639 resultados para broilers.
The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of diet energy level on performance and hormonal profiles of broilers during post restriction period. It was a split-plot experiment, and the main treatments were in a 2x2 factorial scheme. Birds were fed restricted to 30% of the ad libitum intake, from 7 to 14 days of age. After the restriction period, birds were fed ad libitum with diets containing low (2,900 kcal ME/kg) or high (3,200 kcal ME/kg) energy until 49 days of age. Broilers fed with high energy ration showed lower feed intake and better feed conversion and decreased carcass protein; however, abdominal fat pad, and total carcass fat were not affected by ration energy levels or feeding program. Neither diet energy level nor feed restriction program changed body weight at 49 days. The profile of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) was reduced during the feed restriction period, but increased at refeeding period. Feeding program and ration energy level did not affect T3, T4 and growth hormone serum concentrations. Feed restriction at 30% of ad libitum intake is not enough to promote changes on carcass quality, related to fat deposition, and on metabolic hormone levels, except IGF-1 seric level that has rapid increase after feed restriction.
Previous studies have demonstrated that poultry-house workers are exposed to very high levels of organic dust and consequently have an increased prevalence of adverse respiratory symptoms. However, the influence of the age of broilers, on bioaerosol concentrations has not been investigated. To evaluate the evolution of bioaerosol concentration during the fattening period, bioaerosol parameters (inhalable dust, endotoxin and bacteria) were measured in 12 poultry confinement buildings in Switzerland, at 3 different stages of the birds' growth; Samples of air taken from within the breathing zones of individual poultry-house employees as they caught the chickens ready to be transported for slaughter, were also analysed. Quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) was used to assess the quantity of total airborne bacteria and total airborne Staphylococcus species. Bioaerosol levels increased significantly during the fattening period of the chickens. During the task of catching mature birds, the mean inhalable dust concentration for a worker was 31 ± 4.7 mg/m3, and endotoxin concentration was 11'080 ± 3436 UE/m3 air, more than ten-fold higher than the Swiss occupational recommended value (1000 UE/m3). The mean exposure level of bird catchers to total bacteria and Staphylococcus species measured by Q-PCR is also very high, respectively reaching values of 72 (± 11) x107 cells/m3 air and 70 (± 16) x106/m3 air. It was concluded that in the absence of wearing protective breathing apparatus, chicken catchers in Switzerland risk exposure beyond recommended limits for all measured bioaerosol parameters. Moreover, the use of Q-PCR to estimate total and specific numbers of airborne bacteria is a promising tool for evaluating any modifications intended to improve the safety of current working practices.
The objective of this work was to determine the effect of piperine as a phytogenic additive in chicken broiler diet. Seven‑day‑old male chicks were randomly allocated in four experimental treatments (n = 24), with four replicates (n = 6). The piperine was added to diets at concentrations of 0, 60, 120, and 180 mg kg‑1 for 35 consecutive days. The following were evaluated: biochemical, hematological and histopathological parameters; performance and carcass yield. Histomorphometric analyses were also carried out. The addition of 120 and 180 mg kg‑1 of piperine did not alter broiler body weight and feed conversion, whereas 60 mg kg‑1 of piperine interfered positively in both parameters from 36 to 42 days of age and significantly increased the absorption surface of the duodenum and the ileum. No macroscopic alteration in organ size and color was observed in the broilers fed diets with the evaluated concentrations of piperine. The supplementation of 120 and 180 mg kg‑1 of piperine is toxic to liver tissue and reduces the absorption surface of the jejune. The diet supplemented with 60 mg kg‑1 of piperine is safe.
Due to changes in genetics and nutrition, as well as in acclimatization of broiler chickens to the Brazilian climate, temperature values currently accepted as optimal may be outdated. The objective of this research was to update the environment temperatures that characterize the thermal comfort for broilers chickens from one to 21 days of age, under Brazilian production conditions. This research was conducted with 600 COBB birds, which were distributed in five growth chambers maintained at different temperatures during the first three weeks of age. During the experimental period, temperature values were progressively reduced, consisting in five treatments: T2724/21, T30/27/24, T33/30/27, T36/33/30 and T39/36/33. It was observed that the birds maintained in the T30(27-24) treatment presented better performance compared to other environment conditions. Based on the obtained regression models, the environment temperature values that provide greater weighing gain for the broiler chicken growth in the initial period were 31.3, 25.5 and 21.8 ºC, respectively for the first, second and third week of age.
This research aimed to compare two female broiler breeder ages during the incubation period regarding management using the Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP). This method is characterized by the possibility of analyzing a multicriteria problem and assists a decision making. This study was carried out on a commercial hatchery located in São Paulo, Brazil. Two ages of broiler breeder (42 and 56 weeks) were compared relative to production rate. Production index data were the same in both ages and were submitted to multicriteria decision analysis using the AHP method. The results indicate that broiler breeders of 42 weeks presented better performance than those of 56 week-old. The setter phase (incubation) is more critical than the hatcher. The AHP method was efficient for this analysis and can serve as a methodological basis for future studies to improve the hatchability of broilers eggs.
