947 resultados para Visual-mental-imagery
We tested the predictions of Attentional Control Theory (ACT) by examining how anxiety affects visual search strategies, performance efficiency, and performance effectiveness using a dynamic, temporal-constrained anticipation task. Higher and lower skilled players viewed soccer situations under 2 task constraints (near vs. far situation) and were tested under high (HA) and low (LA) anxiety conditions. Response accuracy (effectiveness) and response time, perceived mental effort, and eye-movements (all efficiency) were recorded. A significant increase in anxiety was evidenced by higher state anxiety ratings on the MRF-L scale. Increased anxiety led to decreased performance efficiency because response times and mental effort increased for both skill groups whereas response accuracy did not differ. Anxiety influenced search strategies, with higher skilled players showing a decrease in number of fixation locations for far situations under HA compared with LA condition when compared with lower skilled players. Findings provide support for ACT with anxiety impairing processing efficiency and, potentially, top-down attentional control across different task constraints.
Many mental disorders disrupt social skills, yet few studies have examined how the brain processes social information. Functional neuroimaging, neuroconnectivity and electrophysiological studies suggest that orbital frontal cortex plays important roles in social cognition, including the analysis of information from faces, which are important cues in social interactions. Studies in humans and non-human primates show that damage to orbital frontal cortex produces social behavior impairments, including abnormal aggression, but these studies have failed to determine whether damage to this area impairs face processing. In addition, it is not known whether damage early in life is more detrimental than damage in adulthood. This study examined whether orbital frontal cortex is necessary for the discrimination of face identity and facial expressions, and for appropriate behavioral responses to aggressive (threatening) facial expressions. Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) received selective lesions of orbital frontal cortex as newborns or adults. As adults, these animals were compared with sham-operated controls on their ability to discriminate between faces of individual monkeys and between different facial expressions of emotion. A passive visual paired-comparison task with standardized rhesus monkey face stimuli was designed and used to assess discrimination. In addition, looking behavior toward aggressive expressions was assessed and compared with that of normal control animals. The results showed that lesion of orbital frontal cortex (1) may impair discrimination between faces of individual monkeys, (2) does not impair facial expression discrimination, and (3) changes the amount of time spent looking at aggressive (threatening) facial expressions depending on the context. The effects of early and late lesions did not differ. Thus, orbital frontal cortex appears to be part of the neural circuitry for recognizing individuals and for modulating the response to aggression in faces, and the plasticity of the immature brain does not allow for recovery of these functions when the damage occurs early in life. This study opens new avenues for the assessment of rhesus monkey face processing and the neural basis of social cognition, and allows a better understanding of the nature of the neuropathology in patients with mental disorders that disrupt social behavior, such as autism. ^
La investigación del peso corporal en sujetos con retraso mental (RM) ha sido emparentada con la obesidad y, en menor medida, con el bajo peso. Con el motivo de determinar el estado del peso corporal y establecer si existen desviaciones respecto al peso normal, es que se realizó un estudio con diseño descriptivo transversal teniendo en cuenta las diferentes variables que afectan a sujetos con retraso mental, tomando como indicadores de evaluación el Índice de Masa Corporal y el IMC para la Edad, recolectándose los datos en concurrentes a un Centro de Día. Según este trabajo, el estado de peso corporal en sujetos con RM varía entre el peso normal y el exceso de peso en forma de sobrepeso y de obesidad, en menor medida el bajo peso. Los grupos de mujeres, individuos mayores de edad, sujetos con capacidad ambulatoria, discapacidad mental, menor grado de retraso mental, poseen mayor riesgo de sobrepeso y obesidad según los porcentuales obtenidos; mientras que los conjuntos de sujetos menores de 20 años, discapacidad motora, mayor grado de retraso mental, parálisis cerebral, individuos cuyo desplazamiento ambulatorio es nulo o casi nulo, y en menor medida varones y personas con discapacidad visual, presentaron tendencia al peso normal y el bajo peso como grupo. En los sujetos que recibían medicación su peso corporal se distribuía en valores proporcionales entre los diferentes estados. Nuevas investigaciones que muestren preocupación por las personas con discapacidad intelectual favorecerán la calidad de vida y el desenvolvimiento de este conjunto en la sociedad
