887 resultados para logiche modali, logiche independence friendly, quantificatori parzialmente ordinati.
This paper describes the impact of cloud computing and the use of GPUs on the performance of Autodock and Gromacs respectively. Cloud computing was applicable to reducing the ‘‘tail’’ seen in running Autodock on desktop grids and the GPU version of Gromacs showed significant improvement over the CPU version. A large (200,000 compounds) library of small molecules, seven sialic acid analogues of the putative substrate and 8000 sugar molecules were converted into pdbqt format and used to interrogate the Trichomonas vaginalis neuraminidase using Autodock Vina. Good binding energy was noted for some of the small molecules (~-9 kcal/mol), but the sugars bound with affinity of less than -7.6 kcal/mol. The screening of the sugar library resulted in a ‘‘top hit’’ with a-2,3-sialyllacto-N-fucopentaose III, a derivative of the sialyl Lewisx structure and a known substrate of the enzyme. Indeed in the top 100 hits 8 were related to this structure. A comparison of Autodock Vina and Autodock 4.2 was made for the high affinity small molecules and in some cases the results were superimposable whereas in others, the match was less good. The validation of this work will require extensive ‘‘wet lab’’ work to determine the utility of the workflow in the prediction of potential enzyme inhibitors.
Currently the world around us "reboots" every minute and “staying at the forefront” seems to be a very arduous task. The continuous and “speeded” progress of society requires, from all the actors, a dynamic and efficient attitude both in terms progress monitoring and moving adaptation. With regard to education, no matter how updated we are in relation to the contents, the didactic strategies and technological resources, we are inevitably compelled to adapt to new paradigms and rethink the traditional teaching methods. It is in this context that the contribution of e-learning platforms arises. Here teachers and students have at their disposal new ways to enhance the teaching and learning process, and these platforms are seen, at the present time, as significant virtual teaching and learning supporting environments. This paper presents a Project and attempts to illustrate the potential that new technologies present as a “backing” tool in different stages of teaching and learning at different levels and areas of knowledge, particularly in Mathematics. We intend to promote a constructive discussion moment, exposing our actual perception - that the use of the Learning Management System Moodle, by Higher Education teachers, as supplementary teaching-learning environment for virtual classroom sessions can contribute for greater efficiency and effectiveness of teaching practice and to improve student achievement. Regarding the Learning analytics experience we will present a few results obtained with some assessment Learning Analytics tools, where we profoundly felt that the assessment of students’ performance in online learning environments is a challenging and demanding task.
Legislation introduced in the U.S. in 2002/2003 significantly changed board composition of public firms by imposing a 50% independent directors’ ratio. Research on the effect of independent directors is not consensual, implying that this exogenous shock is a unique opportunity to study their importance. This study answers the question of whether or not independent directors can effectively mitigate agency conflicts between shareholders and the management, having a positive impact on the choice of successful R&D projects. We find that an increase of board independence has a positive impact on patent counts. Hence, the results support that independent directors truly spur innovation and risk taking.
OBJECTIVE: To assess satisfaction among female patients of a youth friendly clinic and to determine with which factors this was associated. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in an adolescent clinic in Lausanne, Switzerland, between March and May 2008. All female patients who had made at least one previous visit were eligible. Three hundred and eleven patients aged 12-22 years were included. We performed bivariate analysis to compare satisfied and non-satisfied patients and constructed a log-linear model. RESULTS: Ninety-four percent of patients were satisfied. Satisfied female adolescents were significantly more likely to feel that their complaints were heard, that the caregiver understood their problems, to have no change of physician, to have received the correct treatment/help and to follow the caregiver's advice. The log-linear model highlighted four factors directly linked with patient satisfaction: outcome of care, continuity of care, adherence to treatment and the feeling of being understood. CONCLUSIONS: The main point for female adolescent patient satisfaction lies in a long term, trustworthy relationship with their caregiver. Confidentiality and accessibility were secondary for our patients.
