979 resultados para ecology, semi-demersal fishes, fisheries


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The influence of a substratum-disturbing forager, the spotted goatfish Pseudupeneus maculatus on the assemblage of its escorting, opportunistic-feeding fishes was examined at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (tropical west Atlantic). Followers attracted to spotted goatfish foraging singly differed from followers of spotted goatfish foraging in groups in several characteristics. The larger the nuclear fish group, the greater the species richness and number of individuals of followers. Moreover, groups of foraging spotted goatfish attracted herbivores, not recorded for spotted goatfish foraging singly. The size of follower individuals increased with the size and the number of foraging spotted goatfish. The zoobenthivorous habits of the spotted goatfish and its ability to disturb a variety of soft substrata render it an important nuclear fish for several follower species of the reef fish assemblage at Fernando de Noronha. (c) 2006 the Authors Journal compilation (c) 2006 the Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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In this article the length growth curves of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879) held in different population densities were analysed. Postlarvae prawns were stocked into five 0,02 ha earthen ponds at densities of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 ind./m² during six months. Forthnightly, the mean total length of animals from each pond were obtained by means of random samples. For each population the length growth curves and the instantaneous growth rate expressions were determined. The growth rate and the asymptotic maximum length decreased with the stocking density raised. This effect is greater when the density ranges in low levels. The growth decrease can be due to intraspecific competition for life resources and to negative interactions between individuals, as aggressive or social behavior, that increase with the increase prawns density.


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Fruit-eating by fishes represents an ancient (perhaps Paleozoic) interaction increasingly regarded as important for seed dispersal (ichthyochory) in tropical and temperate ecosystems. Most of the more than 275 known frugivorous species belong to the mainly Neotropical Characiformes (pacus, piranhas) and Siluriformes (catfishes), but cypriniforms (carps, minnows) are more important in the Holarctic and Indomalayan regions. Frugivores are among the most abundant fishes in Neotropical floodplains where they eat the fruits of a wide variety of trees and shrubs. By consuming fruits, fishes gain access to rich sources of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and act as either seed predators or seed dispersers. With their often high mobility, large size, and great longevity, fruit-eating fishes can play important roles as seed dispersers and exert strong influences on local plant-recruitment dynamics and regional biodiversity. Recent feeding experiments focused on seed traits after gut passage support the idea that fishes are major seed dispersers in floodplain and riparian forests. Overfishing, damming, deforestation and logging potentially diminish ichthyochory and require immediate attention to ameliorate their effects. Much exciting work remains in terms of fish and plant adaptations to ichthyochory, dispersal regimes involving fishes in different ecosystems, and increased use of nondestructive methods such as stomach lavage, stable isotopes, genetic analyses and radio transmitters to determine fish diets and movements. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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This work aimed to evaluate the gastrointestinal helminthfauna composition of six-banded armadillos from the Brazilian semi-arid region. Gastrointestinal contents of six road-killed adult animals from Patos County, Paraiba State, were analyzed. Six species of nematodes, comprising five genera and four families, were recovered from the analyzed animals. New morphological data on Trichohelix tuberculata is given, along with a new taxonomical proposal for Hadrostrongylus ransomi (Travassos, 1935) n. comb. This is the first record for parasitic helminths in this host from the Brazilian semi-arid.


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An analysis of covariance relating basin area (A, km2) to river length (L, km) and discharge rate (D, m3 s-1) was performed for two continents and showed that the two covariates (L and D) were highly significant and that the strength of the relationship changed between continents. For comparison, D was excluded but the result remained the same. Although geomorphological models are useful for establishing global levels of production, these regressions should be applied with caution. Historically, simple statistical models were developed to predict fish catches in rivers. These, based upon regression of catches on channel length or basin area for Africa and Central Amazonia, are contrasted in this paper because of their generally similar approach.


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Growth, reproduction and biochemical composition were analyzed for the copepod Argyrodiaptomus furcatus fed on the alga Ankistrodesmus gracilis grown in different media. The ingestion of this copepod by larvae of two species of tropical fishes was also evaluated. The mean peak density of the copepod population was 1369 individuals 1-1 for all four diets used, and the highest was 1387 individuals 1-1 on diet ARV (algae + ration + vitamins). A small copepod, A. furcatus tends to have a short life span. The smallest females did not attain maturity in the shortest time on all diets used. Food quality may play a major role in the dynamics of the biochemical composition of this copepod. Argyrodiaptomus furcatus was a more important food item for larvae of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) than of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). However, it made up a large part of the gut contents of larvae of both species.


