993 resultados para electrochemical corrosion


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The electrochemical characteristics of the AA2024 aluminium alloy modified with octadecyltrimethoxysilane (ODTMS) + polyaniline (PANi) and propiltrimethoxysilane (PTMS) + (PANi) were studied in the present work. The results show that the different protective coatings shift the values of corrosion and pit potentials to more positive values making the system nobler and indicate that the double film ODTMS + PANi present the best protection against corrosion characteristics, that is probably due to the two contributions: anodic protection associated with the barrier effect.


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Two amorphous ribbons with the compositions of Al88Ni6La6 and Al86Ni6La6Cu2 were made using the meltspun method, and their thermal response and electrochemical behavior were studied comparatively. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and electrochemical polarization measurements indicated that Al86Ni6La6Cu2 exhibited slightly higher crystallization temperature (Tx), lower melting point (T1) and better corrosion resistance in 0.01 mol · L−1 NaCl alkaline solution. These results demonstrated that Cu (2%) addition could slightly promote the glass forming ability, but it could greatly improve the corrosion resistance of Al88Ni6La6 alloy in 0.01 mol · L−1 NaCl alkaline solution.


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The effect of the heat treatment on the corrosion behaviour of amorphous Al88Ni6La6 made by melt-spun has been investigated by electrochemical measurements. Heat treatment was carried out at 523 K and 673 K for 4 min and 15 min respectively. The evolution of the crystallization process after annealing was identified by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) as well as X-ray diffraction. The XRD patterns show that the structure of samples heat-treated at higher temperature changes towards a crystal state. The results obtained from the polarization curves reveal that all Al88Ni6La6 alloys exhibit spontaneously passivated behaviour. Furthermore, it is noted that the partially crystallized alloy has the best corrosion resistance in comparison with as-spun amorphous and fully crystallized alloys, while the fully crystallized sample shows deterioration in the corrosion resistance.


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We present the development of a 10–100 nanometer thick surface film upon pure Mg on exposure to an ionic liquid (IL) based on the bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide (TFSA) anion. This film formation is the result of the oxidative reactivity of the metal in the IL, with the subsequent effect of ultimately protecting the underlying metal from corrosion in aqueous chloride containing solution. Film formation was studied in the IL using an electrochemical droplet cell. It was seen that this film is adherent and subsequently facilitates appreciable protection against corrosion as judged by subsequent electrochemical testing in the form of potentiodynamic polarization and impedance spectroscopy, along with direct observation. The physical film morphology was studied by electron microscopy and focused ion beam.


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The interfacial properties of the steel–concrete system are examined via a new approach for evaluation of galvanostatic pulse data. This methodology allows for rapid determination of the corrosion activity of steel, and readily yields values for parameters related to corrosion such as the polarisation resistance and interfacial capacitance. The method of analysis is based on the iterative fitting of a non-exponential model based on a modified Kohlrausch–Williams–Watt (KWW) formalism. The transient behaviour of steel in concrete is non-exponential in its form and, when analysed this way, an exponent β can be determined characterising the exponential non-ideality of the transient. This non-ideality parameter is found to differ significantly for actively corroding and passive specimens, thereby serving as a useful index to the level of corrosion being experienced. Furthermore, the investigation of the interfacial characteristics of the system, previously unobtainable in a reproducible manner via other electrochemical methods, reveal information regarding the kinetic factors governing corrosion of steel in concrete.


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Inhibitor concentration depth profiles for concrete samples treated with a proprietary migratory corrosion inhibitor (of the Cortec MCI range) are presented. The treated concrete was cored and these cores were then sectioned and crushed before being immersed in distilled water to extract the available inhibitor. The amine concentrations were quantified using an ammonium-sensing electrode and were then related to the inhibitor concentration present. The inhibitor examined, reported to contain a combination of volatile amines and amino carboxylate compounds, was found to readily diffuse through concrete. The inhibitor was subjected to a 5-year trial and found to be effective in suppressing corrosion of steel reinforcement in the presence of high chloride concentrations. The concentration profiles indicate that only relatively low concentrations of inhibitor were required to achieve inhibition in this case.


