967 resultados para Social Software
This study seeks to identify how creative environments of musical groups are configured in the Strategy as Practice perspective as theoretical, empirical and conceptual models. It develops within the theoretical framework, discussions on the context of the Creative Economy, Creative Industries, creative environment, organizational paradigm of Creative Economy, music as a creative environment and business, design and dynamics of Strategy as Practice and conjecture about the contextualism and other epistemological currents. The study is shaped as an exploratory and descriptive research, utilizing the qualitative method and being characterized as a Grounded Theory. A total of four musical groups of different styles, markets and areas of operation with over ten years of activity were surveyed. The Grounded Theory and simple observation methods were used for both data collection and analysis. The software ATLAS.ti. was used to help with the analysis. The research shows that the bands perceive the specialized expertise in the virtual social media as a strategic differentiator. It also shows that the groups nourish individuation and the differentiation in their relationship with the individual. Finally, it validates that these organizations get teams involved and value the dynamic design of their routines in strategic decision making, paying attention to a strategic social bias. Strategy and Creative Practice is the main category that emerged from the data. This category is explained through the three aforementioned results. It shows that organizations that are part of the Creative Economy perform simultaneously and dynamically creative and strategic making at both artistic and managerial levels.The theory created is validated by the principles of degree of coherence, functionality, relevance, flexibility, density and integration, and it is inserted in the contextualism principle, which points the knowledge as related to the context in which it is placed and discussed.
The research proposes a reflection on tutorial videos from Youtube, seen as a form of gift in modern society. Our reflection parts form a perspective of mutual exchange, which avoids the patterns of trade with current economic purposes. We present these video producers as craftsmen of cyberculture due to the skill and competence which they transmit their knowledge. The research is consisted by the observation of video tutorials on YouTube over the Linux operating system and its distributions. Analyzing the interactions between video producers, users and the website. The analysis is based on the classic Mauss (2003) and his reinterpretations of Caille (1998, 2001, 2002, 2006), Godbout (1992, 1998) assisted by Aime Cossetta (2010) and Sennett (2009) to help understand the idea of the craftsmen. The Internet as an open territory in expansion ables us to understand that the relationship in this medium also constitutes the reciprocal links pointed out by Mauss in the early twentieth century. The circulation of intangible property, in this case the knowledge beyond the establishment of social links, promotes a collaborative extent to produce the common in cyberspace.
The problem of social diffusion has animated sociological thinking on topics ranging from the spread of an idea, an innovation or a disease, to the foundations of collective behavior and political polarization. While network diffusion has been a productive metaphor, the reality of diffusion processes is often muddier. Ideas and innovations diffuse differently from diseases, but, with a few exceptions, the diffusion of ideas and innovations has been modeled under the same assumptions as the diffusion of disease. In this dissertation, I develop two new diffusion models for "socially meaningful" contagions that address two of the most significant problems with current diffusion models: (1) that contagions can only spread along observed ties, and (2) that contagions do not change as they spread between people. I augment insights from these statistical and simulation models with an analysis of an empirical case of diffusion - the use of enterprise collaboration software in a large technology company. I focus the empirical study on when people abandon innovations, a crucial, and understudied aspect of the diffusion of innovations. Using timestamped posts, I analyze when people abandon software to a high degree of detail.
To address the first problem, I suggest a latent space diffusion model. Rather than treating ties as stable conduits for information, the latent space diffusion model treats ties as random draws from an underlying social space, and simulates diffusion over the social space. Theoretically, the social space model integrates both actor ties and attributes simultaneously in a single social plane, while incorporating schemas into diffusion processes gives an explicit form to the reciprocal influences that cognition and social environment have on each other. Practically, the latent space diffusion model produces statistically consistent diffusion estimates where using the network alone does not, and the diffusion with schemas model shows that introducing some cognitive processing into diffusion processes changes the rate and ultimate distribution of the spreading information. To address the second problem, I suggest a diffusion model with schemas. Rather than treating information as though it is spread without changes, the schema diffusion model allows people to modify information they receive to fit an underlying mental model of the information before they pass the information to others. Combining the latent space models with a schema notion for actors improves our models for social diffusion both theoretically and practically.
The empirical case study focuses on how the changing value of an innovation, introduced by the innovations' network externalities, influences when people abandon the innovation. In it, I find that people are least likely to abandon an innovation when other people in their neighborhood currently use the software as well. The effect is particularly pronounced for supervisors' current use and number of supervisory team members who currently use the software. This case study not only points to an important process in the diffusion of innovation, but also suggests a new approach -- computerized collaboration systems -- to collecting and analyzing data on organizational processes.
