986 resultados para Round Robin Database Measurement Archive


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Esta Tesis se centra en el desarrollo de un método para la reconstrucción de bases de datos experimentales incompletas de más de dos dimensiones. Como idea general, consiste en la aplicación iterativa de la descomposición en valores singulares de alto orden sobre la base de datos incompleta. Este nuevo método se inspira en el que ha servido de base para la reconstrucción de huecos en bases de datos bidimensionales inventado por Everson y Sirovich (1995) que a su vez, ha sido mejorado por Beckers y Rixen (2003) y simultáneamente por Venturi y Karniadakis (2004). Además, se ha previsto la adaptación de este nuevo método para tratar el posible ruido característico de bases de datos experimentales y a su vez, bases de datos estructuradas cuya información no forma un hiperrectángulo perfecto. Se usará una base de datos tridimensional de muestra como modelo, obtenida a través de una función transcendental, para calibrar e ilustrar el método. A continuación se detalla un exhaustivo estudio del funcionamiento del método y sus variantes para distintas bases de datos aerodinámicas. En concreto, se usarán tres bases de datos tridimensionales que contienen la distribución de presiones sobre un ala. Una se ha generado a través de un método semi-analítico con la intención de estudiar distintos tipos de discretizaciones espaciales. El resto resultan de dos modelos numéricos calculados en C F D . Por último, el método se aplica a una base de datos experimental de más de tres dimensiones que contiene la medida de fuerzas de una configuración ala de Prandtl obtenida de una campaña de ensayos en túnel de viento, donde se estudiaba un amplio espacio de parámetros geométricos de la configuración que como resultado ha generado una base de datos donde la información está dispersa. ABSTRACT A method based on an iterative application of high order singular value decomposition is derived for the reconstruction of missing data in multidimensional databases. The method is inspired by a seminal gappy reconstruction method for two-dimensional databases invented by Everson and Sirovich (1995) and improved by Beckers and Rixen (2003) and Venturi and Karniadakis (2004). In addition, the method is adapted to treat both noisy and structured-but-nonrectangular databases. The method is calibrated and illustrated using a three-dimensional toy model database that is obtained by discretizing a transcendental function. The performance of the method is tested on three aerodynamic databases for the flow past a wing, one obtained by a semi-analytical method, and two resulting from computational fluid dynamics. The method is finally applied to an experimental database consisting in a non-exhaustive parameter space measurement of forces for a box-wing configuration.


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ACTIVITY is a database on DNA/RNA site sequences with known activity magnitudes, measurement systems, sequence-activity relationships under fixed experimental conditions and procedures to adapt these relationships from one measurement system to another. This database deposits information on DNA/RNA affinities to proteins and cell nuclear extracts, cutting efficiencies, gene transcription activity, mRNA translation efficiencies, mutability and other biological activities of natural sites occurring within promoters, mRNA leaders, and other regulatory regions in pro- and eukaryotic genomes, their mutant forms and synthetic analogues. Since activity magnitudes are heavily system-dependent, the current version of ACTIVITY is supplemented by three novel sub-databases: (i) SYSTEM, measurement systems; (ii) KNOWLEDGE, sequence-activity relationships under fixed experimental conditions; and (iii) CROSS_TEST, procedures adapting a relationship from one measurement system to another. These databases are useful in molecular biology, pharmacogenetics, metabolic engineering, drug design and biotechnology. The databases can be queried using SRS and are available through the Web, http://wwwmgs.bionet.nsc.ru/systems/Activity/.


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Objectives To determine the face and content validity of items for measuring safe medication practices in Portuguese hospitals. Methods 128 items were drafted from content analysis of existing questionnaires and the literature, employing preferred terms of the WHO International Classification for Patient Safety (Portuguese version). A two-round e-Delphi was convened, using a purposive multidisciplinary panel. Hospital-based experts were asked to rate the relevance of items on a 7-point Likert scale and to comment on their clarity and completeness. Results The response rate was similar in both rounds (70.3% and 73.4%, respectively). In the first round 91/128 (71.1%) items reached the predefined level of positive consensus. In the second round 23 additional items reached positive consensus, as well as seven items newly derived by the panel. Conclusions Most items have face and content validity, indicating relevance and clarity, and can be included in a future questionnaire for measuring safe medication practices in Portuguese hospitals.


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The present data set provides an Excel file in a zip archive. The file lists 334 samples of size fractionated eukaryotic plankton community with a suite of associated metadata (Database W1). Note that if most samples represented the piconano- (0.8-5 µm, 73 samples), nano- (5-20 µm, 74 samples), micro- (20-180 µm, 70 samples), and meso- (180-2000 µm, 76 samples) planktonic size fractions, some represented different organismal size-fractions: 0.2-3 µm (1 sample), 0.8-20 µm (6 samples), 0.8 µm - infinity (33 samples), and 3-20 µm (1 sample). The table contains the following fields: a unique sample sequence identifier; the sampling station identifier; the Tara Oceans sample identifier (TARA_xxxxxxxxxx); an INDSC accession number allowing to retrieve raw sequence data for the major nucleotide databases (short read archives at EBI, NCBI or DDBJ); the depth of sampling (Subsurface - SUR or Deep Chlorophyll Maximum - DCM); the targeted size range; the sequences template (either DNA or WGA/DNA if DNA extracted from the filters was Whole Genome Amplified); the latitude of the sampling event (decimal degrees); the longitude of the sampling event (decimal degrees); the time and date of the sampling event; the device used to collect the sample; the logsheet event corresponding to the sampling event ; the volume of water sampled (liters). Then follows information on the cleaning bioinformatics pipeline shown on Figure W2 of the supplementary litterature publication: the number of merged pairs present in the raw sequence file; the number of those sequences matching both primers; the number of sequences after quality-check filtering; the number of sequences after chimera removal; and finally the number of sequences after selecting only barcodes present in at least three copies in total and in at least two samples. Finally, are given for each sequence sample: the number of distinct sequences (metabarcodes); the number of OTUs; the average number of barcode per OTU; the Shannon diversity index based on barcodes for each sample (URL of W4 dataset in PANGAEA); and the Shannon diversity index based on each OTU (URL of W5 dataset in PANGAEA).


