961 resultados para dioxin exposure through foods


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Portugal has been the world leader in the cork sector in terms of exports, employing ten thousands of workers. In this working activity, the permanent contact with cork may lead to the exposure to fungi, raising concerns as potential occupational hazards in cork industry. The application of molecular tools is crucial in this setting, since fungal species with faster growth rates may hide other species with clinical relevance, such as species belonging to P. glabrum and A. fumigatus complexes. A study was developed aiming at assessing fungal contamination due to Aspergillus fumigatus complex and Penicillium glabrum complex by molecular methods in three cork industries in the outskirt of Lisbon city.


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Although polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been banned in many countries for more than three decades, exposures to PCBs continue to be of concern due to their long half-lives and carcinogenic effects. In National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health studies, we are using semiquantitative plant-specific job exposure matrices (JEMs) to estimate historical PCB exposures for workers (n = 24,865) exposed to PCBs from 1938 to 1978 at three capacitor manufacturing plants. A subcohort of these workers (n = 410) employed in two of these plants had serum PCB concentrations measured at up to four times between 1976 and 1989. Our objectives were to evaluate the strength of association between an individual worker's measured serum PCB levels and the same worker's cumulative exposure estimated through 1977 with the (1) JEM and (2) duration of employment, and to calculate the explained variance the JEM provides for serum PCB levels using (3) simple linear regression. Consistent strong and statistically significant associations were observed between the cumulative exposures estimated with the JEM and serum PCB concentrations for all years. The strength of association between duration of employment and serum PCBs was good for highly chlorinated (Aroclor 1254/HPCB) but not less chlorinated (Aroclor 1242/LPCB) PCBs. In the simple regression models, cumulative occupational exposure estimated using the JEMs explained 14-24% of the variance of the Aroclor 1242/LPCB and 22-39% for Aroclor 1254/HPCB serum concentrations. We regard the cumulative exposure estimated with the JEM as a better estimate of PCB body burdens than serum concentrations quantified as Aroclor 1242/LPCB and Aroclor 1254/HPCB.


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Résumé Les préoccupations et comportements alimentaires entourant le poids sont omniprésentes chez les jeunes adolescentes et femmes qui habitent dans les cultures occidentales où les formes corporelles sont orientées vers un idéal ultra-mince. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner si une plus grande exposition aux endroits faisant la promotion de la minceur est associée à des préoccupations pour le poids plus élevées chez les femmes. Cette étude fait partie d’un projet intitulé ¨Social, cultural, and economic disparities and disordered eating: Understanding the contribution of neighbourhood and individual level factors¨ (Gauvin, Steiger, & Brodeur, 2009). Un échantillon de 1288 femmes âgées entre 20 et 40 ans et résidant à Montréal depuis au moins 12 mois ont répondu à un sondage téléphonique. Des régressions logistiques ont comparé les femmes se situant dans le quintile le plus élevé des préoccupations de poids avec les femmes dans les autres quintiles en fonction de leur exposition 15 jours ou plus dans des endroits faisant la promotion de la minceur. De plus, une analyse de sensibilité a vérifié si l’association demeurait significative à d’autres niveaux d’exposition. Les facteurs confondants ont été contrôlés statistiquement. Les résultats démontrent qu’une fréquentation d’au moins 15 jours par mois d’endroits faisant la promotion de la minceur est associée à des préoccupations plus élevées pour le poids. Aussi, fréquenter ces lieux entre 15 et 20 jours/mois est aussi associé à des préoccupations de poids élevées. Des interventions de santé publique pourraient viser la diminution des pressions socioculturelles vers la minceur.