En los últimos años el término Economía Colaborativa se ha popularizado sin que, hasta el momento, haya sido definido de manera inequívoca. Bajo esta denominación se engloban experiencias tan diversas como bancos de tiempo, huertos urbanos, startups o grandes plataformas digitales. La proliferación de este tipo de iniciativas puede relacionarse con una multiplicidad de factores tales como el desarrollo tecnológico, la recesión económica y otras crisis superpuestas (medioambiental, de cuidados, de valores, de lo político) y un cierto cambio en los valores sociales. Entre 2014-2015 se han realizado dos investigaciones en Andalucía de manera casi paralela y con una metodología similar. La primera de ellas pretendía identificar prácticas de Economía Colaborativa en el entorno universitario. La segunda investigación identificaba experiencias de emprendimiento a nivel autonómico. A luz de los resultados obtenidos se plantea la siguiente cuestión sobre la naturaleza misma de la Economía Colaborativa: ¿nos encontramos ante prácticas postcapitalistas que abren el camino a una sociedad más justa e igualitaria o, más bien, estamos ante una respuesta del capital para, una vez más, seguir extrayendo de manera privada el valor que se genera socialmente? Este artículo, partiendo del análisis del conjunto de iniciativas detentadas en Andalucía, se centra en aquellas basadas en el software libre y la producción digital concluyendo cómo, gracias a la incorporación de ciertos aspectos de la ética hacker y las lógicas del conocimiento abierto, éstas pueden situarse dentro de un escenario de fomento de los comunes globales frente a las lógicas imperantes del capitalismo netárquico.
This paper presents and validates a methodology for integrating reusable software components in diverse game engines. While conforming to the RAGE com-ponent-based architecture described elsewhere, the paper explains how the interac-tions and data exchange processes between a reusable software component and a game engine should be implemented for procuring seamless integration. To this end, a RAGE-compliant C# software component providing a difficulty adaptation routine was integrated with an exemplary strategic tile-based game “TileZero”. Implementa-tions in MonoGame, Unity and Xamarin, respectively, have demonstrated successful portability of the adaptation component. Also, portability across various delivery platforms (Windows desktop, iOS, Android, Windows Phone) was established. Thereby this study has established the validity of the RAGE architecture and its un-derlying interaction processes for the cross-platform and cross-game engine reuse of software components. The RAGE architecture thereby accommodates the large scale development and application of reusable software components for serious gaming.
This deliverable is software, as such this document is abridged to be as succinct as possible, the extended descriptions and detailed documentation for the software are online. The document consists of two parts, part one describes the first bundle of social gamification assets developed in WP3, part two presents mock-ups of the RAGE ecosystem gamification. In addition to the software outline, included in part one is a short market analysis of existing gamification solutions, outline rationale for combining the three social gamification assets into one unified asset, and the branding exercise to make the assets more developer friendly.Online links to the source code, binaries, demo and documentation for the assets are provided. The combined assets offer game developers as well as a wide range of software developers the opportunity to readily enhance existing games or digital platforms with multiplayer gamification functionalities, catering for both competitive and cooperative game dynamics. The solution consist of a flexible client-server solution which can run either as a cloud-based service, serving many games or have specific instances for individual games as necessary.
This deliverable presents and describes the first delivery of assets that are part of the core social agency bundle. In total, the bundle includes 16 assets, divided into 4 main categories. Each category is related to a type of challenge that developers of applied games are typically faced with and the aim of the included assets is to provide solutions to those challenges. The main goal of this document is to provide the reader with a description for each included asset, accompanied by links to their source code, distributable versions, demonstrations and documentation. A short discussion of what are the future steps for each asset is also given. The primary audience for the contents of this deliverable are the game developers, both inside and outside of the project, which can use this document as an official list of the current social agency assets and their associated resources. Note that the information about which RAGE use cases are using which of these assets is described in Deliverable 4.2.
Software assets are key output of the RAGE project and they can be used by applied game developers to enhance the pedagogical and educational value of their games. These software assets cover a broad spectrum of functionalities – from player analytics including emotion detection to intelligent adaptation and social gamification. In order to facilitate integration and interoperability, all of these assets adhere to a common model, which describes their properties through a set of metadata. In this paper the RAGE asset model and asset metadata model is presented, capturing the detail of assets and their potential usage within three distinct dimensions – technological, gaming and pedagogical. The paper highlights key issues and challenges in constructing the RAGE asset and asset metadata model and details the process and design of a flexible metadata editor that facilitates both adaptation and improvement of the asset metadata model.
