988 resultados para activation temperature


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The formation of calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) during the hydration of tricalcium silicate (C3S) in pure water and in water solutions containing 1% CaCl2 (accelerator) and 0.01% saccharose (retarder) was studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). SAXS measurements were performed under isothermal conditions within the temperature range 25 °C T < 52 °C. The experimental results indicate that the time variation of the mass fraction of the C-S-H product phase, α(f), can be fitted, under all conditions of paste setting, by Avrami equation, α(t) = 1 -exp(-(kt)′), k being a rate parameter and n an exponent depending on the characteristics of the transformation. The parameter n is approximately equal to 2 for hydration of C^S in pure water. Depending on temperature, n varies from 2 to 2.65 for hydration in the presence of CaC^ and saccharose. The value n = 2 is theoretically expected for lateral growth of thin C-S-H plates of constant thickness. The time dependence of SAXS intensity indicates that the transformed phase (C-S-H) consists of colloidal particles in early stages of hydration, evolving by two-dimensional growth toward a disordered lamellar structure composed of very thin plates. The activation energy ΔE for the growth of C-S-H phase was determined from the time dependence of X-ray scattering intensity. These data were obtained by in situ measurements at different temperatures of hydration. The values of ΔE are 37.7, 49.4, and 44.3 kJ/mol for hydration in pure water and in water solutions containing CaCl2 and saccharose, respectively. © 2000 American Chemical Society.


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An involvement of the transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) 1 channel in the regulation of body temperature (T b) has not been established decisively. To provide decisive evidence for such an involvement and determine its mechanisms were the aims of the present study. We synthesized a new TRPV1 antagonist, AMG0347 [(E)-N-(7-hydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalen-1- yl)-3-(2-(piperidin-1-yl)-6-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-3-yl)acrylamide], and characterized it in vitro. We then found that this drug is the most potent TRPV1 antagonist known to increase T b of rats and mice and showed (by using knock-out mice) that the entire hyperthermic effect of AMG0347 is TRPV1 dependent. AMG0347-induced hyperthermia was brought about by one or both of the two major autonomic cold-defense effector mechanisms (tail-skin vasoconstriction and/or thermogenesis), but it did not involve warmth-seeking behavior. The magnitude of the hyperthermic response depended on neither T b nor tail-skin temperature at the time of AMG0347 administration, thus indicating that AMG0347-induced hyperthermia results from blockade of tonic TRPV1 activation by nonthermal factors. AMG0347 was no more effective in causing hyperthermia when administered into the brain (intracerebroventricularly) or spinal cord (intrathecally) than when given systemically (intravenously), which indicates a peripheral site of action. We then established that localized intra-abdominal desensitization of TRPV1 channels with intraperitoneal resiniferatoxin blocks the T b response to systemic AMG0347; the extent of desensitization was determined by using a comprehensive battery of functional tests. We conclude that tonic activation of TRPV1 channels in the abdominal viscera by yet unidentified nonthermal factors inhibits skin vasoconstriction and thermogenesis, thus having a suppressive effect on T b. Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience.


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Evaluation of the damage caused by the sperm preservation process is crucial to improving fertilization rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of refrigeration temperature (5°C and 15°C) and storage time (0, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours) on apoptotic markers in equine semen. Membrane phosphatidylserine translocation index, caspase activation index, and DNA fragmentation index were analyzed using epifluorescence microscopy. Analysis of variance was used for statistical analysis, and Tukey test was used to compare means. The significance level was set at P < .05. The results demonstrated that for transport duration shorter than 24 hours, semen quality was maintained when stored at either 5°C or 15°C. A storage temperature of 5°C should be used when it is necessary to transport semen for longer than 24 hours. There was a significant decrease in semen quality after 48 hours of refrigeration. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In Brazil, due to its availability, sugar cane bagasse has a high potential for power generation. The knowledge of ignition behavior, as well as the knowledge of the chemical kinetics, in of fuels combustion process is important features in boilers projects and in the stability of the combustion process control. The aim of this study is to investigate the thermal behavior of sugar cane bagasse, coal and their blends. The methodology proposed by Tognotti et al. (1985) was applied to determine the ignition temperature for all samples. Ignition temperatures were 256oC for neat bagasse and 427oC for neat coal, and 275oC for both blends (50-50% and 25-75%). The ModelFree Kinetics was applied to determine the apparent activation energy (Eα) of the thermal decomposition of sugar cane bagasse. For the two major events of mass loss of bagasse which correspond to the thermal decomposition of organic matter (mainly hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin), average values of Eα were obtained for both combustion and pyrolysis processes. In synthetic air atmosphere, the Eα were 170.8±26.3 kJ⋅mol-1 and 277.8±58.6 kJ⋅mol-1, while in nitrogen atmosphere, the Eα were 185.0 ± 11.4 kJ⋅mol-1 and 82.1±44.4 kJ⋅mol-1. The results obtained can be explained by synergistic effects when both bagasse and coal were blended, changing the fuel reactivity.


