982 resultados para Small molecules
Sowohl die Komplexierung von Polyelektrolyten mit anorganischen Salzen, als auch die mit entgegengesetzt geladenen Polymeren wurde von vielen Autoren bereits intensiv untersucht. Doch gerade mit Molekülen die zwischen diesen beiden Extremen liegen, sollte es möglich sein, durch elektrostatische Wechselwirkungen gezielt nanometergroße Teilchen definierter Struktur herzustellen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es deshalb, die Strukturbildung doppelthydrophiler Blockcopolymere mit mehrwertigen organischen Gegenionen zu untersuchen und insbesondere Parameter für die Bildung supramolekularer Strukturen in wässriger Lösung zu finden. Als Blockcopolymer wurde dabei Polyethylenoxid-b-methacrylsäure mittels anionischer Polymerisation hergestellt und mittels Gelpermeationschromatographie (GPC) und Kernresonanzspektroskopie (NMR)charakterisiert. Die Strukturbildung des Polyelektrolyten mit mehrwertigen organischen Gegenionen wurde in pH = 6- und pH = 7-Pufferlösung mit dynamischer und statischer Lichtstreuung, Kleinwinkelneutronenstreuung und Ultrazentrifugation untersucht. Mit Diaminobenzidin als Gegenion wurden dabei sphärische Komplexe mit einem hydrodynamischen Radius um 100 nm erhalten und mit Ultrazentrifugation der Anteil des Gegenions im Komplex quantifiziert. Die schlechte Löslichkeit des Diaminobenzidins in wässrigem Medium erschwerte allerdings die Interpretation der Ergebnisse. Trotzdem deuten diese darauf hin, dass keine Kolloidbildung des Diaminobenzidins, sondern eine Komplexierung der Einzelmoleküle mit dem Copolymer vorliegt. Um Probleme mit der Löslichkeit zu vermeiden, wurden schliesslich Polyamidoamin-Dendrimere als Gegenionen verwendet. Dabei wurde in pH = 6- und pH = 7-Pufferlösung für Dendrimere der Generation 4 mit steigender Gegenionenkonzentration ein kontinuierlicher Anstieg des hydrodynamischen Radius bis zu einer Größe von 70 nm gefunden. Mit Kleinwinkelneutronenstreuung konnte eine ellipsoidale Struktur dieser Komplexe beobachtet werden. Auch die Größe der Gegenionen spielt für die Bildung supramolekularer Aggregate eine Rolle. So zeigte sich, dass für Polyamidoamin-Dendrimere der Generation 2, analog zu denen der Generation 4, ein Anstieg des hydrodynamischen Radius mit steigender Gegenionenkonzentration zu beobachten ist. Für Generation 0-Dendrimere hingegen wurde ein umgekehrter Verlauf beobachtet, welcher dem für Diaminobenzidin gleicht. Somit kann man annehmen, dass die Aggregation mit kleinen Molekülen zu einer anderen Struktur der Komplexe führt, als die mit größeren Molekülen.
Many physiological and pathological processes are mediated by the activity of proteins assembled in homo and/or hetero-oligomers. The correct recognition and association of these proteins into a functional complex is a key step determining the fate of the whole pathway. This has led to an increasing interest in selecting molecules able to modulate/inhibit these protein-protein interactions. In particular, our research was focused on Heat Shock Protein 90 (Hsp90), responsible for the activation and maturation and disposition of many client proteins [1], [2] [3]. Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (ACE) were used to characterize the Hsp90 target and, furthermore, its inhibition process via C-terminal domain driven by the small molecule Coumermycin A1. Circular Dichroism was used as powerful technique to characterize Hsp90 and its co-chaperone Hop in solution for secondary structure content, stability to different pHs, temperatures and solvents. Furthermore, CD was used to characterize ATP but, unfortunately, we were not able to monitor an interaction between ATP and Hsp90. The utility of SPR technology, on the other hand, arises from the possibility of immobilizing the protein on a chip through its N-terminal domain to later study the interaction with small molecules able to disrupt the Hsp90 dimerization on the C-terminal domain. The protein was attached on SPR chip using the “amine coupling” chemistry so that the C-terminal domain was free to interact with Coumermycin A1. The goal of the experiment was achieved by testing a range of concentrations of the small molecule Coumermycin A1. Despite to the large difference in the molecular weight of the protein (90KDa) and the drug (1110.08 Da), we were able to calculate the affinity constant of the interaction that was found to be 11.2 µm. In order to confirm the binding constant calculated for the Hsp90 on the chip, we decided to use Capillary Electrophoresis to test the Coumermycin binding to Hsp90. First, this technique was conveniently used to characterize the Hsp90 sample in terms of composition and purity. The experimental conditions were settled on two different systems, the bared fused silica and the PVA-coated capillary. We were able to characterize the Hsp90 sample in both systems. Furthermore, we employed an application of capillary electrophoresis, the Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (ACE), to measure and confirm the binding constant calculated for Coumermycin on Optical Biosensor. We found a KD = 19.45 µM. This result compares favorably with the KD previously obtained on biosensor. This is a promising result for the use of our novel approach to screen new potential inhibitors of Hsp90 C-terminal domain.