This paper presents a theoretical model to analyze the privacy issues around location based mobile business models. We report the results of an exploratory field experiment in Switzerland that assessed the factors driving user payoff in mobile business. We found that (1) the personal data disclosed has a negative effect on user payoff; (2) the amount of personalization available has a direct and positive effect, as well as a moderating effect on user payoff; (3) the amount of control over user's personal data has a direct and positive effect, as well as a moderating effect on user payoff. The results suggest that privacy protection could be the main value proposition in the B2C mobile market. From our theoretical model we derive a set of guidelines to design a privacy-friendly business model pattern for third-party services. We discuss four examples to show the mobile platform can play a key role in the implementation of these new business models.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59902
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59904
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59909
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59903
La réadaptation des personnes âgées ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral vise à améliorer les capacités et l’indépendance dans les activités de la vie courante. Les personnes âgées reprennent leurs rôles sociaux lorsqu’elles retournent vivre dans la communauté. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de clarifier la relation entre l’indépendance dans les activités de la vie courante au congé de la réadaptation intensive et la reprise des rôles sociaux six mois plus tard. L’échantillon se compose de 111 participants recrutés au congé et réévalués 6 mois plus tard. L’indépendance dans les activités de la vie courante est mesurée avec les sections pertinentes du Système de Mesure de l’Autonomie Fonctionnelle (SMAF). Les rôles sociaux sont mesurés avec la Mesure des Habitudes de Vie (MHAVIE); un score total ainsi que 4 sous-scores pour les responsabilités civiles, la vie communautaire, les relations interpersonnelles et les loisirs sont générés. Des analyses de régression hiérarchique sont utilisées pour vérifier l’association entre les activités de la vie courantes (variable indépendante) et les rôles sociaux (variables dépendante) tout en contrôlant pour les capacités (variables de contrôle). Les résultats suggèrent des associations significatives (p < .001) entre les activités de la vie courante et les rôles sociaux (score total de la MHAVIE), les sous scores des responsabilités civiles et de la vie communautaire, mais aucune association avec les relations interpersonnelles et les loisirs. Les scores les plus faibles sont obtenus pour les loisirs. Une deuxième phase de réadaptation après le retour à domicile pourrait permettre le développement des loisirs.
CXCR4, a chemokine receptor involved in metastasis and homing of hematopoietic stem cells, signals through two major pathways: Gαi and β-arrestin2. β-arrestin2 terminates G-protein signaling and targets the receptor to endocytosis. This project proposed to study the effect of a previously described set of CXCR4 mutants on both these signaling pathways, as well as their localization. These mutants were assayed by different Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET) systems. Using these systems, we confirmed that N119S is a constitutively active mutant (CAM), spontaneously activating Gαi. As well, we found that R134A is a constitutively inactive mutant (CIM), devoided of G-protein signaling, but spontaneously recruiting β-arrestin2. In addition, we studied the dependency of β-arrestin2 recruitment on the Gαi activity. By targeting R134A and N119S with pertussis toxin, an inhibitor of the Gαi activation, we showed efficient blocking of the Gαi pathway, while maintaining the constitutive recruitment of β-arrestin2. This demonstrated that for CXCR4, β-arrestin2 recruitment is independent of the Gαi pathway. Finally, two synthetic ligands of CXCR4, AMD3100 and TC14012 were tested for their ability to recruit β-arrestin2. AMD3100 is a clinically approved drug used for stem cell transplantation, with considerable side effects. We found it to be an antagonist on both Gαi and β-arrestin2 recruitment. On the other hand, TC14012 was found to be an inverse agonist on Gαi and an antagonist on β-arrestin2 recruitment. Based on this finding, it would be preferable to use of TC14012 as it will further reduce any basal Gαi activity, without affecting β-arrestin2 recruitment. These results support the development of TC14012 for stem cell mobilization trials.