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The present study deals with the determination of the activation energy for the thermal decomposition of two renewable fuels crude glycerin and beef tallow. The activation energies were investigated by using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) in the temperature range of 25-600 degrees C in atmosphere of synthetic air. The TG curves of the thermal decomposition process of both samples were divided into several phases and the second, called PH2, was chosen for the kinetic study because it is associated with the combustion ignition. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) showed an endothermic event at the PH2 region for the crude glycerin corresponding to devolatilization, while for beef tallow, this step presented an exothermic event, called LTO (low-temperature oxidation), which is correlated with devolatilization followed by combustion. For the entire PH2, activation energy values for crude glycerin were between 90 kJ mol(-1) and 42 kJ mol(-1), while for the beef tallow they ranged from 50 kJ mol(-1) to 113 kJ mol (1). The activation energy values obtained at the pre-ignition stage - conversion between 0 and 0.45 - showed that the crude glycerin with higher values requires an additional energetic support at the start of combustion processes and the beef tallow ignites more easily, presenting lower values. According to the Wolfer's equation, a direct relation between the activation energy and the ignition delay is established and the results of this study provides useful data for the development and design of new combustion chambers and engines when non-traditional fuels are used as feedstock. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Endophytic microorganisms live inside tissues of host plants apparently do not causing warning to them, and area promising source of bioactive molecules as antimicrobial and antitumoral drugs. In this work, we report the isolation of eugenitin from cultures of the endophyte Mycoleptodiscus indicus and its potential as additive for Aspergillus niveus glucoamylase activation. The glucoamylase hydrolytic activity increased twofold using 5 mM of eugenitin and this activation could be explained by the binding mode of eugenitin with the three-dimensional structure of glucoamylase. The in silica prediction of ligand binding sites revealed at least 9 possible interaction sites able to accommodate eugenitin on glucoamylase from Hypocrea jecorina. Besides, we evaluated the effect of pH and temperature on activity and stability, as well as in the hydrolysis of different substrates and kinetic parameters either in presence or absence of eugenitin. The results displayed by eugenitin as additive to glucoamylase activation are promising and provide novel perspectives for applications of fungal metabolites. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eugenitin, a chromone derivative and a metabolite of the endophyte Mycoleptodiscus indicus, at 5 mM activated a recombinant GH11 endo-xylanase by 40 %. The in silico prediction of ligand-binding sites on the three-dimensional structure of the endo-xylanase revealed that eugenitin interacts mainly by a hydrogen bond with a serine residue and a stacking interaction of the heterocyclic aromatic ring system with a tryptophan residue. Eugenitin improved the GH11 endo-xylanase activity on different substrates, modified the optimal pH and temperature activities and slightly affected the kinetic parameters of the enzyme.


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OSCILLATORY DYNAMICS IN SYSTEMS CONTAINING BROMATE AND 1,4-CYCLOHEXANEDIONE IN ACIDIC MEDIA. I. THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE. We present in this work the influence of temperature on the dynamics of homogeneous chemical systems containing bromate and 1,4-cyclohexanedione (1,4-CHD) in acidic media. In particular, the following systems were studied: bromate/1,4-CHD/acid, bromate/1,4-CHD/ferroin/acid and bromate/1,4-CHD/trisbipyridine ruthenium/acid. Investigations were carried out by means of an electrochemical probe, at five temperatures between 5 and 45 degrees C. Activation energies (E-a) were estimated in different ways for the pre-oscillatory and oscillatory regimes. In any case, the E-a was found to depend on the catalyst, composition and initial concentrations. In addition, it was observed that ferroin and trisbipyridine ruthenium act as catalysts only during the transition between the induction period and oscillatory regime.


