929 resultados para biennial yellow blossom sweet clover


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Two sections of the Yellow River have been named to the State of Iowa’s 303d list of impaired waters. The listing reflects streams with pollution problems linked to habitat alterations, in addition to those with potential disease causing bacteria, viruses and parasites. This fact, combined with local knowledge of water quality problems, shows the need for land treatment practices and habitat improvement measures. This project would target the Yellow River watershed, which totals approximately 49,800 acres. Areas that drain directly into the Yellow River mainstream will be targeted. Individually, these areas are too small to be considered sub-watersheds. This project will assess the drainage areas for active gullies and prioritize grade stabilization structures based upon severity and impact on the fishery. Funding would be utilized to target high priority grade stabilization structure sites and provide cost-share for those projects. A prerequisite for cost-share allocation is 75% of the land contributing to the drainage area must have some form of treatment in place. The Allamakee SWCD has received an EPA Region 7 Grant toward grade stabilization structures in the same area. Landowners have indicated that 75% cost-share is necessary to implement practices. To meet this request, the EPA funding would be used at a 15% cost-share rate if matched with 60% cost-share from WIRB funding. If matched with Federal EQIP funds, 25% of funds obtained from WIRB would be used. If other funds were depleted, WIRB funds would be utilized for the entire 75% cost-share.


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In recent years, a number of zoonotic flaviviruses have emerged worldwide, and wild birds serve as their major reservoirs. Epidemiological surveys of bird populations at various geographical scales can clarify key aspects of the eco-epidemiology of these viruses. In this study, we aimed at exploring the presence of flaviviruses in the western Mediterranean by sampling breeding populations of the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis), a widely distributed, anthropophilic, and abundant seabird species. For 3 years, we sampled eggs from 19 breeding colonies in Spain, France, Algeria, and Tunisia. First, ELISAs were used to determine if the eggs contained antibodies against flaviviruses. Second, neutralization assays were used to identify the specific flaviviruses present. Finally, for colonies in which ELISA-positive eggs had been found, chick serum samples and potential vectors, culicid mosquitoes and soft ticks (Ornithodoros maritimus), were collected and analyzed using serology and PCR, respectively. The prevalence of flavivirus-specific antibodies in eggs was highly spatially heterogeneous. In northeastern Spain, on the Medes Islands and in the nearby village of L'Escala, 56% of eggs had antibodies against the flavivirus envelope protein, but were negative for neutralizing antibodies against three common flaviviruses: West Nile, Usutu, and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. Furthermore, little evidence of past flavivirus exposure was obtained for the other colonies. A subset of the Ornithodoros ticks from Medes screened for flaviviral RNA tested positive for a virus whose NS5 gene was 95% similar to that of Meaban virus, a flavivirus previously isolated from ticks of Larus argentatus in western France. All ELISA-positive samples subsequently tested positive for Meaban virus neutralizing antibodies. This study shows that gulls in the western Mediterranean Basin are exposed to a tick-borne Meaban-like virus, which underscores the need of exploring the spatial and temporal distribution of this flavivirus as well as its potential pathogenicity for animals and humans.


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An overall effort has been initiated to improve the quality of the Yellow River in Northeast Iowa by reducing the amount of sediment and bacteria entering the stream. Funding for this project will be utilized to improve stream quality to the level of fully supporting game fish such as brown, rainbow and brook trout, walleye, northern pike and smallmouth bass. The Yellow River has the potential to be one of the top trout streams, not only in Iowa, but in the entire Upper Midwest. This project will greatly enhance recreational activities such as fishing, canoeing and inner tubing and will greatly increase tourism dollars to the state. The project will specifically address two sources of impairment: stream bank erosion and coliform bacteria from both livestock and inadequate human septic systems.


