365 resultados para banded preconditioner


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Weed control strategies for field beans were studied in North-eastern Croatia. This study focused on how different weed management practices affect weed community composition. The recommended pre-emergence herbicide application was compared to different treatments of post-emergence herbicide (broadcasted or banded over crop rows) and mechanical weed control in order to explore the response of a weed community to different management practice. Weed density data were used to compare total community densities by weed management strategies and to calculate diversity indices (Shannon's H', Shannon's E and Margalef's D-MG). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and multivariate technique. Weed community structure was generally similar in the post-emergence herbicide treatments, which were dominated by a few species that had high relative abundance values, while most of the species were of lower abundance. Notable fluctuations in weed communities corresponded with variation in weather patterns and management practice.


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Adaptor proteins play an important role in signaling pathways by providing a platform on which many other proteins can interact. Malfunction or mislocalization of these proteins may play a role in the development of disease. Lipoma preferred partner (LPP) is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling adaptor protein. Previous work shows that LPP plays a role in the function of smooth muscle cells and in atherosclerosis. In this study we wanted to determine whether LPP has a role in the myocardium. LPP expression increased by 56% in hearts from pressure overload aortic-banded rats (p < 0.05 n = 4), but not after myocardial infarction, suggesting hemodynamic load regulates its expression. In vitro, LPP expression was 87% higher in cardiac fibroblasts than myocytes (p < 0.05 n = 3). LPP expression was downregulated in the absence of the actin cytoskeleton but not when microtubules were disassembled. We mechanically stretched cardiac fibroblasts using the Flexcell 4000 for 48 h (1 Hz, 5% maximum strain), which decreased total LPP total expression and membrane localization in subcellular fractions (p < 0.05, n = 5). However, L-NAME, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), significantly upregulated LPP expression. These findings suggest that LPP is regulated by a complex interplay between NO and mechanical cues and may play a role in heart failure induced by increased hemodynamic load.


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We consider the numerical treatment of second kind integral equations on the real line of the form ∅(s) = ∫_(-∞)^(+∞)▒〖κ(s-t)z(t)ϕ(t)dt,s=R〗 (abbreviated ϕ= ψ+K_z ϕ) in which K ϵ L_1 (R), z ϵ L_∞ (R) and ψ ϵ BC(R), the space of bounded continuous functions on R, are assumed known and ϕ ϵ BC(R) is to be determined. We first derive sharp error estimates for the finite section approximation (reducing the range of integration to [-A, A]) via bounds on (1-K_z )^(-1)as an operator on spaces of weighted continuous functions. Numerical solution by a simple discrete collocation method on a uniform grid on R is then analysed: in the case when z is compactly supported this leads to a coefficient matrix which allows a rapid matrix-vector multiply via the FFT. To utilise this possibility we propose a modified two-grid iteration, a feature of which is that the coarse grid matrix is approximated by a banded matrix, and analyse convergence and computational cost. In cases where z is not compactly supported a combined finite section and two-grid algorithm can be applied and we extend the analysis to this case. As an application we consider acoustic scattering in the half-plane with a Robin or impedance boundary condition which we formulate as a boundary integral equation of the class studied. Our final result is that if z (related to the boundary impedance in the application) takes values in an appropriate compact subset Q of the complex plane, then the difference between ϕ(s)and its finite section approximation computed numerically using the iterative scheme proposed is ≤C_1 [kh log⁡〖(1⁄kh)+(1-Θ)^((-1)⁄2) (kA)^((-1)⁄2) 〗 ] in the interval [-ΘA,ΘA](Θ<1) for kh sufficiently small, where k is the wavenumber and h the grid spacing. Moreover this numerical approximation can be computed in ≤C_2 N log⁡N operations, where N = 2A/h is the number of degrees of freedom. The values of the constants C1 and C2 depend only on the set Q and not on the wavenumber k or the support of z.


