974 resultados para agronomic characters


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Mithrax hispidus (Herbst, 1790) is a mithracid majoid crab occurring on sand, corals and rocks in waters of the western Atlantic. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages and a megalopa. All larval stages are described in detail based on multiple cultures. Prior to this study, larvae of M hispidus were considered to be different and grouped separately from most other larvae of Mithrax, primarily based on setation. A detailed morphological examination, based on the same specimens used for the first description, revealed that the inclusion of M hispidus in a separate group is not valid as zoeae now fully agree with the morphological characteristics defined for the other group of five Mithrax species, including M. pleuracanthus, M. verrucosus, M. caribbaeus, M. coryphe, and M. forceps. This illustrates the importance of precisely recording morphological details such as setation, which may otherwise lead to incorrect interpretations with regard to perceived taxonomic affinities. A comparison of larvae of the Mithrax -Mithraculus species complex does not support separation into two genera. Larval evidence supports the recently suggested adult-based synonymization of M caribbaeus with M. hispidus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Forty-four cuticular hydrocarbon components from workers of the termites Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) and N. ephratae (Holmgren) from three localities in Panama were characterized by capillary gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry. Both species contain qualitatively identical homologous series of n-alkanes; 2-, 3-, 11-,13-,14-, and 15-methylalkanes; 11,15-, 12,16-, and 13,17-dimethylalkanes; and 11,15,19- and 13, 17,21-trimethylalkanes. Both species also contain a single alkene, 9-hentriacontene. The two species, however, are readily distinguished chemically by differences among the relative abundances of 11 of their major hydrocarbon components.


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To better understand agronomic and end-use quality in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) we developed a population containing 154 F6:8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross TAM107-R7/Arlin. The parental lines and RILs were phenotyped at six environments in Nebraska and differed for resistance to Wheat soilborne mosaic virus (WSBMV), morphological, agronomic, and end-use quality traits. Additionally, a 2300 cM genome-wide linkage map was created for quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis. Based on our results across multiple environments, the best RILs could be used for cultivar improvement. The population and marker data are publicly available for interested researchers for future research. The population was used to determine the effect of WSBMV on agronomic and end-use quality and for the mapping of a resistance locus. Results from two infected environments showed that all but two agronomic traits were significantly affected by the disease. Specifically, the disease reduced grain yield by 30% of susceptible RILs and they flowered 5 d later and were 11 cm shorter. End-use quality traits were not negatively affected but flour protein content was increased in susceptible RILs. The resistance locus SbmTmr1 mapped to 27.1 cM near marker wPt-5870 on chromosome 5DL using ELISA data. Finally, we investigated how WSBMV affected QTL detection in the population. QTLs were mapped at two WSBMV infected environments, four uninfected environments, and in the resistant and susceptible RIL subpopulations in the infected environments. Fifty-two significant (LOD≥3) QTLs were mapped in RILs at uninfected environments. Many of the QTLs were pleiotropic or closely linked at 6 chromosomal regions. Forty-seven QTLs were mapped in RILs at WSBMV infected environments. Comparisons between uninfected and infected environments identified 20 common QTLs and 21 environmentally specific QTLs. Finally, 24 QTLs were determined to be affected by WSBMV by comparing the subpopulations in QTL analyses within the same environment. The comparisons were statistically validated using marker by disease interactions. These results showed that QTLs can be affected by WSBMV and careful interpretation of QTL results is needed where biotic stresses are present. Finally, beneficial QTLs not affected by WSBMV or the environment are candidates for marker-assisted selection.


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When deer populations become locally overabundant, browsing of ornamental and agronomic plants negatively affects plant establishment, survival, and productivity. Milorganite® is a slow-release, organic fertilizer produced from human sewage. We tested Milorganite® as a deer repellent on chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemums morifolium) in an urban/suburban environment, and soybeans (Gycine max) in a rural agriculture environment. Six beds of chrysanthemums at two sites were monitored for 28 to 35 days. Treatment plants received a top dressing of 104 grams of Milorganite® (1120.9 kg/ha). Milorganite® treated plants had more (P < 0.001) terminal buds and achieved greater height (P < 0.002) compared to controls at one site, however damage observed was similar at the second site. In a second experiment, 0.2-ha plots of soybeans (Glycine max) were planted on five rural properties in northeastern Georgia and monitored for ≥ 30 days. Treated areas received 269 kg/ha of Milorganite®. In 4 of 5 sites, Milorganite® delayed browsing on treated plants from 1 week to > 5 weeks post-planting. Duration of the protection appeared to be related to the difference in deer density throughout most of the study areas. Results of this study indicate Milorganite® has potential use as a deer repellent.