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CONTEXTE: Bien que la dysfunction mitochondriale et le stress oxydant jouent des rôles prépondérants dans plusieurs conditions pathologiques, ils n’ont pas été étudiés de façon extensive au niveau du tube digestif qui est constamment exposé aux oxydants (provenant de l’alimentation) et à divers agents pathogènes. L’ingestion simultanée de sels ferreux et d’acide ascorbique peut causer le dommage des macromolécules par oxydation. Le ‘’Nuclear factor erythroid 2 related factor’’ (Nrf2) est un important facteur de transcription sensible au potentiel redox et qui protège contre le stress oxydant en induisant des gènes anti-oxydants et de detoxification par sa liaison à l’élément de réponse antioxydante (ARE). Les fonctions anti-oxydantes et anti-inflammatoires de Nrf2 ont été décrites dans une variété de types cellulaires et de tissus. Cependant son rôle est très peu connu au niveau du tube digestif. OBJECTIFS: Les objectifs sont d’évaluer comment la peroxydation lipidique médiée par le fer/ascorbate (FE/ASC) affecte les fonctions mitochondriales dans les cellules Caco-2/15, et de déterminer l’ampleur de l’implication de Nrf2. MÉTHODES: Le stress oxydant a été induit dans les cellules Caco2/15 en les traitant avec 0.2mm/2mm de FE/ASC. L’augmentation de l’expression de Nrf2 a été obtenue suite au prétraitement des cellules Caco2/15 avec 50 μM d’Olitpraz (OPZ), un puissant activateur. L’invalidation du gène de Nrf2 a été réalisée dans les cellules par transfection avec un vecteur lentiviral contenant un shRNA contre Nrf2. RÉSULTATS: Nos résultats montrent que le traitement des cellules Caco-2/15 avec du FE/ASC (0.2 mm/2 mm) augmente les niveaux du malondialdehyde (MDA), réduit la production d’ATP, entraîne une surcharge mitochondriale de calcium, active l’expression protéique du cytochrome C et de l’AIF (apoptotic inducing factor), réduit l’activité des complexes I, II, 2 III et IV de la chaîne respiratoire mitochondriale, augmente les niveaux de 8-OHdG, un marqueur des dommages à l’ADN mitochondrial, diminue la DNA glycosylase, et altère les expressions génique et protéique des facteurs de transcription mitochondriaux (mtTFA, mtTFB1, mtTFB2). De plus, nos observations montrent que l’induction et l’activation de Nrf2 dans les cellules Caco-2/15 résultent en: une augmentation des enzymes anti-oxydantes endogènes (catalase, glutathion peroxydase, et superoxyde dismutase), une réduction du facteur nucléaire NFκβ et de TNF-α, une augmentation de la production d’ ATP et de l’activité des complexes respiratoires (I, II, III, IV) et de PGC-1α, et une régulation des niveaux de la prohibitine mitochondriale, du Bcl-2 anti-apoptotique et de l’occludine. CONCLUSION: Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats montrent que l’exposition aigüe des cellules Caco-2/15 à la peroxydation par le FE/ASC entraîne des effets pathologiques sur les fonctions mitochondriales et l’intégrité de l’ADN, qui sont abolis par l’induction de Nrf2. Il en ressort que Nrf2 joue un rôle majeur dans la protection de l’épithélium intestinal contre le stress oxydant.


