951 resultados para SULFURIC-ACID-SOLUTION


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Background The expression of biomass-degrading enzymes (such as cellobiohydrolases) in transgenic plants has the potential to reduce the costs of biomass saccharification by providing a source of enzymes to supplement commercial cellulase mixtures. Cellobiohydrolases are the main enzymes in commercial cellulase mixtures. In the present study, a cellobiohydrolase was expressed in transgenic corn stover leaf and assessed as an additive for two commercial cellulase mixtures for the saccharification of pretreated sugar cane bagasse obtained by different processes. Results Recombinant cellobiohydrolase in the senescent leaves of transgenic corn was extracted using a simple buffer with no concentration step. The extract significantly enhanced the performance of Celluclast 1.5 L (a commercial cellulase mixture) by up to fourfold on sugar cane bagasse pretreated at the pilot scale using a dilute sulfuric acid steam explosion process compared to the commercial cellulase mixture on its own. Also, the extracts were able to enhance the performance of Cellic CTec2 (a commercial cellulase mixture) up to fourfold on a range of residues from sugar cane bagasse pretreated at the laboratory (using acidified ethylene carbonate/ethylene glycol, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, and ball-milling) and pilot (dilute sodium hydroxide and glycerol/hydrochloric acid steam explosion) scales. We have demonstrated using tap water as a solvent (under conditions that mimic an industrial process) extraction of about 90% recombinant cellobiohydrolase from senescent, transgenic corn stover leaf that had minimal tissue disruption. Conclusions The accumulation of recombinant cellobiohydrolase in senescent, transgenic corn stover leaf is a viable strategy to reduce the saccharification cost associated with the production of fermentable sugars from pretreated biomass. We envisage an industrial-scale process in which transgenic plants provide both fibre and biomass-degrading enzymes for pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis, respectively.


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This study explores the potential use of empty fruit bunch (EFB) residues from palm oil processing residues, as an alternative feedstock for microbial oil production. EFB is a readily available, lignocellulosic biomass that provides cheaper substrates for oil production in comparison to the use of pure sugars. In this study, potential oleaginous microorganisms were selected based on a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) framework which utilised Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) aided by Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid (GAIA). The MCA framework was used to evaluate several strains of microalgae (Chlorella protothecoides and Chlorella zofingiensis), yeasts (Cryptococcus albidus and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa) and fungi (Aspergillus oryzae and Mucor plumbeus) on glucose, xylose and glycerol. Based on the results of PROMETHEE rankings and GAIA plane, fungal strains A. oryzae and M. plumbeus and yeast strain R. mucilaginosa showed great promise for oil production from lignocellulosic hydrolysates. The study further cultivated A. oryzae, M. plumbeus and R. mucilaginosa on EFB hydrolysates for oil production. EFB was pretreated with dilute sulfuric acid, followed by enzymatic saccharification of solid residue. Hydrolysates tested in this study are detoxified liquid hydrolysates (LH) and enzymatic hydrolysate (EH).


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Purpose A modification of the existing PVA-​FX hydrogel has been made to investigate the use of a functionalised polymer in a Fricke gel dosimetry system to decrease Fe3+ diffusion. Methods The chelating agent, xylenol orange, was chem. bonded to the gelling agent, polyvinyl alc. (PVA) to create xylenol orange functionalised PVA (XO-​PVA)​. A gel was created from the XO-​PVA (20​% w​/v) with ferrous sulfate (0.4 mM) and sulfuric acid (50 mM)​. Results This resulted in an optical d. dose sensitivity of 0.014 Gy-​1, an auto-​oxidn. rate of 0.0005 h-​1, and a diffusion rate of 0.129 mm2 h-​1; an 8​% redn. compared to the original PVA-​FX gel, which in practical terms adds approx. 1 h to the time span between irradn. and accurate read-​out. Conclusions Because this initial method of chem. bonding xylenol orange to polyvinyl alc. has inherently low conversion, the improvement on existing gel systems is minimal when compared to the drawbacks. More efficient methods of functionalising polyvinyl alc. with xylenol orange must be developed for this system to gain clin. relevance.