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We present a new coefficient-based retrieval scheme for estimation of sea surface temperature (SST) from the Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) instruments. The new coefficients are banded by total column water vapour (TCWV), obtained from numerical weather prediction analyses. TCWV banding reduces simulated regional retrieval biases to < 0.1 K compared to biases ~ 0.2 K for global coefficients. Further, detailed treatment of the instrumental viewing geometry reduces simulated view-angle related biases from ~ 0.1 K down to < 0.005 K for dual-view retrievals using channels at 11 and 12 μm. A novel analysis of trade-offs related to the assumed noise level when defining coefficients is undertaken, and we conclude that adding a small nominal level of noise (0.01 K) is optimal for our purposes. When applied to ATSR observations, some inter-algorithm biases appear as TCWV-related differences in SSTs estimated from different channel combinations. The final step in coefficient determination is to adjust the offset coefficient in each TCWV band to match results from a reference algorithm. This reference uses the dual-view observations of 3.7 and 11 μm. The adjustment is independent of in situ measurements, preserving independence of the retrievals. The choice of reference is partly motivated by uncertainty in the calibration of the 12 μm of Advanced ATSR. Lastly, we model the sensitivities of the new retrievals to changes to TCWV and changes in true SST, confirming that dual-view SSTs are most appropriate for climatological applications


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In this paper ensembles of forecasts (of up to six hours) are studied from a convection-permitting model with a representation of model error due to unresolved processes. The ensemble prediction system (EPS) used is an experimental convection-permitting version of the UK Met Office’s 24- member Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System (MOGREPS). The method of representing model error variability, which perturbs parameters within the model’s parameterisation schemes, has been modified and we investigate the impact of applying this scheme in different ways. These are: a control ensemble where all ensemble members have the same parameter values; an ensemble where the parameters are different between members, but fixed in time; and ensembles where the parameters are updated randomly every 30 or 60 min. The choice of parameters and their ranges of variability have been determined from expert opinion and parameter sensitivity tests. A case of frontal rain over the southern UK has been chosen, which has a multi-banded rainfall structure. The consequences of including model error variability in the case studied are mixed and are summarised as follows. The multiple banding, evident in the radar, is not captured for any single member. However, the single band is positioned in some members where a secondary band is present in the radar. This is found for all ensembles studied. Adding model error variability with fixed parameters in time does increase the ensemble spread for near-surface variables like wind and temperature, but can actually decrease the spread of the rainfall. Perturbing the parameters periodically throughout the forecast does not further increase the spread and exhibits “jumpiness” in the spread at times when the parameters are perturbed. Adding model error variability gives an improvement in forecast skill after the first 2–3 h of the forecast for near-surface temperature and relative humidity. For precipitation skill scores, adding model error variability has the effect of improving the skill in the first 1–2 h of the forecast, but then of reducing the skill after that. Complementary experiments were performed where the only difference between members was the set of parameter values (i.e. no initial condition variability). The resulting spread was found to be significantly less than the spread from initial condition variability alone.


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To mitigate the inter-carrier interference (ICI) of doubly-selective (DS) fading channels, we consider a hybrid carrier modulation (HCM) system employing the discrete partial fast Fourier transform (DPFFT) demodulation and the banded minimum mean square error (MMSE) equalization in this letter. We first provide the discrete form of partial FFT demodulation, then apply the banded MMSE equalization to suppress the residual interference at the receiver. The proposed algorithm has been demonstrated, via numerical simulations, to be its superior over the single carrier modulation (SCM) system and circularly prefixed orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system over a typical DS channel. Moreover, it represents a good trade-off between computational complexity and performance.


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This study examines convection-permitting numerical simulations of four cases of terrain-locked quasi-stationary convective bands over the UK. For each case, a 2.2-km grid-length 12-member ensemble and 1.5-km grid-length deterministic forecast are analyzed, each with two different initialization times. Object-based verification is applied to determine whether the simulations capture the structure, location, timing, intensity and duration of the observed precipitation. These verification diagnostics reveal that the forecast skill varies greatly between the four cases. Although the deterministic and ensemble simulations captured some aspects of the precipitation correctly in each case, they never simultaneously captured all of them satisfactorily. In general, the models predicted banded precipitation accumulations at approximately the correct time and location, but the precipitating structures were more cellular and less persistent than the coherent quasi-stationary bands that were observed. Ensemble simulations from the two different initialization times were not significantly different, which suggests a potential benefit of time-lagging subsequent ensembles to increase ensemble size. The predictive skill of the upstream larger-scale flow conditions and the simulated precipitation on the convection-permitting grids were strongly correlated, which suggests that more accurate forecasts from the parent ensemble should improve the performance of the convection-permitting ensemble nested within it.


