986 resultados para g Wien <1920>


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Letter by Simonis from 1873


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This study explores ecumenical activity of professor and bishop E. G. Gulin (1893 1975). Gulin was one of the key figures in the Finland s Evangelical Lutheran Church during the twentieth century. He was also one of the leading persons who imported ecumenical influences from abroad. However, unlike other churches, the Church of Finland did not recognise his importance. For example, in the 1950s Gulin was seen by the Anglicans as a future archbishop for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. Gulin s career as an ecumenist can be divided to three parts. Between 1917 and 1929, Gulin learned ecumenical working methods in Finland s World Student Christian Federation. He had a background in the revivalist movement, and his parents supported him in his studies. The Evangelical Lutheran Church did not originally play a major role for Gulin, although he was a member. Between 1930 and 1944, Gulin had more and more responsibility as a leading ecumenist in Finland. He became a member of Finland s ecumenical board, Yleiskirkollinen toimikunta. During the Second World War Gulin tried to solicit assistance for Finland s war effort at theological conferences, where Finnish theologians often discussed cooperation among Christians. A third period started in 1945, when Gulin became the bishop of Tampere. His new status in the Evangelical Lutheran Church placed him in a challenging position in ecumenical questions. He had responsibility for inter-church aid in Finland. He also participated in the World Council of Churches (WCC) assemblies in Evanston in 1954 and in New Delhi in 1961. Gulin s role was quite insignificant in those meetings. Closely related to Gulin s texts about ecumenism is kokemus, experience. Gulin wrote about his ecumenical experience or ekumeeninen kokemus. He believed that it was vital for the churches to appreciate their own experiences, since experience was the basis for further development. Yet Gulin mentioned very little about Christian dogma. The main reason seems to have been that he did not believe that a union between churches could be built on dogma.


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Printed materials about the first Jewish museum in Vienna, Austria, which existed 1895 to 1938. Also included is a biography about Maurice (Moritz) Bronner, curator at the museum 1910-1914, by his son, Felix Bronner. Folder 2 holds copies of 2 photographs of Maurice Bronner, circa 1910 and 1965.