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Not more than four species of cestodes of the genus Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801, are recognized as valid. The larval stage of at least three of them is able to develop in man, causing respective types of hydatid disease. Accurate characterization of these cestodes, including both larval and adult stages, is essential for identification, upon which depends development of methods for preventing infection of man and domestic animals. Because morphological characteristics of the larval cestodes may be modified according to the species of host in which they develop, identification should be based upon taxonomic characters of specimens from the respective natural hosts, which can be identified by means of ecological investigations in endemic areas in combination with controlled infection of experimental animals. The morphological and biological characteristics of the known species are discussed, and the two species most important to public health and economically--E. granulosus (Batsch, 1786) and E. multilocularis Leuckart, 1863--are distinguished. French résumé: Trois espèces de cestodes du genre Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801 ont été identifiées: E. granulosus (Batsch, 1786); E. multilocularis Leuckart, 1863; et E. oligarthrus (Diesing, 1863). On n'a pas encore déterminé avec certitude s'il fallait leur adjoindre E. patagonicus Szidat, 1960. Ce dernier mis à part, tous ces ténias sont connus pour provoquer chez l'homme des formes spécifiques d'échinococcose hydatique; l'infestation par les larves de E. granulosus est également fréquente chez les ongulés domestiques et la répartition de ce cestode est presque cosmopolite. E. multilocularis est très largement répandu dans l'hémisphère nord, tandis que E. oligarthrus ne se trouve que dans le centre et le sud de I'Amérique. Pour définir des critères morphologiques qui permettent de distinguer avec précision les différentes espèces d'Echinococcus, il convient de prendre les spécimens sur leurs hôtes naturels, sinon l'évolution du stade strobilaire se trouve habituellement retardée et le stade larvaire présente une gamme étendue de variations morphologiques. Pour identifier les hôtes naturels, il faut étudier l'écologie dans les zones d'éndemicité, ainsi que les manifestations de l'infection contrôlée chez des animaux d'expérience. Le stade strobilaire des ténias peut présenter plusieurs caractères spécifiques importants qui concernent notamment la taille, le nombre et la répartition des testicules, la position du pore génital dans les segments gravides, la forme de l'utérus gravide et, dans certains cas, la taille et la forme des crochets du rostre. La structure de la larve normalement développée est caractéristique de chacune des trois espèces relativement bien connues. Les caractéristiques biologiques jouent également un rôle important dans la différenciation de ces cestodes. Au stade larvaire, le laps de temps nécessaire au développement des scolex infectants est directement fonction de la durée de vie de l'hôte intermédiaire. La larve de E. multilocularis présente des scolex infectants dès le deuxième ou le troisième mois, alors qu'ils n'apparaissent qu'au bout d'un ou deux ans chez la larve de E. granulosus. Un tableau donne la liste comparative des caractéristiques taxonomiques qui permettent de faire la distinction entre ces deux espèces.