Conjugated polymers are macromolecules that possess alternating single and double bonds along the main chain. These polymers combine the optoelectronic properties of semiconductors with the mechanical properties and processing advantages of plastics. In this thesis we discuss the synthesis, characterization and application of polyphenylene-based materials in various electronic devices. Poly(2,7-carbazole)s have the potential to be useful as blue emitters, but also as donor materials in solar cells due to their better hole-accepting properties. However, it is associated with two major drawbacks (1) the emission maximum occurs at 421 nm where the human eye is not very sensitive and (2) the 3- and 6- positions of carbazole are susceptible to chemical or electrochemical degradation. To overcome these problems, the ladder-type nitrogen-bridged polymers are synthesized. The resulting series of polymers, nitrogen-bridged poly(ladder-type tetraphenylene), nitrogen-bridged poly(ladder-type pentaphenylene), nitrogen-bridged poly(ladder-type hexaphenylene) and its derivatives are discussed in the light of photophysical and electrochemical properties and tested in PLEDs, solar cell, and OFETs. A promising trend which has emerged in recent years is the use of well defined oligomers as model compounds for their corresponding polymers. However, the uses of these molecules are many times limited by their solubility and one has to use vapor deposition techniques which require high vacuum and temperature and cannot be used for large area applications. One solution to this problem is the synthesis of small molecules having enough alkyl chain on the backbone so that they can be solution or melt processed and has the ability to form thin films like polymers as well as retain the high ordered structure characteristics of small molecules. Therefore, in the present work soluble ladderized oligomers based on thiophene and carbazole with different end group were made and tested in OFET devices. Carbazole is an attractive raw material for the synthesis of dyes since it is cheap and readily available. Carbazoledioxazine, commercially known as violet 23 is a representative compound of dioxazine pigments. As part of our efforts into developing cheap alternatives to violet 23, the synthesis and characterization of a new series of dyes by Buchwald-type coupling of 3-aminocarbazole with various isomers of chloroanthraquinone are presented.
Synthetic Biology is a relatively new discipline, born at the beginning of the New Millennium, that brings the typical engineering approach (abstraction, modularity and standardization) to biotechnology. These principles aim to tame the extreme complexity of the various components and aid the construction of artificial biological systems with specific functions, usually by means of synthetic genetic circuits implemented in bacteria or simple eukaryotes like yeast. The cell becomes a programmable machine and its low-level programming language is made of strings of DNA. This work was performed in collaboration with researchers of the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Washington in Seattle and also with a student of the Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica at the University of Bologna: Marilisa Cortesi. During the collaboration I contributed to a Synthetic Biology project already started in the Klavins Laboratory. In particular, I modeled and subsequently simulated a synthetic genetic circuit that was ideated for the implementation of a multicelled behavior in a growing bacterial microcolony. In the first chapter the foundations of molecular biology are introduced: structure of the nucleic acids, transcription, translation and methods to regulate gene expression. An introduction to Synthetic Biology completes the section. In the second chapter is described the synthetic genetic circuit that was conceived to make spontaneously emerge, from an isogenic microcolony of bacteria, two different groups of cells, termed leaders and followers. The circuit exploits the intrinsic stochasticity of gene expression and intercellular communication via small molecules to break the symmetry in the phenotype of the microcolony. The four modules of the circuit (coin flipper, sender, receiver and follower) and their interactions are then illustrated. In the third chapter is derived the mathematical representation of the various components of the circuit and the several simplifying assumptions are made explicit. Transcription and translation are modeled as a single step and gene expression is function of the