242 resultados para Rhesus


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The Duffy antigen/receptor for chemokine, DARC, acts as a widely expressed promiscuous chemokine receptor and as the erythrocyte receptor for Plasmodium vivax. To gain insight into the evolution and structure/function relations of DARC, we analyzed the binding of anti-human Fy monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and human chemokines to red blood cells (RBCs) from 11 nonhuman primates and two nonprimate mammals, and we elucidated the structures of the DARC genes from gorilla, gibbon, baboon, marmoset, tamarin, night monkey and cattle. CXCL-8 and CCL-5 chemokine binding analysis indicated that the promiscuous binding profile characteristic of DARC is conserved across species. Among three mAbs that detected the Fy6 epitope by flow cytometric analysis of human and chimpanzee RBCs, only one reacted with night monkey and squirrel monkey. Only chimpanzee RBCs bound a significant amount of the anti-Fy3 mAb. Fy3 was also poorly detected on RBCs from gorilla, baboon and rhesus monkey, but not from new world monkeys. Alignment of DARC homologous sequences allowed us to construct a phylogenetic tree in which all branchings were in accordance with current knowledge of primate phylogeny. Although DARC was expected to be under strong internal and external selection pressure, in order to maintain chemokine binding and avoid Plasmodium vivax binding, respectively, our present study did not provide arguments in favor of a selection pressure on the extracellular domains involved in ligand specificity. The amino acid variability of DARC-like polypeptides was found to be well correlated with the hydrophylicity indexes, with the highest divergence on the amino-terminal extracellular domain. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences highlighted the conservation of some amino acid residues, which should prove to be critical for the structural and functional properties of DARC.


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Acumulam-se evidências presentemente, indicando que o efetivo controle das gastroenterites por rotavírus só poderá ser alcançado com o advento de um imunizante eficaz para uso nos primeiros meses de vida. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia da vacina geneticamente rearranjada, rhesus-humana, tetravalente (RRV-TV, 4 X 10(4) pfu/dose) frente aos parâmetros clínicos mais relevantes das gastroenterites por rotavírus, procedeu-se ao reexame de 91 episódios diarréicos em crianças no âmbito de uma investigação prévia conduzida em Belém, Pará, Brasil. As informações para o estudo foram obtidas a partir de dados contidos em fichas utilizadas na rotina de vigilância dos episódios diarréicos, bem como daqueles com registro clínico diário enquanto persistisse a diarréia. A eficácia relativa foi especificamente avaliada frente aos seguintes indicadores clínicos de gravidade: a) duração da diarréia; b) número máximo de evacuações líquidas/semilíquidas por dia; c) duração dos vômitos; d) número máximo de vômitos/24h; e) febre (temperatura retal); f) desidratação; e g) necessidade de tratamento. A gravidade clínica global das gastroenterites por rotavírus foi determinada por um sistema de escores (somatória máxima de 20 pontos) que permitiu classificar os episódios diarréicos em: leves (0-8), moderados a severos (9-14) e muito graves (>14). Uma significativa (p<0,05) proteção conferida pela RRV-TV foi observada em cinco das sete condições clínicas avaliadas, quais sejam: a) duração da diarréia (episódios puros, eficácia de 52%); b) número máximo de evacuações líquidas/semilíquidas por dia (todos os episódios, 42% e os puros, 53%); c) número máximo de vômitos (todos, 56% e os puros, 62%); d) desidratação (todos, 46%) Elevados índices de proteção foram obtidos frente aos episódios associados ao sorotipo G2, durante o segundo ano de acompanhamento, se considerados o número máximo e a duração de vômitos: 90% e 100% respectivamente. Ainda em relação ao tipo G2, a eficácia cumulativa foi de 100% contra os episódios com escore clínico >14. Taxas similares de eficácia frente às infecções mistas (35%) e puras (37%) foram registradas nos dois anos de estudo. Embora não se tenha registrado proteção quanto aos casos leves (escores de 0 a 8), a RRV0TV foi 75% (p=0,02) eficaz contra os episódios mais graves de gastroenterites por rotavírus; houve tendência à proteção contra todos os quadros diarréicos e os puros, com escores clínicos de 9 a 14: 44% (p=0,06) e 45% (p=0,08), respectivamente. Os resultados do estudo sustentam o conceito vigente de que a RRV-TV parece proteger seletivamente contra os quadros diarréicos revestidos de maior gravidade clínica.


