399 resultados para librarians
This month I’m using my column to issue a call to arms. No, it isn’t a call to arms for war, though it is going to be battle. It is a call to professional librarians who are interested in their jobs lasting more than a few more years. That sounds a bit hysterical but I don’t mean for it to. Yet is it hyperbolic? I don’t think so. We need to rethink, recast, redefine, and refresh our professional métier. I think the last twenty-four months make it imperative that we do so now
The Ithaka US Faculty Survey 2012 (http://bit.ly/10NnQw9) is out, and by the time you read my blurb, it will have cobwebs on it, and the 2013 will be well on the way. So, why write about it at all? It’s always important to find out what people think of you, in this case libraries and their main clientele, faculty, even if what you find out may have to have a dozen qualifications surrounding it. Libraries and librarians are either on the cusp of something new and exciting, or on the edge of the abyss, soon to fall into oblivion, so finding out what people think should be important to us. So why not take a peek?
Em 1870, o jovem e praticamente desconhecido Benjamin Franklin Ramiz Galvão foi nomeado para ocupar o cargo de diretor da Biblioteca Nacional, posto do qual saiu doze anos depois, já como intelectual consagrado, para assumir a função de tutor dos netos de D. Pedro II. Durante o período em que esteve à frente desta instituição, Ramiz Galvão projetou fazer daquele espaço a biblioteca da nação brasileira. Isso significava construir uma instituição cuja função fosse salvaguardar o patrimônio documental brasileiro, torná-lo disponível a um público especializado e estimular estudos sobre a história e a geografia do país. O objetivo era fazer da Biblioteca Nacional um lugar de referência, sintonizada com suas congêneres europeias e em diálogo com os meios letrados nacionais. Nesse sentido, a atuação de Galvão foi fundamental para a construção de uma rede de sociabilidade que o ligava a estudiosos, livreiros, bibliófilos e bibliotecários de diversos lugares do Brasil, da América e da Europa. Esta tese analisa a proposta de reformulação da Biblioteca Nacional empreendida por Ramiz Galvão, buscando associá-la a um projeto maior de construção da nação brasileira. Para isso, investigaremos três elementos que consideramos principais desse trabalho de edificação de uma Biblioteca nacional: 1) a construção de uma rotina de serviços, que foi capaz de transformar o pequeno espaço com livros da antiga Biblioteca Real na mais importante biblioteca do Brasil; 2) o esforço de aquisição e de seleção de um patrimônio documental brasileiro e sua divulgação em publicações como os Anais da Biblioteca Nacional e o Catálogo da Exposição de História do Brasil, dois de seus mais importantes empreendimentos como diretor; 3) a atuação de Ramiz Galvão como mediador cultural no ambiente letrado brasileiro do final do século XIX.
GAUDENCIO, Sale Mario; BORBA, Maria do Socorro de Azevedo. O cordel como fonte de informaçao: a vivacidade dos folhetos de cordeis no Rio Grande do Norte. Biblioonline, Joao Pessoa, v.6, n. 1, p.82-92, 2010.
This work aims to analyze risks related to information technology (IT) in procedures related to data migration. This is done considering ALEPH, Integrated Libray System (ILS) that migrated data to the Library Module present in the software called Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas (SIGAA) at the Zila Mamede Central Library at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal/Brazil. The methodological procedure used was of a qualitative exploratory research with the realization of case study at the referred library in order to better understand this phenomenon. Data collection was able once there was use of a semi-structured interview that was applied with (11) subjects that are employed at the library as well as in the Technology Superintendence at UFRN. In order to examine data Content analysis as well as thematic review process was performed. After data migration the results of the interview were then linked to both analysis units and their system register with category correspondence. The main risks detected were: data destruction; data loss; data bank communication failure; user response delay; data inconsistency and duplicity. These elements point out implication and generate disorders that affect external and internal system users and lead to stress, work duplicity and hassles. Thus, some measures were taken related to risk management such as adequate planning, central management support, and pilot test simulations. For the advantages it has reduced of: risk, occurrence of problems and possible unforeseen costs, and allows achieving organizational objectives, among other. It is inferred therefore that the risks present in data bank conversion in libraries exist and some are predictable, however, it is seen that librarians do not know or ignore and are not very worried in the identification risks in data bank conversion, their acknowledge would minimize or even extinguish them. Another important aspect to consider is the existence of few empirical research that deal specifically with this subject and thus presenting the new of new approaches in order to promote better understanding of the matter in the corporate environment of the information units
This paper is the result of the Masters dissertation studying the role and history of scientific communication, especially the changes that have occurred after the appearance of electronic communication and computer networks. This study showed that hypertext systems are increasingly being used in the scientific and academic world in the production of electronic journals; this makes it possible for the user to rapidly access information in their area. However, these systems need to be improved to help the user during search and access to information. Both printed journals migrating to electronic media, and the exclusively electronic journals should present the current quality indicators. The attempt was made to discover whether characteristics related to printed journals are being maintained in their electronic counterparts. For this, a prototype model was developed to analyze the structure of electronic scientific journals; it composes 14 criteria expressing aspects of quality for these journals. It includes elements of Website Information Architecture and those already in place in printed scientific journals in order to ensure that basic functions - archiving and dissemination - are maintained in electronic publishing. Each criterion consists of variables, which measure the maintenance of these functions both in the migrating printed journals and the exclusively electronic ones. This prototype model was used to analyze Ciência da Informação On-line and DataGramaZero - Revista de Ciência da Informação. Results indicate that this model is able to find out if the basic functions of archiving and dissemination are being maintained in electronic journals. Therefore, its implementation is justified in electronic journals. The model can help librarians, authors, and users of electronic journals to identify quality journals, and assist editors in developing their projects. The material from the study may be included in the preservice and inservice education of Information Science professionals and to support editors of scientific journals.
Recently, Brazilian scientific production has increased greatly, due to demands for productivity from scientific agencies. However, this high increases requires a more qualified production, since it s essential that publications are relevant and original. In the psychological field, the assessment scientific journals of the CAPES/ANPEPP Commission had a strong effect on the scientific community and raised questions about the chosen evaluation method. Considering this impact, the aim of this research is a meta-analysis on the assessment of Psychological journals by CAPES to update the Qualis database. For this research, Psychology scientific editors (38 questionnaires were applied by e-mail) were consulted, also 5 librarians who work with scientific journals assessment (semi-structured interviews) and 8 members who acted as referees in the CAPES/ANPEPP Commission (open questions were sent by e-mail). The results are shown through 3 analysis: general evaluation of the Qualis process (including the Assessment Committee constitution), evaluation criteria used in the process and the effect of the evaluation on the scientific community (changes on the editing scene included). Some important points emerged: disagreement among different actors about the suitability of this evaluation model; the recognition of the improvement of scientific journals, mainly toward normalization and diffusion; the verification that the model does not point the quality of the journal, i.e., the content of the scientific articles published in the journal; the disagreement with the criteria used, seemed necessary and useful but needed to be discussed and cleared between the scientific community. Despite these points, the scientific journals evaluation still is the main method to assure quality for Psychology publications
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)