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Tutkimukseni käsittelee Suomen Lähetysseuran Kiinan-työssä olleita perheitä vuosina 1915–1928. Enemmistö tuolloin SLS:n lähetystössä olleista läheteistä oli perheellisiä, ja perheiden elämäntilanteet lähetyskentällä vaikuttivat koko SLS:n yhteisön työmahdollisuuksiin. Tutkimukseni kohdehenkilöt ovat Signe ja Väinö Kantele sekä Inkeri ja Toivo Koskikallio perheineen, ja he edustavat sitä kokonaisuutta, jonka perheelliset lähetit Kiinassa muodostivat. Tutkin pro gradu -työssäni, millaista lähetystyöntekijöiden perhe-elämä oli lähetyskentällä. Kysyn myös, miten lähetystyö vaikutti perheeseen, ja miten perhe vaikutti lähetystyön tekemiseen. Lisäksi selvitän, miten kiinalainen kulttuuri vaikutti lähettiperheiden elämään. Tutkimukseni tärkeimmät lähteet ovat Signe Kanteleen kirjeet omaisilleen sekä Inkeri Koskikallion kirjeet ja päiväkirjat. Lähetyshistoriaa ei ole aiemmin tutkittu perheen näkökulmasta, joten tutkimus on hyvin aineistolähtöinen. Tärkeimpään käyttämääni kirjallisuuteen kuuluvat SLS:n Kiinan-työn historiaan sekä naislähetystyöntekijöihin liittyvät tutkimukset. Lähetystyöntekijät solmivat Kiinassa keskenään useita avioliittoja. Jotkut läheteistä olivat avioituneet jo Suomessa. SLS:n johtokunta kontrolloi lähettien avioliittoja ja myös perheiden lapsia, joten perhe ei ollut pelkästään lähettien yksityisasia. 1910- ja 1920-luvut olivat erityisen lapsirikasta aikaa, mikä vaikutti merkittävästi SLS:n Kiinan-yhteisön toimintaan. Joihinkin perheisiin oli syntynyt lapsia jo Suomessa ja lähetyskentällä perheisiin syntyi tutkimusajankohtana 26 lasta. Monet lähettiperheiden haasteista liittyivät lähetystyön ja perhe-elämän yhdistämiseen. Perheenäideillä oli vahva lähetyskutsumus, mutta raskaudet, synnytykset ja elämä pienten lasten kanssa rajoittivat naisten työskentelymahdollisuuksia ja aiheuttivat rooliristiriitoja. Perheen arjessa haasteena oli myös perheenisän poissaolo lähetystyöhön liittyneiden matkojen takia. Erityisesti tuolloin korostui lähetysasemalla asuneiden muiden suomalaisten läsnäolon tärkeys, vaikka SLS:n yhteisön tiiviys myös rajoitti perheiden yksityisyyttä. Perhe-elämällä oli SLS:n tuki, sillä monien muiden protestanttisten lähetysseurojen tavoin SLS kannusti perheellisiä lähettejään hyödyntämään perhettään evankelioimistyössä ja toimimaan kristityn perheen esimerkkinä paikallisille. Perheen esimerkillisyyteen kannustamisesta huolimatta Suomen Lähetysseura oli virallisissa julkaisuissaan vaitonainen perhetapahtumien vaikutuksesta työhön lähetyskentällä. Työn tukijat haluttiin vakuuttaa työn häiriöttömyydestä, vaikka todellisuus Kiinassa oli ajoittain toinen. Perheenäitien ja lasten sairastelut pakottivat perheenisiä välillä vähentämään tai lopettamaan työskentelyä. Lähetit myös menettivät Kiinassa lapsia ja puolisoita, mikä luonnollisesti vaikutti lähettiyhteisön toimintaan. Suomalaisvanhemmat kokivat perhe-elämän kiinalaisen kulttuurin keskellä ajoittain haasteelliseksi. Ristiriitatilanteita aiheuttivat kiinalaisten erilaiset elintavat ja esimerkiksi suomalaisten mielestä kyseenalainen lastenhoito- ja kasvatuskulttuuri. Suomalaisperheiden elämä Kiinassa oli joiltain osin samanlaista kuin heidän aikakautenaan Suomessa, mutta lähetystyö ja kiinalainen kulttuuri toivat siihen oman erikoisleimansa. Elämä perheenä lähetystyössä sisälsi paljon ulkoapäin tulleita ja sisäisiä haasteita. Lähetit kertoivat näistä haasteista, mutta korostivat myös vahvaa hengellistä kutsumustaan, tyytyväisyyttään elämäänsä sekä perheensä onnellisuutta.


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The birth of the Modern Consumer Society in Finnish short films 1920-1969 The main subject of this research is Finnish short films in 1920-1969. These short films were produced by film studios for private enterprises, banks, advisory organizations, communities and the state. The evolution of short films on consumer affairs was greatly influenced by a special tax reduction system that was introduced in 1933 and lasted until 1964. The tax reduction system increased the production volumes of educational short films significantly. This study covers 342 Finnish short films, more than any other study in the field before this. The aim of this research is to examine how short films introduced Finns to modern consumer society. The cinemagoers were an excellent target group for different advisory groups as well as advertisers. Short films were used by organizations and private enterprises from very early on. In the 1920's Finns were still living in rural areas and agriculture was the dominant industry. Consumer society was still in its infancy, and the prevalent attitude to industrially produced goods was that of suspicion. From the cultural and ideological point of view the evolution of trust was one of the first steps towards the birth of the consumer society. Short films were an excellent means for helping to transform public attitudes. During the war period short films were an important means of propaganda. Short films were produced in abundance and shown for big audiences. They guided people how to survive shortages caused by the war. Even though the idea of rationalization was presented in short films somewhat in the 1920's and 1930's it became a national virtue during the war period. The idea of rationalization widened from the industry to households expecially in the late 1940's and the 1950's. New household apparati and the way in which daily chores were taken care of were presented not as luxury consumption but as a way of rationalization and saving money and effort. Banks and the advisory organizations guided the public to save their money for a specific target. Short films were use to help the public to acceps industrial goods and the notions of planning and saving. The ideological change from an agrarian society to consumer society was based on old acricultural ideas and self-sufficiency was evolved into rational and economizing consumerism. This made Finnish consumer society to value durable consumer goods and own homes. The public was also encouraged to consider their own decisions in the national context - especially after the second world war Finland laced capital, and personal savings were strongly presented as a way to help the whole nation. Modern hedonistic values were not dominant in Finland in the1950's and 1960's. Initial traces of modern hedonism can be seen in the films, but they were only marginal paths in the bigger.