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This work reports a preliminary exploration of the potential of the ionic liquid trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinate (P6,6,6,14M3PPh) for use as a conversion coating agent for corrosion protection of magnesium alloy AZ31. Results obtained for the as received IL did not indicate any measureable improvement in protection. However, when the IL was allowed to reach equilibrium/saturation with moisture from the atmosphere, treatment with this ‘wet’ solution resulted in a substantial improvement in corrosion resistance. Preliminary electrochemical, optical, and spectroscopic characterization of the film will be presented along with a possible mechanism for film formation.


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Mixed rare-earth organophosphates have been investigated as potential corrosion inhibitors for AA2024-T3, and previously have shown synergistic inhibition behavior; however, the mechanism was not identified. In this paper, a key factor contributing to corrosion inhibition of AA2024-T3 with mischmetal diphenyl phosphate [Mm(dpp)3] is the unique stability of Pr(dpp)3 compared to other key rare earths in mischmetal. Although increasing pH causes precipitation of other components, the Pr compound is stable at higher pH. Electrochemically, a synergy is evident when Ce(dpp)3 and Pr(dpp)3 are combined. Raman mapping indicates the Pr(dpp)3 inhibitor leads to a more uniform coverage of the alloy.


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Phosphonium cation based ionic liquids (ILs) have become of interest due to their unique chemical and electrochemical stability as well as their promising tribological properties. At the same time, interest has also grown in the use of phosphate and phosphinate based ionic liquids for corrosion protection of reactive metals. In this work we describe the synthesis and characterization of six novel ionic liquids based on the tetraalkylphosponium cation coupled with organophosphate and organophosphinate anions and their sulfur analogues. The conductivity and viscosity of these ILs has been measured and discussed in terms of the nature of the interactions, effect of anion basicity and the extent of ionic character. The reaction of the IL with a ZE41 magnesium aerospace alloy surface is also demonstrated.


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The use of materials with otherwise desirable mechanical properties is often problematic in practice as a result of corrosion. Susceptibility may arise for a number of reasons, including an electrochemically heterogeneous surface or destabilisation of a passive film. These shortcomings have historically been overcome through the use of various coatings or claddings. However, a more robust surface layer with enhanced corrosion resistance could possibly be produced via local surface alloying using a fluidised bed. A fluidised bed treatment allows a surface to be alloyed, producing a distinct surface layer up to tens of microns thick. Surface alloying additions can be selected on the basis of whether they are known or suspected to enhance the corrosion resistance of a particular material, whilst at a minimum, surface alloying likely provides a more electrochemically homogeneous surface. Electrochemical evaluations using potentiodynamic polarisations in NaCl electrolytes have shown chromised plain carbon and stainless steel surfaces have decreased rates of corrosion, decreased passive current densities, and ennobled pitting potentials relative to untreated specimens.


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Cerium diphenyl phosphate (Ce(dpp)3) has previously been shown to be a strong corrosion inhibitor for aluminium-copper magnesium alloy AA2024-T3 and AA7075 in chloride solutions. Surface characterisation including SEM and ToF-SIMS coupled with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements are used to propose a mechanism of corrosion inhibition which appears to involve the formation of a complex oxide film of aluminium and cerium also incorporating the organophosphate component. The formation of a thin complex film consisting of hydrolysis products of the Ce(dpp)3 compound and aluminium oxide is proposed to lead to the observed inhibition. SEM analysis shows that some intermetallics favour the creation of thicker deposits predominantly containing cerium oxide compounds.


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Corrosion protection by lanthanum hydroxy cinnamate (La(4OH-cin)3) in a polyurethane based varnish coating for mild steelhas been investigated. Filiform scribe tests, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) and potentiodynamic polarisation (PP)techniques have been powerful tools to better understand the corrosion process at defects and under the coating. Filiform scribetests showed that La(4OH-cin)3, as a pigment in a coating, inhibited the initiation and propagation of both delamination and filiformcorrosion (FFC) on coated steel. The PP experiments provided an insight into the fundamental mechanism of FFC. The resultssuggest that La(4OH-cin)3 behaves as a mixed inhibitor and stifles the initiation and propagation of FFC. In this paper, the theory ofdelamination leading to FFC and the likely mechanism of inhibition by the La(4OH-cin)3 will be discussed.