intracellular concentration of the various transcription factors that act on the different promoters of the circuit. A list of the various parameters and a justification for their value closes the chapter. In the fourth chapter are described the main characteristics of the gro simulation environment, developed by the Self Organizing Systems Laboratory of the University of Washington. Then, a sensitivity analysis performed to pinpoint the desirable characteristics of the various genetic components is detailed. The sensitivity analysis makes use of a cost function that is based on the fraction of cells in each one of the different possible states at the end of the simulation and the wanted outcome. Thanks to a particular kind of scatter plot, the parameters are ranked. Starting from an initial condition in which all the parameters assume their nominal value, the ranking suggest which parameter to tune in order to reach the goal. Obtaining a microcolony in which almost all the cells are in the follower state and only a few in the leader state seems to be the most difficult task. A small number of leader cells struggle to produce enough signal to turn the rest of the microcolony in the follower state. It is possible to obtain a microcolony in which the majority of cells are followers by increasing as much as possible the production of signal. Reaching the goal of a microcolony that is split in half between leaders and followers is comparatively easy. The best strategy seems to be increasing slightly the production of the enzyme. To end up with a majority of leaders, instead, it is advisable to increase the basal expression of the coin flipper module. At the end of the chapter, a possible future application of the leader election circuit, the spontaneous formation of spatial patterns in a microcolony, is modeled with the finite state machine formalism. The gro simulations provide insights into the genetic components that are needed to implement the behavior. In particular, since both the examples of pattern formation rely on a local version of Leader Election, a short-range communication system is essential. Moreover, new synthetic components that allow to reliably downregulate the growth rate in specific cells without side effects need to be developed. In the appendix are listed the gro code utilized to simulate the model of the circuit, a script in the Python programming language that was used to split the simulations on a Linux cluster and the Matlab code developed to analyze the data.
Il Parvovirus B19, virus patogeno umano della famiglia Parvoviridae, mostra uno specifico tropismo per i precursori eritroidi e una limitata replicazione in alcune linee cellulari megacarioblastoidi. Allo scopo di sviluppare sistemi utili allo studio delle caratteristiche biologiche del virus, diversi laboratori si sono occupati della costruzione di cloni genomici di B19 dotati di competenza funzionale e capaci di generare virus infettante. Parte del presente lavoro ha riguardato l’analisi funzionale di diversi cloni genomici di B19 e ha permesso di caratterizzare le regioni terminali del virus e di identificare requisiti essenziali per la loro funzionalità. Nel contesto intracellulare, esistono differenti livelli di restrizione in relazione alla capacità della cellula di supportare la replicazione virale, non ancora del tutto caratterizzati. Inoltre si sono accumulate evidenze circa la capacità del B19 di instaurare persistenza in numerosi tessuti. Non sono ancora note le caratteristiche funzionali del genoma virale in questo stato, è possibile che il virus persista in forma silente e meccanismi epigenetici possano regolare tale silenziamento. In questo studio è stato analizzato lo stato di metilazione del genoma di B19 e il suo possibile effetto sul ciclo replicativo virale ed è stata investigata la possibile associazione del DNA virale agli istoni cellulari nel corso di infezione in vitro. I risultati ottenuti confermano la presenza di questi meccanismi epigenetici, potendo ipotizzare che giochino un importante ruolo nella regolazione della funzionalità virale e nell’interazione B19-cellula e siano un elemento critico per l’adattamento del virus nell’ambiente in cui si trova. Inoltre l’ipotesi che anche i microRNA possano assumere un importante significato nell’interazione B19-cellula è stata proposta da diversi lavori e nel presente studio è stata valutata la produzione di queste piccole molecole durante l'infezione in vitro, ricercando microRNA (cellulari e/o virali) con omologia di sequenza per il genoma di B19 e quindi specifici per il virus.