The agent-based social simulation component of the TELL ME project (WP4) developed prototype software to assist communications planners to understand the complex relationships between communication, personal protective behaviour and epidemic spread. Using the simulation, planners can enter different potential communications plans, and see their simulated effect on attitudes, behaviour and the consequent effect on an influenza epidemic.
The model and the software to run the model are both freely available (see section 2.2.1 for instructions on how to obtain the relevant files). This report provides the documentation for the prototype software. The major component is the user guide (Section 2). This provides instructions on how to set up the software, some training scenarios to become familiar with the model operation and use, and details about the model controls and output.
The model contains many parameters. Default values and their source are described at Section 3. These are unlikely to be suitable for all countries, and may also need to be changed as new research is conducted. Instructions for how to customise these values are also included (see section 3.5).
The final technical reference contains two parts. The first is a guide for advanced users who wish to run multiple simulations and analyse the results (section 4.1). The second is to orient programmers who wish to adapt or extend the simulation model (section 4.2). This material is not suitable for general users.
Introdução e objetivo: Atualmente as Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social deparam-se com mudanças de caracter social, económico e legislativo, que têm afetado o seu funcionamento e financiamento. Pelo que, impõe-se às suas direções responder às necessidades sociais com maior responsabilidade e eficiência num contexto de maior escassez de recursos. Neste sentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender o modo como as Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social tomam decisões, ao nível do financiamento, para um funcionamento eficiente das mesmas. Metodologia: Optou-se por realizar estudos de caso com uma amostra constituída por quatro Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social. A recolha de dados foi feita através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e análise documental. O tratamento de dados foi feito através de análise de conteúdo e com recurso ao software QRS Nvivo versão 10. Resultados: Os principais resultados indicam que: a) as necessidades sociais influenciam decisões de aumento e diminuição da capacidade de respostas das instituições; b) o sistema legal influencia a perpetuação de intervenções de caracter institucional; c) a conjuntura económica influencia a pressão sobre o preço da comparticipação familiar e o aumento da concorrência entre instituições; d) a escassez de recursos constitui-se como denominador comum entre instituições, influenciando decisões de investimento que assumem o financiamento público como um facto consumado; e) as práticas de liderança e gestão desenvolvidas por direções com elementos que têm conhecimentos na área financeira são mais propensas a assumir o risco e a aumentar a complexidade operativa das instituições f) as práticas de envolvimento de stakeholders internos e externos contribuem para a aquisição de apoio na prossecução dos seus objetivos. Conclusão: As tomadas de decisão das instituições com acordos com a segurança social assemelham-se por prevalecer o desenvolvimento de respostas tipificadas, com acordo com a segurança social. Apesar disso, os resultados evidenciam a importância de práticas de liderança e gestão desenvolvidas com a presença de elementos com conhecimentos na área financeira, para o desenvolvimento de respostas tipificadas com rentabilidade económica. Salienta-se ainda que o desenvolvimento de práticas de envolvimento de stakeholders internos e externos, baseados na responsabilização e transparência, promovem o alcance de apoios para assegurar o desenvolvimento das atividades institucionais, com maior incidência na instituição sem acordos com a segurança social, mas que os mesmos não asseguram a sua eficiência económica.
I wanted to explore whether traditional Forum Theatre approaches can be enhanced by the use of integrated voting software to empower young people. My research is based on two of a series of widening participation interactive TiE programmes focused on the decisions young people make on educational progression. I worked as a director alongside students studying Drama and Performance at The University of Worcester and the programmes have toured widely to schools across Worcestershire and Herefordshire. ‘It’s Up to You!’ (2013 – 2014) was aimed at years 8 and 9 choosing their GCSE options and ‘Move on Up!’ (2014 - 2015) looked at the hopes and fears of year 6 pupils about to go up to secondary school. Finding a voice in Boal’s framework as a ‘specactor’ does not always appeal to a pupil who does not want to stand out from the crowd or is not familiar with a classroom where drama conventions are practised or understood. The anonymity of the voting software with results of decisions made appearing instantly on screen is certainly appealing to some pupils: ‘I also loved the keypads they gave us so that we could answer the questions without having to put our hand up and wait..’ This paper aims to interrogate the idea that empowering needs to not simply be about giving voice to a few confident group members but allowing the silent majority to be able to experiment with decision making in an educational and social context.
