272 resultados para cupuassu butter
O cupuaçu desponta como um importante produto agrícola de exportação com ampla perspectiva de mercado devido à aceitação que desfruta entre os consumidores regionais e de outros estados do país. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade protéica de produtos em pó formulados com amêndoas torradas de cupuaçu e cacau. De acordo com o ensaio biológico Net Protein Ratio, realizado a partir de dietas contendo 10% de proteína na proporção de cupuaçu ou cacau:caseína (50:50), verificou-se que as proteínas do cupuaçu apresentaram valor biológico significativamente superior (p ≤ 0,05) ao das proteínas de cacau, promovendo aumento de peso dos animais 57,4% maior. No que se refere às necessidades diárias para crianças e adultos, o perfil aminoacídico das proteínas do cupuaçu teve desempenho superior ao das proteínas do cacau.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Vários trabalhos vem sendo desenvolvidos sobre o cultivo in vitro de cacau (T.cacao), mas são raros para a maioria das outras espécies do gênero, como o cupuaçu (T. grandiflorum), cuja a área plantada vem aumentando expressivamente, e outras que poderiam servir de fonte de genes para as espécies economicamente já reconhecidas. Protocolos para obtenção de embriões somáticos in vitro para as espécies T. cacao,T. grandiflorum,T. speciosum e o híbrido T. grandiflorum x T. obovatum foram avaliados a partir de duas fontes de explantes, estaminódios e pétalas (formadas por lígulas e cógulas) cultivados em meio de crescimento primário de calo, consistindo de sais DKW, suplementado com 20 g l-1 de sacarose, 250 mg l-1de glutamina, 200 mg l-1 de mio-inositol, 0,2 mg l-1 de tiamina-HCl, 0,1 mg l-1 de ácido nicotínico, 0,2 mg l-1 de glicina, 2 mg l-1 de 2,4-D, 2,2 g l-1 de Gelrite® e pH 5,8. A este meio foram adicionadas diferentes concentrações de tidiazuron (0, 5 e 10 µg l-1). As culturas foram mantidas no escuro por 14 dias, à temperatura de 25 ± 2 ºC, e então transferidas para meio de crescimento secundário de calo, constituído de sais WPM, vitaminas de Gamborg, 20 g l-1 de sacarose, 2 mg l-1 de 2,4 D, 0,3 mg l-1 de cinetina, 50 ml l-1 de água de côco, 2,2 g l-1 de Gelrite® e pH 5,8. A formação de calos ocorreu em todas as espécies. Embriões somáticos foram obtidos somente para T. cacao. A calogênese mostrou-se influenciada pelo genótipo e foi maior nos estaminódios.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The amount of butter produced by the grain-belt states is evidence that a great many cows are milked by the midwestern farmer. Most of this milk is separated on the farm, the cream is sold, and the skimmilk is fed to hogs and other livestock. As the market for fluid milk has developed, many farmers near the cities have turned to the sale of milk, because it affords a better return for the butterfat sold. Much of the milk produced for sale as fluid milk is produced under practically the same conditions as milk which is produced primarily for the same of cream. The Department of Dairy Husbandry of the University of Nebraska, in conducting its instructional and investigational work, comes in contact with the milk producer. An effort has been made, therefore, to study the relation of milk quality to farm conditions as found among the milk producers or patrons who have delivered milk to the department. The study was carried on in an effort to find possible ways of bettering the conditions without upsetting the economic balance existing between the production of cream and fluid milk.
RB31-258 The Contribution fo Nebraska Farm Women to Family Income Through Poultry and Dairy Products
This investigation was made in 1929-1930 for the purpose of studying the activities of Nebraska farm women in the raising of poultry and in the care of dairy products, to discover whether or not such activities resulted in a contribution to the family income. With this in view, a group of women were asked to keep records for one year (from April 1, 1929 to March 31, 1930) of the value and amount of dairy and poultry products sold or used, of all expense incurred in production, and of the time spent both by the homemaker herself and by all other members of the household, in the production and sale of dairy and poultry products. When this study was outlined it was intended to cover only actual cash addition to the family income. This, however, did not prove to be feasible, as a considerable portion of the contribution to the family income was in the form of dairy and poultry products used at home.
BACKGROUND: Native to Africa, Gambian giant pouched rats (Gambian rats; Cricetomys gambianus Waterh.) are a threatening invasive species on a Florida island, Grassy Key. Gambian giant pouched rats shifted from a domestic pet to invading species after suspected release from a pet breeder. Because of the large size of Gambian rats (weighing up to 2.8 kg), they pose a serious threat to native species (particularly nesting species) and agricultural crops, especially if Gambian rats invade mainland Florida. Also, Gambian rats pose a threat from disease, as they were implicated in a monkeypox outbreak in the mid-western United States in 2003. The United States Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services has initiated eradication and detection efforts in the Florida Keys, but trapping the sparse population of Gambian rats has proven difficult. RESULTS: Fifteen attractants that could be used in traps for capturing or detecting single or paired Gambian rats were tested. It was found that conspecific scents (i.e. feces and urine) from other Gambian rats were the best treatment for attracting single and paired Gambian rats. Single Gambian rats explored more attractant types than paired Gambian rats. CONCLUSIONS: Effective attractants for use with Gambian rats have been identified, and multiple attractant types should be used to capture or detect the sparse population. It is recommended that mainly urine and feces from Gambian rats be used, but peanut butter, anise, ginger and fatty acid scent could also be useful for attracting the currently small population of Gambian rats on Grassy Key.