Dendritic systems, and in particular polyphenylene dendrimers, have recently attracted considerable attention from the synthetic organic chemistry community, as well as from photophysicists, particularly in view of the search for synthetic model analogies to photoelectric materials to fabricate organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), and even more advanced areas of research such as light-harvesting system, energy transfer and non-host device. Geometrically, dendrimers are unique systems that consist of a core, one or more dendrons, and surface groups. The different parts of the macromolecule can be selected to give the desired optoelectronic and processing properties. Compared to small molecular or polymeric light-emitting materials, these dendritic materials can combine the benefits of both previous classes. The high molecular weights of these dendritic macromolecules, as well as the surface groups often attached to the distal ends of the dendrons, can improve the solution processability, and thus can be deposited from solution by simple processes such as spin-coating and ink-jet printing. Moreover, even better than the traditional polymeric light-emitting materials, the well-defined monodisperse distributed dendrimers possess a high purity comparable to that of small molecules, and as such can be fabricated into high performance OLEDs. Most importantly, the emissive chromophores can be located at the core of the dendrimer, within the dendrons, and/or at the surface of the dendrimers because of their unique dendritic architectures. The different parts of the macromolecule can be selected to give the desired optoelectronic and processing properties. Therefore, the main goals of this thesis are the design and synthesis, characterization of novel functional dendrimers, e.g. polytriphenylene dendrimers for blue fluorescent, as well as iridium(III) complex cored polyphenylene dendrimers for green and red phosphorescent light emitting diodes. In additional to the above mentioned advantages of dendrimer based OLEDs, the modular molecular architecture and various functionalized units at different locations in polyphenylene dendrimers open up a tremendous scope for tuning a wide range of properties in addition to color, such as intermolecular interactions, charge mobility, quantum yield, and exciton diffusion. In conclusion, research into dendrimer containing OLEDs combines fundamental aspects of organic semiconductor physics, novel and highly sophisticated organic synthetic chemistry and elaborate device technology.rn
Im Laufe der Evolution entwickelte sich eine Reihe von Sauerstoff-Sensorsystemen in Bakterien, um die Genexpression der Sauerstoffverfügbarkeit anzupassen. Der Sauerstoffsensor FNR aus Escherichia coli bindet unter anaeroben Bedingungen ein [4Fe4S]2+ Zentrum. Unter Sauerstoffeinfluß zerfällt aktives [4Fe4S]2+FNR zu inaktivem [2Fe2S]2+FNR und weiter zu ebenfalls inaktivem apoFNR. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Zustand von FNR in vivo in aeroben und anaeroben Zellen von Escherichia coli aufgeklärt. Durch Alkylierung der Cysteine in FNR und anschließender Analyse im Massenspektrometer konnte gezeigt werden, das FNR in aeroben Zellen hauptsächlich in der apo-Form vorliegt. Nach ca. 6 Minuten war in lebenden E. coli Zellen die Umwandlung von [4Fe4S]2+ FNR zu apoFNR abgeschlossen.rnrnIn dem gram positiven Bakterium Staphylococcus carnosus aktiviert das NreBC System unter anaeroben Wachstumsbedingungen die Gene der Nitratatmung. NreB ist eine cytoplasmatische Sensorhistidinkinase, die ein sauerstofflabiles [4Fe4S]2+ Zentrum über eine PAS-Domäne bindet. Das [4Fe4S]2+ Zentrum wird von vier Cysteinen gebunden. Der Responsregulator NreC steuert nach Aktivierung durch NreB die Transkription der Zielgene. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde NreB mit Hilfe von Cysteinmarkierungen in vivo charakterisiert. Durch die Änderung der Cystein-Zugänglichkeit für Thiolreagenzien nach Sauerstoffzugabe konnte eine Halbwertszeit von ca. 3 Minuten für das [4Fe4S]2+ Zentrum in vivo bestimmt werden. In anaeroben Bakterien stellt [4Fe4S]2+NreB die Hauptform von NreB dar, während in aeroben Bakterien hauptsächlich apoNreB vorkommt. Dieses Ergebnis konnte durch Massenspektroskopie bestätigt werden. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden das NreA mit NreB und NreC wechselwirkt und Bestandteil des NreABC Drei-Komponentensystems ist. rn