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The kinetics of iron(II1) extraction by bis(Zethylhexy1) phosphate (HDEHP, HA) in kerosene from sulfuric acid solutions has been studied in a liquid-liquid laminar jet reactor. The contact time of the interface in this reacting device is of the same order of magnitude as the surface renewal time in dispersion mixing and much less than that obtained in the relatively quiescent condition of the Lewis cell. Yet the analysis of the data in this study suggested a rate-controlling step involving surface saturation quite in conformity with that obtained in the Lewis cell and not with that in dispersion mixing as reported in the literature. Further, the mechanism suggested a weaker dependence of the rate on hydrogen ion concentration which was reported by other workers.


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We describe here a rapid, energy-efficient, green and economically scalable room temperature protocol for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Tannic acid, a polyphenolic compound derived from plant extracts is used as the reducing agent. Silver nanoparticles of mean size ranging from 3.3 to 22.1 nm were synthesized at room temperature by the addition of silver nitrate to tannic acid solution maintained at an alkaline pH. The mean size was tuned by varying the molar ratio of tannic acid to silver nitrate. We also present proof of concept results demonstrating its suitability for room temperature continuous flow processing.


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Silicon batteries have attracted much attention in recent years due to their high theoretical capacity, although a rapid capacity fade is normally observed, attributed mainly to volume expansion during lithiation. Here, we report for the first time successful synthesis of Si/void/SiO2/void/C nanostructures. The synthesis strategy only involves selective etching of SiO2 in Si/SiO2/C structures with hydrofluoric acid solution. Compared with reported results, such novel structures include a hard SiO2-coated layer, a conductive carbon-coated layer, and two internal void spaces. In the structures, the carbon can enhance conductivity, the SiO2 layer has mechanically strong qualities, and the two internal void spaces can confine and accommodate volume expansion of silicon during lithiation. Therefore, these specially designed dual yolk-shell structures exhibit a stable and high capacity of 956 mA h g−1 after 430 cycles with capacity retention of 83%, while the capacity of Si/C core-shell structures rapidly decreases in the first ten cycles under the same experimental conditions. The novel dual yolk-shell structures developed for Si can also be extended to other battery materials that undergo large volume changes.


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The performance of exfoliated graphite (EG)–ruthenium oxide (RuOx) composites as binderless electrodes is evaluated for electrochemical capacitors (ECs). A composite of EG–RuOx is prepared by a modified sol–gel process. The material is characterized using X-ray diffraction and microscopy. Electrochemical capacitors with the composite electrodes in the presence of aqueous sulfuric acid (H2SO4) electrolyte are evaluated using voltammetry, impedance and charge–discharge studies. Cyclic voltammetry reveals very stable current–voltage behaviour up to several thousands of cycles, as well as high specific capacitances, e.g., a few hundreds of farads per gram for the composite that contains 16.5 wt.% RuOx.


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It is widely accepted that the global climate is heating up due to human activities, such as burning of fossil fuels. Therefore we find ourselves forced to make decisions on what measures, if any, need to be taken to decrease our warming effect on the planet before any irrevocable damage occurs. Research is being conducted in a variety of fields to better understand all relevant processes governing Earth s climate, and to assess the relative roles of anthropogenic and biogenic emissions into the atmosphere. One of the least well quantified problems is the impact of small aerosol particles (both of anthropogenic and biogenic origin) on climate, through reflecting solar radiation and their ability to act as condensation nuclei for cloud droplets. In this thesis, the compounds driving the biogenic formation of new particles in the atmosphere have been examined through detailed measurements. As directly measuring the composition of these newly formed particles is extremely difficult, the approach was to indirectly study their different characteristics by measuring the hygroscopicity (water uptake) and volatility (evaporation) of particles between 10 and 50 nm. To study the first steps of the formation process in the sub-3 nm range, the nucleation of gaseous precursors to small clusters, the chemical composition of ambient naturally charged ions were measured. The ion measurements were performed with a newly developed mass spectrometer, which was first characterized in the laboratory before being deployed at a boreal forest measurement site. It was also successfully compared to similar, low-resolution instruments. The ambient measurements showed that sulfuric acid clusters dominate the negative ion spectrum during new particle formation events. Sulfuric acid/ammonia clusters were detected in ambient air for the first time in this work. Even though sulfuric acid is believed to be the most important gas phase precursor driving the initial cluster formation, measurements of the hygroscopicity and volatility of growing 10-50 nm particles in Hyytiälä showed an increasing role of organic vapors of a variety of oxidation levels. This work has provided additional insights into the compounds participating both in the initial formation and subsequent growth of atmospheric new aerosol particles. It will hopefully prove an important step in understanding atmospheric gas-to-particle conversion, which, by influencing cloud properties, can have important climate impacts. All available knowledge needs to be constantly updated, summarized, and brought to the attention of our decision-makers. Only by increasing our understanding of all the relevant processes can we build reliable models to predict the long-term effects of decisions made today.