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Chromosomal microarray (CMA) is increasingly utilized for genetic testing of individuals with unexplained developmental delay/intellectual disability (DD/ID), autism spectrum disorders (ASD), or multiple congenital anomalies (MCA). Performing CMA and G-banded karyotyping on every patient substantially increases the total cost of genetic testing. The International Standard Cytogenomic Array (ISCA) Consortium held two international workshops and conducted a literature review of 33 studies, including 21,698 patients tested by CMA. We provide an evidence-based summary of clinical cytogenetic testing comparing CMA to G-banded karyotyping with respect to technical advantages and limitations, diagnostic yield for various types of chromosomal aberrations, and issues that affect test interpretation. CMA offers a much higher diagnostic yield (15%-20%) for genetic testing of individuals with unexplained DD/ID, ASD, or MCA than a G-banded karyotype (similar to 3%, excluding Down syndrome and other recognizable chromosomal syndromes), primarily because of its higher sensitivity for submicroscopic deletions and duplications. Truly balanced rearrangements and low-level mosaicism are generally not detectable by arrays, but these are relatively infrequent causes of abnormal phenotypes in this population (<1%). Available evidence strongly supports the use of CMA in place of G-banded karyotyping as the first-tier cytogenetic diagnostic test for patients with DD/ID, ASD, or MCA. G-banded karyotype analysis should be reserved for patients with obvious chromosomal syndromes (e.g., Down syndrome), a family history of chromosomal rearrangement, or a history of multiple miscarriages.


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Background: Aplasia of the mullerian ducts leads to absence of the uterine corpus, uterine cervix, and upper (superior) vagina. Patients with mullerian aplasia (MA) often exhibit additional clinical features such as renal, vertebral and cardiac defects. A number of different syndromes have been associated with MA, and in most cases its aetiology remains poorly understood. Objective and methods: 14 syndromic patients with MA and 46, XX G-banded karyotype were screened for DNA copy number changes by similar to 1 Mb whole genome bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) array based comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH). The detected alterations were validated by an independent method and further mapped by high resolution oligo-arrays. Results: Submicroscopic genomic imbalances affecting the 1q21.1, 17q12, 22q11.21, and Xq21.31 chromosome regions were detected in four probands. Presence of the alterations in the normal mother of one patient suggests incomplete penetrance and/or variable expressivity. Conclusion: 4 of the 14 patients (29%) were found to have cryptic genomic alterations. The imbalances on 22q11.21 support recent findings by us and others that alterations in this chromosome region may result in impairment of mullerian duct development. The remaining imbalances indicate involvement of previously unknown chromosome regions in MA, and point specifically to LHX1 and KLHL4 as candidate genes.


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Although radiotelemetry is considered a valuable technique for ornithological field studies, several assumptions have been made about the impact that transmitters may have on the estimation of behavioral, ecological, and reproductive parameters. To assess the potential effects of backpack radiotransmitters, we captured and assigned 8 male American kestrels (Falco sparverius) into 2 groups: radiotagged (n = 6) and control individuals (leg-banded, n = 2). Thereafter, we collected feces approximately 2 hours after capture (day -1), and subsequently during days 0 (releasing day), 4, 7, 15, 30, 40, and 55. Prior to fecal analysis, we validated the corticosterone enzyme immunoassay using standard procedures (e. g., parallelism, dose-response curve), and we confirmed physiological significance of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites through adrenocorticotropin challenge, which induced an increase of 4-fold (446.10 +/- 60.73 ng/g) above baseline (114.27 +/- 15.23 ng/g) within 4 hours (P < 0.001). Both groups exhibited a significant increase in fecal glucocorticoids during day 0 (P < 0.001), but concentrations returned to preattachment values within 4 days. Fecal glucocorticoid concentrations did not differ between samples of radiotagged and leg-banded kestrels (P > 0.05). In spite of the small number of monitored subjects, these findings suggested that radiotransmitters did not affect adrenocortical activity in these male American kestrels. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 73(5): 772-778; 2009)