Bakterien besitzen membranintegrierte Sensoren für die Reaktion auf verändernde Umweltbedingungen.rnViele der Sensoren sind Zweikomponenten-Systeme bestehend aus einer Sensorhistidinkinase und einem Responseregulator der die zellulare Antwort auslöst. DcuS, der C4-Dicarboxylat-Sensor von DcuS ist eine membranintegrierte Histidin-Kinase. DcuS ist ein Multidomänen-Protein mit einer sensorischen periplasmatischen PASP (Per-Arnt-Sim) Domäne, zwei Transmembranhelices, eine cytoplasmatische PASC-Domäne und eine C-terminale Kinase-Domäne. PAS-Domänen sind ubiquitäre Signalmodule die in allen Reichen des Lebens zu finden sind. PAS-Domänen detektieren eine Vielfalt von Reizen wie Licht, Sauerstoff, Redoxpotential und verschiedene kleine Moleküle so wie die Modulation von Protein-Protein Interaktionen. PAS-Domänen sind strukturell homolog und besitzen eine charakteristische α/β-Faltung. Eine große Anzahl der sensorischen PAS-Domänen wurden identifiziert, aber viele der PAS-Domänen besitzen keinen apparenten Cofaktor und die Funktion ist unbekannt.rnEine Kombination aus gerichteter und ungerichteter Mutagenese, Protein-Protein-Interaktionsstudien und Festkörper-NMR (ssNMR) Experimente mit strukturellem Modelling wurde zur Untersuchung der Struktur und Funktion der cytoplasmatischen PAS-Domäne des membranintegrierten Sensors DcuS verwendet. Die Experimente zeigen, dass PASC eine wichtige Rolle in die Signaltransduktion von PASP zur C-terminalen Histidin-Kinase von DcuS spielt.rn
The present thesis is focused on the study of Organic Semiconducting Single Crystals (OSSCs) and crystalline thin films. In particular solution-grown OSSC, e.g. 4-hdroxycyanobenzene (4HCB) have been characterized in view of their applications as novel sensors of X-rays, gamma-rays, alpha particles radiations and chemical sensors. In the field of ionizing radiation detection, organic semiconductors have been proposed so far mainly as indirect detectors, i.e. as scintillators or as photodiodes. I first study the performance of 4HCB single crystals as direct X-ray detector i.e. the direct photon conversion into an electrical signal, assessing that they can operate at room temperature and in atmosphere, showing a stable and linear response with increasing dose rate. A dedicated study of the collecting electrodes geometry, crystal thickness and interaction volume allowed us to maximize the charge collection efficiency and sensitivity, thus assessing how OSSCs perform at low operating voltages and offer a great potential in the development of novel ionizing radiation sensors. To better understand the processes generating the observed X-ray signal, a comparative study is presented on OSSCs based on several small-molecules: 1,5-dinitronaphthalene (DNN), 1,8-naphthaleneimide (NTI), Rubrene and TIPS-pentacene. In addition, the proof of principle of gamma-rays and alpha particles has been assessed for 4HCB single crystals. I have also carried out an investigation of the electrical response of OSSCs exposed to vapour of volatile molecules, polar and non-polar. The last chapter deals with rubrene, the highest performing molecular crystals for electronic applications. We present an investigation on high quality, millimeter-sized, crystalline thin films (10 – 100 nm thick) realized by exploiting organic molecular beam epitaxy on water-soluble substrates. Space-Charge-Limited Current (SCLC) and photocurrent spectroscopy measurements have been carried out. A thin film transistor was fabricated onto a Cytop® dielectric layer. The FET mobility exceeding 2 cm2/Vs, definitely assess the quality of RUB films.
It is well known that ageing and cancer have common origins due to internal and environmental stress and share some common hallmarks such as genomic instability, epigenetic alteration, aberrant telomeres, inflammation and immune injury. Moreover, ageing is involved in a number of events responsible for carcinogenesis and cancer development at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels. Ageing could represent a “blockbuster” market because the target patient group includes potentially every person; at the same time, oncology has become the largest therapeutic area in the pharmaceutical industry in terms of the number of projects, clinical trials and research and development (R&D) spending, but cancer remains one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. The overall aim of the work presented in this thesis was the rational design of new compounds able to modulate activity of relevant targets involved in cancer and aging-related pathologies, namely proteasome and immunoproteasome, sirtuins and interleukin 6. These three targets play different roles in human cells, but the modulation of its activity using small molecules could have beneficial effects on one or more aging-related diseases and cancer. We identified new moderately active and selective non-peptidic compounds able to inhibit the activity of both standard and immunoproteasome, as well as novel and selective scaffolds that would bind and inhibit SIRT6 selectively and can be used to sensitize tumor cells to commonly used anticancer agents such gemcitabine and olaparib. Moreover, our virtual screening approach led us also to the discovery of new putative modulators of SIRT3 with interesting in-vitro and cellular activity. Although the selectivity and potency of the identified chemical scaffolds are susceptible to be further improved, these compounds can be considered as highly promising leads for the development of future therapeutics.