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The objective of this work was to optimize in vitro plant regeneration via organogenesis from tissues of adult 'Hamlin', 'Pêra', and 'Valência' sweet orange plants. Explants were grown in EME culture medium with different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), at 27ºC in the absence of light for 50 days, followed by a 16-hour photoperiod for 20 days. Regeneration was assessed 50 and 70 days after in vitro culture. Organogenesis in cultivars Hamlin and Valência was promoted by EME supplemented with BAP, while NAA showed no apparent effect.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of pasture composition and regrowth age on the relationship between feeding behavior and ruminal fermentation in dairy cows grazing perennial ryegrass with or without white clover. The experiment was carried out in a 2x2 factorial arrangement, with two sward types and two ages of regrowth. Swards of perennial ryegrass sown alone (PRG) and of perennial ryegrass mixed with white clover (GC) were evaluated. Twelve late-lactation Holstein cows, fistulated at the rumen, were distributed in a 4x4 latin square experimental design with four 12-day periods. Daily distribution of grazing was similar in the PRG and the GC swards, but the concentration of rumen volatile fatty acids (VFA) was higher and the proportion of propionate was lower on mixed swards during the day. Daily distribution of grazing was similar in pastures of different ages. However, in the oldest swards, rumen fluid pH increased and VFA concentration decreased after evening milking. Time spent grazing does not influence ruminal fermentation, which depends on the changes that occur as different sward layers are grazed.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the diversity and genetic relationships between lines and varieties of the sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) germplasm bank of the National Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research, Mexico, using AFLP and SSR markers. The molecular markers revealed robust amplification profiles and were able to differentiate the 41 genotypes of sweet sorghum evaluated. Analysis of the frequency and distribution of polymorphic fragments allowed for the detection of unique (AFLP) and rare (SSR) alleles in several genotypes (RBSS‑8, RBSS‑9, RBSS‑25, RBSS‑32, and RBSS‑37), indicating that these markers may be associated with a feature that has not yet been determined or may be useful for the identification of these genotypes. The genetic relationships indicated the presence of at least two types of sweet sorghum: a group of modern genotypes used for sugar and biofuel production, and another group consisting of historic and modern genotypes used for the production of syrups. Sweet sorghum genotypes may be used to develop new varieties with higher sugar and juice contents.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of UV-B radiation on the vegetative growth and on the gas exchange characteristics of passion fruit plants (Passiflora edulis) grown in greenhouse. The average unweighted UV-B radiation near the apex of the plants was 8 W m-2 for the UV-B treatment (high UV-B), and 0.8 W m-2 for the control plants (low UV-B). Plants were irradiated with UV-B for 7 hours per day, centered on solar noon, during 16 days. High UV-B radiation resulted in lower shoot dry matter accumulation per plant. The content of UV-B absorbing compounds and anthocyanins was increased in the plants exposed to high UV-B radiation, when compared with the control. UV-B radiation did not affect stomatal conductance or transpiration rate, but reduced photosynthesis and instantaneous water-use efficiency, and increased intercellular CO2 concentration. The accumulation of UV-B-absorbing compounds and anthocyanins did not effectively shield plants from supplementary UV-B radiation, since the growth and photosynthetic processes were significantly reduced.


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The objective of this work was to produce transgenic 'Pêra' and 'Valência' sweet orange plants using the D4E1 gene driven by the Arabidopsis thaliana phloem protein (AtPP2) promoter and to quantify transgene expression in different transformation events. Genetic transformation experiments were carried out with epicotyl segments co‑cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Six plants from 'Pêra' sweet orange and seven plants from 'Valência' sweet orange were confirmed as different transgenic events by means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the Southern blot techniques. Transgene expression was quantified using real‑time quantitative PCR. D4E1 gene expression levels vary from 5 up to 50 times among different transformation events.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the reaction of four sweet orange cultivars expressing the attacin A gene to 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' (Las) infection, a bacterium associated to huanglongbing (HLB) disease. Transgenic sweet orange plants of Hamlin, Natal, Pêra, and Valência cultivars, as well as nontransgenic controls received inocula by grafting budwood sections of HLB-infected branches. Disease progression was evaluated through observations of leaf symptoms and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, eight months after inoculation. A completely randomized design was used, with four experiments (one for each cultivar) performed simultaneously. Bacteria title was estimated by quantitative PCR (qPCR). HLB symptoms and Las titers were present in nontransgenic and transgenic plants expressing the attacin A gene of the four sweet orange cultivars, eight months after bacteria inoculation. Five transgenic lines (transformation events) of 'Pêra' sweet orange expressing the attacin A gene have significantly lower Las titers in comparison with nontransgenic plants of this cultivar.


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The canistel is a fruit originated in Mexico and Central America, being introduced in Brazil in 1986. The plants present medium size, however it can reach up to 15 meters of height; the leaves measure about 10 to 25 cm; the flowers are complete and small and the fruit presents yellow coloration when ripe, with whitish pulp and sweet flavor. The propagation can be realized by seed or grafting. In view of almost total absence of information about the culture and the possibility to have a commercial cultivation, the present work, was live in which the effect of the temperature was evaluated in the percentage of germination of the seeds. It was checked that the best averages were obtained in temperature of 30ºC and the minor in 15ºC, 20ºC and 40ºC could be considerate the worst of them.


