979 resultados para Selective Laser Melting


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Intense, few-femtosecond pulse technology has enabled studies of the fastest vibrational relaxation processes. The hydrogen group vibrations can be imaged and manipulated using intense infrared pulses. Through numerical simulation, we demonstrate an example of ultrafast coherent control that could be effected with current experimental facilities, and observed using high-resolution time-of-flight spectroscopy. The proposal is a pump-probe-type technique to manipulate the D2+ ion with ultrashort pulse sequences. The simulations presented show that vibrational selection can be achieved through pulse delay. We find that the vibrational system can be purified to a two-level system thus realizing a vibrational qubit. A novel scheme for the selective transfer of population between these two levels, based on a Raman process and conditioned upon the delay time of a second control-pulse is outlined, and may enable quantum encoding with this system.


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The dynamics of dissociation of pre-ionized D2+ molecules using intense (10^12–10^15 W cm-2), ultrashort (50 fs), infrared (? = 790 nm) laser pulses are examined. Use of an intensity selective scan technique has allowed the deuterium energy spectrum to be measured over a broad range of intensity. It is found that the dominant emission shifts to lower energies as intensity is increased, in good agreement with corresponding wavepacket simulations. The results are consistent with an interpretation in terms of bond softening, which at high intensity (approximately >3 × 10^14 W cm-2) becomes dominated by dissociative ionization. Angular distribution measurements reveal the presence of slow molecular dissociation, an indication that vibrational trapping mechanisms occur in this molecule.


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The capability of intense ultrashort laser pulses to initiate, control and image vibrational wavepacket dynamics in the deuterium molecular ion has been simulated with a view to inform and direct future femtosecond pump-control-probe experiments. The intense-field coherent control of the vibrational superposition has been studied as a function of pulse intensity and delay time, to provide an indication of key constraints for experimental studies. For selected cases of the control mechanism, probing of the subsequent vibrational wavepacket dynamics has been simulated via the photodissociation (PD) channel. Such PD probing is shown to elucidate the modified wavepacket dynamics where the position of the quantum revival is sensitive to the control process. Through Fourier transform analysis the PD yield is also shown to provide a characterisation of the vibrational distribution. It has been shown that a simple 'critical R cut-off' approximation can be used to reproduce the effect of a probe pulse interaction, providing a convenient and efficient alternative to intensive computer simulations of the PD mechanism in the deuterium molecular ion.


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The synthesis and photophysical evaluation of a new supramolecular lanthanide complex is described which was developed as a luminescent contrast agent for bone structure analysis. We show that the Eu(III) emission of this complex is not pH dependent within the physiological pH range, and that its steady state emission is not significantly modulated by a series of group I and II as well as d-metal ions, and that this agent can be successfully employed to image mechanically formed cracks (scratches) in bone samples after 4 or 24 hours, using confocal laser-scanning microscopy.


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High power lasers are a tool that can be used to determine important parameters in the context of Warm Dense Matter, i.e. at the convergence of low-temperature plasma physics and finite-temperature condensed matter physics. Recent results concerning planet inner core materials such as water and iron are presented. We determined the equation of state, temperature and index of refraction of water for pressures up to 7 Mbar. The release state of iron in a LiF window allowed us to investigate the melting temperature near the inner core boundary conditions. Finally, the first application of proton radiography to the study of shocked material is also discussed.


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Ocular neovascularisation is a pathological hallmark of some forms of debilitating blindness including diabetic retinopathy, age related macular degeneration and retinopathy of prematurity. Current therapies for delaying unwanted ocular angiogenesis include laser surgery or molecular inhibition of the pro-angiogenic factor VEGF. However, targeting of angiogenic pathways other than, or in combination to VEGF, may lead to more effective and safer inhibitors of intraocular angiogenesis. In a small chemical screen using zebrafish, we identify LY294002 as an effective and selective inhibitor of both developmental and ectopic hyaloid angiogenesis in the eye. LY294002, a PI3 kinase inhibitor, exerts its anti-angiogenic effect in a dose-dependent manner, without perturbing existing vessels. Significantly, LY294002 delivered by intraocular injection, significantly inhibits ocular angiogenesis without systemic side-effects and without diminishing visual function. Thus, targeting of PI3 kinase pathways has the potential to effectively and safely treat neovascularisation in eye disease.