La investigación del peso corporal en sujetos con retraso mental (RM) ha sido emparentada con la obesidad y, en menor medida, con el bajo peso. Con el motivo de determinar el estado del peso corporal y establecer si existen desviaciones respecto al peso normal, es que se realizó un estudio con diseño descriptivo transversal teniendo en cuenta las diferentes variables que afectan a sujetos con retraso mental, tomando como indicadores de evaluación el Índice de Masa Corporal y el IMC para la Edad, recolectándose los datos en concurrentes a un Centro de Día. Según este trabajo, el estado de peso corporal en sujetos con RM varía entre el peso normal y el exceso de peso en forma de sobrepeso y de obesidad, en menor medida el bajo peso. Los grupos de mujeres, individuos mayores de edad, sujetos con capacidad ambulatoria, discapacidad mental, menor grado de retraso mental, poseen mayor riesgo de sobrepeso y obesidad según los porcentuales obtenidos; mientras que los conjuntos de sujetos menores de 20 años, discapacidad motora, mayor grado de retraso mental, parálisis cerebral, individuos cuyo desplazamiento ambulatorio es nulo o casi nulo, y en menor medida varones y personas con discapacidad visual, presentaron tendencia al peso normal y el bajo peso como grupo. En los sujetos que recibían medicación su peso corporal se distribuía en valores proporcionales entre los diferentes estados. Nuevas investigaciones que muestren preocupación por las personas con discapacidad intelectual favorecerán la calidad de vida y el desenvolvimiento de este conjunto en la sociedad
La investigación del peso corporal en sujetos con retraso mental (RM) ha sido emparentada con la obesidad y, en menor medida, con el bajo peso. Con el motivo de determinar el estado del peso corporal y establecer si existen desviaciones respecto al peso normal, es que se realizó un estudio con diseño descriptivo transversal teniendo en cuenta las diferentes variables que afectan a sujetos con retraso mental, tomando como indicadores de evaluación el Índice de Masa Corporal y el IMC para la Edad, recolectándose los datos en concurrentes a un Centro de Día. Según este trabajo, el estado de peso corporal en sujetos con RM varía entre el peso normal y el exceso de peso en forma de sobrepeso y de obesidad, en menor medida el bajo peso. Los grupos de mujeres, individuos mayores de edad, sujetos con capacidad ambulatoria, discapacidad mental, menor grado de retraso mental, poseen mayor riesgo de sobrepeso y obesidad según los porcentuales obtenidos; mientras que los conjuntos de sujetos menores de 20 años, discapacidad motora, mayor grado de retraso mental, parálisis cerebral, individuos cuyo desplazamiento ambulatorio es nulo o casi nulo, y en menor medida varones y personas con discapacidad visual, presentaron tendencia al peso normal y el bajo peso como grupo. En los sujetos que recibían medicación su peso corporal se distribuía en valores proporcionales entre los diferentes estados. Nuevas investigaciones que muestren preocupación por las personas con discapacidad intelectual favorecerán la calidad de vida y el desenvolvimiento de este conjunto en la sociedad
El tema de la presente tesis es la valoración del patrimonio y en ella se considera que el patrimonio es un proceso cultural interesado en negociar, crear y recrear recuerdos, valores y significados culturales. Actualmente el patrimonio como proceso se está consolidando en la literatura científica, aunque la idea de que es una ‘cosa’ es dominante en el debate internacional y está respaldada tanto por políticas como prácticas de la UNESCO. El considerar el patrimonio como un proceso permite una mirada crítica, que subraya la significación. Es decir, supone el correlato que conlleva definir algo como ‘patrimonio’, o hacer que lo vaya siendo. Esta visión del concepto permite la posibilidad de comprender no sólo lo que se ha valorado, sino también lo que se ha olvidado y el porqué. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es explorar las características de un proceso de razonamiento visual para aplicarlo en el de valoración del patrimonio. Éste que se presenta, implica la creación de representaciones visuales y sus relaciones, además su meta no está centrada en producir un ambiente que sea indiferenciado de la realidad física. Con él se pretende ofrecer la posibilidad de comunicar la dimensión ‘poliédrica’ del patrimonio. Para que este nuevo proceso que propongo sea viable y sostenible, existe la necesidad de tener en cuenta el fin que se quiere lograr: la valoración. Es importante considerar que es un proceso en el cual las dinámicas de aprendizaje, comportamientos y exploración del patrimonio están directamente relacionadas con su valoración. Por lo tanto, hay que saber cómo se genera la valoración del patrimonio, con el fin de ser capaces de desarrollar el proceso adaptado a estas dinámicas. La hipótesis de esta tesis defiende que un proceso de razonamiento visual para la valoración del patrimonio permite que las personas involucradas en el proceso