451 resultados para Sachs, MichaelSachs, MichaelMichaelSachs


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Objective Deposition of monosodium urate monohydrate (MSU) crystals in the joints promotes an intense inflammatory response and joint dysfunction. This study evaluated the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX)derived leukotriene B4 (LTB4) in driving tissue inflammation and hypernociception in a murine model of gout. Methods. Gout was induced by injecting MSU crystals into the joints of mice. Wild-type mice and mice deficient in NLRP3, ASC, caspase 1, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), IL-1 receptor type I (IL-1RI), IL-18R, myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), or 5-LOX were used. Evaluations were performed to assess neutrophil influx, LTB4 activity, cytokine (IL-1 beta, CXCL1) production (by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), synovial microvasculature cell adhesion (by intravital microscopy), and hypernociception. Cleaved caspase 1 and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were analyzed in macrophages by Western blotting and fluorometric assay, respectively. Results. Injection of MSU crystals into the knee joints of mice induced neutrophil influx and neutrophildependent hypernociception. MSU crystal-induced neutrophil influx was CXCR2-dependent and relied on the induction of CXCL1 in an NLRP3/ASC/caspase 1/IL-1 beta/MyD88-dependent manner. LTB4 was produced rapidly after injection of MSU crystals, and this was necessary for caspase 1-dependent IL-1 beta production and consequent release of CXCR2-acting chemokines in vivo. In vitro, macrophages produced LTB4 after MSU crystal injection, and LTB4 was relevant in the MSU crystalinduced maturation of IL-1 beta. Mechanistically, LTB4 drove MSU crystal-induced production of ROS and ROS-dependent activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Conclusion. These results reveal the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome in mediating MSU crystalinduced inflammation and dysfunction of the joints, and highlight a previously unrecognized role of LTB4 in driving NLRP3 inflammasome activation in response to MSU crystals, both in vitro and in vivo.


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OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the performance of lungs that were preserved with different solutions (Celsior, Perfadex or saline) in an ex vivo rat lung perfusion system. METHODS: Sixty Wistar rats were anesthetized, anticoagulated and randomized into three groups (n = 20). The rats were subjected to antegrade perfusion via the pulmonary artery with Perfadex, Celsior, or saline, followed by 6 or 12 hours of ischemia (4 degrees C, n = 10 in each group). Respiratory mechanics, gas exchange and hemodynamics were measured at 10-minute intervals during the reperfusion of heart-lung blocks in an ex vivo system (IL2-Isolated Perfused Rat or Guinea Pig Lung System, Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, Massachusetts, USA; Hugo Sachs Elektronik, Germany) for 60 minutes. The lungs were prepared for histopathology and evaluated for edema following reperfusion. Group comparisons were performed using ANOVA and the Kruskal-Wallis test with a 5% level of significance. RESULTS: Gas exchange was not significantly different between lungs perfused with either Perfadex or Celsior at the same ischemic times, but it was very low in lungs that were preserved with saline. Airway resistance was greater in the lungs that were preserved for 12 hours. Celsior lungs that were preserved for 6 and 12 hours exhibited lower airway resistance (p = 0.01) compared to Perfadex lungs. Pulmonary artery pressure was not different between the groups, and no significant differences in histopathology and apoptosis were observed between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Lungs that were preserved with Celsior or Perfadex exhibited similar gas exchange and histopathological findings. Airway resistance was slightly lower in the Celsior-preserved lungs compared with the Perfadex-preserved lungs.


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To compare clinical and laboratory findings between patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS) versus secondary APS due to rheumatic fever (APS-RF) (according to Jones criteria). Seventy-three APS patients (Sapporo criteria) were enrolled, and demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were collected. Exclusion criteria were heart congenital abnormalities and previous infectious endocarditis. Patients were divided into two groups: PAPS (n = 68) and APS-RF (n = 5). The mean current age, disease duration, frequencies of female gender, and Caucasian race were similar in APS-RF and PAPS patients (P > 0.05). Remarkably, the frequency of stroke was significantly higher in APS-RF compared to PAPS patients (80% vs. 25%, P = 0.02). Of note, echocardiogram of these patients did not show intracardiac thrombus. No significant differences were found in peripheral thromboembolic events (P = 1.0), pulmonary thromboembolism (P = 1.0), miscarriage (P = 0.16), thrombocytopenia (P = 0.36), arterial events (P = 0.58), and thrombosis of small vessels (P = 1.0). There were no differences in the frequencies of comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking, and hyperlipidemia in both groups (P > 0.05). The frequencies of lupus anticoagulant, IgG, and IgM anticardiolipin were similar in two groups. APS patients associated with rheumatic fever without infective endocarditis may imply a high stroke risk as compared with PAPS, and future studies are needed to confirm this finding.


