958 resultados para drug induced disease


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The antimalarial properties of azomethine H represent the basis for its use as a chemotherapeutic agent. This work was carried out in order to verify the biological side effects of azomethine H and to clarify the contribution of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in this process. It was shown that azomethine H increased serum activities of amylase, alanine transaminase (ALT) and the TEARS concentrations, in rats. No changes were observed in glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities. The drug-induced tissue damage might be due to superoxide radicals (O-2(.-)), since Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase activities were increased by azomethine I-I treatment. This study allows tentative conclusions to be drawn regarding which reactive oxygen metabolites play a role in azomethine H activity. We concluded that (O-2(.-)) maybe produced as a mediator of azomethine H action.


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The effects of repeated administration of fenproporex (FEN) on motor activity of rats were studied. FEN-treated group (5.0 mg/kg, i.p., single dose, 7 consecutive days), showed a marked increase in the motor activity of rats, indicating that the drug induced behavioral sensitization. Repeated coadministration of haloperidol prevented the development of sensitization to repeated administration of FEN. Repeated administration of FEN increased also locomotor activity measured in the open field, ratifying the occurence of sensitization. These findings indicated development of sensitization to repeated FEN administration and that the dopamine system might be involved in the mechanism of sensitization.


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Background: Cyclosporin (CsA) and tacrolimus (FK-506) are immunosuppressive drugs that specifically inhibit T-cell activation via calcineurin inhibition. Gingival overgrowth is a common side effect following the administration of CsA. The severity of gingival overgrowth seen in patients taking FK-506 is less than that observed with CsA. Little is known about the involvement of saliva in drug-induced gingival overgrowth. The purpose of this study was to investigate the salivary contents of tumor growth factor β1 (TGF-β1), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) as well as the hystometry of gingival tissue obtained from rats treated with either FK-506 or CsA. Methods: For 30 or 60 days rats received daily subcutaneous injection doses of either CsA or FK-506 (10 mg/kg). The concentrations of TGF-β1, EGF, and IL-6 in saliva were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and after histological processing, the oral epithelium and connective tissue were assessed at the region of the lower first molars. Results: The levels of TGF-β1, EGF, and IL-6 in saliva were not significantly altered by any of the treatments after 30 days. After 60 days of treatment with CsA, gingival overgrowth and significant increase in salivary TGF-β1, EGF, and IL-6 concentrations were observed; no statistically significant changes were induced by FK-506. Conclusion: Within the limits of this experimental study, it can be concluded that CsA, but not FK-506, induced gingival overgrowth associated with an increase of the salivary levels of the cytokines TGF-β1, EGF, and IL-6.


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We report on the results of a double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial comparing two preparations of ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate in the treatment of women of reproductive age presenting menstrual irregularities of hyper-androgenic origin. After obtaining informed consent, subjects were randomized to a 4-month treatment period consisting of one daily dose of 0.035mg ethinylestradiol + 2mg cyproterone acetate. The treatment regimen cycle consisted of one pill, once daily for 21 days, followed by a 7-day pill-free period. We compared the efficacy of two presentations of the drug combination after each treatment cycle (Visits 2, 3, 4, and 5) in establishment and maintenance of menstrual regulation, intensity of menstrual flow, and dysmenorrhea, as well as a comparison of the two presentations in terms of Global Satisfaction and Drug Satisfaction assessments performed by the patients and the investigating physician. At each study visit, drug compliance and use of concomitant medications, as well as incidence, severity and duration of adverse events were recorded. A total of 86 subjects were randomized to treatment, with 43 subjects in each treatment group. At Visit 2 and each subsequent visit, all patients in both treatment groups reported an episode of withdrawal bleeding during the 7-day hormone-free period. We observed a statistically significant (p<0.0001) decrease in the incidence of dysmenorrhea at each study visit in relation to the pretreatment assessment. There was a significant reduction (p<0.0001) in the number of subjects reporting intermenstrual bleeding at each study visit in both treatment groups. Global Satisfaction scores by the patient and physician increased significantly at each successive study visit in both treatment groups. There were no clinically significant changes in vital signs, weight, and body mass index throughout the study period in either group. The number of subjects reporting adverse events at each visit did not vary between treatment groups. The combined oral contraceptive pill containing ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate was found to be both effective and safe in the menstrual irregularities of hyper-androgenic origin (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and intermenstrual bleeding) assessed in this study. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. Todos os direitos reservados.


