996 resultados para cognate object construction


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente Perfil de Engenharia de Sistemas Ambientais


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil de Construção


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The European Union, as a regional actor and an example of stability and well-being, has embraced a set of principles it has stood for and which constitute its own identity. The diffusion of these values among third countries is one of the objectives of EU’s External Policy. Democracy can be found among the principles that are sought to be exported through comprehensive and complex strategies within different frameworks, such as neighbourhood relations, trade partnerships and the accession process. Focusing on the latter, candidates are object of an intensive process of Europeanisation that operates through different mechanisms like socialisation and conditionality. Turkey, on the other side, has decided to apply for full membership several decades ago and, ever since, it has been pressured to Europeanise, which includes improving its unstable democracy. This case, however, is different from all other previous enlargements; for its special socio-cultural and civilisational features, Turkey constitutes a more complex novelty for the European Union. Therefore, this thesis aims to study the influence of the European Union on the democratisation process of Turkey, focusing on the period ranging between 1999, the year the European Council recognised Turkey’s candidacy status, and 2009 that marks the 10-year period of that condition. It is the intention of this project to assess the impact of the European Union at that level through the study of the democratic evolution of the country and its co-relation with other variables related to the presence or pressure of the EU. As this is a challenging objective, it will require a deep reflection upon central concepts like democracy and democratic consolidation, and a diversified use of methodological techniques, such as statistical analysis and mathematical co-relations, historical analysis, literature review and in-depth interviews. This study will privilege a Constructivist approach, emphasising the social construction of reality and the role of the ideational aspects – identity, perceptions and the broader socio-cultural dimension – in Turkey-EU relations.


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Nowadays, existing 3D scanning cameras and microscopes in the market use digital or discrete sensors, such as CCDs or CMOS for object detection applications. However, these combined systems are not fast enough for some application scenarios since they require large data processing resources and can be cumbersome. Thereby, there is a clear interest in exploring the possibilities and performances of analogue sensors such as arrays of position sensitive detectors with the final goal of integrating them in 3D scanning cameras or microscopes for object detection purposes. The work performed in this thesis deals with the implementation of prototype systems in order to explore the application of object detection using amorphous silicon position sensors of 32 and 128 lines which were produced in the clean room at CENIMAT-CEMOP. During the first phase of this work, the fabrication and the study of the static and dynamic specifications of the sensors as well as their conditioning in relation to the existing scientific and technological knowledge became a starting point. Subsequently, relevant data acquisition and suitable signal processing electronics were assembled. Various prototypes were developed for the 32 and 128 array PSD sensors. Appropriate optical solutions were integrated to work together with the constructed prototypes, allowing the required experiments to be carried out and allowing the achievement of the results presented in this thesis. All control, data acquisition and 3D rendering platform software was implemented for the existing systems. All these components were combined together to form several integrated systems for the 32 and 128 line PSD 3D sensors. The performance of the 32 PSD array sensor and system was evaluated for machine vision applications such as for example 3D object rendering as well as for microscopy applications such as for example micro object movement detection. Trials were also performed involving the 128 array PSD sensor systems. Sensor channel non-linearities of approximately 4 to 7% were obtained. Overall results obtained show the possibility of using a linear array of 32/128 1D line sensors based on the amorphous silicon technology to render 3D profiles of objects. The system and setup presented allows 3D rendering at high speeds and at high frame rates. The minimum detail or gap that can be detected by the sensor system is approximately 350 μm when using this current setup. It is also possible to render an object in 3D within a scanning angle range of 15º to 85º and identify its real height as a function of the scanning angle and the image displacement distance on the sensor. Simple and not so simple objects, such as a rubber and a plastic fork, can be rendered in 3D properly and accurately also at high resolution, using this sensor and system platform. The nip structure sensor system can detect primary and even derived colors of objects by a proper adjustment of the integration time of the system and by combining white, red, green and blue (RGB) light sources. A mean colorimetric error of 25.7 was obtained. It is also possible to detect the movement of micrometer objects using the 32 PSD sensor system. This kind of setup offers the possibility to detect if a micro object is moving, what are its dimensions and what is its position in two dimensions, even at high speeds. Results show a non-linearity of about 3% and a spatial resolution of < 2µm.