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Latin American countries have a privileged position to tackle the environmental crisis, producing a new framework of relations and interdependencies: a biocivilizacao. Inspired by the ideas and Gourou Sachs, founded in centralities other than those of the "global market", and fed by other "sources" than those of high-carbon, embodied in examples like those provided by the Amazons, that teach us how the interaction between cultural and natural elements can produce the main source of biodiversity on the planet and your invaluable environmental service. Countries that share, if you can settle in other conditions (have) dependencies, guided references and values different from those that have chaired the hegemonic order. But for that, the paths that lead only to "cooperate" with the construction of "common markets", which will be replaced by others, eg, dialogues between the Organization of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty and Pan Amazonian Social Forum.


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The purpose of the present study was to determine ultrasound (US) arthrography diagnostic accuracy in patients with recurrent shoulder dislocation by comparing US arthrography and magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) with intraoperative findings. Fifty-six consecutive patients with diagnosis of chronic anterior instability of the shoulder were evaluated for assessment of bone and soft tissue lesions by three radiologists. Twenty-five cases were confirmed by surgery. Sensitivity, specificity, inter-and intraobserver agreement were calculated. Ultrasound sensitivity ranged from 20% to 100% and specificity from 25% to 90%. MRA sensitivity ranged from 80% to 100% and specificity from 50% to 100%. Interobserver agreement was good for MRA (0.54-0.70) and fair for US arthrography (0.19-0.40). Despite a higher interobserver variability for US arthrography than for MRA, our results indicate that US is capable of demonstrating bone and soft tissue lesions related to chronic instability of the shoulder in the presence of intra-articular fluid. (E-mail: marcelo_simao@hotmail.com) (C) 2012 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.


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Oltre un miliardo di persone non ha oggi accesso all’acqua potabile; più di due miliardi è il numero di coloro che vivono in condizioni igienico-sanitarie realmente proibitive. Sono 80 i paesi nel mondo (con il 40% della popolazione totale) in cui si riscontra difficoltà di approvvigionamento e presenza di risorse idriche che mancano dei requisiti che dovrebbero essere assicurati per la tutela della salute: quotidianamente e sistematicamente il diritto di accesso all’acqua, che nessun individuo dovrebbe vedersi negato, viene violato. Scarsità di acqua e non omogenea distribuzione sulla superficie terrestre sono fattori che concorrono alla crisi della risorsa, cui contribuiscono processsi di natura ambientale (cambiamenti climatici, desertificazione), di natura economica (le sorti dell’industria agroalimentare, la globalizzazione degli scambi, il bisogno crescente di energia), di natura sociale (migrazioni, urbanizzazione, crescita demografica, epidemie), di natura culturale (passaggio dal rurale all’urbano, dall’agricoltura di sussistenza a quella di profitto). Nell’ottica di uno sviluppo sostenibile un aumento indiscriminato dell’offerta non può costituire soluzione al continuo incremento della domanda di acqua. Si rende pertanto necessaria la definizione di politiche e strumenti di cambiamento nei modelli di consumo e nella pianificazione che consentano una riduzione degli squilibri nella distribuzione e nella gestione della risorsa a livello domestico e civile, industriale, agricolo. L’uso efficiente, e quindi sostenibile, dell’acqua è da perseguirsi secondo le modalità: • Risparmio, inteso come minore consumo di acqua all’inizio del ciclo. • Riciclo dell’acqua in circuito chiuso, inteso come riuso dell’acqua di scarico, o uso multiplo dell’acqua. Una idonea utilizzazione dipende da una idonea progettazione, che abbia come finalità: • La destinazione in via prioritaria delle fonti e delle risorse di più elevata qualità agli usi idropotabili, con una graduale sostituzione del consumo per altri usi con risorse di minore pregio. • La regolamentazione dell’uso delle acque sotterranee, mediante la limitazione del ricorso all’impiego di pozzi solo in mancanza di forniture alternative per uso civile, industriale, agricolo. • L’incentivazione ad un uso razionale della risorsa, anche mediante l’attuazione di idonee politiche tariffarie. • L’aumento dell’efficienza delle reti di adduzione e distribuzione, sia civili che irrigue. • La promozione di uso efficiente, riciclo e recupero di acqua nell’industria. • Il miglioramento dell’efficienza ed efficacia delle tecniche di irrigazione. • La promozione del riutilizzo delle acque nei vari settori. • La diffusione nella pratica domestica di apparati e tecnologie progettati per la riduzione degli sprechi e dei consumi di acqua. In ambito agricolo la necessità di un uso parsimonioso della risorsa impone il miglioramento dell’efficienza irrigua, pari appena al 40%. La regione Emilia Romagna a livello locale, Israele a livello internazionale, forniscono ottimi esempi in termini di efficacia dei sistemi di trasporto e di distribuzione, di buona manutenzione delle strutture. Possibili soluzioni verso le quali orientare la ricerca a livello mondiale per arginare la progressiva riduzione delle riserve idriche sono: • Revisione dei costi idrici. • Recupero delle riserve idriche. • Raccolta dell’acqua piovana. • Miglioramento degli impianti di distribuzione idrica. • Scelta di metodi di coltivazione idonei alle caratteristiche locali. • Scelta di colture a basso fabbisogno idrico. • Conservazione della risorsa attraverso un sistema di irrigazione efficiente. • Opere di desalinizzazione. • Trasferimento idrico su vasta scala da un’area all’altra. Si tratta di tecniche la cui attuazione può incrementare la disponibilità media pro capite di acqua, in particolare di coloro i quali non ne posseggono in quantità sufficiente per bere o sono privi di sistemi igienico-sanitari sufficienti.


