968 resultados para Third world
New trends in biometrics are oriented to mobile devices in order to increase the overall security in daily actions like bank account access, e-commerce or even document protection within the mobile. However, applying biometrics to mobile devices imply challenging aspects in biometric data acquisition, feature extraction or private data storage. Concretely, this paper attempts to deal with the problem of hand segmentation given a picture of the hand in an unknown background, requiring an accurate result in terms of hand isolation. For the sake of user acceptability, no restrictions are done on background, and therefore, hand images can be taken without any constraint, resulting segmentation in an exigent task. Multiscale aggregation strategies are proposed in order to solve this problem due to their accurate results in unconstrained and complicated scenarios, together with their properties in time performance. This method is evaluated with a public synthetic database with 480000 images considering different backgrounds and illumination environments. The results obtained in terms of accuracy and time performance highlight their capability of being a suitable solution for the problem of hand segmentation in contact-less environments, outperforming competitive methods in literature like Lossy Data Compression image segmentation (LDC).
El objetivo seguido en este proyecto fin de carrera, ha sido el análisis de la evolución general de la tecnología, tanto electrónica, como en Telecomunicaciones e Informática, desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad, realizando un estudio sobre cómo esos avances han mejorado, incluso cambiado nuestra vida cotidiana y cómo a consecuencia de la conversión de muchos de estos productos tecnológicos en objeto de consumo masivo, la propia dinámica económico-comercial ha llevado a las empresas a la programación del fin del su vida útil con el objeto de incrementar su demanda y, consiguientemente, la producción. Se trata de lo que se conoce desde hace décadas como Obsolescencia Programada. Para realizar este documento se ha realizado un breve repaso por los acontecimientos históricos que promovieron el inicio de esta práctica, así como también nos ha llevado a realizar mención de todos esos aparatos tecnológicos que han sufrido una mayor evolución y por tanto son los más propensos a que se instauren en ellos, debido a cómo influyen dichos cambios en los consumidores. Otro de los aspectos más importantes que rodean a la Obsolescencia Programada, es cómo influye en el comportamiento de la sociedad, creando en ella actitudes consumistas, que precisamente son las que alimentan que el ciclo económico siga basándose en incluir esta práctica desde el diseño del producto, puesto que a mayor consumo, mayor producción, y por tanto, supone un aumento de beneficios para el fabricante. Aunque, lo que para algunos supone un amplio margen de rentabilidad, existen otros componentes de la ecuación que no salen tan bien parados, como pueden ser los países del tercer mundo que están siendo poblados de basura electrónica, y en general el medio ambiente y los recursos de los que hoy disponemos, que no son ilimitados, y que están viéndose gravemente afectados por la inserción de esta práctica. Como cierre de este análisis, se repasarán algunas de las técnicas empleadas en algunos de los productos más utilizados hoy en día y las conclusiones a las que se han llevado después de analizar todos estos puntos del tema. ABSTRACT. The main goal followed in this final project has been analyzing the overall evolution of technology, both electronics and telecommunications. Also, computer science; from beginning to present it has been realized some studies about these advances have improved our daily life, even changing our routine, and turn us massive consumers of all technological products on the market. This dynamic economic and commercial has led companies to programming the end of its useful life in order to increase demand, and consequently, the production. This is known as Obsolescence. To make this document has been made a brief review through historical events that promoted the opening of this practice, and also led us to make mention all these technological devices have undergone further evolution and therefore more likely to establish them, because these changes affect consumers. Another important aspect around planned obsolescence is how to influence in society’s behavior, creating consumerist attitudes, which are precisely those feed the economic cycle continues to be based on including this practice from product design, because increased consumption and production. Therefore, this fact increases profits for the manufacturer. Although, for some people suppose a wide margin of profitability, there are other components do not have such luck; for example, third World countries have been filled with e-waste and the environment, in general, and resources available today which are not unlimited, and who are seriously affected by the inclusion of this practice. To close this analysis, we will review a few techniques used in some products most widely used today, and the conclusions that have been made after analyzing all these points of the topic.