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The effect of terbium (Tb) doping on the photoluminescence (PL) of crystalline aluminum nitride (c-AlN) and amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbide (a-SiC:H) thin films has been investigated for different Tb atomic concentrations. The samples were prepared by DC and RF magnetron reactive sputtering techniques covering the concentration range of Tb from 0.5 to 11 at.%. The Tb-related light emission versus the Tb concentration is reported for annealing temperatures of 450 °C, 750 °C and 1000 °C. In the low concentration region the intensity exhibits a linear increase and its slope is enhanced with the annealing temperature giving an activation energy of 0.106 eV in an Arrhenius plot. In the high concentration region an exponential decay is recorded which is almost independent on the host material, its structure and the annealing process.


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Ein auf Basis von Prozessdaten kalibriertes Viskositätsmodell wird vorgeschlagen und zur Vorhersage der Viskosität einer Polyamid 12 (PA12) Kunststoffschmelze als Funktion von Zeit, Temperatur und Schergeschwindigkeit angewandt. Im ersten Schritt wurde das Viskositätsmodell aus experimentellen Daten abgeleitet. Es beruht hauptsächlich auf dem drei-parametrigen Ansatz von Carreau, wobei zwei zusätzliche Verschiebungsfaktoren eingesetzt werden. Die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Viskosität wird mithilfe des Verschiebungsfaktors aT von Arrhenius berücksichtigt. Ein weiterer Verschiebungsfaktor aSC (Structural Change) wird eingeführt, der die Strukturänderung von PA12 als Folge der Prozessbedingungen beim Lasersintern beschreibt. Beobachtet wurde die Strukturänderung in Form einer signifikanten Viskositätserhöhung. Es wurde geschlussfolgert, dass diese Viskositätserhöhung auf einen Molmassenaufbau zurückzuführen ist und als Nachkondensation verstanden werden kann. Abhängig von den Zeit- und Temperaturbedingungen wurde festgestellt, dass die Viskosität als Folge des Molmassenaufbaus exponentiell gegen eine irreversible Grenze strebt. Die Geschwindigkeit dieser Nachkondensation ist zeit- und temperaturabhängig. Es wird angenommen, dass die Pulverbetttemperatur einen Molmassenaufbau verursacht und es damit zur Kettenverlängerung kommt. Dieser fortschreitende Prozess der zunehmenden Kettenlängen setzt molekulare Beweglichkeit herab und unterbindet die weitere Nachkondensation. Der Verschiebungsfaktor aSC drückt diese physikalisch-chemische Modellvorstellung aus und beinhaltet zwei zusätzliche Parameter. Der Parameter aSC,UL entspricht der oberen Viskositätsgrenze, wohingegen k0 die Strukturänderungsrate angibt. Es wurde weiterhin festgestellt, dass es folglich nützlich ist zwischen einer Fließaktivierungsenergie und einer Strukturänderungsaktivierungsenergie für die Berechnung von aT und aSC zu unterscheiden. Die Optimierung der Modellparameter erfolgte mithilfe eines genetischen Algorithmus. Zwischen berechneten und gemessenen Viskositäten wurde eine gute Übereinstimmung gefunden, so dass das Viskositätsmodell in der Lage ist die Viskosität einer PA12 Kunststoffschmelze als Folge eines kombinierten Lasersinter Zeit- und Temperatureinflusses vorherzusagen. Das Modell wurde im zweiten Schritt angewandt, um die Viskosität während des Lasersinter-Prozesses in Abhängigkeit von der Energiedichte zu berechnen. Hierzu wurden Prozessdaten, wie Schmelzetemperatur und Belichtungszeit benutzt, die mithilfe einer High-Speed Thermografiekamera on-line gemessen wurden. Abschließend wurde der Einfluss der Strukturänderung auf das Viskositätsniveau im Prozess aufgezeigt.


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Stress response pathways allow cells to sense and respond to environmental changes and adverse pathophysiological states. Pharmacological modulation of cellular stress pathways has implications in the treatment of human diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. The quinone methide triterpene celastrol, derived from a traditional Chinese medicinal herb, has numerous pharmacological properties, and it is a potent activator of the mammalian heat shock transcription factor HSF1. However, its mode of action and spectrum of cellular targets are poorly understood. We show here that celastrol activates Hsf1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae at a similar effective concentration seen in mammalian cells. Transcriptional profiling revealed that celastrol treatment induces a battery of oxidant defense genes in addition to heat shock genes. Celastrol activated the yeast Yap1 oxidant defense transcription factor via the carboxy-terminal redox center that responds to electrophilic compounds. Antioxidant response genes were likewise induced in mammalian cells, demonstrating that the activation of two major cell stress pathways by celastrol is conserved. We report that celastrol's biological effects, including inhibition of glucocorticoid receptor activity, can be blocked by the addition of excess free thiol, suggesting a chemical mechanism for biological activity based on modification of key reactive thiols by this natural product.