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Das Detektorsystem des Spektrometers Ader Drei-Spektrometer-Anlage am MainzerElektronenbeschleuniger MAMI wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeitum ein Fokalebenen-Proton-Polarimeter (FPP) ergänzt.Dazu wurden zwei Horizontale Doppeldriftkammern entworfenund zusammen mit einem Kohlenstoffanalysator hinter derFokalebene des Spektrometers aufgebaut.Zur Berechnung der Spin-Präzession in den inhomogenenMagnetfeldern des Spektrometers wurde das Programm QSPINerstellt und damit eine Spin-Transfer-Matrix (STM) erzeugt,mit der über eine Fitprozedur die Polarisationskomponentender Protonen in der Streuebene an die im FPP gemessenenangepaßt werden können.Mit elastischen Elektron-Proton-Streuexperimenten wurdenfalsche Asymmetrien im FPP untersucht, die berechnete STMbestätigt, die inklusive Proton-Kohlenstoff-Analysierstärkeauf einen größeren Streuwinkelbereich erweitert und dasVerhältnis zwischen dem elektrischen und dem magnetischenSachs-Formfaktor des Protons gemessen.Zur Untersuchung der Coulomb-Quadrupol-Übergangsamplitudebei der Anregung des Nukleons zur Delta(1232)-Resonanzwurden in einem Pion-Elektroproduktions-Experiment am Protonmit dem FPP die Komponenten der Polarisation derRückstoßprotonen in paralleler Kinematik gemessen.


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Plakate begleiten den Film auch in Deutschland schon seit seinen Anfängen 1895/96. Filmplakate sollen Filminhalte in einem grafischen Kürzel zusammenfassen. Aufraggeber ist zumeist der Filmverleih bzw. die Filmgesellschaft, seltener einzelne Kinos. Filmplakate sind im wesentlichen bildlich-figürlich bestimmt, viele illustrieren auf naive Art eine Szene des Films, verbunden mit der Darstellung der Schauspieler. Die Grafiker können sich oft lediglich anhand von Inhaltsangaben und Fotos einen Eindruck von der zu bewerbenden Sache verschaffen. Zunächst werben sie für Programme, weniger für einzelne Filme. Das ändert sich mit der zunehmenden Länge der Produktionen. Neben zahlreichen anonymen Zeichnern werden schon bald auch namhafte Plakatkünstler mit Filmplakaten beschäftigt, wie Klinger, Deutsch, Kainer, Hohlwein, Erdt, die jeweils verschiedene Plakatauffassungen vertreten. Plakate für Asta Nielsen oder Henny Porten dokumentieren frühe Stardarstellungen, diejenigen für frühe Detektivfilme stehen für ein Genre. Mit dem Namen Fenneker steht das expressionistische Filmplakat um 1920 in Verbindung. Grafiker wie Matejko; Leonard, oder Kupfer-Sachs arbeiten eher naturalistisch. Konstruktivistische Plakate entwirf Tschichold. 1927 für den Münchener „Phoebus-Palast“. Zwischen 1930 und 1945 ist der Plakatstil des Ufa-Werbedienstes maßgebend. Abweichend davon kann Pewas Fotomontageplakate gestalten.. Sehr früh beginnt die Zensur sich der Filmplakate anzunehmen. Zunächst in unterschiedlichen Rechtstiteln enthalten, wird die Plakatzensur 1920 im „Reichslichtspielgesetz“ verankert.