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T-cell based vaccine approaches have emerged to counteract HIV-1/AIDS. Broad, polyfunctional and cytotoxic CD4(+) T-cell responses have been associated with control of HIV-1 replication, which supports the inclusion of CD4(+) T-cell epitopes in vaccines. A successful HIV-1 vaccine should also be designed to overcome viral genetic diversity and be able to confer immunity in a high proportion of immunized individuals from a diverse HLA-bearing population. In this study, we rationally designed a multiepitopic DNA vaccine in order to elicit broad and cross-clade CD4(+) T-cell responses against highly conserved and promiscuous peptides from the HIV-1 M-group consensus sequence. We identified 27 conserved, multiple HLA-DR-binding peptides in the HIV-1 M-group consensus sequences of Gag, Pol, Nef, Vif, Vpr, Rev and Vpu using the TEPITOPE algorithm. The peptides bound in vitro to an average of 12 out of the 17 tested HLA-DR molecules and also to several molecules such as HLA-DP, -DQ and murine IA(b) and IA(d). Sixteen out of the 27 peptides were recognized by PBMC from patients infected with different HIV-1 variants and 72% of such patients recognized at least 1 peptide. Immunization with a DNA vaccine (HIVBr27) encoding the identified peptides elicited IFN-gamma secretion against 11 out of the 27 peptides in BALB/c mice; CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell proliferation was observed against 8 and 6 peptides, respectively. HIVBr27 immunization elicited cross-clade T-cell responses against several HIV-1 peptide variants. Polyfunctional CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, able to simultaneously proliferate and produce IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, were also observed. This vaccine concept may cope with HIV-1 genetic diversity as well as provide increased population coverage, which are desirable features for an efficacious strategy against HIV-1/AIDS.


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Dengue virus (DENV) is the causative agent of dengue fever (DF), a mosquito-borne illness endemic to tropical and subtropical regions. There is currently no effective drug or vaccine formulation for the prevention of DF and its more severe forms, i.e., dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). There are two generally available experimental models for the study of DENV pathogenicity as well as the evaluation of potential vaccine candidates. The first model consists of non-human primates, which do not develop symptoms but rather a transient viremia. Second, mouse-adapted virus strains or immunocompromised mouse lineages are utilized, which display some of the pathological features of the infection observed in humans but may not be relevant to the results with regard to the wild-type original virus strains or mouse lineages. In this study, we describe a genetic and pathological study of a DENV2 clinical isolate, named JHA1, which is naturally capable of infecting and killing Balb/c mice and reproduces some of the symptoms observed in DENV-infected subjects. Sequence analyses demonstrated that the JHA1 isolate belongs to the American genotype group and carries genetic markers previously associated with neurovirulence in mouse-adapted virus strains. The JHA1 strain was lethal to immunocompetent mice following intracranial (i.c.) inoculation with a LD50 of approximately 50 PFU. Mice infected with the JHA1 strain lost weight and exhibited general tissue damage and hematological disturbances, with similarity to those symptoms observed in infected humans. In addition, it was demonstrated that the JHA1 strain shares immunological determinants with the DENV2 NGC reference strain, as evaluated by cross-reactivity of anti-envelope glycoprotein (domain III) antibodies. The present results indicate that the JHA1 isolate may be a useful tool in the study of DENV pathogenicity and will help in the evaluation of anti-DENV vaccine formulations as well as potential therapeutic approaches.


