D3.3 – First Social Gamification Assets

Autoria(s): Star, Kam; Hirsch, Ben; Glass, Jared; Coldridge, Jack; Allsopp, James; Spice, Ellis; Wentworth, Felix





This deliverable is software, as such this document is abridged to be as succinct as possible, the extended descriptions and detailed documentation for the software are online. The document consists of two parts, part one describes the first bundle of social gamification assets developed in WP3, part two presents mock-ups of the RAGE ecosystem gamification. In addition to the software outline, included in part one is a short market analysis of existing gamification solutions, outline rationale for combining the three social gamification assets into one unified asset, and the branding exercise to make the assets more developer friendly.Online links to the source code, binaries, demo and documentation for the assets are provided. The combined assets offer game developers as well as a wide range of software developers the opportunity to readily enhance existing games or digital platforms with multiplayer gamification functionalities, catering for both competitive and cooperative game dynamics. The solution consist of a flexible client-server solution which can run either as a cloud-based service, serving many games or have specific instances for individual games as necessary.

This study is part of the RAGE project. The RAGE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644187. This publication reflects only the author's view. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.




info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/644187/EU/Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system/RAGE



Palavras-Chave #RAGE #gamification asset #software asset #ecosystem gamification
