960 resultados para Web Environment


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Mashups are becoming increasingly popular as end users are able to easily access, manipulate, and compose data from several web sources. To support end users, communities are forming around mashup development environments that facilitate sharing code and knowledge. We have observed, however, that end user mashups tend to suffer from several deficiencies, such as inoperable components or references to invalid data sources, and that those deficiencies are often propagated through the rampant reuse in these end user communities. In this work, we identify and specify ten code smells indicative of deficiencies we observed in a sample of 8,051 pipe-like web mashups developed by thousands of end users in the popular Yahoo! Pipes environment. We show through an empirical study that end users generally prefer pipes that lack those smells, and then present eleven specialized refactorings that we designed to target and remove the smells. Our refactorings reduce the complexity of pipes, increase their abstraction, update broken sources of data and dated components, and standardize pipes to fit the community development patterns. Our assessment on the sample of mashups shows that smells are present in 81% of the pipes, and that the proposed refactorings can reduce that number to 16%, illustrating the potential of refactoring to support thousands of end users developing pipe-like mashups.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar como as técnicas da Inteligência Competitiva podem ser adaptadas para o ambiente de serviços de informação, apresentando um projeto de monitoramento web de bibliotecas universitárias especializadas na ár ea de Química como estratégia para a melhoria contínua desses ser viços, através da comparação de serviços de informação análogos, selecionados entre as quatro primeiras instituições classificadas no Webometrics - Ranking Web of World Universities , fornecendo dados para o incremento e atualização dos conteúdos informaciona is disponíveis na página virtual de bibliotecas dessa área, melhorando seu acesso e dis ponibilização de informação, bem como contribuindo para a maximização da visibilidade e a valiação da instituição universitária. Palavras-Chave: Inteligência Competitiva, Monitoramento Web, Bibli otecas Universitárias e especializadas, Página Virtual, Serviços de Informa ção


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[ES] El cuaderno de campo agrícola es un documento donde los productores agrariosregistran determinadas operaciones llevadas a cabo en su explotación. Esta herramienta debe ser supervisada por un técnico agrícola y sintetizar todos los requerimientos existentes en la legislación europea, nacional y autonómica en las siguientes materias: seguridad alimentaria; trazabilidad; seguridad en la aplicación de productos fitosanitarios; protección de aguas y suelos frente a la contaminación; protección de hábitats naturales; salud pública; condicionalidad. De esta manera, se garantiza que se llevan a cabo buenas prácticas agrícolas en laproducción hortofrutícola, respetando el medio ambiente y aportando confianza a los consumidores finales. Los modelos de cuaderno de campo agrícola existentes consisten en varias hojas con diferentes tablas que se cumplimentan en papel, con la dificultad que implica tanto para el agricultor en el registro de operaciones como para ser supervisado por los técnicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una aplicación web que facilite al agricultor y a los técnicos agrícolas la gestión y supervisión del cuaderno de campo.


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[ES] El objetivo que se pretendía alcanzar con la realización de este proyecto era desarrollar una aplicación web 2.0 capaz de gestionar rutas independientemente de su tipología u otro tipo de características. El usuario de la aplicación construida tras analizar este proyecto puede crear rutas y modificarlas. Para su visualización se ha optado por un entorno 3D que muestra el globo terráqueo de manera realista: Google Earth en su versión como complemento para navegadores. La variedad de rutas creadas puede ser muy amplia, como por ejemplo: las etapas de la Vuelta Ciclista a España, la travesía de una competición náutica, el recorrido que siguió Colón en su primer viaje a América o los caminos reales de Canarias. Las rutas se crean desplazando el ratón y haciendo clic sobre la superficie del globo terráqueo. La aplicación muestra una línea que pasa por los puntos indicados con la representación de la ruta. Para las rutas creadas el usuario puede añadir una serie de elementos multimedia que permitan obtener un mayor conocimiento de dichas rutas. La aplicación permite añadir fotos, vídeos web, documentos y elementos 3D. Cuando el usuario seleccione mostrar una ruta creada previamente a la que le ha añadido alguno de los elementos indicados previamente, éste se visualizará en el navegador. Además de la posibilidad de gestionar rutas, el usuario también puede gestionar sitios de su interés de manera sencilla. El usuario puede incorporar localizaciones de diversa índole a su biblioteca de elementos para disponer de una mejor accesibilidad de sus lugares predilectos. Los sitios de interés creados aparecen en el globo como un icono junto con su nombre.