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Laser-produced proton beams have been used to achieve ultrafast volumetric heating of carbon samples at solid density. The isochoric melting of carbon was probed by a scattering of x rays from a secondary laser-produced plasma. From the scattering signal, we have deduced the fraction of the material that was melted by the inhomogeneous heating. The results are compared to different theoretical approaches for the equation of state which suggests modifications from standard models.


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The fluid immobile High Field Strength Elements (HFSE) Nb and Ta can be used to distinguish between the effects of variable extents of melting and prior source depletion of the Tongan sub-arc mantle. Melting of spinel Iherzolite beneath the Lau Basin back-arc spreading centres has the ability to fractionate Nb from Ta due to the greater compatibility of the latter in clinopyroxene. The identified spatial variation in plate velocities and separation of melt extraction zones, combined with extremely depleted lavas make Tonga an ideal setting in which to test models for arc melt generation and the role of back-arc magmatism. We present new data acquired by laser ablation-ICPMS of fused sample glasses produced without the use of a melt fluxing agent. The results show an arc trend towards strongly sub-chondritic Nb/Ta (


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Thin, oxidised Al films grown an one face of fused silica prisms are exposed. tinder ambient conditions, to single shots from an excimer laser operating at wavelength 248 nm. Preliminary characterisation of the films using attenuated total reflection yields optical and thickness data for the Al and Al oxide layers; this step facilitates the subsequent, accurate tuning of the excimer laser pulse to the: surface plasmon resonance at the Al/(oxide)/air interface and the calculation of the fluence actually absorbed by the thin film system. Ablation damage is characterised using scanning electron, and atomic force microscopy. When the laser pulse is incident, through the prism on the sample at less than critical angle, the damage features are molten in nature with small islands of sub-micrometer dimension much in evidence, a mechanism of film melt-through and subsegment blow-off due to the build up of vapour pressure at the substrate/film interface is appropriate. By contrast, when the optical input is surface plasmon mediated, predominately mechanical damage results with the film fragmenting into large flakes of dimensions on the order of 10 mu m. It is suggested that the ability of surface plasmons to transport energy leads to enhanced, preferential absorption of energy at defect sites causing stress throughout the film which exceeds the ultimate tensile stress for the film: this in turn leads to film break-up before melting can onset. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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β -type Ti-alloy is a promising biomedical implant material as it has a low Young’s modulus but is also known to have inferior surface hardness. Various surface treatments can be applied to enhance the surface hardness. Physical vapour deposition (PVD) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) are two examples of this but these techniques have limitations such as poor interfacial adhesion and high distortion. Laser surface treatment is a relatively new surface modification method to enhance the surface hardness but its application is still not accepted by the industry. The major problem of this process involves surface melting which results in higher surface roughness after the laser surface treatment. This paper will report the results achieved by a 100 W CW fiber laser for laser surface treatment without the surface being melted. Laser processing parameters were carefully selected so that the surface could be treated without surface melting and thus the surface finish of the component could be maintained. The surface and microstructural characteristics of the treated samples were examined using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), optical microscopy (OM), 3-D surface profile & contact angle measurements and nano-indentation test.


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The interaction of high‐intensity laser pulses with matter releases instantaneously ultra‐large currents of highly energetic electrons, leading to the generation of highly‐transient, large‐amplitude electric and magnetic fields. We report results of recent experiment in which such charge dynamics have been studied by using proton probing techniques able to provide maps of the electrostatic fields with high spatial and temporal resolution. The dynamics of ponderomotive channelling in underdense plasmas have been studied in this way, as also the processes of Debye sheath formation and MeV ion front expansion at the rear of laser‐irradiated thin metallic foils. An application employing laser‐driven impulsive fields for energy‐selective ion beam focusing is also presented.


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Beta-type Ti-alloy is a promising biomedical implant material as it has a low Young’s modulus and is also known to have inferior surface hardness. Various surface treatments can be applied to enhance the surface hardness. Physical vapor deposition and chemical vapor deposition are two examples of this but these techniques have limitations such as poor interfacial adhesion and high distortion. Laser surface treatment is a relatively new surface modification method to enhance the surface hardness but its application is still not accepted by the industry. The major problem of this process involves surface melting which results in higher surface roughness after the laser surface treatment. This paper will report the results achieved by a 100 W continuous wave (CW) fiber laser for laser surface treatment without the surface being melted. Laser processing parameters were carefully selected so that the surface could be treated without surface melting and thus the surface finish of the component could be maintained. The surface and microstructural characteristics of the treated samples were examined using x-ray diffractometry, optical microscopy, three-dimensional surface profile and contact angle measurements, and nanoindentation test.


