969 resultados para Sensor measurements
The determination of the complex reflection coefficient of ultrasonic shear-waves at the solid-liquid interface is a technique employed for the measurement of the viscoelastic properties of liquids. An interesting property of the measurement technique is the very small penetration depth of the shear-waves into the liquid sample, which permits measurements with liquid films of some micrometers thick. This property, along with the adhesion of oily substances to surfaces, can be used for the detection of oily contaminants in water. In this work, the employment of the ultrasonic shear-wave reflection technique to the detection of oily contaminants in water is proposed and the theoretical and experimental concepts involved are discussed. Preliminary experimental results show the measurement technique can detect SAE 40 automotive oil in water in volume proportions less than 0.5%.
In fluid dynamics research, pressure measurements are of great importance to define the flow field acting on aerodynamic surfaces. In fact the experimental approach is fundamental to avoid the complexity of the mathematical models for predicting the fluid phenomena. It’s important to note that, using in-situ sensor to monitor pressure on large domains with highly unsteady flows, several problems are encountered working with the classical techniques due to the transducer cost, the intrusiveness, the time response and the operating range. An interesting approach for satisfying the previously reported sensor requirements is to implement a sensor network capable of acquiring pressure data on aerodynamic surface using a wireless communication system able to collect the pressure data with the lowest environmental–invasion level possible. In this thesis a wireless sensor network for fluid fields pressure has been designed, built and tested. To develop the system, a capacitive pressure sensor, based on polymeric membrane, and read out circuitry, based on microcontroller, have been designed, built and tested. The wireless communication has been performed using the Zensys Z-WAVE platform, and network and data management have been implemented. Finally, the full embedded system with antenna has been created. As a proof of concept, the monitoring of pressure on the top of the mainsail in a sailboat has been chosen as working example.
Wireless sensor networks can transform our buildings in smart environments, improving comfort, energy efficiency and safety. Today however, wireless sensor networks are not considered reliable enough for being deployed on large scale. In this thesis, we study the main failure causes for wireless sensor networks, the existing solutions to improve reliability and investigate the possibility to implement self-diagnosis through power consumption measurements on the sensor nodes. Especially, we focus our interest on faults that generate in-range errors: those are wrong readings but belong to the range of the sensor and can therefore be missed by external observers. Using a wireless sensor network deployed in the R\&D building of NXP at the High Tech Campus of Eindhoven, we performed a power consumption characterization of the Wireless Autonomous Sensor (WAS), and studied through some experiments the effect that faults have in the power consumption of the sensor.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are getting wide-spread attention since they became easily accessible with their low costs. One of the key elements of WSNs is distributed sensing. When the precise location of a signal of interest is unknown across the monitored region, distributing many sensors randomly/uniformly may yield with a better representation of the monitored random process than a traditional sensor deployment. In a typical WSN application the data sensed by nodes is usually sent to one (or more) central device, denoted as sink, which collects the information and can either act as a gateway towards other networks (e.g. Internet), where data can be stored, or be processed in order to command the actuators to perform special tasks. In such a scenario, a dense sensor deployment may create bottlenecks when many nodes competing to access the channel. Even though there are mitigation methods on the channel access, concurrent (parallel) transmissions may occur. In this study, always on the scope of monitoring applications, the involved development progress of two industrial projects with dense sensor deployments (eDIANA Project funded by European Commission and Centrale Adritica Project funded by Coop Italy) and the measurement results coming from several different test-beds evoked the necessity of a mathematical analysis on concurrent transmissions. To the best of our knowledge, in the literature there is no mathematical analysis of concurrent transmission in 2.4 GHz PHY of IEEE 802.15.4. In the thesis, experience stories of eDIANA and Centrale Adriatica Projects and a mathematical analysis of concurrent transmissions starting from O-QPSK chip demodulation to the packet reception rate with several different types of theoretical demodulators, are presented. There is a very good agreement between the measurements so far in the literature and the mathematical analysis.