Estimates of broiler welfare have subjective character. Nowadays, researchers seek non-invasive features or indicators that may describe this condition in animal production. The aim of this study was to identify acoustic parameters to estimate broiler welfare using the following five vocalization acoustic parameters: energy, spectral centroid, bandwidth, first formant, and second formant. The database that generated the model was obtained from a field experiment with 432 broilers, which half were Cobb® and half, Ross® breed, from day 21 to 42, containing bird vocalizations under either welfare or stress conditions. The results of the experiment generated responses to the tested conditions of gender, genetic strain, and welfare. The proposed model was based on the specific response of mean weights for each situation of stress and well-being. From the results, a model was developed to estimate the welfare condition of broilers from the registered information linked to their vocalization.
Broiler production is highly dependent on the use of artificial light. The light source may affect the effectiveness of housing conditions due to increasing ambient temperature and concentration of noxious gases. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of different bulb types on the thermal, aerial, and acoustic environment of broiler aviaries. The experiment was carried out at a commercial broiler farm in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Three aviaries were used, and two flocks of male broilers from Cobb® genetic strain were reared from the first day to slaughter. Each aviary was equipped with a different light source, comprising the adopted treatments (A1 - incandescent light bulb, control; A2 - sodium vapor light bulb; A3 - fluorescent light bulb). The aviaries were divided into nine quadrants, and the environmental data (ambient dry bulb temperature and relative humidity), litter surface temperature, CO2 and NH3 concentrations, and bird sound pressure behavior were recorded in each quadrant. The aviary with incandescent light presented higher air and litter temperatures, and concentration of gases than the other tested alternatives. It also presented higher level of sound pressure in the second week of the growing period; however, from this period up to slaughter, there was no effect of the light source on the results of broiler sound pressure level.
In the first week of a chick life, broilers are very sensitive to different conditions outside their thermoneutral zone. Thus, the goal of this study was to evaluate the behaviors and productive responses of broilers subjected to conditions of thermal comfort or challenge at different intensities (27, 30, 33 and 36ºC) and durations (1, 2, 3 and 4 days starting on the second day of life). In the experiment, ten minutes of images from each hour of each treatment were analyzed to evaluate the key behaviors of the birds. Similar behavior at different dry-bulb air temperatures were identified by using Ward's method of cluster analysis. These behaviors were grouped by dendograms in which the similarity of these data was qualified. Feed intake, water intake and body mass of these animals were evaluated and used to support the observed behaviors. Thus, a similar huddling behavior was observed in the birds from the 2nd to the 5th day of life subjected to 27ºC and 30ºC, while at 30ºC and 33ºC the behavior of accessing feeders and drinkers was also similar. Chicks subjected to 33ºC presented the best performance, and at 30 and 36ºC showed intermediate development.
ABSTRACTThe objective of this study was to determine the energy balance of the poultry-shed system and its effect on broiler performance during the production cycle. The experimental design was completely random with sub-divided blocks. The blocks were composed of five different types of sheds and the sub-blocks of the evaluation times (00:00 h to 23:00 h), allowing an analysis of variance and a comparison between means with the Tukey test. There were no significant differences between the mean values of the exchanges of sensible, latent and total heat between the poultry sheds but the differences for the evaluation times were significant (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between sheds 1 and 4 for broiler productive performance regarding weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion. Bird performance was significant (P<0.05) for the remaining poultry sheds. The productive indexes remained below the ranges considered ideal for broilers and values in the final weeks were characterized by the poor installation efficiency in controlling temperature variations and, consequently, the energy balance in the system, which adversely affected bird productive performance.
ABSTRACT Considering the importance of the substrate to bedding in the poultry industry in Brazil, and the enormous pressure on environmental management as to the correct use and management of the waste generated by the production sector, this study aimed to analyze the effect of reuses of two types of litter on sanitary qualities and productive performance of broilers. The study was conducted with litter from 32 different broiler houses, two types of substrates and four cycles of reuses. The litter sanitary quality was verified by the identification of the presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonellaspp. and the incidence of footpad dermatitis. It was observed that the coffee hulls litter presented a reduction of 28.61 percentage points in the probability of occurrence of Salmonella spp when compared to the wood shavings litter, nevertheless, no statistical difference was observed on bacterial occurrence with Salmonella spp. for litter of different types or numbers of reutilization. The presence of Escherichia coli was detected in litter of all cycles, for both types of substrate. The occurrence of footpad lesions was detected for both types of litter, and was influenced by the number of reutilization cycles of the litter. The degree of incidence was detected only for the litter with coffee hull in which there was an increase of 30% between the first and second reuse from which tended to stabilize.