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L’ablation de cibles d’Al nanocristallines (taille moyenne des cristallites d = 3,1 et 6,2 nm) par impulsions laser ultrabrèves (200 fs) a été étudiée par l’entremise de si- mulations combinant la dynamique moléculaire et le modèle à deux températures (two- temperature model, TTM) pour des fluences absorbées allant de 100 à 1300 J/m2. Nos simulations emploient un potentiel d’interaction de type EAM et les propriétés électro- niques des cibles en lien avec le TTM sont représentées par un modèle réaliste possédant une forme distincte dans le solide monocristallin, le solide nanocristallin et le liquide. Nous avons considéré l’effet de la taille moyenne des cristallites de même que celui de la porosité et nous avons procédé à une comparaison directe avec des cibles mono- cristallines. Nous avons pu montrer que le seuil d’ablation des métaux nanocristallins est significativement plus bas, se situant à 400 J/m2 plutôt qu’à 600 J/m2 dans le cas des cibles monocristallines, l’écart étant principalement dû à l’onde mécanique plus im- portante présente lors de l’ablation. Leur seuil de spallation de la face arrière est aussi significativement plus bas de par la résistance à la tension plus faible (5,40 GPa contre 7,24 GPa) des cibles nanocristallines. Il est aussi apparu que les contraintes résiduelles accompagnant généralement l’ablation laser sont absentes lors de l’ablation de cibles d’aluminium nanocristallines puisque la croissance cristalline leur permet d’abaisser leur volume spécifique. Nos résultats indiquent aussi que le seuil de fusion des cibles nano- cristallines est réduit de façon marquée dans ces cibles ce qui s’explique par la plus faible énergie de cohésion inhérente à ces matériaux. Nos simulations permettent de montrer que les propriétés structurelles et électroniques propres aux métaux nanocristallins ont toutes deux un impact important sur l’ablation.


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L’ablation laser de verres métalliques de CuxZr1−x (x = 0.33, 0.50 et 0.67) et d’un alliage métallique cristallin de CuZr2 dans la structure C11b a été étudiée par dynamique moléculaire (DM) combinée à un modèle à deux températures (TTM). Le seuil d’ablation (Fth) a été déterminé pour chacun des 4 échantillons et s'est avéré plus bas pour les échantillons plus riches en Cu étant donné que la cohésion du Cu est plus faible que celle du Zr dans tous les échantillons. Pour x=0.33, Fth est plus bas pour le cristal que pour l’amorphe car le couplage électron-phonon est plus faible dans ce dernier, ce qui implique que l’énergie est transférée plus lentement du système électronique vers le système ionique pour le a-CuZr2 que le c-CuZr2. La vitesse de l’onde de pression créée par l’impact du laser croît avec la fluence dans l’échantillon cristallin, contrairement aux échantillons amorphes dans lesquels sa vitesse moyenne est relativement constante avec la fluence. Ceci est expliqué par le fait que le module de cisaillement croît avec la pression pour le cristal, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour les verres métalliques étudiés. Finalement, la zone affectée par la chaleur (HAZ) a été étudiée via la profondeur de fusion et les déformations plastiques. La plus faible température de fusion des échantillons amorphes implique que la profondeur de fusion est plus importante dans ceux-ci que dans l’échantillon cristallin. Dans les verres métalliques, les déformations plastiques ont été identifiées sous forme de zones de transformation par cisaillement (STZ) qui diffusent et fusionnent à plus haute fluence. Aucune déformation plastique importante n’a été identifiée dans le c-CuZr2 mis à part de légères déformations près du front de fusion causées par les contraintes résiduelles. Ce travail a ainsi permis d’améliorer notre compréhension de l’ablation laser sur les verres métalliques et de l’étendue des dommages qu’elle peut entraîner.


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The acoustic signals generated in solids due to interaction with pulsed laser beam is used to determine the ablation threshold of bulk polymer samples of teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene) and nylon under the irradiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1.06µm wavelength. A suitably designed piezoelectric transducer is employed for the detection of photoacoustic (PA) signals generated in this process. It has been observed that an abrupt increase in the amplitude of the PA signal occurs at the ablation threshold. Also there exist distinct values for the threshold corresponding to different mechanisms operative in producing damages like surface morphology, bond breaking and melting processes at different laser energy densities.