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[ES] El Trabajo de Fin de Grado, Monitor Web de Expresiones Regulares (MWRegEx), es una herramienta basada en tecnologías web, desarrollada usando el entorno Visual Studio. El objetivo principal de la aplicación es dar apoyo a la docencia de expresiones regulares, en el marco de la enseñanza del manejo de ristras de caracteres en las asignaturas de programación del Grado en Ingeniería Informática.  La aplicación permite obtener el dibujo de un autómata de una expresión regular, facilitando su comprensión; además, permite aplicar la expresión a diferentes ristras de caracteres, mostrando las coincidencias encontradas, y ofrece una versión de la expresión adaptada a su uso en literales string de lenguajes como Java y otros. La herramienta se ha implementado en dos partes: un servicio web, escrito en C#, donde se realizan todos los análisis de las expresiones regulares y las ristras a contrastar; y un cliente web, implementado usando tecnología asp.net, con JavaScript y JQuery, que gestiona la interfaz de usuario y muestra los resultados. Esta separación permite que el servicio web pueda ser reutilizado con otras aplicaciones cliente. El autómata que representa una expresión regular esta dibujado usando la librería Raphaël JavaScript que permite manejar los elementos SVG. Cada elemento de la expresión regular tiene un dibujo diferente y único para así diferenciarlo. Toda la interfaz gráfica de usuario está internacionalizada de manera tal que pueda adaptarse a diferentes idiomas y regiones sin la necesidad de realizar cambios de ingeniería ni en el código. Tanto el servicio web como la parte cliente están estructurados para que se puedan agregar nuevas modificaciones sin que esto genere una onda expansiva a lo largo de las diversas clases existentes.


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The recent trend in Web services is fostering a computing scenario where loosely coupled parties interact in a distributed and dynamic environment. Such interactions are sequences of xml messages and in order to assemble parties – either statically or dynamically – it is important to verify that the “contracts” of the parties are “compatible”. The Web Service Description Language (wsdl) is a standard used for describing one-way (asynchronous) and request/response (synchronous) interactions. Web Service Conversation Language extends wscl contracts by allowing the description of arbitrary, possibly cyclic sequences of exchanged messages between communicating parties. Unfortunately, neither wsdl nor wscl can effectively define a notion of compatibility, for the very simple reason that they do not provide any formal characterization of their contract languages. We define two contract languages for Web services. The first one is a data contract language and allow us to describe a Web service in terms of messages (xml documents) that can be sent or received. The second one is a behavioral contract language and allow us to give an abstract definition of the Web service conversation protocol. Both these languages are equipped with a sort of “sub-typing” relation and, therefore, they are suitable to be used for querying Web services repositories. In particular a query for a service compatible with a given contract may safely return services with “greater” contract.


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[ES]Diseño e instalación de un servicio web de tienda virtual en un entorno de computación en clúster para proporcionar alta disponibilidad y balanceo de carga del mencionado servicio. La infraestructura requerida para este despliegue será virtual, utilizándose como plataforma de virtualización KVM. Las tareas se organizan en : 1.Tareas para la creación de un clúster de balanceo de carga donde una máquina será la encargada de recibir las peticiones de los clientes y de redirigirlas a los servidores web según la carga de éstos. 2. Tareas para la creación de un clúster de alta disponibilidad para que en caso de fallo siempre haya un servidor de base de datos que pueda atender a las peticiones de los servidores web.