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Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete, dramatically alters its transcriptome and proteome as it cycles between the arthropod vector and mammalian host. During this enzootic cycle, a novel regulatory network, the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway (also known as the σ(54)-σ(S) sigma factor cascade), plays a central role in modulating the differential expression of more than 10% of all B. burgdorferi genes, including the major virulence genes ospA and ospC. However, the mechanism(s) by which the upstream activator and response regulator Rrp2 is activated remains unclear. Here, we show that none of the histidine kinases present in the B. burgdorferi genome are required for the activation of Rrp2. Instead, we present biochemical and genetic evidence that supports the hypothesis that activation of the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway occurs via the small, high-energy, phosphoryl-donor acetyl phosphate (acetyl∼P), the intermediate of the Ack-Pta (acetate kinase-phosphate acetyltransferase) pathway that converts acetate to acetyl-CoA. Supplementation of the growth medium with acetate induced activation of the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway in a dose-dependent manner. Conversely, the overexpression of Pta virtually abolished acetate-induced activation of this pathway, suggesting that acetate works through acetyl∼P. Overexpression of Pta also greatly inhibited temperature and cell density-induced activation of RpoS and OspC, suggesting that these environmental cues affect the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway by influencing acetyl∼P. Finally, overexpression of Pta partially reduced infectivity of B. burgdorferi in mice. Taken together, these findings suggest that acetyl∼P is one of the key activating molecule for the activation of the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway and support the emerging concept that acetyl∼P can serve as a global signal in bacterial pathogenesis.


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Understanding the principles of calmodulin (CaM) activation of target enzymes will help delineate how this seemingly simple molecule can play such a complex role in transducing Ca (2+)-signals to a variety of downstream pathways. In the work reported here, we use biochemical and biophysical tools and a panel of CaM constructs to examine the lobe specific interactions between CaM and CaMKII necessary for the activation and autophosphorylation of the enzyme. Interestingly, the N-terminal lobe of CaM by itself was able to partially activate and allow autophosphorylation of CaMKII while the C-terminal lobe was inactive. When used together, CaMN and CaMC produced maximal CaMKII activation and autophosphorylation. Moreover, CaMNN and CaMCC (chimeras of the two N- or C-terminal lobes) both activated the kinase but with greater K act than for wtCaM. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments showed the same rank order of affinities of wtCaM > CaMNN > CaMCC as those determined in the activity assay and that the CaM to CaMKII subunit binding ratio was 1:1. Together, our results lead to a proposed sequential mechanism to describe the activation pathway of CaMKII led by binding of the N-lobe followed by the C-lobe. This mechanism contrasts the typical sequential binding mode of CaM with other CaM-dependent enzymes, where the C-lobe of CaM binds first. The consequence of such lobe specific binding mechanisms is discussed in relation to the differential rates of Ca (2+)-binding to each lobe of CaM during intracellular Ca (2+) oscillations.


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TFIIH has been implicated in several fundamental cellular processes, including DNA repair, cell cycle progression, and transcription. In transcription, the helicase activity of TFIIH functions to melt promoter DNA; however, the in vivo function of the Cdk7 kinase subunit of TFIIH, which has been hypothesized to be involved in RNA polymerase II (Pol II) phosphorylation, is not clearly understood. Using temperature-sensitive and null alleles of cdk7, we have examined the role of Cdk7 in the activation of Drosophila heat shock genes. Several in vivo approaches, including polytene chromosome immunofluorescence, nuclear run-on assays, and, in particular, a protein-DNA cross-linking assay customized for adults, revealed that Cdk7 kinase activity is required for full activation of heat shock genes, promoter-proximal Pol II pausing, and Pol II-dependent chromatin decondensation. The requirement for Cdk7 occurs very early in the transcription cycle. Furthermore, we provide evidence that TFIIH associates with the elongation complex much longer than previously suspected.