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La prévalence de l’excès de poids (EP) est en pleine croissance à travers le monde. Au Canada, elle serait de 59,1% dans la population générale, dont 23,1% d’obésité et 36,0% d’embonpoint. Ces pourcentages sont encore plus élevés dans la population autochtone, en plus d’une forte prévalence d’insécurité alimentaire (IA) et une alimentation en transition vers de moins en moins de nourritures traditionnelles, et de plus en plus de nourritures commerciales de faible densité nutritionnelle. L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) recommande des initiatives pour documenter le statut sanitaire de cette population afin d’orienter les actions pouvant prévenir les conséquences négatives sur la santé. Notre étude visait donc à décrire les phénomènes de l’EP et de l’IA chez les Premières Nations (PN) adultes de 19 ans et plus, vivant sur les réserves en Colombie-Britannique (CB). Cet échantillon est en effet le premier d’un projet de 10 ans dénommé « First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study » ou (FNFNES), visant à documenter l’état nutritionnel et l’exposition à certains contaminants chez les PN vivant au sud du 60ème parallèle au Canada. Plus particulièrement, cette thèse cherche à associer trois dimensions de la santé, soit l’EP, la qualité de l’alimentation (QA) et l’IA. Nous avons voulu en effet vérifier dans le contexte des PN de la CB: 1) si une QA inadéquate serait associée à un risque plus élevé d’EP; 2) si l’IA des ménages serait associée à une qualité inadéquate de l’alimentation; et 3) si la QA et l’IA expliqueraient ensemble la présence d’EP. A l’issue des analyses (univariées, bivariées, MANOVA et régressions logistiques) de nos données transversales colligées en 2008/2009, les prévalences respectives chez les femmes (n = 493) et les hommes (n = 356) adultes étaient de 44,8% et 35,4% pour l’obésité, de 31,6% et 41,3% pour l’embonpoint, soit un total de 76,4% et 76,7% d’EP. Elles étaient de 39,3% et de 34,8% pour l’IA. Seuls 42,4% des femmes et 43,8% des hommes avaient un accès suffisant aux aliments traditionnels. Après ajustement pour les variables sociodémographiques et du mode de vie, les résultats des analyses multivariées ont montré ii que bien que les prévalences d’EP et d’IA soient assez similaires dans les deux sexes, les processus reliant l’EP, la QA et l’IA seraient différents. En effet, chez les femmes, l’EP serait expliqué par une QA compromise par des apports énergétiques relativement élevés (RC = 2,26; IC: 1,13 - 4,52), la consommation fréquente des boissons gazeuses (pour l’embonpoint, RC = 2,70; IC: 1,11 - 6,56 et pour l’obésité, RC = 2,53; IC: 1,05 - 6,09), en synergie avec l’inactivité physique (RC = 0,52; IC: 0,28 – 0,98 pour le groupe à activité modérée, et RC = 0,36; IC: 0,18 – 0,72 pour le groupe le plus actif), tandis que les produits céréaliers (RC = 0,35; IC: 0,16 - 0,75) et le lait et substituts (RC = 0,40; IC: 0,16 - 0,95) joueraient un rôle protecteur contre l’EP. D’autre part, l’IA des ménages influencerait la QA (à travers les gras saturés, p = 0,02) mais lorsque les trois variables sont étudiées ensemble, seules des dimensions de la QA apparaissent associées à l’EP. Par contre chez les hommes, le seul facteur alimentaire associé à l’EP est le pain blanc mais dans un rôle protecteur (pour l’embonpoint, RC = 0,38; IC: 0,18 - 0,76 et pour l’obésité, RC = 0,36; IC: 0,16 - 0,80); de même, lorsque les trois variables sont étudiées ensemble, l’IA joue un rôle protecteur de l’EP, dans un contexte de tabagisme relativement élevé et également protecteur, ce qui n’expliquerait pas la forte prévalence d’EP observée chez les hommes PN vivant sur les réserves de la CB. Des études plus approfondies et sur des échantillons plus grands seraient nécessaires pour mieux cerner la nature des relations mais d’ores et déjà, notre travail suggère que des effets positifs sur l’EP peuvent être attendus des politiques et programmes visant à réduire la consommation des boissons gazeuses et l’inactivité physique, et à encourager la consommation des produits céréaliers et de lait et substituts chez les femmes. Quant aux hommes, les conclusions de notre étude ne nous permettent pas encore de formuler des recommandations précises. Alors, les comportements santé recommandés aux femmes devraient être généralisés aux hommes en attendant les conclusions d’autres études.


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Con el presente trabajo se detectó, se analizó y se consolidó un grupo de errores en la gestión administrativa en el ejercicio de las funciones que les compete desarrollar a algunos de los gerentes o directivos de las organizaciones del sector terceario; en especial se abordó el caso de errores cometidos por los gerentes en las empresas Philips Colombia S.A.S, Team Foods Colombia S.A y Cencosud Colombia S.A de la ciudad de Bogotá y como resultado del estudio se proponen soluciones prácticas y aplicables a los gerentes de estas organizaciónes mediante futuras decisiones que permitan abordar la solución de los errores encontrados y faciliten el mejoramiento de la futura gestión gerencial de las organizaciones objeto de estudio o donde les competa ejercer las funciones administrativas propias de su cargo.