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Natural environments have been worldwide affected by the growing impact of anthropogenic actions that promote the reduction or the extinction of several vertebrate species. Aquatic ecosystems represent one of the most affected environments and many fish species and/or populations have been increasingly fragmented distributed due to habitat degradation, predatory fishing, introduction of exotic species, river sedimentation, deforestation, pollution, reduction of food resource, and construction of hydroelectric dams. Actually, more than 150 Brazilian fish species, including freshwater, estuary and coastal species, can be considered threatened. Information on the diversity, conservation biology and population analysis on threatened species or populations, with several DNA markers, can be extremely useful for the success of fish species-recovery and maintenance programs. Although DNA analysis in Neotropical fish species are just beginning, they tend to increase with the widespread attention to the use of molecular approaches to minimize problems related to the risk of extinction. The accumulation of information on biology and pattern of genetic variation of fish species, associated with ecological and demographic data, and also education and respect to the nature, constitutes a crucial task to develop efficient conservation strategies in order to preserve the genetic diversity in aquatic environments.


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The Iguape and Cananéia Lagoon-Estuarine Complex is a biodiversity hotspot in southeastern Brazil. In recent decades, the region has become an important destination for recreational fishing. The objective of this study was to analyze the socioeconomic characteristics of visiting anglers and fishing guides working in the Cananéia-Iguape-Peruíbe Environmental Protected Area and their views on fisheries management. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted between January 2009 and January 2010. We interviewed 278 anglers, who were predominantly male (93%) with a mean age of 47 years and from the state of São Paulo. The targeted species were snooks (Centropomus undecimales and Centropomus parallelus) and weakfishes (Cynoscion leiarchus and Cynoscion acoupa). Only half the anglers had the mandatory fishing license, and many of them lacked knowledge about catch quotas and minimum size requirements for specific species. The fishing guides (n = 80) were all male, with a mean age of 39 years and extensive experience. Most of the guides believe that the study area is somewhat degraded due to the removal of riparian vegetation, siltation, pollution, and especially the depletion of fish stocks. The opinions of the stakeholders (anglers and guides) converge on the high priority needs of the fishery and possible management actions regarding recreational fishing, such as improved fisheries enforcement (first in order of importance), proper training of fishing guides, zoning of fishing areas, and the definition of a maximum size limit. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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O estado do Maranhão possui um grande potencial pesqueiro; entretanto, a pesca foi excluída das prioridades governamentais e científicas. Considerando as lacunas de conhecimento existentes, este trabalho realizou um diagnóstico dos dados pretéritos e atuais disponíveis sobre a pesca no Estado, abordando o estado da arte, caracterização das embarcações e artes de pesca, além da análise de produção, espécies de valor comercial e socioeconomia dos atores sociais envolvidos. A partir do quadro visualizado foi possível delimitar a existência de 21 unidades, aqui denominadas de Sistema de Produção Pesqueira, por meio de um processo de subdivisões sucessivas da atividade pesqueira de acordo com a frota, prática ou arte de pesca, recursos explorados, ambiente, residência, relação de trabalho e renda do pescador e grau de isolamento da área de pesca. Para tanto, foram aplicados questionários com os diferentes atores sociais e vivência em campo. Os sistemas foram caracterizados segundo os aspectos econômicos, sociais, tecnológicos, ecológico e manejo, evidenciando-se uma ampla variedade de práticas e frotas, que atuam, predominantemente, em ambientes costeiros, com pequenas embarcações e artes de pescas simples, capturando diferentes espécies-alvo, principalmente das famílias Scianidae e Aridae. O quadro socioeconômico dos pescadores é de pobreza e abandono, com baixa organização social e pequena renda, precárias condições de moradia e nível educacional e acesso à saúde limitado. O mercado e a legislação têm propiciado o livre acesso aos recursos e práticas predatórias, comprometendo os recursos pesqueiros, que são explotados sem qualquer preocupação com a sustentabilidade, demonstrando insuficiências nas ações de manejo e gerenciamento. Na tentativa de detectar indicadores que estimem o estado de “saúde” dos sistemas utilizou-se a metodologia do Rapfish, através de um conjunto de atributos agrupados em cinco áreas temáticas: ecológica, econômica, social, tecnológica e manejo. Os resultados destacaram como bons indicadores: organização social, número de pescadores explorando o sistema; grau de escolaridade; uso de petrechos destrutivos; medidas de manejo governamentais e tradicionais. A relação de trabalho e renda foram bons critérios para diferenciar três tendências na finalidade das pescarias: subsistência, intermediárias e “semi-indutrial”. Alguns sistemas se destacaram como menos sustentável a exemplo das capturas de siris, que tem declinado por falta de manejo, deficiente organização social e a comercialização de fêmeas ovadas; e das pescarias de lagosta, que utilizam artes consideradas destrutivas. O sistema que envolve a captura de caranguejo sobressaiu-se pela existência de medidas de manejo tradicional e melhor gerenciamento do recurso pelos órgãos públicos. Assim, este estudo permitiu o uso de um sistema de referência para análise e monitoramento da sustentabilidade das pescarias regionais, com em indicadores científicos e/ou etnoconhecimento, que induziu ao surgimento de propostas de manejo norteadas pelo gerenciamento da pesca, organização social e educação ambiental. A seguir, foi realizado estudo de caso do sistema de produção que utilizam as embarcações de médio porte nas pescarias de Cynoscion acoupa utilizando como arte o malhão, para entrar em detalhes de um dos sistemas de produção. Essa escolha teve como base, os grandes volumes de captura, a grande abrangência da área de atuação desse sistema em todo o litoral do Estado, além do grande número de pescadores envolvidos nele, representando importante fonte de renda para o Estado. O estudo de caso prestou especial atenção aos saberes tradicionais da população no uso e na manutenção do recurso, complementados com estudos sobre a pesca e biologia reprodutiva de Cynoscion acoupa, capturadas na região da baía de São Marcos e adjacências. As capturas das pescadas-amarela ocorreram durante todo o ano com safra no início do período chuvoso, e produção estadual estimada em 10.600.00 kg/ano. Verificou-se que este sistema vem sofrendo intensa e desordenada exploração, sendo possível inferir pelas características biológicas da espécie, que o crescente nível de esforço não é compatível com a capacidade de suporte ambiental nem como as necessidades dos pescadores. Quanto aos parâmetros reprodutivos, verificou-se que o comprimento médio de primeira maturação sexual (L50) para os machos foi de 39,9 cm e para as fêmeas a primeira maturação sexual ocorreu com tamanho ligeiramente superior, 41,6 cm de comprimento total. A proporção sexual foi de 1:1,4 favorável aos machos. Constatou-se que a espécie em questão completa todo o seu ciclo de vida na área estudada; o processo reprodutivo ocorre durante todo o ano, com dois picos de desova, um no bimestre novembro/dezembro e outro em março/maio. Acredita-se que por meio das informações obtidas é possível subsidiar melhores propostas e ações de sustentabilidade desta pescaria, combinando o etno-conhecimento e o conhecimento científico deste sistema.