ABSTRACT Given the need to obtain systems to better control broiler production environment, we performed an experiment with broilers from 1 to 21 days, which were submitted to different intensities and air temperature durations in conditioned wind tunnels and the results were used for validation of afuzzy model. The model was developed using as input variables: duration of heat stress (days), dry bulb air temperature (°C) and as output variable: feed intake (g) weight gain (g) and feed conversion (g.g-1). The inference method used was Mamdani, 20 rules have been prepared and the defuzzification technique used was the Center of Gravity. A satisfactory efficiency in determining productive responses is evidenced in the results obtained in the model simulation, when compared with the experimental data, where R2 values calculated for feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion were 0.998, 0.981 and 0.980, respectively.
ABSTRACT Global warming increases the occurrence of events such as extreme heat waves. Research on thermal and air conditions affecting broiler-rearing environment are important to evaluate the animal welfare under extreme heat aiming mitigation measures. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of a simulated heat wave, in a climatic chamber, on the thermal and air environment of 42-day-old broilers. One hundred and sixty broilers were housed and reared for 42 days in a climatic chamber; the animals were divided into eight pens. Heat wave simulation was performed on the 42nd day, the period of great impact and data sampling. The analyzed variables were room and litter temperatures, relative humidity, concentrations of oxygen, carbon monoxide and ammonia at each pen. These variables were assessed each two hours, starting at 8 am, simulating a day heating up to 4 pm, when it is reached the maximum temperature. By the results, we concluded that increasing room temperatures promoted a proportional raise in litter temperatures, contributing to ammonia volatilization. In addition, oxygen concentrations decreased with increasing temperatures; and the carbon monoxide was only observed at temperatures above 27.0 °C, relative humidity higher than 88.4% and litter temperatures superior to 30.3 °C.
Mycoplasmas are important avian pathogens, which cause respiratory and joint diseases that result in large economic losses in Brazilian and world-wide poultry industry. This investigation regarding the main species of mycoplasmas, Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and M. synoviae (MS), responsible for the above mentioned conditions, was carried out through PCR Multiplex analysis. One thousand and forty-six (1,046) samples of tracheal swabs and piped embryos were collected from 33 farms with laying hens, breeders, broilers or hatchery, located in the Brazilian states of São Paulo, Paraná and Pernambuco, where respiratory problems or drops in egg production had occurred. The MG and MS prevalence on the farms was 72.7%. These results indicated (1) high dissemination of mycoplasmas in the evaluated farms, with predominance of MS, either as single infectious agent or associated with other mycoplasmas in 20 farms (60.6%), and (2) an increase of MS and decrease of MG infection in Brazilian commercial poultry.
The effects of starter diet (days 1 to 21) supplemented with arginine (Arg) on the production performance and duodenum and jejunum mucosa morphometry of broilers were studied. Male Cobb broiler chickens (990) were randomly assigned to one of five treatments in a complete random design. Measurements of 33 chicks per treatment were made in six repetitions. The treatments consisted of a basal diet with 1.390% digestible Arg (no supplementation) and four dietary levels (1.490%, 1.590%, 1.690%, and 1.790%), providing a relationship with lysine of 1.103; 1.183; 1.262; 1.341 and 1.421%, respectively. From the age of 22 days on, all birds received conventional grower diet. The data were submitted to regression analysis by polynomial decomposition of the degrees of freedom in relation to the levels of Arg. The Arg supplementation increased (P<0.05) the live weight and the feed conversion ratio without increasing the feed intake of the birds. However, no effect was observed (P>0.05) in the growth phase (days 22 to 42) in the absence of the Arg supplementation. The supplementation of Arg over of NRC recommendation during the starter phase may be necessary for the expression of the maximal weight gain potential in birds. No effect (P<0.05) of Arg dietary supplementation was observed either on small intestine weight and length at any age. However, the duodenum villus:crypt ratio increased and the crypt depth decreased in the first week in response to increasing dietary Arg. It is concluded that broiler Arg dietary supplementation in the starter diet improved production performance and small intestine morphometry, especially in the first week.
The aim of this study was to research the occurrence of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli in feces samples of sparrows, as well as to identify the pathogenicity, cytotoxicity and sensitivity profile of the isolates to antimicrobial use. Two hundred and twenty eight sparrows were captured in eight farms. The in vitro pathogenicity test was performed by the isolates culture on congo red-magnesium oxalate Agar, whilst the in vivo pathogenicity test was performed in one day-old chicks. In order to study the cytotoxic effects of indicators, samples were inoculated into Vero cells. The results obtained for Escherichia coli isolation confirmed the presence of this microorganism in 30 (13.2%) of the evaluated samples. Out of those isolates, 10 (33.3%) presented the capacity of absorbing ongo red. As for in vivo pathogenicity a 68.0% of mortality rate of the evaluated samples was observed. Out of 20 isolates tested for cytotoxin production, none of them presented cytotoxic effect in the Vero cells. The Salmonella spp was isolated only in one sample (0.04%), and it was identified as Salmonella enterica subspecies houtenae. Results obtained through this research indicate the need for new studies to identify other virulence factors of E. coli samples and to delineate the phylogenetic profile of the isolates in order to establish a relation with colibacillosis outbreaks in chickens and broilers in the studied region, as well as to analyze the critical points in the aviculture productive chain to identify the source of Salmonella enterica subspecies houtenae.