994 resultados para additive manufacture (AM)


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Since 2002 Germany is obliged to collect fishery data to support the European Common Fishery Policy. Sampling of the com-mercial fishery under German flag is one duty within the EU fisheries data collection programme. During the past 6 years, 148 fishing trips were sampled by scientific observers onboard commercial fishing vessels to collect data on catch composi-tions with special emphasis on the proportions of landed and discarded fish. The results show that the proportion of discard is depending on the fishery. Highest discard rates were observed on beam trawl fishing trips. At the level of individual fishing trips, discard rates varied extremely within a fishery segment. Highest variations were found in the beam and bottom otter trawl fishery. In contrast, the discard rates in high-seas fisheries were low.


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Folgende Kernbehauptungen bzw. Hypothesen werden in dem Worm-et-al.-Artikel aufgestellt: -Der Verlust an Biodiversität (Artenzahl) in einem Meeresgebiet reduziert tief greifend seine Produktivität und seine Stabilität in Stressperioden, hervorgerufen u.a. durch Überfischung und Klimaänderung. -Die Zahl der kollabierten Arten nimmt zu. Dieser Trend projeziert den Kollaps aller wildlebenden Arten und Bestände, die gegenwärtig befischt werden, auf das Jahr 2048. -Diese Entwicklung ist zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt reversibel, denn das Meer besitzt noch ein großes Potential sich zu regenerieren. Dazu ist aber mehr Umweltschutz notwendig.


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Though economic research is not one of the tasks of the German Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, basic in-formation for such work is available from biologic studies on fish biomass, discards and seasonal abundance of species. Results from EU-studies on brown shrimp fisheries show the effect of discarding juvenile fish, especially plaice, the possibly lost numbers and value of this fish as well as chances of reducing these losses by a timely effort reduction in summer and the use of selective nets throughout most parts of the year. However, it is also made clear, that these costly measures may have no effect on the stocks due to biological compensatory effects observed in strong year classes of plaice e. g. 1996, with high landings and collapsing prices. Therefore sound biological and economic data and methods are needed to assess the economic effects of management measures on fishermen’s situation and markets. Compensations for catch limitations may become inevitable.


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In account of the decision of the IBSFC (International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission) to admit alternative codend constructions to the presently legal of diamond meshes with 120 mm mesh opening, since seven years a vivid research activity is encouraged at the fishing technology institutions around the Baltic. Though a center of gravity in this field of research lies in the EUproject BACOMA (participants Finland Sweden, Denmark) also the corresponding national institutes of other Baltic countries (Germany, Poland, Russia) have been active with similar investigations. German experiments in 1999 dealt with the effect of the use of netting made of double instead of single yarn on the selectivity. Further research was done on modifications of codends made from netting turned 90° from its original orientation and on simplified versions of the so-called Multipanel codend which consists of three equal diamond and three square mesh panels. The experiments demonstrated on the one hand a definite deterioration of the selective properties in a codend made from double instead of single yarn. Constructional changes in codends made from netting turned 90° on the other hand brought a further improvement of the selectivity of such codends. Finally, the investigations on the Multipanel codend revealed the overwhelming influence of the square mesh panels on the selectivity success. If in a conventional diamond codend three windows are cut out starting 50 cm from the real end of the codend in such a way that the remaining parts have the same breadth as the square mesh panels to insert, the selective effect of such a codend is remarkably improved. According to further preliminary tests this seems to be nearly independent from the type of material used.


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The AM CVn systems are a rare class of ultra-compact astrophysical binaries. With orbital periods of under an hour and as short as five minutes, they are among the closest known binary star systems and their evolution has direct relevance to the type Ia supernova rate and the white dwarf binary population. However, their faint and rare nature has made population studies of these systems difficult and several studies have found conflicting results.

I undertook a survey for AM CVn systems using the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) astrophysical synoptic survey by exploiting the "outbursts" these systems undergo. Such events result in an increase in luminosity by a factor of up to two-hundred and are detectable in time-domain photometric data of AM CVn systems. My search resulted in the discovery of eight new systems, over 20% of the current known population. More importantly, this search was done in a systematic fashion, which allows for a population study properly accounting for biases.

Apart from the discovery of new systems, I used the time-domain data from the PTF and other synoptic surveys to better understand the long-term behavior of these systems. This analysis of the photometric behavior of the majority of known AM CVn systems has shown changes in their behavior at longer time scales than have previously been observed. This has allowed me to find relationships between the outburst properties of an individual system and its orbital period.

Even more importantly, the systematically selected sample together with these properties have allowed me to conduct a population study of the AM CVn systems. I have shown that the latest published estimates of the AM CVn system population, a factor of fifty below theoretical estimates, are consistent with the sample of systems presented here. This is particularly noteworthy since my population study is most sensitive to a different orbital period regime than earlier surveys. This confirmation of the population density will allow the AM CVn systems population to be used in the study of other areas of astrophysics.


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Designers who want to manufacture a hardenable steel component need to select both the steel and its heat treatment. This project aims to develop a selection methodology for steels and process routes as an aid to designers. Three studies were conducted: - production of software to calculate the "equivalent diameter" and "equivalent Jominy distance" for simple shapes of a steel component; - prediction of semi-empirical Jominy curves (as-cooled) using CCT diagrams and process modelling methods, which were validated by experiment on plain carbon steels; - investigation of tempering of Jominy bars to explore the potential for semi-empirical models for the hardness after tempering.


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On 31 Oecember 1992, the Institut für Seefischerei Hamburg (ISH) will dissolve its branch of systematic ichthyology at the Zoologieal Museum Hamburg University. Remaining ISH ichthyology staff and facilities will move back in January 1993 to Institut für Seefischerei headquarters in Palmaille 9, D-·2000 Hamburg 50 (Tel. 040·389050, Fax 040·38905 129). The research field systematic ichthyology will not be continued at ISH. The ISH fish collection will be handed over to the Zoological Museum of Hamburg University (ZMH) as future responsible holder from 1 January 1993 onward. Loan requests for former ISH material should be addressed from January 1993 on only to: Prof. Dr. H. Wilkens, Kustos Ichthyologie, Zoological Museum der Universität, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D·2000 Hamburg 13 (Tel. 040·4123 3870, Fax 040·4123 3937). A couple of months will be needed before requests for loan of former ISH holdings can be handled again. It should, however, be noted that even for a longer period there may be problems in serving loan requests promptly due to logistic difficulties and shortage of staff at the ZMH ichthyology department.


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Im Rahmen des Internationalen Jungfischprogramms des ICES untersuchten von Januar bis März 1991 Forschungsschiffe mehrerer Nationen die Jungtischbestände der Nordsee. FFS "Walther Hcrwig" beteiligte sich vom 13. Januar bis 15. Februar an diesen Untersuchungen.


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Seit den vierziger Jahren ist bekannt, dass in der Irminger See und nordwestlich vom Reykjanes-Rücken (ICES-Gebiet XIV b und teilweise XII) ein Rotbarschbestand anzutreffen ist, der wegen seiner pelagischen Lebensweise auch als "ozeanischer Bestand" bezeichnet wird.