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Nucleation is the first step in the formation of a new phase inside a mother phase. Two main forms of nucleation can be distinguished. In homogeneous nucleation, the new phase is formed in a uniform substance. In heterogeneous nucleation, on the other hand, the new phase emerges on a pre-existing surface (nucleation site). Nucleation is the source of about 30% of all atmospheric aerosol which in turn has noticeable health effects and a significant impact on climate. Nucleation can be observed in the atmosphere, studied experimentally in the laboratory and is the subject of ongoing theoretical research. This thesis attempts to be a link between experiment and theory. By comparing simulation results to experimental data, the aim is to (i) better understand the experiments and (ii) determine where the theory needs improvement. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools were used to simulate homogeneous onecomponent nucleation of n-alcohols in argon and helium as carrier gases, homogeneous nucleation in the water-sulfuric acid-system, and heterogeneous nucleation of water vapor on silver particles. In the nucleation of n-alcohols, vapor depletion, carrier gas effect and carrier gas pressure effect were evaluated, with a special focus on the pressure effect whose dependence on vapor and carrier gas properties could be specified. The investigation of nucleation in the water-sulfuric acid-system included a thorough analysis of the experimental setup, determining flow conditions, vapor losses, and nucleation zone. Experimental nucleation rates were compared to various theoretical approaches. We found that none of the considered theoretical descriptions of nucleation captured the role of water in the process at all relative humidities. Heterogeneous nucleation was studied in the activation of silver particles in a TSI 3785 particle counter which uses water as its working fluid. The role of the contact angle was investigated and the influence of incoming particle concentrations and homogeneous nucleation on counting efficiency determined.


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Vegetative cells and zygotes of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis fixed in iodine formaldehyde acetic acid solution and stained after acid hydrolysis in hæmatoxylin, Feulgen and Giemsa show a remarkable similarity in the size and orientation of the structures in the nuclear matrix with reference to the nuclear membrane. The nucleolus described by Guilliermond may either be the chromocenter or the nucleolar equivalent.


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Aerosol particles play an important role in the Earth s atmosphere and in the climate system: they scatter and absorb solar radiation, facilitate chemical processes, and serve as seeds for cloud formation. Secondary new particle formation (NPF) is a globally important source of these particles. Currently, the mechanisms of particle formation and the vapors participating in this process are, however, not truly understood. In order to fully explain atmospheric NPF and subsequent growth, we need to measure directly the very initial steps of the formation processes. This thesis investigates the possibility to study atmospheric particle formation using a recently developed Neutral cluster and Air Ion Spectrometer (NAIS). First, the NAIS was calibrated and intercompared, and found to be in good agreement with the reference instruments both in the laboratory and in the field. It was concluded that NAIS can be reliably used to measure small atmospheric ions and particles directly at the sizes where NPF begins. Second, several NAIS systems were deployed simultaneously at 12 European measurement sites to quantify the spatial and temporal distribution of particle formation events. The sites represented a variety of geographical and atmospheric conditions. The NPF events were detected using NAIS systems at all of the sites during the year-long measurement period. Various particle formation characteristics, such as formation and growth rates, were used as indicators of the relevant processes and participating compounds in the initial formation. In a case of parallel ion and neutral cluster measurements, we also estimated the relative contribution of ion-induced and neutral nucleation to the total particle formation. At most sites, the particle growth rate increased with the increasing particle size indicating that different condensing vapors are participating in the growth of different-sized particles. The results suggest that, in addition to sulfuric acid, organic vapors contribute to the initial steps of NPF and to the subsequent growth, not just later steps of the particle growth. As a significant new result, we found out that the total particle formation rate varied much more between the different sites than the formation rate of charged particles. The results infer that the ion-induced nucleation has a minor contribution to particle formation in the boundary layer in most of the environments. These results give tools to better quantify the aerosol source provided by secondary NPF in various environments. The particle formation characteristics determined in this thesis can be used in global models to assess NPF s climatic effects.