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The genus Orobothriurus Maury, 1976 (Bothriuridae Simon, 1880) displays an Andean pattern of distribution, most of its species occurring at high altitudes (over 2000-2500 m to a maximum altitude record of 4910 m) from central Peru to Argentina. The recent discovery of several new species and the uncertain phylogenetic position of Orobothriurus lourencoi Ojanguren Affilastro, 2003, required a reanalysis of Orobothriurus phylogeny. Thirty bothriurid taxa, including all species of Orobothriurus and Pachakutej Ochoa, 2004, were scored for 65 morphological characters and analysed with parsimony under equal and implied weighting. The resulting topology justifies the establishment of a new genus, Rumikiru Ojanguren Affilastro et al., in press, for O. lourencoi and a closely related, new species, Rumikiru atacama Ojanguren Affilastro et al., in press. It also offers new insights about the phylogeny and biogeography of Orobothriurus and related genera. Characters from the male genitalia (i.e. hemispermatophore), comprising approximately 26% of the morphological matrix, were found to be less homoplastic than those from somatic morphology, contradicting suggestions that genitalia are uninformative or potentially misleading in phylogenetic studies.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic differences among three matrix groups of Cedrela fissilis based on quantitative juvenile variables on a progeny test to define seed collecting zones and use of seeds of this species in the study region as well as to evaluate genetic variability of the sampled material. A progeny test was established in a nursery with seeds from 48 seed trees collected in the municipalities of Rio Negrinho, Mafra and Sao Bento do Sul, state of Santa Catarina, and in the municipalities of Lapa, Rio Negro, Campo do Tenente and Antonio Olinto, state of Parana. Of the collected seed trees, 33 sampled trees were distributed in three sites and 15 trees were dispersed in the studied region. It was used a complete random block design, with 8 replicates and 20 plants per plot. Evaluated data included: emergency rate; seedling base diameter and height (61, 102 and 145 days after the seeds were sowed); seedling survival; number of leaves per seedling; aerial section dry mass and root dry mass; and the foliar area of the third fully expanded leaf measured from the apical meristem. The Maximum Restricted Likelihood Method (REML) was used, using the software SELEGEN for analysis. It was found that the juvenile characters are strongly genetically controlled and they can be used to estimate genetic variability of population samples of Cedrela fissilis. The three groups of trees spatially limited did not significantly differ among each other, allowing to conclude that the three areas are part of the same tree seed transfer zone.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of doses of selenate and selenite on rice (Oryza sativa) biofortification with Se, as well the influence of these forms of Se in the levels of P, S, Fe, and Zn in grains. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in pots with 4 dm(3) of a sandy clay loam Latosol, with medium texture, in a 5x2 factorial arrangement with five doses of Se (0, 0.75, 1.50, 3.0, and 6.0 mg dm(-3)) and two forms of Se (selenate and selenite). Selenate provided greater efficiency of root uptake of Se, plant-use efficiency, translocation from roots to shoots, and content of this element in rice grains. The application of Se during fertilization influences the levels of P, S, and Zn, but does not affect those of Fe in rice grains.


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Banana is one of the most economically important fruit, explored almost exclusively by small producers as a continuous source of food and income. Although Brazil is one of the main banana producers, the national banana production is undergoing serious problems especially in the phases of production and post-harvest limiting its participation in the international market. One of the main factors leading to great production losses is the toppling over due to the tall height of plants of main commercial cultivars. A strategy to solve this problem is reducing height by inducing mutation. The objective of the present work was to characterize irradiated Prata type banana mutants (cvs. Pacovan and Preciosa) during two production cycles in order to select short plants in height with good agronomic characteristics. In vitro plants of both cultivars were irradiated with gamma rays in the doses of 20 Gy ('Pacovan', 200 plants) and 30 Gy ( 'Preciosa', 200 plants) subcultivated four times and afterwards evaluated in the field during two production cycles. Four possible mutants were selected from each cultivar with height smaller than the average height of the controls after two evaluation cycles. It was observed that some of these mutants presented greater precocity and bunch weight compared to the controls. From the results obtained it is possible to select mutant plants with superior agronomic characteristics for 'Pacovan' as well as 'Preciosa' submitted to gamma radiation.


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Iodine is an essential microelement for human health because it is a constituent of the thyroid hormones that regulate growth and development of the organism. Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDDs) are believed to be one of the commonest preventable human health problems in the world today, according to the World Health Organization: that diseases include endemic goiter, cretinism and fetal abnormalities, among others, and they are caused by lack of iodine in the diet, that is the main source of iodine. Since iodine intake from food is not enough respect to human needs, this can be remedied through dietary diversification, mineral supplementation, food fortification, or increasing the concentration and/or bioavailability of mineral elements in the edible portions of crops through agricultural intervention or genetic selection (biofortification). The introduction of iodized salt is a strategy widely used and accepted to eradicate iodine deficiency, because it is an inexpensive source of stable iodine. Since the intake of salt, though iodized, must still be limited according to the risk of cardiovascular disease, so the increase of iodine content in plants for the production of functional foods is representing a field of study of particular interest and a potential market. In Italy potatoes enriched with iodine are produced by a patented procedure of agronomic biofortification for the fresh market since several years, furthermore they are recently accepted and recommended by Italian Thyroid Association, as an alternative source of iodine. Researches performed during the PhD course intended to characterize this innovative vegetables products, focusing the attention on different aspects, such as chemistry, agriculture, and quality of fresh and fried potatoes. For this purpose, lipid fraction of raw material was firstly investigated, in order to assess whether the presence of iodine in plant metabolism can affect fatty acid or sterol biosynthesis, according to the hypothesis that iodine can be bounded to polyunsaturated fatty acids of cell membranes, protecting them from peroxydation; phytosterols of plant sterol are also studied because their importance in reducing serum cholesterol, especially in potato plant sterols are also involved in synthesis of glycoalkaloid, a family of steroidal toxic secondary metabolites present in plants of the Solanaceae family. To achieve this goal chromatographic analytical techniques were employed to identify and quantify fatty acids and sterols profile of common and iodine enriched row potatoes. Another aim of the project was to evaluate the effects of frying on the quality of iodine-enriched and common potatoes. Since iodine-enriched potatoes are nowadays produced only for the fresh market, preliminary trials of cultivation under controlled environment were carried out to verify if potato varieties suitable for processing were able to absorb and accumulate iodine in the tuber. In a successive phase, these varieties were grown in the field, to evaluate their potential productivity and quality at harvest and after storage. The best potato variety to be destined for processing purposes, was finally subjected to repeated frying cycles; the effects of lipid oxidation on the composition and quality of both potatoes and frying oil bath were evaluated by chromatographic and spectrophotometric analytical techniques. Special attention were paid on volatile compounds of fried potatoes.