The two-component system DcuSR of Escherichia coli regulates gene expression of anaerobic fumarate respiration and aerobic C4-dicarboxylate uptake. C4-dicarboxylates and citrate are perceived by the periplasmic domain of the membrane-integral sensor histidine kinase DcuS. The signal is transduced across the membrane by phosphorylation of DcuS and of the response regulator DcuR, resulting in activation of DcuR and transcription of the target genes.rnIn this work, the oligomerisation of full-length DcuS was studied in vivo and in vitro. DcuS was genetically fused to derivatives of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), enabling fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements to detect protein-protein interactions in vivo. FRET measurements were also performed with purified His6-DcuS after labelling with fluorescent dyes and reconstitution into liposomes to study oligomerisation of DcuS in vitro. In vitro and in vivo fluorescence resonance energy transfer showed the presence of oligomeric DcuS in the membrane, which was independent of the presence of effector. Chemical crosslinking experiments allowed clear-cut evaluation of the oligomeric state of DcuS. The results showed that detergent-solubilised His6-DcuS was mainly monomeric and demonstrated the presence of tetrameric DcuS in proteoliposomes and in bacterial membranes.rnThe sensor histidine kinase CitA is part of the two-component system CitAB of E. coli, which is structurally related to DcuSR. CitAB regulates gene expression of citrate fermentation in response to external citrate. The sensor kinases DcuS and CitA were fused with an enhanced variant of the yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and expressed in E. coli under the control of an arabinose-inducible promoter. The subcellular localisation of DcuS-YFP and CitA-YFP within the cell membrane was studied by means of confocal laser fluorescence microscopy. Both fusion proteins were found to accumulate at the cell poles. The polar accumulation was slightly increased in the presence of the stimulus fumarate or citrate, respectively, but independent of the expression level of the fusion proteins. Cell fractionation demonstrated that polar accumulation was not related to inclusion bodies formation. The degree of polar localisation of DcuS-YFP was similar to that of the well-characterised methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs), but independent of their presence. To enable further investigations on the function of the polar localisation of DcuS under physiological conditions, the sensor kinase was genetically fused to the flavin-based fluorescent protein Bs2 which shows fluorescence under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The resulting dcuS-bs2 gene fusion was inserted into the chromosome of various E. coli strains.rnFurthermore, a protein-protein interaction between the related sensor histidine kinases DcuS and CitA, regulating common metabolic pathways, was detected via expression studies under anaerobic conditions in the presence of citrate and by in vivo FRET measurements.
Ozon (O3) ist ein wichtiges Oxidierungs- und Treibhausgas in der Erdatmosphäre. Es hat Einfluss auf das Klima, die Luftqualität sowie auf die menschliche Gesundheit und die Vegetation. Ökosysteme, wie beispielsweise Wälder, sind Senken für troposphärisches Ozon und werden in Zukunft, bedingt durch Stürme, Pflanzenschädlinge und Änderungen in der Landnutzung, heterogener sein. Es ist anzunehmen, dass diese Heterogenitäten die Aufnahme von Treibhausgasen verringern und signifikante Rückkopplungen auf das Klimasystem bewirken werden. Beeinflusst wird der Atmosphären-Biosphären-Austausch von Ozon durch stomatäre Aufnahme, Deposition auf Pflanzenoberflächen und Böden sowie chemische Umwandlungen. Diese Prozesse zu verstehen und den Ozonaustausch für verschiedene Ökosysteme zu quantifizieren sind Voraussetzungen, um von lokalen Messungen auf regionale Ozonflüsse zu