inicien un proceso de interacción con un elemento patrimonial y su imagen mental para llegar a ciertas conclusiones con respecto a su valor y significado. El trabajo describe la metodología que da lugar al proceso de razonamiento visual para el patrimonio, que ha sido concebido sobre un modelado descriptivo de procesos, donde se han caracterizado tres niveles: meta-nivel, de análisis y operacional. En el modelado del proceso los agentes, junto con el patrimonio, son los protagonistas. El enfoque propuesto no es sólo sobre el patrimonio, sino sobre la compleja relación entre las personas y el patrimonio. Los agentes humanos dan valor a los testimonios de la vida pasada y les imbuyen de significado. Por lo tanto, este enfoque de un proceso de razonamiento visual sirve para detectar los cambios en el valor del patrimonio, además de su dimensión poliédrica en términos espaciales y temporales. Además se ha propuesto una nueva tipología de patrimonio necesaria para sustentar un proceso de razonamiento visual para su valoración. Esta tipología está apoyada en la usabilidad del patrimonio y dentro de ella se encuentran los siguientes tipos de patrimonio: accesible, cautivo, contextualizado, descontextualizado, original y vicarial. El desarrollo de un proceso de razonamiento visual para el patrimonio es una propuesta innovadora porque integra el proceso para su valoración, contemplando la dimensión poliédrica del patrimonio y explotando la potencialidad del razonamiento visual. Además, los posibles usuarios del proceso propuesto van a tener interacción de manera directa con el patrimonio e indirecta con la información relativa a él, como por ejemplo, con los metadatos. Por tanto, el proceso propuesto posibilita que los posibles usuarios se impliquen activamente en la propia valoración del patrimonio. ABSTRACT The subject of this thesis is heritage valuation and it argues that heritage is a cultural process that is inherited, transmitted, and transformed by individuals who are interested in negotiating, creating and recreating memories and cultural meanings. Recently heritage as a process has seen a consolidation in the research, although the idea that heritage is a ‘thing’ is dominant in the international debate and is supported by policies and practice of UNESCO. Seeing heritage as a process enables a critical view, underscoring the significance. That is, it is the correlate involved in defining something as ‘heritage’, or converting it into heritage. This view of the concept allows the possibility to understand not only what has been valued, but also what has been forgotten and why. The main objective of this research is to explore the characteristics of a visual reasoning process in order to apply it to a heritage valuation. The goal of the process is not centered on producing an environment that is undifferentiated from physical reality. Thus, the objective of the process is to provide the ability to communicate the ‘polyhedral’ dimension of heritage. For this new process to be viable and sustainable, it is necessary to consider what is to be achieved: heritage valuation. It is important to note that it is a process in which the dynamics of learning, behavior and exploration heritage are directly related to its valuation. Therefore, we need to know how this valuation takes place in order to be able to develop a process that is adapted to these dynamic. The hypothesis of this thesis argues that a visual reasoning process for heritage valuation allows people involved in the process to initiate an interaction with a heritage and to build its mental image to reach certain conclusions regarding its value and meaning. The thesis describes the methodology that results in a visual reasoning process for heritage valuation, which has been based on a descriptive modeling process and have characterized three levels: meta, analysis and operational -level. The agents are the protagonists in the process, along with heritage. The proposed approach is not only about heritage but the complex relationship between people and heritage. Human operators give value to the testimonies of past life and imbue them with meaning. Therefore, this approach of a visual reasoning process is used to detect changes in the value of heritage and its multifaceted dimension in spatial and temporal terms. A new type of heritage required to support a visual reasoning process for heritage valuation has also been proposed. This type is supported by its usability and it covers the following types of heritage: available, captive, contextualized, decontextualized, original and vicarious. The development of a visual reasoning process for heritage valuation is innovative because it integrates the process for valuation of heritage, considering the multifaceted dimension of heritage and exploiting the potential of visual reasoning. In addition, potential users of the proposed process will have direct interaction with heritage and indirectly with the information about it, such as the metadata. Therefore, the proposed process enables potential users to be actively involved in their own heritage valuation.