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Die Forschungsarbeit siedelt sich im Dreieck der Erziehungswissenschaften, der Informatik und der Schulpraxis an und besitzt somit einen starken interdisziplinären Charakter. Aus Sicht der Erziehungswissenschaften handelt es sich um ein Forschungsprojekt aus den Bereichen E-Learning und Multimedia Learning und der Fragestellung nach geeigneten Informatiksystemen für die Herstellung und den Austausch von digitalen, multimedialen und interaktiven Lernbausteinen. Dazu wurden zunächst methodisch-didaktische Vorteile digitaler Lerninhalte gegenüber klassischen Medien wie Buch und Papier zusammengetragen und mögliche Potentiale im Zusammenhang mit neuen Web2.0-Technologien aufgezeigt. Darauf aufbauend wurde für existierende Autorenwerkzeuge zur Herstellung digitaler Lernbausteine und bestehende Austauschplattformen analysiert, inwieweit diese bereits Web 2.0-Technologien unterstützen und nutzen. Aus Sicht der Informatik ergab sich aus der Analyse bestehender Systeme ein Anforderungsprofil für ein neues Autorenwerkzeug und eine neue Austauschplattform für digitale Lernbausteine. Das neue System wurde nach dem Ansatz des Design Science Research in einem iterativen Entwicklungsprozess in Form der Webapplikation LearningApps.org realisiert und stetig mit Lehrpersonen aus der Schulpraxis evaluiert. Bei der Entwicklung kamen aktuelle Web-Technologien zur Anwendung. Das Ergebnis der Forschungsarbeit ist ein produktives Informatiksystem, welches bereits von tausenden Nutzern in verschiedenen Ländern sowohl in Schulen als auch in der Wirtschaft eingesetzt wird. In einer empirischen Studie konnte das mit der Systementwicklung angestrebte Ziel, die Herstellung und den Austausch von digitalen Lernbausteinen zu vereinfachen, bestätigt werden. Aus Sicht der Schulpraxis liefert LearningApps.org einen Beitrag zur Methodenvielfalt und zur Nutzung von ICT im Unterricht. Die Ausrichtung des Werkzeugs auf mobile Endgeräte und 1:1-Computing entspricht dem allgemeinen Trend im Bildungswesen. Durch die Verknüpfung des Werkzeugs mit aktuellen Software Entwicklungen zur Herstellung von digitalen Schulbüchern werden auch Lehrmittelverlage als Zielgruppe angesprochen.


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Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit siedelt sich im Dreieck der Erziehungswissenschaften, der Informatik und der Schulpraxis an und besitzt somit einen starken interdisziplinären Charakter. Aus Sicht der Erziehungswissenschaften handelt es sich um ein Forschungsprojekt aus den Bereichen E-Learning und Multimedia Learning und der Fragestellung nach geeigneten Informatiksystemen für die Herstellung und den Austausch von digitalen, multimedialen und interaktiven Lernbausteinen. Dazu wurden zunächst methodisch-didaktische Vorteile digitaler Lerninhalte gegenüber klassischen Medien wie Buch und Papier zusammengetragen und mögliche Potentiale im Zusammenhang mit neuen Web 2.0-Technologien aufgezeigt. Darauf aufbauend wurde für existierende Autorenwerkzeuge zur Herstellung digitaler Lernbausteine und bestehende Austauschplattformen analysiert, inwieweit diese bereits Web 2.0-Technologien unterstützen und nutzen. Aus Sicht der Informatik ergab sich aus der Analyse bestehender Systeme ein Anforderungsprofil für ein neues Autorenwerkzeug und eine neue Austauschplattform für digitale Lernbausteine. Das neue System wurde nach dem Ansatz des Design Science Research in einem iterativen Entwicklungsprozess in Form der Webapplikation LearningApps.org realisiert und stetig mit Lehrpersonen aus der Schulpraxis evaluiert. Bei der Entwicklung kamen aktuelle Web-Technologien zur Anwendung. Das Ergebnis der Forschungsarbeit ist ein produktives Informatiksystem, welches bereits von tausenden Nutzern in verschiedenen Ländern sowohl in Schulen als auch in der Wirtschaft eingesetzt wird. In einer empirischen Studie konnte das mit der Systementwicklung angestrebte Ziel, die Herstellung und den Austausch von digitalen Lernbausteinen zu vereinfachen, bestätigt werden. Aus Sicht der Schulpraxis liefert LearningApps.org einen Beitrag zur Methodenvielfalt und zur Nutzung von ICT im Unterricht. Die Ausrichtung des Werkzeugs auf mobile Endgeräte und 1:1-Computing entspricht dem allgemeinen Trend im Bildungswesen. Durch die Verknüpfung des Werkzeugs mit aktuellen Software-Entwicklungen zur Herstellung von digitalen Schulbüchern werden auch Lehrmittelverlage als Zielgruppe angesprochen.