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A obesidade infantil apresenta-se como uma epidemia que afeta milhares de crianças em todo o Mundo, e a publicidade tem sido apontada por inúmeros autores como sendo a principal causa por este problema global. Ao longo deste estudo, tivemos como objetivo analisar se existe algum efeito da publicidade na obesidade infantil, tendo em conta o estímulo ao consumo de grande variedade de alimentos com alta intensidade calórica, por via das estratégias de marketing. Para enquadrar este estudo, procuramos identificar o papel da publicidade na vida das crianças, nas atividades desenvolvidas nos tempos livres, a influência do estilo de vida nas atividades físicas, e por fim tentar perceber o papel que a publicidade, os tempos livres e o estilo de vida têm na obesidade infantil. A investigação apresenta-se como um estudo de caso exploratório qualitativo, onde foram utilizadas entrevistas estruturadas e não estruturadas individuais, bem como de grupo utilizando a técnica de Focus Grupo num infantário privado no concelho de Cascais. A amostra analisada contou com 12 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 2 anos e os 5 anos, 10 encarregados de educação, entre eles 3 homens e 7 mulheres com idades compreendidas entre os 27 anos e os 45 anos. Foram incluídas ainda na amostra uma educadora de infância e a directora do infantário, o que permitiu estabelecer uma relação entre as diversas variáveis em estudo. Desta forma, foi possível chegar a resultados que nos indicaram em primeiro lugar, que as crianças nesta faixa etária estão expostas a um número muito elevado de mensagens publicitárias, e que a publicidade já faz parte integrante da sua vida. Percebemos ainda que alguns pais tentam controlar o número de horas de exposição à publicidade, na televisão, bem como os canais visualizados pelos filhos. No entanto não o conseguem, por eles estarem em contato com a publicidade através dos mais variados meios. Verificou-se deste modo que as crianças já conhecem muitas marcas, embalagens e as respectivas mascotes e que por isso solicitam a sua compra. A embalagem reforçou neste estudo a sua importância, uma vez que se apresenta em alguns casos como a grande atração no ponto de venda independentemente do tipo de produto. Relativamente aos tempos livres, existe um padrão de comportamentos onde as crianças praticam mais actividades no verão e aos fins-de-semana devido à disponibilidade dos pais, sendo que no restante período o sedentarismo é muito grande e que a exposição à televisão é muito acentuada. Os factores económicos, sociais e tecnológicos apresentam-se como os principais influenciadores relativamente ao estilo de vida. Como conclusão, consideramos que a obesidade nas crianças é multifacetada e que a publicidade não é o seu principal influenciador, é apenas mais um factor que poderá agravar a situação de muitas crianças quando não têm o devido acompanhamento familiar.


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Children may be at higher risk than adults from pesticide exposure, due to their rapidly developing physiology, unique behavioral patterns, and interactions with the physical environment. This preliminary study conducted in Ecuador examines the association between household and environmental risk factors for pesticide exposure and neurobehavioral development. We collected data over 6 months in the rural highland region of Cayambe, Ecuador (2003–2004). Children age 24–61 months residing in 3 communities were assessed with the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and the Visual Motor Integration Test. We gathered information on maternal health and work characteristics, the home and community environment, and child characteristics. Growth measurements and a hemoglobin finger-prick blood test were obtained. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted. Current maternal employment in the flower industry was associated with better developmental scores. Longer hours playing outdoors were associated with lower gross and fine motor and problem solving skills. Children who played with irrigation water scored lower on fine motor skills (8% decrease; 95% confidence interval 9.31 to 0.53), problem-solving skills (7% decrease; 8.40 to 0.39), and Visual Motor Integration test scores (3% decrease; 12.00 to 1.08). These results suggest that certain environmental risk factors for exposure to pesticides may affect child development, with contact with irrigation water of particular concern. However, the relationships between these risk factors and social characteristics are complex, as corporate agriculture may increase risk through pesticide exposure and environmental contamination, while indirectly promoting healthy development by providing health care, relatively higher salaries, and daycare options.