Recent Salmonella outbreaks have prompted the need for new processing options for peanut products. Traditional heating kill-steps have shown to be ineffective in lipid-rich matrices such as peanut products. High pressure processing is one such option for peanut sauce because it has a high water activity, which has proved to be a large contributing factor in microbial lethality due to high pressure processing. Four different formulations of peanut sauce were inoculated with a five strain Salmonella cocktail and high pressure processed. Results indicate that increasing pressure or increasing hold time increases log10 reductions. The Weibull model was fitted to each kill curve, with b and n values significantly optimized for each curve (p-value < 0.05). Most curves had an n parameter value less than 1, indicating that the population had a dramatic initial reduction, but tailed off as time increased, leaving a small resistant population. ANOVA analysis of the b and n parameters show that there are more significant differences between b parameters than n parameters, meaning that most treatments showed similar tailing effect, but differed on the shape of the curve. Comparisons between peanut sauce formulations at the same pressure treatments indicate that increasing amount of organic peanut butter within the sauce formulation decreases log10 reductions. This could be due to a protective effect from the lipids in the peanut butter, or it may be due to other factors such as nutrient availability or water activity. Sauces pressurized at lower temperatures had decreased log10 reductions, indicating that cooler temperatures offered some protective effect. Log10 reductions exceeded 5 logs, indicating that high pressure processing may be a suitable option as a kill-step for Salmonella in industrial processing of peanut sauces. Future research should include high pressure processing on other peanut products with high water activities such as sauces and syrups as well as research to determine the effects of water activity and lipid composition with a food matrix such as peanut sauces.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical properties of avocado pulp of four different varieties (Avocado, Guatemala, Dickinson, and Butter pear) and to identify which has the greatest potential for oil extraction. Fresh avocado pulp was characterized by moisture, protein, fat, ash, carbohydrates and energy contents were determined. The carotenoids and chlorophyll contents were determined by the organic solvent extraction method. The results showed significant differences in the composition of the fruit when varieties are compared. However, the striking feature in all varieties is high lipid content; Avocado and Dickinson are the most suitable varieties for oil extraction, taking into account moisture content and the levels of lipids in the pulp. Moreover, it could be said that the variety Dickinson is the most affected by the parameters evaluated in terms of overall quality. Chlorophyll and carotenoids, fat-soluble pigments, showed a negative correlation with respect to lipids since it could be related to its function in the fruit. The varieties Avocado and Dickinson are an alternative to oil extraction having great commercial potential to be exploited thus avoiding waste and increasing farmers income.
Grabación realizada por Ciencia compartida (Biblioteca Universitaria)
Lipids are important components that contribute very significantly to nutritional and technological quality of foods because they are the least stable macro-components in foods, due to high susceptibility to oxidation. When rancidity take place, it makes food unhealthy and unacceptable for consumers. Thus, the presence of antioxidants, naturally present of added to foods, is required to enhance shelf life of foods. Moreover, antioxidant like phenolic compounds play an important role in human health enhancing the functionality of foods. The aim of this PhD project was the study of lipid quality and lipid oxidation in different vegetable foods focusing on analytical and technological aspects in order to figure out the effects of lipid composition and bioactive compounds (phenolic compounds, omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber) addition on their shelf life. In addition, bioavailability and antioxidant effects of phenolic compounds in human and animals, respectively, were evaluated after consumption of vegetable foods. The first section of the work was focused on the evaluation of lipid quality impact on technological behaviour of vegetable foods. Because of that, cocoa butter with different melting point were evaluated by chromatographic techniques (GC, TLC) and the sample with the higher melting point showed the presence of fatty acids, triglycerides, 2-monoglycerides and FT-IR profile different from genuine cocoa butter, meaning an adding of foreign fat (lauric-fat) not allowed by the law. Looking at lipid quality of other vegetable foods, an accelerated shelf life test (OXITEST®), was used to evaluate of lipid stability to oxidation in tarallini snacks made up using different lipid matrices (sunflower oil, extravirgin olive oil and a blend of extravirgin olive oil and lard). The results showed a good ability of OXITEST® to discriminate between lipid unsaturation and different cooking times, without any samples fat extraction. In the second section, the role of bioactive compounds on cereal based food shelf life was studied in different bakeries by GC, spectrophotometric methods and capillary electrophoresis. It was examined the relationships between phenolic compounds, added with flour, and lipid oxidation of tarallini and frollini. Both products showed an increase in lipid oxidation during storage and antioxidant effects on lipid oxidation were not as expected. Furthermore, the influence of enrichment in polyunsaturated fatty acids on lipid oxidation of pasta was evaluated. The results proved that LC n-3 PUFA were not significantly implicated in the onset of oxidation in spaghetti stored under daylight and accelerated oxidation in a laboratory heater. The importance of phenolic compounds as antioxidant in humans and rats was also studied, by HPLC/MS in the latter section. For this purpose, apigenin and apigenin glycosides excretion was investigated in six women’s urine in a 24 hours study. After a single dose of steamed artichokes, both aglicone and glucuronide metabolites were recovered in 24 h urine. Moreover, the effect of whole grain durum wheat bread and whole grain Kamut® khorasan bread in rats were evaluated. Both cereals were good sources of antioxidants but Kamut® bread fed animals had a better response to stress than wheat durum fed, especially when a sourdough bread was supplied.