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Mobile learning, in the past defined as learning with mobile devices, now refers to any type of learning-on-the-go or learning that takes advantage of mobile technologies. This new definition shifted its focus from the mobility of technology to the mobility of the learner (O'Malley and Stanton 2002; Sharples, Arnedillo-Sanchez et al. 2009). Placing emphasis on the mobile learner’s perspective requires studying “how the mobility of learners augmented by personal and public technology can contribute to the process of gaining new knowledge, skills, and experience” (Sharples, Arnedillo-Sanchez et al. 2009). The demands of an increasingly knowledge based society and the advances in mobile phone technology are combining to spur the growth of mobile learning. Around the world, mobile learning is predicted to be the future of online learning, and is slowly entering the mainstream education. However, for mobile learning to attain its full potential, it is essential to develop more advanced technologies that are tailored to the needs of this new learning environment. A research field that allows putting the development of such technologies onto a solid basis is user experience design, which addresses how to improve usability and therefore user acceptance of a system. Although there is no consensus definition of user experience, simply stated it focuses on how a person feels about using a product, system or service. It is generally agreed that user experience adds subjective attributes and social aspects to a space that has previously concerned itself mainly with ease-of-use. In addition, it can include users’ perceptions of usability and system efficiency. Recent advances in mobile and ubiquitous computing technologies further underline the importance of human-computer interaction and user experience (feelings, motivations, and values) with a system. Today, there are plenty of reports on the limitations of mobile technologies for learning (e.g., small screen size, slow connection), but there is a lack of research on user experience with mobile technologies. This dissertation will fill in this gap by a new approach in building a user experience-based mobile learning environment. The optimized user experience we suggest integrates three priorities, namely a) content, by improving the quality of delivered learning materials, b) the teaching and learning process, by enabling live and synchronous learning, and c) the learners themselves, by enabling a timely detection of their emotional state during mobile learning. In detail, the contributions of this thesis are as follows: • A video codec optimized for screencast videos which achieves an unprecedented compression rate while maintaining a very high video quality, and a novel UI layout for video lectures, which together enable truly mobile access to live lectures. • A new approach in HTTP-based multimedia delivery that exploits the characteristics of live lectures in a mobile context and enables a significantly improved user experience for mobile live lectures. • A non-invasive affective learning model based on multi-modal emotion detection with very high recognition rates, which enables real-time emotion detection and subsequent adaption of the learning environment on mobile devices. The technology resulting from the research presented in this thesis is in daily use at the School of Continuing Education of Shanghai Jiaotong University (SOCE), a blended-learning institution with 35.000 students.


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When viewing web-consumer reviews consumers encounter the reviewers in an anonymous environment. Although their interactions are only virtual they still exchange social information, e.g. often reviewers refer to their proficiency or consumption motives within the review texts. Do these social information harm the viewers’ perception of the recommended products? The present study addresses this question by applying the paradigm of social comparison (Mussweiler, 2003) to web-consumer reviews. In a laboratory experiment with a student sample (n = 120) we manipulated the perceived similarity between reviewer and viewer and the perceived proficiency of the reviewer. A measurement of achievement goals (Elliott & McGregor, 2001) and average number of hours of study prior to the experiment allowed to introduce the reviewer as high [low] in proficiency and similar [dissimilar] in achievement goals. As predicted, the viewer’s evaluation of the recommended products differed as a function of this social information. Contrasting with the reviewer led to devaluing the products recommended by a proficient but dissimilar reviewer. However, against our prediction social comparison with the reviewer did not affect the viewer`s self-evaluation. Whether social information in web-product reviews affects the viewer`s self-evaluation and induces both social comparison processes remains an open question. Future studies aim to address this by manipulating the informational focus of the viewer, rather than the perceived similarity between viewer and reviewer. So far, the present study extends the application of social comparison to consumption environments and contributes to the understanding of the virtual social identity.


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Digital TV offers of 200 channels and 500 video-on-demand films, podcasting, mobile television, a new web blog being created every two seconds - these are some of the factual elements depicting contemporary audiovisual media in the digital environment. The present article looks into some of these technological advances and sketches their implications for the markets of media content, in particular as newly emerging patterns of consumer and business behaviour are concerned. Ultimately, it puts forward the question of whether the existing audiovisual media regulatory models, which are still predominantly analogue-based, have been rendered obsolete by the transformed (and continually transforming) digital environment.