Well-designed marine protected area (MPA) networks can deliver a range of ecological, economic and social benefits, and so a great deal of research has focused on developing spatial conservation prioritization tools to help identify important areas. However, whilst these software tools are designed to identify MPA networks that both represent biodiversity and minimize impacts on stakeholders, they do not consider complex ecological processes. Thus, it is difficult to determine the impacts that proposed MPAs could have on marine ecosystem health, fisheries and fisheries sustainability. Using the eastern English Channel as a case study, this paper explores an approach to address these issues by identifying a series of MPA networks using the Marxan and Marxan with Zones conservation planning software and linking them with a spatially explicit ecosystem model developed in Ecopath with Ecosim. We then use these to investigate potential trade-offs associated with adopting different MPA management strategies. Limited-take MPAs, which restrict the use of some fishing gears, could have positive benefits for conservation and fisheries in the eastern English Channel, even though they generally receive far less attention in research on MPA network design. Our findings, however, also clearly indicate that no-take MPAs should form an integral component of proposed MPA networks in the eastern English Channel, as they not only result in substantial increases in ecosystem biomass, fisheries catches and the biomass of commercially valuable target species, but are fundamental to maintaining the sustainability of the fisheries. Synthesis and applications. Using the existing software tools Marxan with Zones and Ecopath with Ecosim in combination provides a powerful policy-screening approach. This could help inform marine spatial planning by identifying potential conflicts and by designing new regulations that better balance conservation objectives and stakeholder interests. In addition, it highlights that appropriate combinations of no-take and limited-take marine protected areas might be the most effective when making trade-offs between long-term ecological benefits and short-term political acceptability.
Sustainability in software system is still a new practice that most software developers and companies are trying to incorporate into their software development lifecycle and has been largely discussed in academia. Sustainability is a complex concept viewed from economic, environment and social dimensions with several definitions proposed making sometimes the concept of sustainability very fuzzy and difficult to apply and assess in software systems. This has hindered the adoption of sustainability in the software industry. A little research explores sustainability as a quality property of software products and services to answer questions such as; How to quantify sustainability as a quality construct in the same way as other quality attributes such as security, usability and reliability? How can it be applied to software systems? What are the measures and measurement scale of sustainability? The Goal of this research is to investigate the definitions, perceptions and measurement of sustainability from the quality perspective. Grounded in the general theory of software measurement, the aim is to develop a method that decomposes sustainability in factors, criteria and metrics. The Result is a method to quantify and access sustainability of software systems while incorporating management and users concern. Conclusion: The method will empower the ability of companies to easily adopt sustainability while facilitating its integration to the software development process and tools. It will also help companies to measure sustainability of their software products from economic, environmental, social, individual and technological dimension.
The central motif of this work is prediction and optimization in presence of multiple interacting intelligent agents. We use the phrase `intelligent agents' to imply in some sense, a `bounded rationality', the exact meaning of which varies depending on the setting. Our agents may not be `rational' in the classical game theoretic sense, in that they don't always optimize a global objective. Rather, they rely on heuristics, as is natural for human agents or even software agents operating in the real-world. Within this broad framework we study the problem of influence maximization in social networks where behavior of agents is myopic, but complication stems from the structure of interaction networks. In this setting, we generalize two well-known models and give new algorithms and hardness results for our models. Then we move on to models where the agents reason strategically but are faced with considerable uncertainty. For such games, we give a new solution concept and analyze a real-world game using out techniques. Finally, the richest model we consider is that of Network Cournot Competition which deals with strategic resource allocation in hypergraphs, where agents reason strategically and their interaction is specified indirectly via player's utility functions. For this model, we give the first equilibrium computability results. In all of the above problems, we assume that payoffs for the agents are known. However, for real-world games, getting the payoffs can be quite challenging. To this end, we also study the inverse problem of inferring payoffs, given game history. We propose and evaluate a data analytic framework and we show that it is fast and performant.
Objective: To analyze how social representations of hospital and community care are structured in two groups of nursing students – 1st and 4th years. Method: Qualitative research oriented by the Theory of Social Representations. We used a questionnaire with Free Association of Words. Data were analyzed in the Software IRaMuTeQ 0.6 alpha 3. Results: We applied the method of Descending Hierarchical Classifi cation and obtained four classes. Class 4 has the largest social representation (30.41%) within the corpus. The two organizational axes are nurse and disease/patient in the central core. On the periphery are the care and help related to the nurse and the treatment and prevention associated with the disease. Conclusion: Social representations focus on disease/patient and on the role of nurses in the treatment, prevention, and care. Health promotion and the social determinants of health are absent from the social representations of students.