1000 resultados para absorção N


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This paper describes a sequential injection analysis (SIA) set-up coupled to a flame atomic absorption spectrometer (FAAS) to accomplish the determination of low concentrations of copper in drinking waters. Copper is first retained under neutral media in an on-line 29x1.6 mm column filled with poly(ethylenimine) immobilised on silica gel. The retained analyte is then eluted by flowing through the column 250 NT FACE=Symbol>mnt>L of a nitric acid solution. The selection of 3.85 ml of sample enabled to obtain a detection limit of 0.27 mug/L and a sampling rate of about 24 samples/h. There was a good agrement between the results of 12 samples furnished by the proposed procedure and by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Repeatability assessment gave a relative standard deviation of 1.3 % after ten replicate analysis of a sample containing about 70 mug/L in copper..


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In order to demonstrate the feasibility of slurry sampling for environmental studies, different methodologies were developed for Cu and Zn in antarctic limpets and Ni in river sediment with FAAS detection. Studies focusing particle size, acid concentration, slurry stability, selectivity, among others were carried out in order to define the better conditions for slurry analysis. A study related to the depth profile for Ni in the Atibaia River sediment was made after optimization conditions for this element. For accuracy check, certified reference material was used as well as decomposition with microwave oven.


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In this review it is presented some aspects of electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with tungsten coil (ETAW-AAS) since its beginning until the present days as well as the perspectives for this technique. Some aspects concerning its development and theoretical concepts are discussed. The analytical figures of merit such as limit of detection (LD), characteristic mass (m0), relative standard deviation (RSD), accuracy and precision are evaluated, compared and discussed considering published works. It is also evaluated its advantages, applications, limitations and instrumental development. The use of diode laser as radiation source and its perspectives to ETAW are also discussed.


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A method for determination of lead and cadmium in aqueous samples using solvent microextraction and dithizone as complexing agent with FAAS was developed. Solvent microextraction parameters were optimized. The effect of foreign ions on the extraction yields was studied. The extraction was carried out until the aqueous to organic phase ratio achieved a 250 fold preconcentration of metals. For preconcentration times of 4 min the 3sigma detection limits, relative standard deviations (n=7) and linear calibration ranges were 1.6 mug L-1, 5.8% and 10.0 -- 80.0 mug L-1 for lead and 11.1 ng L-1, 5.9% and 0.3 -- 3.0 mug L-1 for cadmium, respectively. The solvent microextraction procedure presented here was applied to the determination of lead and cadmium in natural waters.


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This paper describes a review on internal standardization in atomic absorption spectrometry with emphasis to the systematic and random errors in atomic absorption spectrometry and applications of internal standardization in flame atomic absorption spectrometry and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The rules for selecting an element as internal standard, limitations of the method, and some comments about the application of internal standardization in atomic absorption spectrometry and the future of this compensation strategy are critically discussed.


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The toxicity of the major As species present in the environment justifies the effort for quantifying the element in environmental organic samples, which can vary from animal and vegetal tissues to coal and industrial residues. This paper comments about the applicability of the O2 bomb digestion, as a general procedure for all environmental organic materials. A rapid and straightforward method is suggested, which consists in burning the sample in the bomb at high O2 pressure, dissolving the vapours in diluted HNO3 and determining As in the resulting solution by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. The method was applied to certified materials and plant samples.


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Dilutions of methylmetacrylate ranging between 1 and 50 ppm were obtained from a stock solution of 1 ml of monomer in 100 ml of deionised water, and were analyzed by an absorption spectrophotometer in the UV-visible. Absorbance values were used to develop a calibration model based on the PLS, with the aim to determine new sample concentrations. The number of latent variables used was 6, with the standard errors of calibration and prediction found to be 0,048 ml/100 ml and 0,058 ml/100 ml. The calibration model was successfully used to calculate the concentration of monomer released in water, where complete dentures were kept for one hour after polymerization.


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A tubular electrochemical flow-cell for iridium deposition on the inner surface of pyrolytic graphite tube for permanent chemical modification is proposed. A transversal heated graphite tube was used as working electrode, a cylindrical piece of graphite inserted into the graphite tube as auxiliary electrode, and a micro Ag/AgCl(sat) as reference electrode. Iridium solution in 1.0 mol L-1 HCl, flowing at 0.55 mL min-1 for 60 min was used to perform the electrochemical modification. The applied potential to the flow-cell was - 0.700 V vs Ag/AgCl. Scanning electron microscopy images were taken for thermal and electrochemical modified graphite surface in order to evaluate the iridium distribution. Selenium hydride trapping was used to verify the performance of the proposed permanent chemical modifier.


