungschancen sichtbar zu machen. Risikolerner sind in der Perspektive gesellschaftlicher und alltagsästhetischer Strukturen ein eher hedonistischer, widerständiger Lifestyle, geprägt von sozialer Benachteiligung und von aktivem Risikoverhalten sowie von einer Mediennutzung, die schulischen Aneignungsformen eher entgegengesetzt ist. Die zentralen Ergebnisse und damit Chancen für Medienbildung der Risikolerner entstehen in drei Bereichen der Mediennutzungsmuster: im Downloaden, Speichern und Tauschen vielfältiger Formate; im (mobilen) Gaming; sowie im vielfältigen Produzieren und Verarbeiten von auditivem und visuellem Material. Mit diesen Mustern sind drei bedeutsame Bildungschancen verknüpft: durch Risikolerner generierte alternative Räume der Medienbildung, die strukturell entgegen der Lernwelt Schule ausgerichtet sind; das kommunikative Organisieren des Alltags und der Mediennutzung; sowie das Generieren von digitalen Sammlungen und Archiven als persönlicher Besitz.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.