The central nervous system (CNS) effects of mental stress in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) are unexplored. The present study used positron emission tomography (PET) to measure brain correlates of mental stress induced by an arithmetic serial subtraction task in CAD and healthy subjects. Mental stress resulted in hyperactivation in CAD patients compared with healthy subjects in several brain areas including the left parietal cortex [angular gyrus/parallel sulcus (area 39)], left anterior cingulate (area 32), right visual association cortex (area 18), left fusiform gyrus, and cerebellum. These same regions were activated within the CAD patient group during mental stress versus control conditions. In the group of healthy subjects, activation was significant only in the left inferior frontal gyrus during mental stress compared with counting control. Decreases in blood flow also were produced by mental stress in CAD versus healthy subjects in right thalamus (lateral dorsal, lateral posterior), right superior frontal gyrus (areas 32, 24, and 10), and right middle temporal gyrus (area 21) (in the region of the auditory association cortex). Of particular interest, a subgroup of CAD patients that developed painless myocardial ischemia during mental stress had hyperactivation in the left hippocampus and inferior parietal lobule (area 40), left middle (area 10) and superior frontal gyrus (area 8), temporal pole, and visual association cortex (area 18), and a concomitant decrease in activation observed in the anterior cingulate bilaterally, right middle and superior frontal gyri, and right visual association cortex (area 18) compared with CAD patients without myocardial ischemia. These findings demonstrate an exaggerated cerebral cortical response and exaggerated asymmetry to mental stress in individuals with CAD.
A replacement for, rather than an addition to, the bibliographies of the former National Organization for Public Health Nursing, the National League of Nursing Education, 1952, and the National League for Nursing, 1954-55.
Vol. 5 issued by the National League for Nursing, Division of Nursing Education.
Changes in DHPR activity in those aged 12 and under with a variety of mental disorders were investigated using dried blood spots on Guthrie cards. DHPR activity was found to be lowered in autism and Rett's syndrome. DHPR activity was unaffected in non specific mental retardation suggesting that the deficit seen in autism and Rett's syndrome does not arise secondary to the mental dysfunction. In Down's syndrome blood biopterin levels correlated with blood spot DHPR activity. Human brain BH4 synthetic activity was investigated in aging and senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT). BH4 synthetic activity and DHPR activity decline with age in non-demented controls. In SDAT, decreases in BH4 synthetic activity were seen in temporal and visual cortices and locus coeruleus. The site of the defect is probably at 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase. Aluminium inhibits human brain BH4 synthesis in vitro and produces an `Alzheimeresque' pattern of abnormalities in rats chronically exposed to the acetate salt in drinking water. Aluminium appears to chiefly affect enzymes requiring a metal ion cofactor. Aluminium induced inhibition of BH4 synthesis can be reversed by treatment with transferrin, an aluminium chelator. Transferrin treatment improves BH4 synthetic activity in SDAT brains whilst having no effect on controls, further implicating aluminium as the key neurotoxin in SDAT. Lithium inhibits human brain BH4 synthesis in vitro and lowers rat brain total biopterins and inhibits rat brain BH4 synthesis on chronic exposure to the carbonate salt in drinking water. A possible mechanism for the anti-manic actions of lithium is suggested. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors decrease human brain BH4 synthetic activity in vitro. 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate had no effect on human brain BH4 synthesis in vitro but methionine increased BH4 synthesis in vitro. Oxotremorine is a potent inhibitor of BH4 synthesis in man and the rat. This may prove useful as a tool for modelling BH4 deficiency.