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BACKGROUND The majority of radiological reports are lacking a standard structure. Even within a specialized area of radiology, each report has its individual structure with regards to details and order, often containing too much of non-relevant information the referring physician is not interested in. For gathering relevant clinical key parameters in an efficient way or to support long-term therapy monitoring, structured reporting might be advantageous. OBJECTIVE Despite of new technologies in medical information systems, medical reporting is still not dynamic. To improve the quality of communication in radiology reports, a new structured reporting system was developed for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), intended to enhance professional communication by providing the pertinent clinical information in a predefined standard. METHODS Actual state analysis was performed within the departments of radiology and vascular surgery by developing a Technology Acceptance Model. The SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis focused on optimization of the radiology reporting of patients with AAA. Definition of clinical parameters was achieved by interviewing experienced clinicians in radiology and vascular surgery. For evaluation, a focus group (4 radiologists) looked at the reports of 16 patients. The usability and reliability of the method was validated in a real-world test environment in the field of radiology. RESULTS A Web-based application for radiological "structured reporting" (SR) was successfully standardized for AAA. Its organization comprises three main categories: characteristics of pathology and adjacent anatomy, measurements, and additional findings. Using different graphical widgets (eg, drop-down menus) in each category facilitate predefined data entries. Measurement parameters shown in a diagram can be defined for clinical monitoring and be adducted for quick adjudications. Figures for optional use to guide and standardize the reporting are embedded. Analysis of variance shows decreased average time required with SR to obtain a radiological report compared to free-text reporting (P=.0001). Questionnaire responses confirm a high acceptance rate by the user. CONCLUSIONS The new SR system may support efficient radiological reporting for initial diagnosis and follow-up for AAA. Perceived advantages of our SR platform are ease of use, which may lead to more accurate decision support. The new system is open to communicate not only with clinical partners but also with Radiology Information and Hospital Information Systems.


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BACKGROUND The number of older adults in the global population is increasing. This demographic shift leads to an increasing prevalence of age-associated disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. With the progression of the disease, the risk for institutional care increases, which contrasts with the desire of most patients to stay in their home environment. Despite doctors' and caregivers' awareness of the patient's cognitive status, they are often uncertain about its consequences on activities of daily living (ADL). To provide effective care, they need to know how patients cope with ADL, in particular, the estimation of risks associated with the cognitive decline. The occurrence, performance, and duration of different ADL are important indicators of functional ability. The patient's ability to cope with these activities is traditionally assessed with questionnaires, which has disadvantages (eg, lack of reliability and sensitivity). Several groups have proposed sensor-based systems to recognize and quantify these activities in the patient's home. Combined with Web technology, these systems can inform caregivers about their patients in real-time (e.g., via smartphone). OBJECTIVE We hypothesize that a non-intrusive system, which does not use body-mounted sensors, video-based imaging, and microphone recordings would be better suited for use in dementia patients. Since it does not require patient's attention and compliance, such a system might be well accepted by patients. We present a passive, Web-based, non-intrusive, assistive technology system that recognizes and classifies ADL. METHODS The components of this novel assistive technology system were wireless sensors distributed in every room of the participant's home and a central computer unit (CCU). The environmental data were acquired for 20 days (per participant) and then stored and processed on the CCU. In consultation with medical experts, eight ADL were classified. RESULTS In this study, 10 healthy participants (6 women, 4 men; mean age 48.8 years; SD 20.0 years; age range 28-79 years) were included. For explorative purposes, one female Alzheimer patient (Montreal Cognitive Assessment score=23, Timed Up and Go=19.8 seconds, Trail Making Test A=84.3 seconds, Trail Making Test B=146 seconds) was measured in parallel with the healthy subjects. In total, 1317 ADL were performed by the participants, 1211 ADL were classified correctly, and 106 ADL were missed. This led to an overall sensitivity of 91.27% and a specificity of 92.52%. Each subject performed an average of 134.8 ADL (SD 75). CONCLUSIONS The non-intrusive wireless sensor system can acquire environmental data essential for the classification of activities of daily living. By analyzing retrieved data, it is possible to distinguish and assign data patterns to subjects' specific activities and to identify eight different activities in daily living. The Web-based technology allows the system to improve care and provides valuable information about the patient in real-time.


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A vast amount of temporal information is provided on the Web. Even though many facts expressed in documents are time-related, the temporal properties of Web presentations have not received much attention. In database research, temporal databases have become a mainstream topic in recent years. In Web documents, temporal data may exist as meta data in the header and as user-directed data in the body of a document. Whereas temporal data can easily be identified in the semi-structured meta data, it is more difficult to determine temporal data and its role in the body. We propose procedures for maintaining temporal integrity of Web pages and outline different approaches of applying bitemporal data concepts for Web documents. In particular, we regard desirable functionalities of Web repositories and other Web-related tools that may support the Webmasters in managing the temporal data of their Web documents. Some properties of a prototype environment are described.