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The Santa Rosa and Sauce Guacho plutons are two post-collisional peraluminous Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous leucogranites that intruded the banded schists of the Ancasti Formation. The leucogranites are composed of microcline phenocrysts along with quartz, plagioclase, muscovite, biotite, ilmenite, tourmaline, apatite, monazite and zircon. Their geochemical composition is consistent with S-type granites and mineralogically they belong to MPG granites (muscovite-peraluminous granites). It is proposed that granite magma generation was related to shear zones that concentrated fluids in the metasedimentary crust during a collision or transcurrent tectonics. U-Pb analyses on monazite gave an age of 369.8 +/- 5.3 Ma, while Sm/Nd isotopic data yield epsilon(Nd(t)) values of -5.3 for Sauce Guacho and -5.7 for Santa Rosa indicating crustal provenance. Nd model ages between 1,544 and 1,571 Ma are within the range of magmatic rocks from the Lower Ordovician Famatinian Arc in the Central Sierras Pampeanas.


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Important concentrations of tourmaline occur as gold-bearing stratiform tourmalinites and in mineralized quartz-tourmaline veins at the Tapera Grande and Quartzito gold prospects in the Mesoproterozoic Serra do Itaberaba Group, central Ribeira Belt (Sao Paulo State, SE Brazil). The main rock types in both prospects constitute the volcanic-sedimentary Morro da Pedra Preta Formation, which formed in a submarine back-arc setting. At Tapera Grande, the volcanic-sedimentary sequence is composed of metabasic and metavolcaniclastic rocks, graphitic and sulfur-rich metapelites, banded iron formation, metandesite, metarhyolite, calcsilicates, tourmalinites and metahydrothermalites derived from mafic and felsic rocks. The Mesoproterozoic rocks at Quartzito prospect are lithologically similar but they have been affected by Neoproterozoic faulting and shearing and by the emplacement of granitic rocks, resulting in the formation of tourmaline-rich quartz-carbonate veins with gold and base metal mineralization. We conducted a chemical and B-isotope study of tourmalines in order to better understand the origin of the stratiform tourmalinites in the Morro da Pedra Preta Formation and their relationship with gold mineralization. The overall range of delta(11)B values obtained for the tourmalinite and vein tourmalines is between - 15%. and -5 parts per thousand, with the tourmalinites failing at the low end of this range (-15 to -8 parts per thousand). Such values are typical for continental crust and inconsistent with a primary marine boron signature as expected from the submarine-exhalative model for the gold prospects. We conclude from this that tourmaline formed or recrystallized from crustal fluids related to the amphibolite-grade metamorphism which affected the Serra do Itaberaba Group and that gold deposition occurred syn- to post-peak metamorphism by phase immiscibility, as attested by fluid inclusions in Tapera Grande tourmalinite tourmaline and quartz. The vein-hosted tourmalines at Quartzito have isotopically variable boron signatures, with heavier delta(11)B values of -5 parts per thousand to -8 parts per thousand for acicular green tourmalines and lighter values (-15 parts per thousand to -7 parts per thousand for light blue, Ti-firee tourmaline from quartz-carbonate veins). We attribute the heavier boron to fluids derived from the volcano-sedimentary rocks of marine affinity whereas the lighter boron was contributed by crustal fluids related to the granitoids or metasediments in the continental crust. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Rio Apa cratonic fragment crops out in Mato Grosso do Sul State of Brazil and in northeastern Paraguay. It comprises Paleo-Mesoproterozoic medium grade metamorphic rocks, intruded by granitic rocks, and is covered by the Neoproterozoic deposits of the Corumbi and Itapocurni Groups. Eastward it is bound by the southern portion of the Paraguay belt. In this work, more than 100 isotopic determinations, including U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd whole-rock determinations, as well as K-Ar and Ar-Ar mineral ages, were reassessed in order to obtain a complete picture of its regional geological history. The tectonic evolution of the Rio Apa Craton starts with the formation of a series of magmatic arc complexes. The oldest U-Pb SHRIMP zircon age comes from a banded gneiss collected in the northern part of the region, with an age of 1950 +/- 23 Ma. The large granitic intrusion of the Alumiador Batholith yielded a U-Pb zircon age of 1839 +/- 33 Ma, and from the southeastern part of the area two orthogneisses gave zircon U-Pb ages of 1774 +/- 26 Ma and 1721 +/- 25 Ma. These may be coeval with the Alto Terere metamorphic rocks of the northeastern corner, intruded in their turn by the Baia das Garcas granitic rocks, one of them yielding a zircon U-Pb age of 1754 +/- 49 Ma. The original magmatic protoliths of these rocks involved some crustal component, as indicated by the Sm-Nd TDm model ages, between 1.9 and 2.5 Ga. Regional Sr isotopic homogenization, associated with tectonic deformation and medium-grade metamorphism occurred at approximately 1670 Ma, as suggested by Rb-Sr whole rock reference isochrons. Finally, at 1300 Ma ago, the Ar work indicates that the Rio Apa Craton was affected by widespread regional heating, when the temperature probably exceeded 350 degrees C. Geographic distribution, age and isotopic signature of the fithotectonic units suggest the existence of a major suture separating two different tectonic domains, juxtaposed at about 1670 Ma. From that time on, the unified Rio Apa continental block behaved as one coherent and stable tectonic unit. It correlates well with the SW corner of the Amazonian Craton, where the medium-grade rocks of the Juruena-Rio Negro tectonic province, with ages between 1600 and 1780 Ma, were reworked at about 1300 Ma. Looking at the largest scale, the Rio Apa Craton is probably attached to the larger Amazonian Craton, and the actual configuration of southwestern South America is possibly due to a complex arrangement of allochthonous blocks such as the Arequipa, Antofalla and Pampia, with different sizes, that may have originated as disrupted parts of either Laurentia or Amazonia, and were trapped during later collisions of these continental masses.