In this thesis we have extended the methods for microscopic charge-transport simulations for organic semiconductors. In these materials the weak intermolecular interactions lead to spatially localized charge carriers, and the charge transport occurs as an activated hopping process between diabatic states. In addition to weak electronic couplings between these states, different electrostatic environments in the organic material lead to a broadening of the density of states for the charge energies which limits carrier mobilities.rnThe contributions to the method development includern(i) the derivation of a bimolecular charge-transfer rate,rn(ii) the efficient evaluation of intermolecular (outer-sphere) reorganization energies,rn(iii) the investigation of effects of conformational disorder on intramolecular reorganization energies or internal site energiesrnand (iv) the inclusion of self-consistent polarization interactions for calculation of charge energies.These methods were applied to study charge transport in amorphous phases of small molecules used in the emission layer of organic light emitting diodes (OLED).rnWhen bulky substituents are attached to an aromatic core in order to adjust energy levels or prevent crystallization, a small amount of delocalization of the frontier orbital to the substituents can increase electronic couplings between neighboring molecules. This leads to improved charge-transfer rates and, hence, larger charge-mobility. We therefore suggest using the mesomeric effect (as opposed to the inductive effect) when attaching substituents to aromatic cores, which is necessary for example in deep blue OLEDs, where the energy levels of a host molecule have to be adjusted to those of the emitter.rnFurthermore, the energy landscape for charges in an amorphous phase cannot be predicted by mesoscopic models because they approximate the realistic morphology by a lattice and represent molecular charge distributions in a multipole expansion. The microscopic approach shows that a polarization-induced stabilization of a molecule in its charged and neutral states can lead to large shifts, broadening, and traps in the distribution of charge energies. These results are especially important for multi-component systems (the emission layer of an OLED or the donor-acceptor interface of an organic solar cell), if the change in polarizability upon charging (or excitation in case of energy transport) is different for the components. Thus, the polarizability change upon charging or excitation should be added to the set of molecular parameters essential for understanding charge and energy transport in organic semiconductors.rnWe also studied charge transport in self-assembled systems, where intermolecular packing motives induced by side chains can increase electronic couplings between molecules. This leads to larger charge mobility, which is essential to improve devices such as organic field effect transistors, where low carrier mobilities limit the switching frequency.rnHowever, it is not sufficient to match the average local molecular order induced by the sidernchains (such as the pitch angle between consecutive molecules in a discotic mesophase) with maxima of the electronic couplings.rnIt is also important to make the corresponding distributions as narrow as possible compared to the window determined by the closest minima of thernelectronic couplings. This is especially important in one-dimensional systems, where charge transport is limited by the smallest electronic couplings.rnThe immediate implication for compound design is that the side chains should assist the self-assemblingrnprocess not only via soft entropic interactions, but also via stronger specific interactions, such as hydrogen bonding.rnrnrnrn
Polysiloxanes can be synthesized and subsequently modified (i) by the attachment of small molecules that change the properties of the silicone in such a way that it becomes more hydrophilic, but under the premise that this does not go together with a loss of the silicone-specific features. This can be done by adding hydrophilic sidechains to a polysiloxane. Polyethers like poly(ethylene glycol) or hyperbranched polyether-polyols are suitable in this regard. In order to assure that the silicone properties retain, these side groups can be attached to only one part of the polysiloxane backbone, which results in a block copolymer that consists of a common polysiloxane and a second block of the modified structure. (ii) Polysiloxanes can be equipped with functional groups that are capable of initializing polymerization of a different monomer (macroinitiator approach). For example, hydroxyl groups are used to initiate the ring opening polymerization of cyclic esters, or ATRP macroinitiators can be synthesized to add a second block via controlled radical polymerization. Stimuli responsive polymers like poly(oligoethylene glycol methacrylate) (POEGMA) can be added via this route to create “smart” siloxane-containing block copolymers that respond to certain stimuli. rnAn important premise for all synthetic routes is to achieve the targeted structure in a process as simple as possible, because facile availability of the material is crucial with regard to industrial applicability of the invented products. rnConcerning characterization of the synthesized macromolecules, emphasize is put on their (temperature dependent) aggregation behavior, which can be investigated by several microscopic and scattering methods, their behavior at the interface between silicone oils and water and their thermal properties.rnrn