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Problem We evaluated the influence of amniotic fluid (AF) on immune mediator production by mononuclear leukocytes. Method of study Thirty mid-gestation AFs were incubated with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in the presence or absence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Supernatants were tested for interleukin (IL) -6, 10, 12, 23, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1. Results Endogenous mediator production was minimal or non-detectable. AF stimulated endogenous MCP-1, IL-6 and TNF-alpha release. In the presence of LPS, production of MCP-1 and IL-10 by PBMCs was enhanced eightto ninefold by AF. Release of IL-6 and IL-23 was enhanced less than twofold by the addition of AF while TNF-alpha production was unchanged. AF-stimulated mediator production was similar irrespective of pregnancy outcome. Conclusion Selective AF stimulation of LPS-mediated MCP-1 and IL-10 release may be a mechanism to promote antibody production and the influx of phagocytic cells to engulf pathogens while downregulating the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.


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Mammalian glycosylated rhesus (Rh) proteins include the erythroid RhAG and the nonerythroid RhBG and RhCG. RhBG and RhCG are expressed in multiple tissues, including hepatocytes and the collecting duct (CD) of the kidney. Here, we expressed human RhAG, RhBG and RhCG in Xenopus oocytes (vs. H2O-injected control oocytes) and used microelectrodes to monitor the maximum transient change in surface pH (ΔpHS) caused by exposing the same oocyte to 5 % CO2/33 mM HCO3 − (an increase) or 0.5 mM NH3/NH4 + (a decrease). Subtracting the respective values for day-matched, H2O-injected control oocytes yielded channel-specific values (*). (ΔpH∗S)CO2 and (−ΔpH∗S)NH3 were each significantly >0 for all channels, indicating that RhBG and RhCG—like RhAG—can carry CO2 and NH3. We also investigated the role of a conserved aspartate residue, which was reported to inhibit NH3 transport. However, surface biotinylation experiments indicate the mutants RhBGD178N and RhCGD177N have at most a very low abundance in the oocyte plasma membrane. We demonstrate for the first time that RhBG and RhCG—like RhAG—have significant CO2 permeability, and we confirm that RhAG, RhBG and RhCG all have significant NH3 permeability. However, as evidenced by (ΔpH∗S)CO2/(−ΔpH∗S)NH3 values, we could not distinguish among the CO2/NH3 permeability ratios for RhAG, RhBG and RhCG. Finally, we propose a mechanism whereby RhBG and RhCG contribute to acid secretion in the CD by enhancing the transport of not only NH3 but also CO2 across the membranes of CD cells.


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In fetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FAIT), transplacental maternal antibodies cause destruction of fetal platelets. FAIT is similar to fetal Rhesus haemolytic disease, but half of the affected fetuses are born to primiparous women. In 10-20% of cases, prenatal and perinatal intracranial haemorrhages are reported. Different therapeutic approaches have been described, including maternally administered high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (high dose IVIG) without or with steroids or intrauterine transfusion (IUT) of compatible platelets. For the latter, the use of plasma-free maternal and donor platelets has been described, but a comparison of these two sources of platelets has not been reported.


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Clinical, postmortem and preclinical research strongly implicates dysregulation of glutamatergic neurotransmission in major depressive disorder (MDD). Recently, metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) have been proposed as attractive targets for the discovery of novel therapeutic approaches against depression. The aim of this study was to examine mGluR2/3 protein levels in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) from depressed subjects. In addition, to test whether antidepressants influence mGluR2/3 expression we also studied levels of mGluR2/3 in fluoxetine-treated monkeys. Postmortem human prefrontal samples containing Brodmann's area 10 (BA10) were obtained from 11 depressed and 11 psychiatrically healthy controls. Male rhesus monkeys were treated chronically with fluoxetine (dose escalated to 3mg/kg, p.o.; n=7) or placebo (n=6) for 39 weeks. The mGluR2/3 immunoreactivity was investigated using Western blot method. There was a robust (+67%) increase in the expression of the mGlu2/3 protein in the PFC of depressed subjects relative to healthy controls. The expression of mGlu2/3 was unchanged in the PFC of monkeys treated with fluoxetine. Our findings provide the first evidence that mGluR2/3 is elevated in the PFC in MDD. This observation is consistent with reports showing that mGluR2/3 antagonists exhibit antidepressant-like activity in animal models and demonstrates that these receptors are promising targets for the discovery of novel antidepressants.