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Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tutkittiin fysikaaliskemiallisten olosuhteiden ja toimintaparametrien vaikutusta juustoheran fraktiointiin. Kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty heran ympäristövaikutusta, heran hyödyntämistä ja heran käsittelyä kalvotekniikalla. Kokeellinen osa on jaettu kahteen osaan, joista ensimmäinen käsittelee ultrasuodatusta ja toinen nanosuodatusta juustoheran fraktioinnissa. Ultrasuodatuskalvon valinta tehtiin perustuen kalvon cut-off lukuun, joka oli määritetty polyetyleeniglykoliliuoksilla olosuhteissa, joissa konsentraatiopolariosaatioei häiritse mittausta. Kriittisen vuon konseptia käytettiin sopivan proteiinikonsentraation löytämiseksi ultrasuodatuskokeisiin, koska heraproteiinit ovat tunnetusti kalvoa likaavia aineita. Ultrasuodatuskokeissa tutkittiin heran eri komponenttien suodattumista kalvon läpi ja siihen vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia. Herapermeaattien peptidifraktiot analysoitiin kokoekskluusiokromatografialla ja MALDI-TOF massaspektrometrillä. Kokeissa käytettävien nanosuodatuskalvojen keskimääräinen huokoskoko analysoitiin neutraaleilla liukoisilla aineilla ja zeta-potentiaalit virtauspotentiaalimittauksilla. Aminohappoja käytettiin malliaineina tutkittaessa huokoskoon ja varauksen merkitystä erotuksessa. Aminohappojen retentioon vaikuttivat pH ja liuoksen ionivahvuus sekä molekyylien väliset vuorovaikutukset. Heran ultrasuodatuksessa tuotettu permeaatti, joka sisälsi pieniä peptidejä, laktoosia ja suoloja, nanosuodatettiin happamassa ja emäksisessä pH:ssa. Emäksisissä oloissa tehdyssä nanosuodatuksessa foulaantumista tapahtui vähemmän ja permeaattivuo oli parempi. Emäksisissä oloissa myös selektiivisyys laktoosin erotuksessa peptideistä oli parempi verrattuna selektiivisyyteen happamissa oloissa.


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This research was undertaken to study the influence of different concentrations of the MT medium, sucrose, vitamins, activated charcoal and gibberellic acid (GA3) on the culture of immature embryos from the crossing between 'Pêra Rio' sweet orange and 'PONCÃ' mandarin. The embryos were excised under aseptic conditions and inoculated in 15 mL of the MT medium according to the following experiments: 1) MT concentrations (0%, 50%, 100%, 150% and 200%) supplemented with 0, 30, 60 and 90 g.L-1 of sucrose; 2) vitamins concentrations of the MT (0%, 50%, 100%, 150% and 200%) supplemented with 0, 30, 60 and 90 g.L-1 of sucrose; 3) activated charcoal concentrations (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 g.L-1) supplemented with GA3 (0, 0.01, 0.1; 1 and 10 mg.L-1). After the inoculation, the embryos were kept in a growth room for 90 days at 27 ± 1ºC, in a 16-hour photoperiod with 32 µmol.m-2.s-1 of irradiance. The best development of embryos at the globular stage was achieved using 50% and 100% of the MT medium plus 60 g.L-1 and 90 g.L-1 of sucrose, respectively, supplemented with 0.01 mg.L-1 of GA3. The addition of activated charcoal or vitamins in the MT medium has shown to be unnecessary to the development of globular embryos.


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The work had as objective the physico-chemical characterization of yellow mangosteen fruits. Six samples of 25 fruits were harvested in yellow mangosteen plants of the Active Germoplasm Bank of São Paulo State University and characterized by evaluation of length and width, weight, percentage and number of seeds per fruit, peel and pulp percentage, soluble solid (SS), titratable acidity (TA), vitamin C and SS/TA rate. Yellow mangosteen fruit is an intermediate vitamin C source with an average content 120.33 mg/100g of fresh fruit and has good technological quality.


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Se ha llevado a cabo una prospección de las poblaciones emigrantes de áfidos alados en el área de La Albufera de Valencia, zona donde se da el «enrojat» del arroz, enfermedad causada por una raza del Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, y se discute aquí el potencial presumible de las distintas especies como vectores de la enfermedad. Se muestrearon dos áreas con diferente incidencia de la enfermedad, obteniéndose 30 especies, de las que ocho están descritas como vectores de tales virus. Fueron mayores las capturas en las áreas donde se cultivaba el arroz por plantel y transplante con incidencia marcada de la enfermedad, que en otras de menor incidencia. La aparente homogeneidad de la zona hace difícil comprender la razón de tales diferencias. Entre los vectores conocidos de BYDV, sólo Rhopalosiphon padi L. y Hyaiopterus pruni (L) Geof. aparecieron al principio de la estación, cuando tiene lugar la infección, con poblaciones considerables. E1 primero es el vector conocido de la enfermedad. El segundo, es de las pocas especies que tiene niveles similares de captura en ambas áreas. Ninguno de los otros áfidos vectores capturados como alados parece verdaderamente importante para la transmisión a pleno campo por lo tardío de su llegada a los campos o por razones de su ciclo vital. Se ha intentado estudiar el potencial de Hyalopterus pruni, pulgón muy abundante en los carrizos como transmisor a corta distancia a partir de estas plantas. No se han obtenido resultados positivos ni a partir de la planta, ni a partir de áfidos alimentados en arroz o avena infectadas previamente con la enfermedad.