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S-Labeled nucleosides of E. coli tRNA and some of the derivatives of thionucleosides were separated on Bio-Gel P-2 and Sephadex G-10 columns employing buffers of low salt concentration and high pH.


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Gentlemen, Lads and the Art of War The Construction of Citizen Soldier- and Professional Soldier Armies into the Miracle of the Winter War During the 1920s and 1930s The Miracle of the Winter War was not a myth - at least according to them, who were making that miracle to happen. This study is not just about the Armed Forces and society, but moreover a study about civil society inside the organization of armed forces. Conscription kept Finnish military organization (and is still keeping) very closely connected with civil society and therefore there is no need to locate the possible critical misunderstandings brought by two different identity-based approaches. The great performance of the Armed Forces during the Second World War was not made of superior art of war. It was not the high level of discipline either. Art of war is basically a (deep level) cultural level equation that has more to do with culturally absorbed schemes of meaning making than rational decision-making. Naturally attrition based approach to effect-making directed the organizational methods in attrition based organisational practices, where there were only minor possibilities to practice any manoeuvre-based organisational behaviour. The practice and method of leadership lent similarly to the attrition-based thinking, which directed the organisational cultural thoughts towards composition that confirmed antagonism between gentlemen and lads . This setting has been absorbed and learned through cultural socialisation and was therefore not a product of the military organisation itself. The Finnish Armed Forces included two different communities (gentlemen and lads) within the same organisation as there were both the official and the unofficial organisations presented. This caused problems as they both made meaning-making processes simultaneously. These organisations had their own overlapping and in most cases also contradictory social meanings. The unofficial organisation has been overshadowed by the vast number of studies concerning the official organisation. The main reason for this systematic neglect is based on the reality of the attitudes and living conditions of the micro-level organisation which produced (perhaps) too realistic and repulsive viewpoints that are presenting a picture of a national level identity process in a way that is separating it from the ideals made to verify the ethos of national values. Complaining, griping, grumbling and moaning are usually situated in a category of abnormal and unwanted behaviour. However, within the context of a citizen soldier army community this was more of a characteristic feature of that organisation (in Finland) and therefore it was crucially important to locate the context of that abnormal behaviour. According to this study, it was not a malicious act but moreover seriously formed efforts in trying to use common sense in the chaos citizen soldiers faced when they were uniformed and placed in an unfamiliar process of disciplinary measures and frictions and competition between different ranks. There is much evidence that reinforces the argument that what seemed to be the most unconventional behaviour was finally the most efficient in a sense of military performance.


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Achieving stabilization of telomeric DNA in G-quadruplex conformation by Various organic compounds has been an important goal for the medicinal chemists seeking to develop new anticancer agents. Several compounds are known to stabilize G-quadruplexes. However, relatively few are known to induce their formation and/or alter the topology, of the preformed quadruplex DNA. Herein, four compounds having the 1,3-phenylene-bis(piperazinyl benzimidazole) unit as a basic skeleton have been synthesized, and their interactions with the 24-mer telomeric DNA sequences from Tetrahymena thermophilia d(T(2)G(4))(4) have been investigated using high-resolution techniques Such as circular dichroism (CD) spectropolarimetry, CD melting, emission spectroscopy, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The data obtained, in the presence of one of three ions (Li+, Na+, or K+), indicate that all the new compounds have a high affinity for G-quadruplex DNA, and the strength of the binding with G-quadruplex depends on (1) phenyl ring substitution, (ii) the piperazinyl side chain, and (iii) the type of monovalent cation present in the buffer. Results further Suggest that these compounds are able to abet the conversion of the Intramolecular quadruplex into parallel stranded intermolecular G-quadruplex DNA. Notably, these compounds are also capable of inducing and stabilizing the parallel stranded quadruplex from randomly structured DNA in the absence of any stabilizing cation. The kinetics of the structural changes Induced by these compounds could be followed by recording the changes in the CD signal as a function of time. The implications of the findings mentioned above are discussed in this paper.