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In questa tesi ci si occuperà di presentare alcuni aspetti salienti della teoria spettrale per gli operatori limitati negli spazi di Hilbert. Nel primo capitolo verranno presentate alcune nozioni fondamentali di analisi funzionale, necessarie per lo studio degli operatori. Il secondo capitolo si occupa invece di analizzare la teoria spettrale per operatori compatti. In particolare, verrà presentato il Teorema Spettrale per Operatori Normali Compatti e il Teorema dell'Alternativa di Fredholm. In seguito verrà applicata tale teoria alla risolubilità del problema di Dirichlet. Nel terzo capitolo verrà esteso quanto ottenuto per gli operatori compatti ad operatori limitati autoaggiunti e per gli operatori normali limitati, passando attraverso le famiglie spettrali.


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Die elektromagnetischen Nukleon-Formfaktoren sind fundamentale Größen, welche eng mit der elektromagnetischen Struktur der Nukleonen zusammenhängen. Der Verlauf der elektrischen und magnetischen Sachs-Formfaktoren G_E und G_M gegen Q^2, das negative Quadrat des Viererimpulsübertrags im elektromagnetischen Streuprozess, steht über die Fouriertransformation in direkter Beziehung zu der räumlichen Ladungs- und Strom-Verteilung in den Nukleonen. Präzise Messungen der Formfaktoren über einen weiten Q^2-Bereich werden daher für ein quantitatives Verständnis der Nukleonstruktur benötigt.rnrnDa es keine freien Neutrontargets gibt, gestaltet sich die Messung der Neutron-Formfaktoren schwierig im Vergleich zu der Messung am Proton. Konsequenz daraus ist, dass die Genauigkeit der vorhandenen Daten von Neutron-Formfaktoren deutlich geringer ist als die von Formfaktoren des Protons; auch der vermessene Q^2-Bereich ist kleiner. Insbesondere der elektrische Sachs-Formfaktor des Neutrons G_E^n ist schwierig zu messen, da er aufgrund der verschwindenden Nettoladung des Neutrons im Verhältnis zu den übrigen Nukleon-Formfaktoren sehr klein ist. G_E^n charakterisiert die Ladungsverteilung des elektrisch neutralen Neutrons und ist damit besonders sensitiv auf die innere Struktur des Neutrons.rnrnIn der hier vorgestellten Arbeit wurde G_E^n aus Strahlhelizitätsasymmetrien in der quasielastischen Streuung vec{3He}(vec{e}, e'n)pp bei einem Impulsübertrag von Q^2 = 1.58 (GeV/c)^2 bestimmt. Die Messung fand in Mainz an der Elektronbeschleunigeranlage Mainzer Mikrotron innerhalb der A1-Kollaboration im Sommer 2008 statt. rnrnLongitudinal polarisierte Elektronen mit einer Energie von 1.508 GeV wurden an einem polarisierten ^3He-Gastarget, das als effektives, polarisiertes Neutrontarget diente, gestreut. Die gestreuten Elektronen wurden in Koinzidenz mit den herausgeschlagenen Neutronen detektiert; die Elektronen wurden in einem magnetischen Spektrometer nachgewiesen, durch den Nachweis der Neutronen in einer Matrix aus Plastikszintillatoren wurde der Beitrag der quasielastischen Streuung am Proton unterdrückt.rnrnAsymmetrien des Wirkungsquerschnitts bezüglich der Elektronhelizität sind bei Orientierung der Targetpolarisation in der Streuebene und senkrecht zum Impulsübertrag sensitiv auf G_E^n / G_M^n; mittels deren Messung kann G_E^n bestimmt werden, da der magnetische Formfaktor G_M^n mit vergleichsweise hoher Präzision bekannt ist. Zusätzliche Messungen der Asymmetrie bei einer Polarisationsorientierung parallel zum Impulsübertrag wurden genutzt, um systematische Fehler zu reduzieren.rnrnFür die Messung inklusive statistischem (stat) und systematischem (sys) Fehler ergab sich G_E^n = 0.0244 +/- 0.0057_stat +/- 0.0016_sys.


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To compare the efficacy of pars plana vitrectomy (ppV) with intravitreal injection of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) and gas versus ppV with subretinal injection of rtPA and intravitreal injection of gas.