schließen.rnFür die Messung von vertikalen turbulenten Ozonflüssen wird die Eddy Kovarianz Methode genutzt. Die Verwendung von Eddy Kovarianz Systemen mit geschlossenem Pfad, basierend auf schnellen Chemilumineszenz-Ozonsensoren, kann zu Fehlern in der Flussmessung führen. Ein direkter Vergleich von nebeneinander angebrachten Ozonsensoren ermöglichte es einen Einblick in die Faktoren zu erhalten, die die Genauigkeit der Messungen beeinflussen. Systematische Unterschiede zwischen einzelnen Sensoren und der Einfluss von unterschiedlichen Längen des Einlassschlauches wurden untersucht, indem Frequenzspektren analysiert und Korrekturfaktoren für die Ozonflüsse bestimmt wurden. Die experimentell bestimmten Korrekturfaktoren zeigten keinen signifikanten Unterschied zu Korrekturfaktoren, die mithilfe von theoretischen Transferfunktionen bestimmt wurden, wodurch die Anwendbarkeit der theoretisch ermittelten Faktoren zur Korrektur von Ozonflüssen bestätigt wurde.rnIm Sommer 2011 wurden im Rahmen des EGER (ExchanGE processes in mountainous Regions) Projektes Messungen durchgeführt, um zu einem besseren Verständnis des Atmosphären-Biosphären Ozonaustauschs in gestörten Ökosystemen beizutragen. Ozonflüsse wurden auf beiden Seiten einer Waldkante gemessen, die einen Fichtenwald und einen Windwurf trennt. Auf der straßenähnlichen Freifläche, die durch den Sturm "Kyrill" (2007) entstand, entwickelte sich eine Sekundärvegetation, die sich in ihrer Phänologie und Blattphysiologie vom ursprünglich vorherrschenden Fichtenwald unterschied. Der mittlere nächtliche Fluss über dem Fichtenwald war -6 bis -7 nmol m2 s-1 und nahm auf -13 nmol m2 s-1 um die Mittagszeit ab. Die Ozonflüsse zeigten eine deutliche Beziehung zur Pflanzenverdunstung und CO2 Aufnahme, was darauf hinwies, dass während des Tages der Großteil des Ozons von den Pflanzenstomata aufgenommen wurde. Die relativ hohe nächtliche Deposition wurde durch nicht-stomatäre Prozesse verursacht. Die Deposition über dem Wald war im gesamten Tagesverlauf in etwa doppelt so hoch wie über der Freifläche. Dieses Verhältnis stimmte mit dem Verhältnis des Pflanzenflächenindex (PAI) überein. Die Störung des Ökosystems verringerte somit die Fähigkeit des Bewuchses, als Senke für troposphärisches Ozon zu fungieren. Der deutliche Unterschied der Ozonflüsse der beiden Bewuchsarten verdeutlichte die Herausforderung bei der Regionalisierung von Ozonflüssen in heterogen bewaldeten Gebieten.rnDie gemessenen Flüsse wurden darüber hinaus mit Simulationen verglichen, die mit dem Chemiemodell MLC-CHEM durchgeführt wurden. Um das Modell bezüglich der Berechnung von Ozonflüssen zu evaluieren, wurden gemessene und modellierte Flüsse von zwei Positionen im EGER-Gebiet verwendet. Obwohl die Größenordnung der Flüsse übereinstimmte, zeigten die Ergebnisse eine signifikante Differenz zwischen gemessenen und modellierten Flüssen. Zudem gab es eine klare Abhängigkeit der Differenz von der relativen Feuchte, mit abnehmender Differenz bei zunehmender Feuchte, was zeigte, dass das Modell vor einer Verwendung für umfangreiche Studien des Ozonflusses weiterer Verbesserungen bedarf.rn
For smart applications, nodes in wireless multimedia sensor networks (MWSNs) have to take decisions based on sensed scalar physical measurements. A routing protocol must provide the multimedia delivery with quality level support and be energy-efficient for large-scale networks. With this goal in mind, this paper proposes a smart Multi-hop hierarchical routing protocol for Efficient VIdeo communication (MEVI). MEVI combines an opportunistic scheme to create clusters, a cross-layer solution to select routes based on network conditions, and a smart solution to trigger multimedia transmission according to sensed data. Simulations were conducted to show the benefits of MEVI compared with the well-known Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol. This paper includes an analysis of the signaling overhead, energy-efficiency, and video quality.