Plasmabasierte Röntgenlaser sind aufgrund ihrer kurzen Wellenlänge und schma-rnlen spektralen Bandbreite attraktive Diagnose-Instrumente in einer Vielzahl potentieller Anwendungen, beispielsweise in den Bereichen Spektroskopie, Mikroskopie und EUV-Lithografie. Dennoch sind Röntgenlaser zum heutigen Stand noch nicht sehr weit verbreitet, was vorwiegend auf eine zu geringe Pulsenergie und für manche Anwendungen nicht hinreichende Strahlqualität zurückzuführen ist. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden in den letzten Jahren bedeutende Fortschritte erzielt. Die gleichzeitige Weiterentwicklung von Pumplasersystemen und Pumpmechanismen ermöglichte es, kompakte Röntgenlaserquellen mit bis zu 100 Hz zu betreiben. Um gleichzeitig höhere Pulsenergien, höhere Strahlqualität und volle räumliche Kohärenz zu erhalten, wurden intensive Studien theoretischer und experimenteller Natur durchgeführt. In diesem Kontext wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein experimenteller Aufbau zur Kombination von zwei Röntgenlaser-Targets entwickelt, die sogenannte Butterfly-Konfiguration. Der erste Röntgenlaser wird dabei als sogenannter Seed für das zweite, als Verstärker dienende Röntgenlasermedium verwendet (injection-seeding). Aufrndiese Weise werden störende Effekte vermieden, welche beim Entstehungsprozessrndes Röntgenlasers durch die Verstärkung von spontaner Emission zustande kom-rnmen. Unter Verwendung des ebenfalls an der GSI entwickelten Double-Pulse Gra-rnzing Incidence Pumpschemas ermöglicht das hier vorgestellte Konzept, erstmaligrnbeide Röntgenlasertargets effizient und inklusive Wanderwellenanregung zu pum-rnpen.rnBei einer ersten experimentellen Umsetzung gelang die Erzeugung verstärkter Silber-Röntgenlaserpulse von 1 µJ bei 13.9 nm Wellenlänge. Anhand der gewonnenen Daten erfolgte neben dem Nachweis der Verstärkung die Bestimmung der Lebensdauer der Besetzungsinversion zu 3 ps. In einem Nachfolgeexperiment wurden die Eigenschaften eines Molybdän-Röntgenlaserplasmas näher untersucht. Neben dem bisher an der GSI angewandten Pumpschema kam in dieser Strahlzeit noch eine weitere Technik zum Einsatz, welche auf einem zusätzlichen Pumppuls basierte. In beiden Schemata gelang neben dem Nachweis der Verstärkung die zeitliche und räumliche Charakterisierung des Verstärkermediums. Röntgenlaserpulse mit bis zu 240 nJ bei einer Wellenlänge von 18.9 nm wurden nachgewiesen. Die erreichte Brillanz der verstärkten Pulse lag ca. zwei Größenordnungen über der des ursprünglichen Seeds und mehr als eine Größenordnung über der Brillanz eines Röntgenlasers, dessen Erzeugung auf der Verwendung eines einzelnen Targets basierte. Das in dieser Arbeitrnentwickelte und experimentell verifizierte Konzept birgt somit das Potential, extrem brillante plasmabasierte Röntgenlaser mit vollständiger räumlicher und zeitlicher Kohärenz zu erzeugen.rnDie in dieser Arbeit diskutierten Ergebnisse sind ein wesentlicher Beitrag zu der Entwicklung eines Röntgenlasers, der bei spektroskopischen Untersuchungen von hochgeladenen Schwerionen eingesetzt werden soll. Diese Experimente sind amrnExperimentierspeicherring der GSI und zukünftig auch am High-Energy StoragernRing der FAIR-Anlage vorgesehen.rn