O objetivo dessa tese é aprofundar, a partir do discurso pós-colonial, uma crise na perspectiva teológica da libertação. Esta promoveu, na década de 1970, uma reviravolta nos estudos teológicos no terceiro mundo. Para tanto, leremos um conto de Gabriel García Márquez chamado “El ahogado más hermosodel mundo” (1968) analizando e avaliando as estratégias políticas e culturais ali inscritas. Para levar a frente tal avaliação é preciso ampliar o escopo de uma visão que divide o mundo em secular/religioso, ou em ideias/práticas religiosas e não religiosas, para dar passo a uma visão unificada que compreende a mundanalidade, tanto do que é catalogado como ‘religioso’ quanto do que se pretende ‘não religioso’. A teologia/ciências da religião, como discurso científico sobre a economia das trocas que lidam com visões, compreensões e práticas de mundo marcadas pelo reconhecimento do mistério que lhes é inerente, possuem um papel fundamental na compreensão, explicitação, articulação e disponibilização de tais forças culturais. A percepção de existirem elementos no conto que se relacionam com os símbolos sobre Jesus/Cristo nos ofereceu um vetor de análise; entretanto, não nos deixamos limitar pelos grilhões disciplinares que essa simbologia implica. Ao mesmo tempo, esse vínculo, compreendido desde a relação imperial/colonial inerente aos discursos e imagens sobre Jesus-Cristo, embora sem centralizar a análise, não poderia ficar intocado. Partimos para a construção de uma estrutura teórica que explicitasse os valores, gestos, e horizontes mundanos do conto, cristológicos e não-cristológicos, contribuindo assim para uma desestabilização dos quadros tradicionais a partir dos quais se concebem a teologia e as ciências da religião, a obra de García Márquez como literatura, e a geografia imperial/colonial que postula o realismo ficcional de territórios como “América Latina”. Abrimos, assim, um espaço de significação que lê o conto como uma “não-cristologia”, deslocando o aprisionamento disciplinar e classificatório dos elementos envolvidos na análise. O discurso crítico de Edward Said, Homi Bhabha e GayatriSpivak soma-se à prática teórica de teólogas críticas feministas da Ásia, da África e da América Latina para formular o cenário político emancipatório que denominaremos teologia crítica secular.
Introdução: A violência doméstica contra as mulheres apresenta-se, na atualidade, como relevante questão social e problema de saúde pública que afeta a maioria dos países. Portanto, não está mais restrita a países considerados do terceiro mundo e tende a ampliarse e a se generalizar. Em Moçambique pouco se investigou sobre a importância e papel das Delegacias de Mulheres no processo de implementação da Lei 29/2009 sobre Violência Doméstica contra a Mulher. Objetivo: Conhecer como profissionais de Delegacias de Mulheres acolhem e encaminham aos Tribunais os casos de violência doméstica; como interpretam o texto da lei, seu alcance, limitação e desafios na defesa dos direitos das mulheres vivendo em situação de violência na cidade de Maputo. Metodologia: Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, na qual foram realizadas entrevistas com 21 profissionais, operadores de Delegacias da cidade de Maputo Moçambique, que autorizaram a entrevista, segundo Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Resultados e Discussão: Os entrevistados apresentaram, em seus relatos, grande identificação com o tipo de trabalho exercido, considerando as Delegacias como espaços significativos para o reconhecimento da cidadania das mulheres, assim como um campo de atuação políticojurídica em defesa dos direitos das mesmas via atuação na implementação da Lei 29/2009. Reconhecem a relevância da Lei, tendo em vista a significativa expressão da violência como prática naturalizada, na sociedade moçambicana, pela cristalização de valores tradicionais do poder masculino sobre as mulheres, secundados por diferentes práticas culturais. Tais entrevistados Identificam alcances, mas igualmente limites no processo de implementação da mesma, destacando a importância de sua maior divulgação em todas as regiões do país, quer urbanas, sobretudo nas periferias, assim como zonas rurais. Destacam, igualmente, a necessidade de maior capacitação dos próprios agentes do setor jurídico, considerando a multiplicidade de aspectos envolvidos na prática cotidiana dos serviços, notadamente nas delegacias, em relação à aplicação e ampliação do alcance da Lei. Considerações Finais: As tradicionais práticas culturais vigentes na sociedade moçambicana apresentaram-se como aspecto limitante para a implementação da Lei, assim como a remissão das penas, prevista na Lei, que, impossibilita a punição do agressor, em termos de detenção, uma vez que substitui a mesma por prestação de serviços à comunidade, pagamento de cestabásica e/ou multas, tendo em vista, sobretudo, sua estreita relação com o artigo 37 sobre a salvaguarda da família. Diante disso, foram sugeridas, para maior alcance e efetividade na aplicação da Lei, modalidades como o trabalho reflexivo com grupos de homens, com o objetivo de desconstrução dos tradicionais valores sobre masculinidade vigentes nas relações entre homens e mulheres nessa sociedade, que mantém tanto a desigualdade quanto a iniquidade de gênero, pela permanência de tradicionais valores culturais, a exemplo do lobolo e da poligamia