BACKGROUND: Estimation of respiratory deadspace is often based on the CO2 expirogram, however presence of the CO2 sensor increases equipment deadspace, which in turn influences breathing pattern and calculation of lung volume. In addition, it is necessary to correct for the delay between the sensor and flow signals. We propose a new method for estimation of effective deadspace using the molar mass (MM) signal from an ultrasonic flowmeter device, which does not require delay correction. We hypothesize that this estimation is correlated with that calculated from the CO2 signal using the Fowler method. METHODS: Breath-by-breath CO2, MM and flow measurements were made in a group of 77 term-born healthy infants. Fowler deadspace (Vd,Fowler) was calculated after correcting for the flow-dependent delay in the CO2 signal. Deadspace estimated from the MM signal (Vd,MM) was defined as the volume passing through the flowhead between start of expiration and the 10% rise point in MM. RESULTS: Correlation (r = 0.456, P < 0.0001) was found between Vd,MM and Vd,Fowler averaged over all measurements, with a mean difference of -1.4% (95% CI -4.1 to 1.3%). Vd,MM ranged from 6.6 to 11.4 ml between subjects, while Vd,Fowler ranged from 5.9 to 12.0 ml. Mean intra-measurement CV over 5-10 breaths was 7.8 +/- 5.6% for Vd,MM and 7.8 +/- 3.7% for Vd,Fowler. Mean intra-subject CV was 6.0 +/- 4.5% for Vd,MM and 8.3 +/- 5.9% for Vd,Fowler. Correcting for the CO2 signal delay resulted in a 12% difference (P = 0.022) in Vd,Fowler. Vd,MM could be obtained more frequently than Vd,Fowler in infants with CLD, with a high variability. CONCLUSIONS: Use of the MM signal provides a feasible estimate of Fowler deadspace without introducing additional equipment deadspace. The simple calculation without need for delay correction makes individual adjustment for deadspace in FRC measurements possible. This is especially important given the relative large range of deadspace seen in this homogeneous group of infants.
Spacecraft formation flying navigation continues to receive a great deal of interest. The research presented in this dissertation focuses on developing methods for estimating spacecraft absolute and relative positions, assuming measurements of only relative positions using wireless sensors. The implementation of the extended Kalman filter to the spacecraft formation navigation problem results in high estimation errors and instabilities in state estimation at times. This is due tp the high nonlinearities in the system dynamic model. Several approaches are attempted in this dissertation aiming at increasing the estimation stability and improving the estimation accuracy. A differential geometric filter is implemented for spacecraft positions estimation. The differential geometric filter avoids the linearization step (which is always carried out in the extended Kalman filter) through a mathematical transformation that converts the nonlinear system into a linear system. A linear estimator is designed in the linear domain, and then transformed back to the physical domain. This approach demonstrated better estimation stability for spacecraft formation positions estimation, as detailed in this dissertation. The constrained Kalman filter is also implemented for spacecraft formation flying absolute positions estimation. The orbital motion of a spacecraft is characterized by two range extrema (perigee and apogee). At the extremum, the rate of change of a spacecraft’s range vanishes. This motion constraint can be used to improve the position estimation accuracy. The application of the constrained Kalman filter at only two points in the orbit causes filter instability. Two variables are introduced into the constrained Kalman filter to maintain the stability and improve the estimation accuracy. An extended Kalman filter is implemented as a benchmark for comparison with the constrained Kalman filter. Simulation results show that the constrained Kalman filter provides better estimation accuracy as compared with the extended Kalman filter. A Weighted Measurement Fusion Kalman Filter (WMFKF) is proposed in this dissertation. In wireless localizing sensors, a measurement error is proportional to the distance of the signal travels and sensor noise. In this proposed Weighted Measurement Fusion Kalman Filter, the signal traveling time delay is not modeled; however, each measurement is weighted based on the measured signal travel distance. The obtained estimation performance is compared to the standard Kalman filter in two scenarios. The first scenario assumes using a wireless local positioning system in a GPS denied environment. The second