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A ready-mixed and several laboratory formulated mortars were produced and tested in fresh state and after hardening, simulating a masonry plaster for indoor application. All the mortars used a clayish earth from the same region and different compositions of aggregates, eventually including fibres and a phase change material. All the formulated mortars were composed by 1:3 volumetric proportions of earth and aggregate. Tests were developed for consistency, fresh bulk density, thermal conductivity, capillary absorption and drying, water vapour permeability and sorption-desorption. The use of PCM changed drastically the workability of the mortars and increased their capillary absorption. The use of fibres and variations on particle size distribution of the mixtures of sand that were used had no significant influence on tested properties. But particularly the good workability of these mortars and the high capacity of sorption and desorption was highlighted. With this capacity plasters made with these mortars are able to adsorb water vapour from indoor atmosphere when high levels of relative humidity exist and release water vapour when the indoor atmosphere became too dry. This fact makes them able to contribute passively for a healthier indoor environment. The technical, ecological and environmental advantages of the application of plasters with this type of mortars are emphasized, with the aim of contributing for an increased use for new or existent housing.


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The demand for costs and time reductions in companies’ processes, in order to increase efficiency, leads companies to seek innovative management paradigms to support their needs for growth and continuous improvement. The Lean paradigm has great relevance in companies’ need for waste reduction, particularly in manufacturing companies. On the other hand the demand of companies for waste reduction has gained a new dimension not only at the material level, but also at the environmental level with the introduction of the Green paradigm. As such, manufacturing companies have been adopting practices that reduce the impact of their activities on the environment. Although nowadays many manufacturing companies already implement waste reduction practices related to Lean and Green paradigms, many of them are unable to understand specifically if their efforts are enough for the application of these practices to be successful or even if their actual performance in implementing Lean or Green practices reflects the self-assessment that they have of themselves. Thus, besides the study of the development of Lean and Green paradigms in recent years, the present dissertation has the important objective of the construction of two indexes (the Lean Index and the Green Index) enabling the measurement of the performance of Portuguese manufacturing companies relating the implementation of Lean and Green practices. The data used to create the Lean and Green indexes where obtained from the implementation of the European Manufacturing Survey 2012 in Portugal. The survey questions related to the implementation of Lean and Green practices are used as variables in the development of the model for the two indexes. For the construction of representative expressions of Lean Index and Green Index it was applied the Factorial Analysis for assigning the variables weights and aggregation.


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This work project takes the format of a problem-solving approach suggested by “Impulse Partners”, a French consulting firm. It recommends a way to measure the success of ten startups in the incubators “Starburst” and “Incubator Construction & Energy” and give them strategic guidance. A Balanced Scorecard is elaborated to help incubated startups building up and implementing their strategy. The Scorecard suggests possible initiatives for the startups that are ideally realized with the help of the consulting firm that is steering the incubator. Special attention is drawn to what the startups need to succeed, which typically concerns financing, networking and managing skills.


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The construction sector in Portugal declined sharply over the past 10 years. The current crisis can wiped out the entire industry. Can the industry survive? What lessons can we learn? What can be done to revive the sector? These are questions this study intends to answer. By analyzing the best practices of the industry and of the largest construction companies in Portugal, as well as the difficulties and constrains that they all faced, I found that retrenchment (operational costs and selling assets) are the main measures companies resort to, and that strategic reorientation is essential to turnaround. I found that internationalization is a key driver on strategic reorientation and diversification and concentration are complementary strategies that can enforce and strengthen the main one.


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Equity research report


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The stylistic categorization of the Estado Novo has been intensely discussed by Portuguese art historians. The square Alameda Dom Afonso Henriques in Lisbon (Alameda) can be seen as paradigmatic for the architecture of power of the Estado Novo. The Alameda forms a gardened valley between two hills. There you find two prominent and highly propagandist buildings: The Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and the Fonte Luminosa are dedicated to modern sciences and respectively to the harmonious contribution of nature to the city. The iconography of the Alameda as well as its incorporation into the propagandist use of urban planning in the 1930s and 1940s exemplify the visual politics during Salazarism. Urban planning programs intended to create cities that would preserve the character of a traditional catholic society and at the same time answer to the need to modernize the country and evoke the image of a progressive state. Thus, public buildings and urban squares such as the Alameda contributed to design a corporate image and to the ‘spirit’ of the regime.