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Since estimated dietary selenium intake in the UK has declined steadily from around 60 mug day(-1) in 1975 to 34 mug day(-1) in 1997, there is a need to increase selenium intake from staple foods such as milk and milk products. An experiment was therefore done to investigate the relationship between dietary source and concentration of selenium and the selenium content of bovine milk. In a 3 x 3 factorial design, 90 mid-lactation Holstein dairy cows were supplemented over 8 weeks with either sodium selenite (S), a chelated selenium product (Selenium Metasolate(TM)) (C) or a selenium yeast (Sel-plex(TM)) (Y) at three different dietary inclusion levels of 0.38 (L), 0.76 (M) and 1.14 (H) mg kg(-1) dry matter (DM). Significant increases in milk selenium concentration were observed for all three sources with increasing inclusion level in the diet, but Y gave a much greater response (up to +65 mug l(-1)) than the other two sources of selenium (S and C up to +4 and +6 mug l(-1) respectively). The Y source also resulted in a substantially higher apparent efficiency of transfer of selenium from diet to milk than S or C. Feeding Y at the lowest dietary concentration, and thus within the maximum level permitted under EU regulations, resulted in milk with a selenium concentration of 28 mug l(-1). If the selenium concentration of milk in the UK was increased to this value, it would, at current consumption rates, provide an extra 8.7 mug selenium day(-1), or 11 and 14% of daily recommended national intake for men and women respectively. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.


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This toxicology update reviews research over the past four years since publication in 2004 of the first measurement of intact esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) in human breast cancer tissues, and the suggestion that their presence in the human body might originate from topical application of bodycare cosmetics. The presence of intact paraben esters in human body tissues has now been confirmed by independent measurements in human urine, and the ability of parabens to penetrate human skin intact without breakdown by esterases and to be absorbed systemically has been demonstrated through studies not only in vitro but also in vivo using healthy human subjects. Using a wide variety of assay systems in vitro and in vivo, the oestrogen agonist properties of parabens together with their common metabolite (p-hydroxybenzoic acid) have been extensively documented, and, in addition, the parabens have now also been shown to possess androgen antagonist activity, to act as inhibitors of sulfotransferase enzymes and to possess genotoxic activity. With the continued use of parabens in the majority of bodycare cosmetics, there is a need to carry out detailed evaluation of the potential for parabens, together with other oestrogenic and genotoxic co-formulants of bodycare cosmetics, to increase female breast cancer incidence, to interfere with male reproductive functions and to influence development of malignant melanoma which has also recently been shown to be influenced by oestrogenic stimulation. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Myxozoans, belonging to the recently described Class Malacosporea, parasitise freshwater bryozoans during at least part of their life cycle, but no complete malacosporean life cycle is known to date. One of the 2 described malacosporeans is Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative agent of salmonid proliferative kidney disease. The other is Buddenbrockia plumatellae, so far only found in freshwater bryozoans. Our investigations evaluated malacosporean life cycles, focusing on transmission from fish to bryozoan and from bryozoan to bryozoan. We exposed bryozoans to possible infection from: stages of T bryosalmonae in fish kidney and released in fish urine; spores of T bryosalmonae that had developed in bryozoan hosts; and spores and sac stages of B. plumatellae that had developed in bryozoans. Infections were never observed by microscopic examination of post-exposure, cultured bryozoans and none were detected by PCR after culture. Our consistent negative results are compelling: trials incorporated a broad range of parasite stages and potential hosts, and failure of transmission across trials cannot be ascribed to low spore concentrations or immature infective stages. The absence of evidence for bryozoan to bryozoan transmissions for both malacosporeans strongly indicates that such transmission is precluded in malacosporean life cycles. Overall, our results imply that there may be another malacosporean host which remains unidentified, although transmission from fish to bryozoans requires further investigation. However, the highly clonal life history of freshwater bryozoans is likely to allow both long-term persistence and spread of infection within bryozoan populations, precluding the requirement for regular transmission from an alternate host.


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PDGF is a potent chemotactic mitogen and a strong inductor of fibroblast motility. In Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, exposure to PDGF but not EGF or IGF-1 causes a rapid loss of actin stress fibers (SFs) and focal adhesions (FAs), which is followed by the development of retractile dendritic protrusions and induction of motility. The PDGF-specific actin reorganization was blocked by inhibition of Src-kinase and the 26S proteasome. PDGF induced Src-dependent association between the multifunctional transcription/translation regulator hnRNP-K and the mRNA-encoding myosin regulatory light-chain (MRLC)-interacting protein (MIR), a E3-ubiquitin ligase that is MRLC specific. This in turn rapidly increased MIR expression, and led to ubiquitination and proteasome-mediated degradation of MRLC. Downregulation of MIR by RNA muting prevented the reorganization of actin structures and severely reduced the migratory and wound-healing potential of PDGF-treated cells. The results show that activation of MIR and the resulting removal of diphosphorylated MRLC are essential for PDGF to instigate and maintain control over the actin-myosin-based contractile system in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. The PDGF induced protein destabilization through the regulation of hnRNP-K controlled ubiquitin-ligase translation identifies a novel pathway by which external stimuli can regulate phenotypic development through rapid, organelle-specific changes in the activity and stability of cytoskeletal regulators.