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In this volume, Agassiz gives a detailed account of the results of the cruise the steamer "Amra" chartered from the British India Steam Navigation Company. The cruise covered the attols of the Maldives archipelago. The deep sea formations are described in detail.


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The present data set provides a tab separated text file compressed in a zip archive. The file includes metadata for each TaraOceans V9 rDNA metabarcode including the following fields: md5sum = unique identifier; lineage = taxonomic path associated to the metabarcode; pid = % identity to the closest reference barcode from V9_PR2; sequence = nucleotide sequence of the metabarcode; refs = identity of the best hit reference sequence(s); TARA_xxx = number of occurrences of this barcode in each of the 334 samples; totab = total abundance of the barcode ; cid = identifier of the OTU to which the barcode belongs; and taxogroup = high-taxonomic level assignation of this barcode. The file also includes three categories of functional annotations: (1) Chloroplast: yes, presence of permanent chloroplast; no, absence of permanent chloroplast ; NA, undetermined. (2) Symbiont (small partner): parasite, the species is a parasite; commensal, the species is a commensal; mutualist, the species is a mutualist symbiont, most often a microalgal taxon involved in photosymbiosis; no the species is not involved in a symbiosis as small partner; NA, undetermined. (3) Symbiont (host): photo, the host species relies on a mutualistic microalgal photosymbiont to survive (obligatory photosymbiosis); photo_falc, same as photo, but facultative relationship; photo_klep, the host species maintains chloroplasts from microalgal prey(s) to survive; photo_klep_falc, same as photo_klep, but facultative; Nfix, the host species must interact with a mutualistic symbiont providing N2 fixation to survive; Nfix_falc, same as Nfix, but facultative; no, the species is not involved in any mutualistic symbioses; NA, undetermined. For example, the collodarian/Brandtodinium symbiosis is annotated: Chloroplast, "no"; Symbiont (small), "no"; Symbiont (host), "photo", for the collodarian host; and: Chloroplast, "yes"; Symbiont (small), "mutualist"; Symbiont (host), "no", for the dinoflagellate microalgal endosymbiont.chloroplast = "yes", "no" or "NA"; symbiont.small = "parasite", "commensal", "mutualist", "no" or "NA"; symbiont.host = "photo", "photo_falc", "photo_klep", "Nfix", no or NA; benef = "Nfix", "no" or "NA"; trophism = Metazoa , heterotroph , NA , photosymbiosis , phototroph according to the previous fields.


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The Danish Expedition of the "Galathea II" around the world brought important results concerning the marine organisms in the deep sea. The "Galathea II" showed not only different organisms of the Abyssal but for the first time of the deepest trenches of the western Pacific. Anton Bruun coined the term Hadal for the region below the Abyssal under 6000 m. Although the "Galathea II" aimed to investigate new deep sea regions beside the routes of former expeditions and to widen the horizon of knowledge relating marine organisms the technical equipment and the methodological approach had partly been developed earlier. The expedition of the "Galathea II" is part of a long tradition of cruises such as that of the British "Challenger", the German "Valdivia" and the Swedish "Albatross" and especially the Danish cruises of the "Dana I" and "Dana II" which happened some years before.


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We have developed a statistical gap-filling method adapted to the specific coverage and properties of observed fugacity of surface ocean CO2 (fCO2). We have used this method to interpolate the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) v2 database on a 2.5°×2.5° global grid (south of 70°N) for 1985-2011 at monthly resolution. The method combines a spatial interpolation based on a 'radius of influence' to determine nearby similar fCO2 values with temporal harmonic and cubic spline curve-fitting, and also fits long term trends and seasonal cycles. Interannual variability is established using deviations of observations from the fitted trends and seasonal cycles. An uncertainty is computed for all interpolated values based on the spatial and temporal range of the interpolation. Tests of the method using model data show that it performs as well as or better than previous regional interpolation methods, but in addition it provides a near-global and interannual coverage.


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Mineralogical interest in the nature of manganese oxide particulates in natural marine water (Suess, 1979), natural lake water (Klaveness, 1977), and simulated lake water (Giovanoli, 1980), prompted a search for such particulates in a large New South Wales coastal lake. The investigated waters did show the existence of manganese oxide replacement phenomena in fragmentary sedimentary rocks near the south margin of Lake Macquarie. The black crusts of manganese oxide discovered on rocks close to the waterline have revealed a three layers structure. Layer A (0-35 micron), adjacent to the rock, is composed essentially of kaolinite of weathering origin, together with low levels of manganese oxide without detectable Zn. Layer B (35-80 micron) follows as a manganese oxide layer containing admixed kaolinite and low amounts of Zn. Layer C (80-130 micron) is the closest to the surface and is made of Chalcophanite containing 10-15% of ZnO.


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The vast extent of pelagic deposits, covering about 70 per cent of the ocean floor, thus about half of the earth, makes them of obvious importance to all Earth Science. All the pelagic (eupelagic) sediments, whether largely of plankton remains or fine inorganic particles, have certain distinctive characteristics to reflect their environment of accumulation. The great segregation of manganese in pelagic sediments presents many problems. It is hypothesized that in the formation of present day nodules a relatively slow accumulation in order to permit deposition of more of the manganese as large nodules, rather than as the disseminated micronodules that are in larger proportion in the Tertiary.