Transnational artist Shahzia Sikander challenges the limitations of Edward Said's postcolonial emphasis on secular humanism by deploying the heterogeneous traditions of South Asian miniature painting while strategically drawing on tradition to critique contemporaneity. Through a palimpsest process of composition, Sikander reincorporates the unknown and silenced histories implicit in the tradition of miniature painting to create social imaginaries with motifs that draw on the diverse traditions of South Asian religions and aesthetics to create a subversive politics of remembering wherein alternative images of cosmopolitanism emerge. Through a sustained analysis, this dissertation demonstrates how these alternative traditions interrogate and critique the limitations of postcolonial theory. Particularly important to this critique are some recent approaches of Third World feminists that highlight the limitations of secular humanism implicit in much of postcolonial critique. Sikander's compositions mirror these approaches as her motifs of the feminine become an intervention into the spiritual emptiness and ethical confusions of contemporaneity. In effect, Sikander's work is an intervention, a warning, and a plea for the re-invention of positive alternatives as her images embody and facilitate a critical and daring consciousness that is necessary to both our social and spiritual well-being.
This paper makes a proposal for the establishment of therapeutic communities for people with severe and persistent mental illnesses in Ghana. It discusses the history and features of therapeutic communities, as well as the elements that make it compatible with the agenda of the new 2012 Ghana mental health bill. This paper also discusses the present state of mental health care in this West African country and how the establishment of therapeutic communities will promote recovery of people with severe and persistent mental illness, and change the perception of chronic mental illness in Ghana. A discussion of potential modifications of the therapeutic community is offered as well as justifications for maintaining other structural aspects should this establishment materialize in Ghana. The costs of setting up therapeutic communities in this third world country are addressed with the offered conclusion that costs far outweigh the benefits. Finally, given the endeavor of the proposed therapeutic communities to assist in deinstitutionalization of care, cautions are made in this paper to ensure that the trends experienced in the United States with deinstitutionalization are not replicated in Ghana. A proposal is made in the conclusion for Ghana to move past therapeutic communities when developmentally able- to community mental health centers which were in part established to account for some of the fallouts of deinstitutionalization by providing a comprehensive and extensive range of services for people with severe and persistent mental illness.
This article calls for a widening of the debate about humanitarian intervention to incorporate insights from constructivism, 'Welsh School' Critical Security Studies, and critical approaches to Third World International Relations. After identifying a series of problems with the contemporary debate, which is dominated by the English School, it calls for a broadening of the concept of intervention and suggests a need to rethink the meaning of humanitarianism and terms such as the 'supreme humanitarian emergency'.
This paper examines the impact of declines in adult mortality on growth in an overlapping generations model. With public education and imperfect annuity markets, a decline in mortality affects growth through three channels. First, it raises the saving rate and thereby increases the rate of physical capital accumulation. Second, it reduces accidental bequests, lowers investment, and thereby lowers the rate of physical capital accumulation. Third, it may lead the median voter to increase the tax rate for public education initially but lower the tax rate in a later stage. Starting from a high mortality rate as found in many Third World populations, the net effect of a decline in mortality is to raise the growth rate. However, starting from a low mortality rate such as is found in most industrial populations, the net effect of a further decline in mortality is to reduce the growth rate. The findings appear consistent with recent empirical evidence. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.