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In a previous study on maize (Zea mays, L.) several quantitative trait loci (QTL) showing high dominance-additive ratio for agronomic traits were identified in a population of recombinant inbred lines derived from B73 × H99. For four of these mapped QTL, namely 3.05, 4.10, 7.03 and 10.03 according to their chromosome and bin position, families of near-isogenic lines (NILs) were developed, i.e., couples of homozygous lines nearly identical except for the QTL region that is homozygote either for the allele provided by B73 or by H99. For two of these QTL (3.05 and 4.10) the NILs families were produced in two different genetic backgrounds. The present research was conducted in order to: (i) characterize these QTL by estimating additive and dominance effects; (ii) investigate if these effects can be affected by genetic background, inbreeding level and environmental growing conditions (low vs. high plant density). The six NILs’ families were tested across three years and in three Experiments at different inbreeding levels as NILs per se and their reciprocal crosses (Experiment 1), NILs crossed to related inbreds B73 and H99 (Experiment 2) and NILs crossed to four unrelated inbreds (Experiment 3). Experiment 2 was conducted at two plant densities (4.5 and 9.0 plants m-2). Results of Experiments 1 and 2 confirmed previous findings as to QTL effects, with dominance-additive ratio superior to 1 for several traits, especially for grain yield per plant and its component traits; as a tendency, dominance effects were more pronounced in Experiment 1. The QTL effects were also confirmed in Experiment 3. The interactions involving QTL effects, families and plant density were generally negligible, suggesting a certain stability of the QTL. Results emphasize the importance of dominance effects for these QTL, suggesting that they might deserve further studies, using NILs’ families and their crosses as base materials.


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Recently, the increasing interest in organic food products and environmental friendly practices has emphasized the importance of selecting crop varieties suitable for the low-input systems. Additionally, in recent years the relationship between diet and human health has gained much attention among consumers, favoring the investigations on food nutraceutical properties. Among cereals, wheat plays an important role in human nutrition around the world and contributes to the daily intake of essential nutrients such as starch and protein. Moreover, whole grain contains several bioactive compounds that confer to wheat-derived products unique nutraceutical properties (dietary fibre, antioxidants). The present research provided interesting insights for the selection of wheat genotypes suitable for low-input systems and the development of specific breeding programs dedicated to organic farming. The investigation involved 5 old not dwarf genotypes (Andriolo, Frassineto, Gentil rosso, Inallettabile, Verna) and 1 modern dwarf variety (Palesio), grown under biodynamic management, over two consecutive growing seasons (2009/2010, 2010/2011). Results evidenced that under low-input farming some investigated old wheat genotypes (Frassineto, Inallettabile) were comparable to the modern cultivar in terms of whole agronomic performance. As regards the nutritional and nutraceutical properties, some old genotypes (Andriolo, Gentil rosso, Verna) emerged for their relevant content of several investigated phytochemicals (such as insoluble dietary fibre, polyphenols, flavonoids, in vitro antioxidant activity) and nutrients (protein, lipid, minerals). Despite of the low technological features, the six wheat varieties grown under low-input management may efficiently provide raw material for the preparation of traditionally processed bread with valuable sensory and nutritional properties. Results highlighted that old wheat varieties have peculiar phytochemical composition and may be a valuable source of nutraceutical compounds. Some of the genetic material involved in the present study may be used in breeding programs aimed at selecting varieties suitable for low-input farming and rich in health-promoting compounds.