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB


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In the present immunohistochemical study, the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, nitric oxide synthase 1 and 3, and Ki-67 in the gingival tissues of renal transplant patients treated with cyclosporin A was assessed. Gingival overgrowth (GO) frequently occurs in transplant patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporine and this gingival inflammation might play an important role in the pathogenesis of drug-induced GO. Twenty-eight human gingival biopsies were taken from healthy patients with chronic periodontitis (N.=14 control group), and from renal transplant recipients treated with cyclosporin A (N.=14 test group). The retrieved specimens were immunohistochemically processed and stained for vascular endothelial growth factor, nitric oxide synthase 1 and 3, and Ki-67. The levels of vascular endothelial growth factor, nitric oxide synthase 1 and 3, and Ki-67 were found to be significantly different among groups (P>0.001), with patients treated with cyclosporin A showing higher levels of all the analyzed markers compared to control group. In summary, the data from this pilot study suggests that the investigated factors have a role in the inflammation processes associated to immunosuppressive therapy. However, further studies with a larger sample population need to be conducted for an exhaustive knowledge of the mechanisms leading to GO.


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Il danno epatico indotto dall'assunzione di farmaci viene comunemente indicato con il termine inglese DILI (Drug-Induced Liver Injury). Il paracetamolo rappresenta la causa più comune di DILI, seguito da antibiotici, FANS e farmaci antitubercolari. In particolare, i FANS sono una delle classi di farmaci maggiormente impiegate in terapia. Numerosi case report descrivono pazienti che hanno sviluppato danno epatico fatale durante il trattamento con FANS; molti di questi farmaci sono stati ritirati dal commercio in seguito a gravi reazioni avverse a carico del fegato. L'ultimo segnale di epatotossicità indotto da FANS è associato alla nimesulide; in alcuni paesi europei come la Finlandia, la Spagna e l'Irlanda, la nimesulide è stata sospesa dalla commercializzazione perché associata ad un'alta frequenza di epatotossicità. Sulla base dei dati disponibili fino a questo momento, l'Agenzia Europea dei Medicinali (EMA) ha recentemente concluso che i benefici del farmaco superano i rischi; un possibile aumento del rischio di epatotossicità associato a nimesulide rimane tuttavia una discussione aperta di cui ancora molto si dibatte. Tra le altre classi di farmaci che possono causare danno epatico acuto la cui incidenza tuttavia non è sempre ben definita sono gli antibiotici, quali amoxicillina e macrolidi, le statine e gli antidepressivi.Obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di determinare il rischio relativo di danno epatico indotto da farmaci con una prevalenza d'uso nella popolazione italiana maggiore o uguale al 6%. E’ stato disegnato uno studio caso controllo sviluppato intervistando pazienti ricoverati in reparti di diversi ospedali d’Italia. Il nostro studio ha messo in evidenza che il danno epatico da farmaci riguarda numerose classi farmacologiche e che la segnalazione di tali reazioni risulta essere statisticamente significativa per numerosi principi attivi. I dati preliminari hanno mostrato un valore di odds ratio significativo statisticamente per la nimesulide, i FANS, alcuni antibiotici come i macrolidi e il paracetamolo.


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We report the case of a 72-old patient with persistent neutropenia diagnosed during investigation of sialadenitis. Further examination led to the diagnosis of immune neutropenia and systemic lupus erythematosus. Anamnesis and the clinical course made initial diagnosis of drug-induced lupus erythematosus implausible. Steroid trial was done, followed by maintenance therapy, with good control of symptoms.


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In male rats, the dopamine agonist apomorphine (APO) generally facilitates copulatory behavior. However, disruptive effects of high APO doses have been reported. These have been interpreted in diverse ways, as products of a dopaminergic system that inhibits sexual behavior or as consequences of APO's stimulation of competing responses. To test the generality of these effects, we observed APO's impact on copulatory behavior in male hamsters. Several effects were observed, all attributable to a relatively high dose and involving the disruption of male behavior. More unexpectedly, APO treatment caused males to attack estrous stimulus females in the course of these tests. To clarify these effects, we observed the effects of APO on flank marking, a type of scent marking closely allied to aggression and dominance in hamsters. Treatment reliably decreased the latency of marking. It also increased the rate of marking when appropriate measures were taken to prevent this effect from being obscured by drug-induced cheek pouching. Together, these results confirm and extend APO's well-known ability to increase aggression. Further, they suggest that APO-induced aggression can intrude into other contexts so as to disrupt, or possibly facilitate, other forms of social behavior.