scenario assumes the availability of both the wireless local positioning system and GPS measurements. The simulation results show that the WMFKF has similar accuracy performance as the standard Kalman Filter (KF) in the GPS denied environment. However, the WMFKF maintains the position estimation error within its expected error boundary when the WLPS detection range limit is above 30km. In addition, the WMFKF has a better accuracy and stability performance when GPS is available. Also, the computational cost analysis shows that the WMFKF has less computational cost than the standard KF, and the WMFKF has higher ellipsoid error probable percentage than the standard Measurement Fusion method. A method to determine the relative attitudes between three spacecraft is developed. The method requires four direction measurements between the three spacecraft. The simulation results and covariance analysis show that the method’s error falls within a three sigma boundary without exhibiting any singularity issues. A study of the accuracy of the proposed method with respect to the shape of the spacecraft formation is also presented.
Sensor networks have been an active research area in the past decade due to the variety of their applications. Many research studies have been conducted to solve the problems underlying the middleware services of sensor networks, such as self-deployment, self-localization, and synchronization. With the provided middleware services, sensor networks have grown into a mature technology to be used as a detection and surveillance paradigm for many real-world applications. The individual sensors are small in size. Thus, they can be deployed in areas with limited space to make unobstructed measurements in locations where the traditional centralized systems would have trouble to reach. However, there are a few physical limitations to sensor networks, which can prevent sensors from performing at their maximum potential. Individual sensors have limited power supply, the wireless band can get very cluttered when multiple sensors try to transmit at the same time. Furthermore, the individual sensors have limited communication range, so the network may not have a 1-hop communication topology and routing can be a problem in many cases. Carefully designed algorithms can alleviate the physical limitations of sensor networks, and allow them to be utilized to their full potential. Graphical models are an intuitive choice for designing sensor network algorithms. This thesis focuses on a classic application in sensor networks, detecting and tracking of targets. It develops feasible inference techniques for sensor networks using statistical graphical model inference, binary sensor detection, events isolation and dynamic clustering. The main strategy is to use only binary data for rough global inferences, and then dynamically form small scale clusters around the target for detailed computations. This framework is then extended to network topology manipulation, so that the framework developed can be applied to tracking in different network topology settings. Finally the system was tested in both simulation and real-world environments. The simulations were performed on various network topologies, from regularly distributed networks to randomly distributed networks. The results show that the algorithm performs well in randomly distributed networks, and hence requires minimum deployment effort. The experiments were carried out in both corridor and open space settings. A in-home falling detection system was simulated with real-world settings, it was setup with 30 bumblebee radars and 30 ultrasonic sensors driven by TI EZ430-RF2500 boards scanning a typical 800 sqft apartment. Bumblebee radars are calibrated to detect the falling of human body, and the two-tier tracking algorithm is used on the ultrasonic sensors to track the location of the elderly people.
The paper presents a link layer stack for wireless sensor networks, which consists of the Burst-aware Energy-efficient Adaptive Medium access control (BEAM) and the Hop-to-Hop Reliability (H2HR) protocol. BEAM can operate with short beacons to announce data transmissions or include data within the beacons. Duty cycles can be adapted by a traffic prediction mechanism indicating pending packets destined for a node and by estimating its wake-up times. H2HR takes advantage of information provided by BEAM such as neighbour information and transmission information to perform per-hop congestion control. We justify the design decisions by measurements in a real-world wireless sensor network testbed and compare the performance with other link layer protocols.