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Floating in the air that surrounds us is a number of small particles, invisible to the human eye. The mixture of air and particles, liquid or solid, is called an aerosol. Aerosols have significant effects on air quality, visibility and health, and on the Earth's climate. Their effect on the Earth's climate is the least understood of climatically relevant effects. They can scatter the incoming radiation from the Sun, or they can act as seeds onto which cloud droplets are formed. Aerosol particles are created directly, by human activity or natural reasons such as breaking ocean waves or sandstorms. They can also be created indirectly as vapors or very small particles are emitted into the atmosphere and they combine to form small particles that later grow to reach climatically or health relevant sizes. The mechanisms through which those particles are formed is still under scientific discussion, even though this knowledge is crucial to make air quality or climate predictions, or to understand how aerosols will influence and will be influenced by the climate's feedback loops. One of the proposed mechanisms responsible for new particle formation is ion-induced nucleation. This mechanism is based on the idea that newly formed particles were ultimately formed around an electric charge. The amount of available charges in the atmosphere varies depending on radon concentrations in the soil and in the air, as well as incoming ionizing radiation from outer space. In this thesis, ion-induced nucleation is investigated through long-term measurements in two different environments: in the background site of Hyytiälä and in the urban site that is Helsinki. The main conclusion of this thesis is that ion-induced nucleation generally plays a minor role in new particle formation. The fraction of particles formed varies from day to day and from place to place. The relative importance of ion-induced nucleation, i.e. the fraction of particles formed through ion-induced nucleation, is bigger in cleaner areas where the absolute number of particles formed is smaller. Moreover, ion-induced nucleation contributes to a bigger fraction of particles on warmer days, when the sulfuric acid and water vapor saturation ratios are lower. This analysis will help to understand the feedbacks associated with climate change.


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The Gibbs free energy of formation of the orthorhombic form of CaZrO3(o) from monoclinic ZrO2(m) and periclase CaO(p) has been determined as a function of temperature in the range 950-1225 K, using an electrochemical cell incorporating single-crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The results are corrected for the small solid solubility of CaO in ZrO2. For the reaction, ZrO2(m) + CaO(p) --> CaZrO3(o), DELTAG(phi) = -31590 -13.9T(+/- 180) J mol-1. The ''second-law'' enthalpy of formation of CaZrO3 obtained from the results of this study at a mean temperature of 1090 K is in excellent agreement with the high-temperature solution calorimetric measurements of Muromachi and Navrotsky at 1068 K (J. Solid State Chem., 72 (1988) 244), and the average value of the bomb and acid solution calorimetric studies of Lvova and Feodosev (Zh. Fiz. Khim., 38 (1964) 28), Korneev et al. (Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater., 7 (1971) 886) and Brown and Bennington (Thermochim. Acta, 106 (1986) 183). The standard entropy of CaZrO3(o) at 298.15 K from the free energy data is 96.4 (+/- 3.5) J K-1 mol-1. The results of this study are discussed in comparison with high-temperture e.m.f. measurements reported in the literature on cubic zirconia solid solutions.


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Sulfur dioxide in aqueous solutions at low pH levels exists both in molecular SO2(aq) and in hydrolyzed ionic form HSO3-. Experiments indicate that only HSO3- is the reacting species in the oxidation catalyzed by activated carbon, while SO2(aq) deactivates by competing with HSO3 for the active sites of the catalyst particles. A mechanism is proposed and a rate model is developed that also accounts for the effect of sulfuric acid (product of the oxidation) on the solubility of sulfur dioxide. It predicts first order in HSO3-, half order in dissolved oxygen, and a linear deactivation effect of SO2(aq), which are confirmed by experimental data. The deactivation reaches a constant level corresponding to saturation of the active sites by SO2(aq). Activation energy for the oxidation is 93.55 kJ mol(-1) and for deactivation is 21.4 kJ mol(-1).


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A 12 V Substrate-Integrated PbO2-Activated Carbon hybrid ultracapacitor (SI-PbO2-AC HUCs) with silica-gel sulfuric acid electrolyte is developed and performance tested. The performance of the silica-gel based hybrid ultracapacitor is compared with flooded and AGM-based HUCs. These HUCs comprise substrate-integrated PbO2 (SI-PbO2) as positive electrodes and high surface-area activated carbon with dense graphite-sheet substrate as negative electrodes. 12 V SI-PbO2-AC HUCs with flooded, AGM and gel electrolytes are found to have capacitance values of 308 F, 184 F, and 269 F at C-rate and can be pulse charged and discharged for 100,000 cycles with only a nominal decrease in their capacitance values. The best performance is exhibited by gel-electrolyte HUCs.