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The subject of study of this Thesis aims to highlight and recognize as an object of reflection the undoubted relationship between the Internet and the Justice System, based on the issue of digital evidence. The simultaneously crossing of the juridical-legal implications and the more technical computer issues is the actual trigger for the discussion of the issues established. The Convention on Cybercrime of the Council of Europe of 23rd November 2001 and the Council Framework Decision n.° 2005/222/JHA of 24th February 2005 were avant-garde in terms of the international work about the crimes in the digital environment. In addition they enabled the harmonization of national legislations on the matter and, consequently, a greater flexibility in international judicial cooperation. Portugal, in compliance with these international studies, ratified, implemented and approved Law n. º 109/2009 of 15th September concerning the Cybercrime Act, establishing a more specific investigation and collection of evidence in electronic support when it comes to combating this type of crime, as it reinforced the Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Nature. Nevertheless, the constant debates about the New Technologies of Information and Communication have not neglected the positive role of these tools for the user. However, they express a particular concern for their counterproductive effects; a special caution prevails on the part of the judge in assessing the digital evidence, especially circumstantial evidence, due to the its fragility. Indisputably, the practice of crimes through the computer universe, given its inexorable technical complexity, entails many difficulties for the forensic investigation, since the proofs hold temporary, changeable, volatile, and dispersed features. In this pillar, after the consummation of iter criminis, the Fundamental Rights of the suspects may be debated in the course of the investigation and the construction of iter probatorium. The intent of this Thesis is to contribute in a reflective way on the issues presented in order to achieve a bigger technical and legal awareness regarding the collection of digital proof, looking for a much lighter approach to its suitability in terms of evidentiary value.


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RESUMO: A pré-eclâmpsia tem elevada morbi-mortalidade materna e perinatal. A sua etiologia multi-fatorial tem sido objeto de investigação, não sendo ainda totalmente conhecida. Não se conhece também a razão da diferente suscetibilidade individual e das diferentes expressões da doença. A hipertensão crónica e a diabetes são fatores de risco reconhecidos, e o adiamento da maternidade contribui para que estas duas patologias sejam atualmente mais prevalentes entre as mulheres grávidas. Uma vez que o seu quadro fisiopatológico precede em meses o quadro clínico, tem-se investigado a possibilidade de serem encontrados marcadores precoces e indicadores de risco. Em Portugal, os estudos relativos à hipertensão na gravidez são escassos, bem como a investigação sobre fatores de risco e marcadores para a mesma. No sentido de avaliar possíveis marcadores de risco para o desenvolvimento de préeclâmpsia ou complicações hipertensivas foi colhida, para esta dissertação, uma amostra de 1215 mulheres que frequentaram a consulta de Hipertensão ou de Diabetes na gravidez de um centro terciário, entre 2004 e 2013. Optou-se pela realização de três estudos independentes, abrangendo os dois primeiros um leque temporal de 9 e de 2 anos respetivamente. O primeiro, centrado na hipertensão, pesquisou, em 521 mulheres com hipertensão na presente ou em anterior gravidez, fatores de risco capazes de influenciar a progressão para pré-eclâmpsia. O segundo, direcionado para a diabetes gestacional, considerou uma amostra de 334 grávidas, parte das quais tinha também hipertensão crónica e procurou identificar fatores que contribuíram para o aparecimento de complicações hipertensivas. O terceiro estudo, realizado em 2012 e 2013, em três coortes de grávidas com hipertensão crónica, com diabetes gestacional, e sem estas patologias - procurou avaliar no 1º trimestre o comportamento de dois marcadores placentares obtidos no 1º trimestre - proteína plasmática A associada à gravidez (PAPP-A) e o fator de crescimento placentar (PlGF) - e o seu papel, quer como bio-marcadores isolados, quer em associação aos fatores de risco encontrados nos anteriores estudos, na construção de um modelo preditivo de préeclâmpsia. No primeiro estudo, a nuliparidade, a hipertensão gestacional, a fluxometria das artérias uterinas com IP superiores ao P95 entre as 20-22 semanas e a existência de restrição de crescimento fetal, foram os fatores que contribuíram para a construção de um modelo preditivo de pré-eclâmpsia. No segundo estudo, a coexistência de diabetes e hipertensão crónica agravou o prognóstico, associando-se as complicações hipertensivas à multiparidade, obesidade, idade materna e etnia negra. No terceiro estudo verificou-se uma redução da PlGf e da PAPP-A no 1º trimestre nas duas primeiras coortes, comparativamente à coorte sem patologia; na análise separada de cada coorte, quando se verificaram complicações hipertensivas ou pré-eclâmpsia, as concentrações de PlGf e PAPP-A também foram inferiores. Contudo, na elaboração de um modelo preditivo de pré-eclâmpsia, em conjunto com marcadores encontrados, apenas a PlGf pode ser integrada no modelo preditivo, o que se verificou na coorte com hipertensão crónica. Os marcadores bioquímicos em estudo tiveram valores inferiores nas coortes com patologia hipertensiva, demonstrando uma deficiente produção destas proteínas placentares nestas situações, podendo ser importante a sua pesquisa. Contudo, neste estudo, apenas na coorte de hipertensão crónica a PlGf teve participação como fator de risco, na construção de um modelo preditivo de pré-eclâmpsia.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: Preeclampsia is associated with a great maternal and perinatal morbimortality. Its multifactorial etiology has been under investigation and is still insufficiently understood. The reason why there are differences in individual susceptibility and differences in expressions of the disease is still unknown. Chronic hypertension and diabetes are known risk factors for preeclampsia and maternity delay contributes to the great prevalence of these pathologies among pregnant women. As the physiopathological signs antedate by months the clinical course of the disease, early risk factors and biological markers are object of clinical research. In Portugal, scarce clinical studies were devoted to hypertension in pregnancy and to risk factors and markers of this pathology. This dissertation inquires 1215 pregnant women who were treated for hypertension or diabetes in a tertiary care center between 2004 and 2013, in order to find risk markers for hypertensive complications or preeclampsia. We conducted three independent studies for this purpose. In the first one we investigated which risk factors could influence the progression to preeclampsia in 521 pregnant women with present or past history of hypertension. The second one was conducted to find what factors were associated to hypertensive complications, with a sample of 334 pregnant women with gestational diabetes, some also with chronic hypertension, addressing the identification of the factors contributing to hypertensive complications. The third study was conducted between 2012 and 2013 with three cohorts of pregnant women, with chronic hypertension, gestational diabetes, and in the third one, pregnant women had a low risk pregnancy. The objective of the study was to evaluate the behavior of two placental markers – PAPP-A and PlGf – obtained in the first trimester, and the role of these markers as isolated biomarkers or in association with other risk factors, in order to define a predictive model of early preeclampsia. In the first study, nuliparity, gestational hypertension, uterine arteries doppler with PI above P95 between 20-22 weeks of gestation and the presence of fetal growth restriction were the markers involved in a predictive model for preeclampsia. In the second study the cohort with the coexistence of diabetes and hypertension had registered worse result and hypertensive complications were associated to multiparity, obesity, maternal age and black ethnicity. In the third study there was a reduction of the PlGf and a PAPP-A concentration for the first trimester in the two first cohorts comparatively to the low risk cohort; the separate analysis of each cohort showed that plGf and PAPP-A concentrations were reduced when hypertensive complications appeared. However, when trying to find a preeclampsia predictive model, only plGf gave significant results for being considered in the model and this was only possible in the chronic hypertension cohort. The biochemical markers investigated in this study were reduced in the cohorts when high blood pressure complications occurred, showing a defective production of these placenta proteins, and suggesting that they should be investigated as first trimester biomarkers. Nevertheless, for this research, in the cohort of chronic hypertension only PlGf had a significant result, when multivariate analysis of all the risk factors was considered for the construction of a preeclampsia predictive model.