Over the past several years the topics of energy consumption and energy harvesting have gained significant importance as a means for improved operation of wireless sensor and mesh networks. Energy-awareness of operation is especially relevant for application scenarios from the domain of environmental monitoring in hard to access areas. In this work we reflect upon our experiences with a real-world deployment of a wireless mesh network. In particular, a comprehensive study on energy measurements collected over several weeks during the summer and the winter period in a network deployment in the Swiss Alps is presented. Energy performance is monitored and analysed for three system components, namely, mesh node, battery and solar panel module. Our findings cover a number of aspects of energy consumption, including the amount of load consumed by a mesh node, the amount of load harvested by a solar panel module, and the dependencies between these two. With our work we aim to shed some light on energy-aware network operation and to help both users and developers in the planning and deployment of a new wireless (mesh) network for environmental research.
We investigate the problem of distributed sensors' failure detection in networks with a small number of defective sensors, whose measurements differ significantly from the neighbor measurements. We build on the sparse nature of the binary sensor failure signals to propose a novel distributed detection algorithm based on gossip mechanisms and on Group Testing (GT), where the latter has been used so far in centralized detection problems. The new distributed GT algorithm estimates the set of scattered defective sensors with a low complexity distance decoder from a small number of linearly independent binary messages exchanged by the sensors. We first consider networks with one defective sensor and determine the minimal number of linearly independent messages needed for its detection with high probability. We then extend our study to the multiple defective sensors detection by modifying appropriately the message exchange protocol and the decoding procedure. We show that, for small and medium sized networks, the number of messages required for successful detection is actually smaller than the minimal number computed theoretically. Finally, simulations demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms methods based on random walks in terms of both detection performance and convergence rate.
The clinical demand for a device to monitor Blood Pressure (BP) in ambulatory scenarios with minimal use of inflation cuffs is increasing. Based on the so-called Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) principle, this paper introduces and evaluates a novel concept of BP monitor that can be fully integrated within a chest sensor. After a preliminary calibration, the sensor provides non-occlusive beat-by-beat estimations of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) by measuring the Pulse Transit Time (PTT) of arterial pressure pulses travelling from the ascending aorta towards the subcutaneous vasculature of the chest. In a cohort of 15 healthy male subjects, a total of 462 simultaneous readings consisting of reference MAP and chest PTT were acquired. Each subject was recorded at three different days: D, D+3 and D+14. Overall, the implemented protocol induced MAP values to range from 80 ± 6 mmHg in baseline, to 107 ± 9 mmHg during isometric handgrip maneuvers. Agreement between reference and chest-sensor MAP values was tested by using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC = 0.78) and Bland-Altman analysis (mean error = 0.7 mmHg, standard deviation = 5.1 mmHg). The cumulative percentage of MAP values provided by the chest sensor falling within a range of ±5 mmHg compared to reference MAP readings was of 70%, within ±10 mmHg was of 91%, and within ±15mmHg was of 98%. These results point at the fact that the chest sensor complies with the British Hypertension Society (BHS) requirements of Grade A BP monitors, when applied to MAP readings. Grade A performance was maintained even two weeks after having performed the initial subject-dependent calibration. In conclusion, this paper introduces a sensor and a calibration strategy to perform MAP measurements at the chest. The encouraging performance of the presented technique paves the way towards an ambulatory-compliant, continuous and non-occlusive BP monitoring system.
This paper addresses an investigation with machine learning (ML) classification techniques to assist in the problem of flash flood now casting. We have been attempting to build a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to collect measurements from a river located in an urban area. The machine learning classification methods were investigated with the aim of allowing flash flood now casting, which in turn allows the WSN to give alerts to the local population. We have evaluated several types of ML taking account of the different now casting stages (i.e. Number of future time steps to forecast). We have also evaluated different data representation to be used as input of the ML techniques. The results show that different data representation can lead to results significantly better for different stages of now casting.