Small molecules affecting biological processes in plants are widely used in agricultural practice as herbicides or plant growth regulators and in basic plant sciences as probes to study the physiology of plants. Most of the compounds were identified in large screens by the agrochemical industry, as phytoactive natural products and more recently, novel phytoactive compounds originated from academic research by chemical screens performed to induce specific phenotypes of interest. The aim of the present PhD thesis is to evaluate different approaches used for the identification of the primary mode of action (MoA) of a phytoactive compound. Based on the methodologies used for MoA identification, three approaches are discerned: a phenotyping approach, an approach based on a genetic screen and a biochemical screening approach.rnFour scientific publications resulting from my work are presented as examples of how a phenotyping approach can successfully be applied to describe the plant MoA of different compounds in detail.rnI. A subgroup of cyanoacrylates has been discovered as plant growth inhibitors. A set of bioassays indicated a specific effect on cell division. Cytological investigations of the cell division process in plant cell cultures, studies of microtubule assembly with green fluorescent protein marker lines in vivo and cross resistant studies with Eleusine indica plants harbouring a mutation in alpha-tubulin, led to the description of alpha-tubulin as a target site of cyanoacrylates (Tresch et al., 2005).rnII. The MoA of the herbicide flamprop-m-methyl was not known so far. The studies described in Tresch et al. (2008) indicate a primary effect on cell division. Detailed studies unravelled a specific effect on mitotic microtubule figures, causing a block in cell division. In contrast to other inhibitors of microtubule rearrangement such as dinitroanilines, flamprop-m-methyl did not influence microtubule assembly in vitro. An influence of flamprop-m-methyl on a target within the cytoskeleton signalling network could be proposed (Tresch et al., 2008).rnIII. The herbicide endothall is a protein phosphatase inhibitor structurally related to the natural product cantharidin. Bioassay studies indicated a dominant effect on dark-growing cells that was unrelated to effects observed in the light. Cytological characterisation of the microtubule cytoskeleton in corn tissue and heterotrophic tobacco cells showed a specific effect of endothall on mitotic spindle formation and ultrastructure of the nucleus in combination with a decrease of the proliferation index. The observed effects are similar to those of other protein phosphatase inhibitors such as cantharidin and the structurally different okadaic acid. Additionally, the observed effects show similarities to knock-out lines of the TON1 pathway, a protein phosphatase-regulated signalling pathway. The data presented in Tresch et al. (2011) associate endothall’s known in vitro inhibition of protein phosphatases with in vivo-effects and suggest an interaction between endothall and the TON1 pathway.rnIV. Mefluidide as a plant growth regulator induces growth retardation and a specific phenotype indicating an inhibition of fatty acid biosynthesis. A test of the cuticle functionality suggested a defect in the biosynthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) or waxes. Metabolic profiling studies showed similarities with different groups of VLCFA synthesis inhibitors. Detailed analyses of VLCFA composition in tissues of duckweed (Lemna paucicostata) indicated a specific inhibition of the known herbicide target 3 ketoacyl-CoA synthase (KCS). Inhibitor studies using a yeast expression system established for plant KCS proteins verified the potency of mefluidide as an inhibitor of plant KCS enzymes. It could be shown that the strength of inhibition varied for different KCS homologues. The Arabidopsis Cer6 protein, which induces a plant growth phenotype similar to mefluidide when knocked out, was one of the most sensitive KCS enzymes (Tresch et al., 2012).rnThe findings of my own work were combined with other publications reporting a successful identification of the MoA and primary target proteins of different compounds or compound classes.rnA revised three-tier approach for the MoA identification of phytoactive compounds is proposed. The approach consists of a 1st level aiming to address compound stability, uniformity of effects in different species, general cytotoxicity and the effect on common processes like transcription and translation. Based on these findings advanced studies can be defined to start the 2nd level of MoA characterisation, either with further phenotypic characterisation, starting a genetic screen or establishing a biochemical screen. At the 3rd level, enzyme assays or protein affinity studies should show the activity of the compound on the hypothesized target and should associate the in vitro effects with the in vivo profile of the compound.