SPOT simulation imagery was acquired for a test site in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire, U.K. This data was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated for its potential application in forest resource mapping and management. A variety of techniques are described for enhancing the image with the aim of providing species level discrimination within the forest. Visual interpretation of the imagery was more successful than automated classification. The heterogeneity within the forest classes, and in particular between the forest and urban class, resulted in poor discrimination using traditional `per-pixel' automated methods of classification. Different means of assessing classification accuracy are proposed. Two techniques for measuring textural variation were investigated in an attempt to improve classification accuracy. The first of these, a sequential segmentation method, was found to be beneficial. The second, a parallel segmentation method, resulted in little improvement though this may be related to a combination of resolution in size of the texture extraction area. The effect on classification accuracy of combining the SPOT simulation imagery with other data types is investigated. A grid cell encoding technique was selected as most appropriate for storing digitised topographic (elevation, slope) and ground truth data. Topographic data were shown to improve species-level classification, though with sixteen classes overall accuracies were consistently below 50%. Neither sub-division into age groups or the incorporation of principal components and a band ratio significantly improved classification accuracy. It is concluded that SPOT imagery will not permit species level classification within forested areas as diverse as the Forest of Dean. The imagery will be most useful as part of a multi-stage sampling scheme. The use of texture analysis is highly recommended for extracting maximum information content from the data. Incorporation of the imagery into a GIS will both aid discrimination and provide a useful management tool.
In the absence of adequate visual stimulation accommodation adopts an intermediate resting position, appropriately termed tonic accommodation (TA). A period of sustained fixation can modify the tonic resting position, and indicate the adaptation properties of TA. This thesis investigates various factors contributing to the accommodative response during sustained visual tasks, in particular the adaptation of TA. Objective infra-red optometry was chosen as the most effective method of measurement of accommodation. This technique was compared with other methods of measuring TA and the results found to be well correlated. The inhibitory sympathetic input to the ciliary muscle provides the facility to attenuate the magnitude and duration of adaptive changes in TA. This facility is, however, restricted to those individuals having relatively high levels of pre-task TA. Furthermore, the facility is augmented by substantial levels of concurrent parasympathetic activity. The imposition of mental effort can induce concurrent changes in TA which are predominantly positive and largely the result of an increase in parasympathetic innervation of the ciliary muscle although there is some evidence for sympathetic attentuation at higher levels of TA. In emmetropes sympathetic inhibition can modify the effect of mental effort on the steady-state accommodative response at near. Late-onset myopes (onset after the age of 15 years) have significantlylower values of TA then emmetropes. Similarly, late-onset myopes show lower values of steady-state accommodative response for nearstimuli. The imposition of mental effort induces concurrent increases in TA and steady-state accommodative response in the myopic group which are significantly greater than those for emmetropes. Estimates of TA made under bright empty-field conditions are well correlated with those made under darkroom conditions. The method by which the accommodative loop is opened has no significant effect on the magnitude and duration of post-task shifts in TA induced by a near vision task. Significant differences in the post-task shifts in TA induced by a near vision task exist between emmetropes and late-onset myopes, the post-task shifts being more sustained for the myopic group.
Imagining a familiar environment is different from imagining an environmental map and clinical evidence demonstrated the existence of double dissociations in brain-damaged patients due to the contents of mental images. Here, we assessed a large sample of young and old participants by considering their ability to generate different kinds of mental images, namely, buildings or common objects. As buildings are environmental stimuli that have an important role in human navigation, we expected that elderly participants would have greater difficulty in generating images of buildings than common objects. We found that young and older participants differed in generating both buildings and common objects. For young participants there were no differences between buildings and common objects, but older participants found easier to generate common objects than buildings. Buildings are a special type of visual stimuli because in urban environments they are commonly used as landmarks for navigational purposes. Considering that topographical orientation is one of the abilities mostly affected in normal and pathological aging, the present data throw some light on the impaired processes underlying human navigation.