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At sites of chronic inflammation, such as in the inflamed rheumatoid joint, activated neutrophils release hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the enzyme myeloperoxidase to catalyse the formation of hypochlorous acid (HOCl). 3-chlorotyrosine, a marker of HOCl in vivo, has been observed in synovial fluid proteins from rheumatoid arthritis patients. However the mechanisms of HOCl-induced cytotxicity are unknown. We determined the molecular mechanisms by which HOCl induced cell death in human mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) differentiated into a chondrocytic phenotype as a model of human cartilage cells and show that HOCl induced rapid Bax conformational change, mitochondrial permeability and release of intra-mitochondrial pro-apoptotic proteins which resulted in nuclear translocation of AIF and EndoG. siRNA-mediated knockdown of Bax substantially prevented mitochondrial permeability, release of intra-mitochondrial pro-apoptotic proteins. Cell death was inhibited by siRNA-mediated knockdown of Bax, AIF or EndoG. Although we observed several biochemical markers of apoptosis, caspase activation was not detected either by western blotting, fluorescence activity assays or by using caspase inhibitors to inhibit cell death. This was further supported by findings that (1) in vitro exposure of recombinant human caspases to HOCl caused significant inhibition of caspase activity and (2) the addition of HOCl to staurosporine-treated MPCs inhibited the activity of cellular caspases. Our results show for the first time that HOCl induced Bax-dependent mitochondrial permeability which led to cell death without caspase activity by processes involving AIF/EndoG-dependent pathways. Our study provides a novel insight into the potential mechanisms of cell death in the inflamed human joint. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: Depression in fathers in the postnatal period is associated with an increased risk of behavioural problems in their offspring, particularly for boys. The aim of this study was to examine for differential effects of depression in fathers on children's subsequent psychological functioning via a natural experiment comparing prenatal and postnatal exposure. Methods:In a longitudinal population cohort study (the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)) we examined the associations between depression in fathers measured in the prenatal and postnatal period (measured using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale), and later behavioural/emotional and psychiatric problems in their children, assessed at ages 31/2 and 7 years. Results: Children whose fathers were depressed in both the prenatal and postnatal periods had the highest risks of subsequent psychopathology, measured by total problems at age 31/2 years (Odds Ratio 3.55; 95% confidence interval 2.07, 6.08) and psychiatric diagnosis at age 7 years (OR 2.54; 1.19, 5.41). Few differences emerged when prenatal and postnatal depression exposure were directly compared, but when compared to fathers who were not depressed, boys whose fathers had postnatal depression only had higher rates of conduct problems aged 31/2 years (OR 2.14; 1.22, 3.72) whereas sons of the prenatal group did not (OR 1.41; .75, 2.65). These associations changed little when controlling for maternal depression and other potential confounding factors. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the increased risk of later conduct problems, seen particularly in the sons of depressed fathers, maybe partly mediated through environmental means. In addition, children whose fathers are more chronically depressed appear to be at a higher risk of emotional and behavioural problems. Efforts to identify the precise mechanisms by which transmission of risk may occur should be encouraged to enable the development of focused interventions to mitigate risks for young children.


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This study explores the effects of exposure to pictures of fruits and vegetables on young children's willingness to taste the foods. The parents of 20 toddlers aged 21-24 months were asked to read a picture book about four foods with their child every day for two weeks. in a subsequent 'taste test' children displayed a neophobic pattern of behaviour towards foods to which they had not been exposed, but not towards exposed foods. Furthermore, while exposure served to decrease children's willingness to taste familiar vegetables, it increased their willingness to taste unfamiliar fruits. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.