Health is considered to be a fundamental human right. Concurrently health is assumed to be a global social goal (Bloom, 1987) yet many third-world countries and some sub-populations within developed countries do not enjoy a healthy existence. The research reported in this paper examined the conceptions of health, conceptions of illness and health practices for a group of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and Papua New Guinea university students studying health science courses. Results found three conceptions of health and three conceptions of illness that showed these students held traditional/cultural and Western beliefs about health and health practices. These findings may contribute to the development of health care courses that are more specific to how these students understand health. This may also serve to improve the educational status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and potentially improve the health status within these communities (author abstract)
Babies, bodies and entitlement: gendered aspects of access to citizenship in the Republic of Ireland
Since the mid-1990s, automatic citizenship for children born in the Republic has been a source of growing debate against a backdrop of increasing immigration and the peace process. In June 2004, the debate culminated in a referendum, opening the way to a constitutional amendment that attaches residence qualifications to the hitherto unfettered entitlement to citizenship available through ius soli. Arguments for the amendment were couched in terms of a threat posed by Third World women having babies in Ireland to obtain residence, and a putative obligation to the EU to harmonise citizenship laws. This article explores how pregnant foreign women’s bodies became a site of perplexity about the borders of the twenty-first century Irish nation. It is therefore suggested that neither the ‘racial state’ theories nor feminist theories of the nation-state account fully for this. On closer inspection, the seemingly sui generis case of the Irish referendum is therefore fruitful in that it demands further reflection in terms of bridging gaps in the existing theory.
The aim of this project was to carry out an investigastion into suitable alternatives to gasoline for use in modern automobiles. The fuel would provide the western world with a means of extending the natural gasoline resources and the third world a way of cutting down their dependence on the oil producing countries for their energy supply. Alcohols, namely methanol and ethanol, provide this solution. They can be used as gasoline extenders or as fuels on their own.In order to fulfil the aims of the project a literature study was carried out to investigate methods and costs of producing these fuels. An experimental programme was then set up in which the performance of the alcohols was studied on a conventional engine. The engine used for this purpose was the Fiat 127 930cc four cylinder engine. This engine was used because of its popularity in the European countries. The Weber fixed jet carburettor, since it was designed to be used with gasoline, was adapted so that the alcohol fuels and the blends could be used in the most efficient way. This was mainly to take account of the lower heat content of the alcohols. The adaptation of the carburettor was in the form of enlarging the main metering jet. Allowances for the alcohol's lower specfic gravity were made during fuel metering.Owing to the low front end volatility of methanol and ethanol, it was expected that `start up' problems would occur. An experimental programme was set up to determine the temperature range for a minimum required percentage `take off' that would ease start-up since it was determined that a `take off' of about 5% v/v liquid in the vapour phase would be sufficient for starting. Additions such as iso-pentane and n-pentane were used to improve the front end volatility. This proved to be successful.The lower heat content of the alcohol fuels also meant that a greater charge of fuel would be required. This was seen to pose further problems with fuel distribution from the carburettor to the individual cylinders on a multicylinder engine. Since it was not possible to modify the existing manifold on the Fiat 127 engine, experimental tests on manifold geometry were carried out using the Ricardo E6 single cylinder variable compression engine. Results from these tests showed that the length, shape and cross-sectional area of the manifold play an important part in the distribution of the fuel entering the cylinder, ie. vapour phase, vapour/small liquid droplet/liquid film phase, vapour/large liquid droplet/liquid film phase etc.The solvent properties of the alcohols and their greater electrical conductivity suggested that the materials used on the engine would be prone to chemical attack. In order to determine the type and rate of chemical attack, an experimental programme was set up whereby carburettor and other components were immersed in the alcohols and in blends of alcohol with gasoline. The test fuels were aerated and in some instances kept at temperatures ranging from 50oC to 90oC. Results from these tests suggest that not all materials used in the conventional engine are equally suitable for use with alcohols and alcohol/gasoline blends. Aluminium for instance was severely attacked by methanol causing pitting and pin-holing in the surface.In general this whole experimental programme gave valuable information on the acceptability of substitute fuels. While the long term effects of alcohol use merit further study, it is clear that methanol and ethanol will be increasingly used in place of gasoline.