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Leukocyte-platelet interaction is important in mediating leukocyte adhesion to a thrombus and leukocyte recruitment to a site of vascular injury. This interaction is mediated at least in part by the beta2-integrin Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) and its counter-receptor on platelets, glycoprotein Ibalpha (GPIbalpha). High molecular weight kininogen (HK) was previously shown to interact with both GPIbalpha and Mac-1 through its domains 3 and 5, respectively. In this study we investigated the ability of HK to interfere with the leukocyte-platelet interaction. In a purified system, HK binding to GPIbalpha was inhibited by HK domain 3 and the monoclonal antibody (mAb) SZ2, directed against the epitope 269-282 of GPIbalpha, whereas mAb AP1, directed to the region 201-268 of GPIbalpha had no effect. In contrast, mAb AP1 inhibited the Mac-1-GPIbalpha interaction. Binding of GPIbalpha to Mac-1 was enhanced 2-fold by HK. This effect of HK was abrogated in the presence of HK domains 3 or 5 or peptides from the 475-497 region of the carboxyl terminus of domain 5 as well as in the presence of mAb SZ2 but not mAb AP1. Whereas no difference in the affinity of the Mac-1-GPIbalpha interaction was observed in the absence or presence of HK, maximal binding of GPIbalpha to Mac-1 doubled in the presence of HK. Moreover, HK/HKa increased the Mac-1-dependent adhesion of myelomonocytic U937 cells and K562 cells transfected with Mac-1 to immobilized GPIbalpha or to GPIbalpha-transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells. Finally, Mac-1-dependent adhesion of neutrophils to surface-adherent platelets was enhanced by HK. Thus, HK can bridge leukocytes with platelets by interacting via its domain 3 with GPIbalpha and via its domain 5 with Mac-1 thereby augmenting the Mac-1-GPIbalpha interaction. These distinct molecular interactions of HK with leukocytes and platelets contribute to the regulation of the adhesive behavior of vascular cells and provide novel molecular targets for reducing atherothrombotic pathologies.


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Nonallergic hypersensitivity and allergic reactions are part of the many different types of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Databases exist for the collection of ADRs. Spontaneous reporting makes up the core data-generating system of pharmacovigilance, but there is a large under-estimation of allergy/hypersensitivity drug reactions. A specific database is therefore required for drug allergy and hypersensitivity using standard operating procedures (SOPs), as the diagnosis of drug allergy/hypersensitivity is difficult and current pharmacovigilance algorithms are insufficient. Although difficult, the diagnosis of drug allergy/hypersensitivity has been standardized by the European Network for Drug Allergy (ENDA) under the aegis of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology and SOPs have been published. Based on ENDA and Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA(2)LEN, EU Framework Programme 6) SOPs, a Drug Allergy and Hypersensitivity Database (DAHD((R))) has been established under FileMaker((R)) Pro 9. It is already available online in many different languages and can be accessed using a personal login. GA(2)LEN is a European network of 27 partners (16 countries) and 59 collaborating centres (26 countries), which can coordinate and implement the DAHD across Europe. The GA(2)LEN-ENDA-DAHD platform interacting with a pharmacovigilance network appears to be of great interest for the reporting of allergy/hypersensitivity ADRs in conjunction with other pharmacovigilance instruments.


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BACKGROUND: Heavier than water tamponades offer the possibility to support the inferior part of the fundus after retinal detachment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anatomic and functional outcome of complicated retinal detachment treated with vitreous surgery and heavy silicone oil (HSO) tamponade. Surgery was performed in eyes with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RD) predominantly in the lower hemisphere or with penetrating injury (either as primary intervention or after development of proliferative vitreoretinopathy [PVR]). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-one eyes of 61 patients with RD - mostly complicated by PVR - and a minimum follow-up of 12 months were included in this study. Vitreoretinal surgery with HSO (Oxane HD) tamponade was performed in all patients. In 52 patients, heavy silicone oil was used in the management of complicated RD. 9 patients had surgery for complicated RD after penetrating eye injury.The mean follow-up period was 30.3 +/- 10.2 months. RESULTS: The overall final anatomic success rate was 79 %. In 39 % of the cases the retina remained attached during the entire follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: The anatomic success rate after surgery with HSO (Oxane HD) was relatively low; however, only complex cases bearing a higher risk of retinal re-detachment received HSO in this study. Oxane HD does not appear to have major advantages compared to conventional silicone oil or other new-generation heavy silicone oils in these cases.