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The sambaquis are archaeological sites with remains of pre-historical Brazilian civilizations. They look like small hills containing different kinds of shells, animal and fish bones, small artifacts and even human skeletons. Since the sambaqui sites in the Rio de Janeiro state are younger than 6000 years, the applicability of CO2 absorption on Carbo-Sorb® and 14C determination by counting on a low background liquid scintillation counter was tested. The International Atomic Energy Agency standard reference material IAEA-C2 was used in order to standardize the method. Nine sambaqui samples from five different archaeological sites found in the Rio de Janeiro state were analyzed and 14C ages between 2100 and 3600 years BP were observed. The same samples were sent to the 14C Laboratory of the Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP) where similar results were obtained.


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The use of an internal standard (IS) in ET AAS can be considered a new trend after the commercial introduction of a simultaneous spectrometer. The evaluation of experimental data to choose the most appropriate IS can be done by comparing correlation graphs. They were used to verify the resemblance among the simultaneous measurements obtained for the analyte(s) and the IS by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICPOES). The judicious selection of IS by using correlation graphs for determinations by ET AAS can be exploited to improve the precision and accuracy of the analytical results. Therefore, a new approach for studying the use of IS in ET AAS is presented.


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This work describes a systematic study for bovine liver sample preparation for Cd and Pb determination by solid sampling electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Samples were prepared using different procedures: (1) drying in a household microwave oven followed by drying in a stove at 60 ºC until constant mass, and (2) freeze-drying. Ball and cryogenic mills were used for grinding. Particle size, sample size and micro sample homogeneity were investigated. All prepared samples showed good homogeneity (He < 10) even for low sample mass, but samples dried in a microwave oven/stove and ground in a ball mill presented the best homogeneity.


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The potentialities of X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) of the N K edge (N K) obtained with the spherical grating monochromator beam line at the Brazilian National Synchrotron Light Laboratory are explored in the investigation of poly(aniline), nanocomposites and dyes. Through the analysis of N K XANES spectra of conducting polymers and many other dye compounds that are dominated by 1sNT FACE=Symbol>®pNT>* transitions, it was possible to correlate the band energy value with the nitrogen oxidation states. An extensive N K XANES spectral database was obtained, thus permitting the elucidation of the nature of different nitrogens present in the intercalated conducting polymers.


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Simple experiments are proposed for measuring molecular absorption of chromate and dichromate ions using an atomic absorption spectrometer. The experiments can help undergraduate students in instrumental analysis courses understand important aspects involving conceptual and instrumental similarities and differences between frequently used analytical techniques. Hollow cathode lamps were selected with wavelengths in the region of molecular absorption of chromate and dichromate. Calibration curves were obtained and the linear dynamic range was evaluated. Results were compared with those obtained in a molecular absorption spectrometer. The molar absorptivities obtained were also compared.


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In this report, we studied the thickness effect on the optical and morphological properties of self-assembled (SA) poly(p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) films, wich were processed with 5 and 75 layers from a PPV precursor polymer and dodecylbenzenesulfonate, and then, thermally converted at 230 °C. The increase of the film thickness yielded more intense peaks in the vibrational spectral range. The electron-phonon coupling was quantified by the Huang - Rhys factor, that shows the effects on the polymer chain mobility in the interface substrate/polymer. A strong emission anisotropy r=0.57 was observed for the film with 5 layers of thickness decreasing to 0.34 for the film with 75 layers. Finally, the surface topology of the films was measured using Atomic Force Microscopy.


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Thermogravimetry was applied to investigate the effects of temperature and atmosphere on conversion of sulfur dioxide (SO2) absorbed by limestone. Ranges of temperature and particle size were studied, typical of fluidized-bed coal combustion. Isothermal experiments were performed at different temperatures (between 750 and 950 ºC) under local atmospheric pressure (~ 697 mmHg) in dynamic atmospheres of air and nitrogen. The maximum conversion was 29% higher in nitrogen atmosphere than in air atmosphere. The optimum conversion temperature was found at 831 ºC in air atmosphere and at 894 ºC in nitrogen atmosphere.