Ethnic market potential in Britain has not yet been thoroughly researched. Important recent trends have focused mainly on the affective and emotional aspects of ethnicity, and included deliberations on the emergence of a revitalised neo-ethnic consciousness; its identification; politicisation, and the impact on it; of a rising third-world consciousness. This investigation attempts to take cognizance of the consuner demand of the ethnic Asian and West Indian groups, as specific market segments. It discusses the rationale for ethnic segmentation on the underlying premise, that the starting point for all product marketing is a response to perceived market opportunities. On the basis of this approach, the UK laundry detergent and automobile markets were investigated; as being representative of product categories constitutirg extremes along the purchase-search-time continuun in consuner decision-making. Ethnic groups were further analysed for their retail patronage patterns; media usage, and the differential effectiveness of alternative advertisirg strategies. The basic technique of marketing research namely the sample survey, was used with the aim of applying scientific techniques in obtaining information on ethnic groups. The integrated marketirg framework utilised allowed, moreover, for the collection of market research data on the specific issues of ethnic product penetration dealing with retailing, advertising and product promotion. The evidence highlights the fact that the cultural orientations of ethnic groups are instrunental in providing for differential demand structures. It points to the answer that ethnicity is an anchor not only for a deeper sense of identity; but also serves as a focus for the economic interests of ethnic groups. On this basis it is argued here, that since cultural levelling would eventually produce stagnation; current marketing strategies should utilise ethnic diversity as an econanic artifact; which; per se is necessary for profitability and growth; especially in innovative product design and development.
This thesis documents the design, manufacture and testing of a passive and non-invasive micro-scale planar particle-from-fluid filter for segregating cell types from a homogeneous suspension. The microfluidics system can be used to separate spermatogenic cells from testis biopsy samples, providing a mechanism for filtrate retrieval for assisted reproduction therapy. The system can also be used for point-of-service diagnostics applications for hospitals, lab-on-a-chip pre-processing and field applications such as clinical testing in the third world. Various design concepts are developed and manufactured, and are assessed based on etched structure morphology, robustness to variations in the manufacturing process, and design impacts on fluid flow and particle separation characteristics. Segregation was measured using image processing algorithms that demonstrate efficiency is more than 55% for 1 µl volumes at populations exceeding 1 x 107. the technique supports a significant reduction in time over conventional processing, in the separation and identification of particle groups, offering a potential reduction in the associated cost of the targeted procedure. The thesis has developed a model of quasi-steady wetting flow within the micro channel and identifies the forces across the system during post-wetting equalisation. The model and its underlying assumptions are validated empirically in microfabricated test structures through a novel Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry technique. The prototype devices do not require ancillary equipment nor additional filtration media, and therefore offer fewer opportunities for sample contamination over conventional processing methods. The devices are disposable with minimal reagent volumes and process waste. Optimal processing parameters and production methods are identified with any improvements that could be made to enhance their performance in a number of identified potential applications.
How effective are non-government organisations (NG0s) in their response to Third World poverty? That is the question which this thesis examines. The thesis begins with an overview of the problems facing Third World communities, and notes the way in which people in Britain have responded through NG0s. A second part of the thesis sets out the issues on which the analysis of NGOs has been made. These are: - the ways in which NGOs analyse the process of development; - the use of 'improving nutrition' and 'promoting self-reliance' as special objectives by NG0s; and - the nature of rural change, and the implications for NGOs as agents of rural development. Kenya is taken as a case study. Firstly the political and economic structure of the country is studied, and the natures of development, nutritional problems and self-reliance in the Kenyan context are noted. The study then focusses attention onto Kitui District, an area of Kenya which at the time of the study was suffering from drought. However, it is argued that the problems of Kitui District and the constraints to change there are as much a consequence of Kenya's structural underdevelopment as of reduced rainfall. Against this background the programmes of some British NGOs in the country are examined, and it is concluded that much of their work has little relevance to the principal problems which have been identified. A final part of the thesis takes a wider look at the policies and practices of NG0s. Issues such as the choice of countries in which NGOs work, how they are represented overseas, and their educational role in Britain are considered. It is concluded that while all NGOs have a concern for the conditions in which the poorest communities of the Third World live, many NGOs take a quite narrow view of development problems, giving only little recognition to the international and intranational political and economic systems which contribute to Third World poverty.