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The intensity of construction of foraging access holes by two leaf-litter feeding, soil- inhabiting termite species, Syntermes molestus and Syntermes spinosus, in a Central Amazonian rain forest, was observed on consecutive nights for two weeks. Between 11 and 48 nest entrances per m2 were counted. Interaction between the two species was intense; some entrance holes were overtaken by the larger species during the observations; however, both species coexist in the area. A calculated minimum of 35 entrances/m2 is built every year by both species, emphasizing the importance of soil-burrowing termites for soil structure, aeration and water regime.


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The assessment of concrete mechanical properties during construction of concrete structures is of paramount importance for many intrinsic operations. However many of the available non-destructive methods for mechanical properties have limitations for use in construction sites. One of such methodologies is EMM-ARM, which is a variant of classic resonant frequency methods. This paper aims to demonstrate the efforts towards in-situ applicability of EMMARM, as to provide real-time information about concrete mechanical properties such as E-modulus and compressive strength. To achieve the aforementioned objective, a set of adaptations to the method have been successfully implemented and tested: (i) the reduction of the beam span; (ii) the use of a different mould material and (iii) a new support system for the beams. Based on these adaptations, a reusable mould was designed to enable easier systematic use of EMMARM. A pilot test was successfully performed under in-situ conditions during a bridge construction.


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In Ecuadorean Amazonas, Crematogaster ants (Myrmicinae) were observed to construct shelters of debris and plant trichomes covering and hiding extrafloral nectaries of Passiflora auriculata vines. This is seen as an advanced way of excluding competing ants from a food source.