Unterschiedlich substituierte Reagenzien, basierend auf dem Cumarin Körper, wurden untersucht und Struktur-Funktions-Beziehungsstudien zeigten eine Selektivität für ein natürlich vorkommendes, modifiziertes Nukleosid, 4-Thiouridine (s4U). Im Verlauf dieser Experimente, fiel ein multifunktionales Cumarin, namens PBC, aus mehreren Gründen auf. Neben seiner 2000 fachen Selektivität für s4U gegenüber Uridin, besitzt PBC ein zusätzliches terminales Alkin für Konjugationsreaktionen mit Aziden. Es wurde zusätzlich zur Fluoreszenzmarkierung von small interfering RNA benutzt, deren Fluoreszenz in Zellen beobachtet werden konnte. Mit PBC kommt ein neues chemisches Reagenz zur Detektion von modifizierten Nukleosiden zum bereits vorhandenen Repertoire hinzu.rnDiese Arbeit zeigt zusätzlich eine neue Labelingstrategie, basierend auf einem kleinen, multifunktionalen chemischen Reagenz, welches spezifisch mit Uridinen in RNA reagiert. Dieses Cumarin-basierte Reagenz, namens N3BC, hat den Vorteil (I) post-transkriptionell gegenüber allen möglichen RNAs einsetzbar zu sein, (II) Fluoreszenz zu zeigen und (III) eine weitere funktionelle Gruppe zu besitzen, die in Biokonjugationsreaktionen einsetzbar ist. Die letzteren umfassen z.B. die durch UV ausgelösten crosslinking Experimente mit verwandten Proteinen, sowie die bioorthognale CuAAC Reaktion mit fluoreszenten Alkin-Farbstoffen.rnFür verlässliche Detektion wurden mehrere LC-MS/MS Methoden, zur Identifizierung und Quantifizierung von bis zu 21 Ribonukleosiden und 5 Deoxyribonukleosiden in einem Einzellauf, entwickelt. Zusätzlich wurden diese Methoden in mehreren Studien, hauptsächlich von Methyltransferasen, angewandt. rn
Biological systems are complex and highly organized architectures governed by noncovalent interactions, which are responsible for molecular recognition, self-assembly, self-organization, adaptation and evolution processes. These systems provided the inspiration for the development of supramolecular chemistry, that aimed at the design of artificial multicomponent molecular assemblies, namely supramolecular systems, properly designed to perform different operations: each constituting unit performs a single act, whereas the entire supramolecular system is able to execute a more complex function, resulting from the cooperation of the constituting components. Supramolecular chemistry deals with the development of molecular systems able to mimic naturally occurring events, for example complexation and self-assembly through the establishment of noncovalent interactions. Moreover, the application of external stimuli, such as light, allows to perform these operations in a time- and space-controlled manner. These systems can interact with biological systems and, thus, can be applied for bioimaging, therapeutic and drug delivery purposes. In this work the study of biocompatible supramolecular species able to interact with light is presented. The first part deals with the photophysical, photochemical and electrochemical characterization of water-soluble blue emitting triazoloquinolinium and triazolopyridinium salts. Moreover, their interaction with DNA has been explored, in the perspective of developing water-soluble systems for bioimaging applications. In the second part, the effect exerted by the presence of azobenzene-bearing supramolecular species in liposomes, inserted both in the phospholipid bilayer and in the in the aqueous core of vesicles has been studied, in order to develop systems able to deliver small molecules and ions in a photocontrolled manner. Moreover, the versatility of azobenzene and its broad range of applications have been highlighted, since conjugated oligoazobenzene derivatives proved not to be adequate to be inserted in the phospholipid bilayer of liposomes, but their electrochemical properties made them interesting candidates as electron acceptor materials for photovoltaic applications.