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O estudo da ecologia alimentar de peixes é uma abordagem consistente na avaliação dos processos interativos dentro das comunidades. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a ecologia alimentar do bacu-pedra Lithodoras dorsalis em furos próximos no delta do estuário Amazônico (Brasil), uma área sobre influência de macro-marés, em diferentes períodos pluviométricos. Durante 12 meses de coletas (julho de 2010 a junho de 2011), foram coligidos 371 espécimes jovens, sendo que a dieta da espécie foi composta por 28 itens alimentares analisados pelos seguintes índices: Índice de Repleção Estomacal, Índice de Importância Alimentar e Amplitude de Nicho. Lithodoras dorsalis quando jovem foi classificada como herbívora com tendência à frugivoria, devido aos altos valores de importância de frutos e sementes em sua dieta. A intensidade de obtenção de alimento por L. dorsalis diferiu entre os meses de coleta, onde o final do período de transição chuva-estiagem e o início da estiagem foram os períodos de menor e maior atividade alimentar, respectivamente. Também houve diferença na importância alimentar dos itens entre os períodos pluviométricos. Estes resultados fornecem informações importantes sobre a ecologia alimentar de doradídeos na Amazônia. Além disso, percebeu-se o alto consumo de material alóctone pelo bacu-pedra, sendo estes itens alimentares provenientes da floresta ripária, o que reforça a importância deste ambiente para a conservação da ictiofauna neotropical.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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In the present investigation we studied the feeding habits of the fishes associated with aquatic macrophytes in the Rosana Reservoir, southeastern Brazil. Twenty fish species were collected during four field trips, regularly distributed across the dry and wet seasons. Focal snorkeling observations of the fishes were made over a total of six hours. Nine species were present in abundances of more than 1% and, therefore, had their feeding habits analyzed. Hemigrammus marginatus, Roeboides paranensis, Hyphessobrycon eques, Astyanax altiparanae, Serrasalmus spilopleura, and Bryconamericus stramineus were predominantly invertivores, with predominance of aquatic insects (Diptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera immatures) among their food items. The predominantly algivores were Apareiodon affinis, Serrapinnus notomelas, and Satanoperca pappaterra, with high frequency of filamentous blue-green algae, diatoms, clorophyts, and periderm. The different microhabitat exploitation plus diet composition suggests partitioning of resources and absence of food competition among the most representative fish species in the studied community, indicating the importance of the naturalistic approach to fish ecology studies.


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The tropical fat snook Centropomus parallelus is a species of recognized ecological importance and with a high economical potential for fisheries and aquaculture. The investigations of digestive tube morphology in association with their feeding abilities are fundamental to improve techniques for aquaculture feeding procedures. Sudan black staining and Perl`s method were used to evaluate their absorption capacity of fat and protein respectively. The Sudan black stain was performed 12 h after the ingestion of lipids. The lipids are intensely absorbed in the ceca epithelium and less intensely in the intestine and rectum. The Perl`s method was performed 12 h after the ingestion of ferritin. The proteins are absorbed only in the rectum. This is the first description of fat and protein absorption ability by the digestive tube of fat snook. These data enhance the possibility of the addition of macromolecules in rations that can show a diversity of physiological effects. The histological implications of each segment of the digestive tube in association with fish biology are further discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.