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Several major iron deposits occur in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero (QF), southeastern region of Brazil, where metamorphosed and heterogeneously deformed banded iron formation (BIF) of the Caue Formation, regionally called itabirite, was transformed into high- (Fe >64%) and lowgrade (30%


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The Jacadigo Group contains one of the largest sedimentary iron and associated manganese deposits of the Neoproterozoic. Despite its great relevance, no detailed sedimentological study concerning the unit has been carried out to date. Here we present detailed sedimentological data and interpretation on depositional systems, system tracts, external controls on basin evolution, basin configuration and regional tectonic setting of the Jacadigo Basin. Six depositional systems were recognized: (I) an alluvial fan system; (II) a siliciclastic lacustrine system; (III) a fan-delta system; (IV) a bedload-dominated river system; (V) an iron formation-dominated lacustrine or marine gulf system; and (VI) a rimmed carbonate platform system. The interpreted depositional systems are related to three tectonic system tracts. The first four depositional systems are mainly made of continental siliciclastics and refer to the rift initiation to early rift climax stage; the lake/gulf system corresponds to the mid to late rift climax stage and the carbonate platform represents the immediate to late post rift stage (Bocaina Formation deposits of the Ediacaran fossil-bearing Corumba Group). The spatial distribution of the depositional systems and associated paleocurrent patterns indicate a WNW-ESE orientation of the master fault zone related to the formation of the Jacadigo Basin. Thus, the iron formations of the Jacadigo Group were deposited in a starved waterbody related to maximum fault displacement and accommodation rates in a restricted continental rift basin. The Fe-Si-Mn source was probably related to hydrothermal plume activity that reached the basin through the fault system during maximum fault displacement phases. Our results also suggest a restricted tectono-sedimentary setting for the type section of the Puga Formation. The Jacadigo Group and the Puga Formation, usually interpreted as glacial deposits, are readdressed here as basin margin gravitational deposits with no necessary relation to glacial processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.