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Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy of women in the developed world. To better understand its pathogenesis, knowledge of normal breast development is crucial, as BC is the result of disregulation of physiologic processes. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of reproductive life stages on the transcriptional profile of the mammary gland in a primate model. Comparative transcriptomic analyses were carried out using breast tissues from 28 female cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) at the following life stages: prepubertal (n = 5), adolescent (n = 4), adult luteal (n = 5), pregnant (n = 6), lactating (n = 3), and postmenopausal (n = 5). Mammary gland RNA was hybridized to Affymetrix GeneChip(®) Rhesus Macaque Genome Arrays. Differential gene expression was analyzed using ANOVA and cluster analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed distinct separation of life stage groups. More than 2,225 differentially expressed mRNAs were identified. Gene families or pathways that changed across life stages included those related to estrogen and androgen (ESR1, PGR, TFF1, GREB1, AR, 17HSDB2, 17HSDB7, STS, HSD11B1, AKR1C4), prolactin (PRLR, ELF5, STAT5, CSN1S1), insulin-like growth factor signaling (IGF1, IGFBP1, IGFBP5), extracellular matrix (POSTN, TGFB1, COL5A2, COL12A1, FOXC1, LAMC1, PDGFRA, TGFB2), and differentiation (CD24, CD29, CD44, CD61, ALDH1, BRCA1, FOXA1, POSTN, DICER1, LIG4, KLF4, NOTCH2, RIF1, BMPR1A, TGFB2). Pregnancy and lactation displayed distinct patterns of gene expression. ESR1 and IGF1 were significantly higher in the adolescent compared to the adult animals, whereas differentiation pathways were overrepresented in adult animals and pregnancy-associated life stages. Few individual genes were distinctly different in postmenopausal animals. Our data demonstrate characteristic patterns of gene expression during breast development. Several of the pathways activated during pubertal development have been implicated in cancer development and metastasis, supporting the idea that other developmental markers may have application as biomarkers for BC.


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To enhance understanding of the metabolic indicators of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) disease pathogenesis and progression, the urinary metabolomes of well characterized rhesus macaques (normal or spontaneously and naturally diabetic) were examined. High-resolution ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with the accurate mass determination of time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to analyze spot urine samples from normal (n = 10) and T2DM (n = 11) male monkeys. The machine-learning algorithm random forests classified urine samples as either from normal or T2DM monkeys. The metabolites important for developing the classifier were further examined for their biological significance. Random forests models had a misclassification error of less than 5%. Metabolites were identified based on accurate masses (<10 ppm) and confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry of authentic compounds. Urinary compounds significantly increased (p < 0.05) in the T2DM when compared with the normal group included glycine betaine (9-fold), citric acid (2.8-fold), kynurenic acid (1.8-fold), glucose (68-fold), and pipecolic acid (6.5-fold). When compared with the conventional definition of T2DM, the metabolites were also useful in defining the T2DM condition, and the urinary elevations in glycine betaine and pipecolic acid (as well as proline) indicated defective re-absorption in the kidney proximal tubules by SLC6A20, a Na(+)-dependent transporter. The mRNA levels of SLC6A20 were significantly reduced in the kidneys of monkeys with T2DM. These observations were validated in the db/db mouse model of T2DM. This study provides convincing evidence of the power of metabolomics for identifying functional changes at many levels in the omics pipeline.


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Meta-cognition, or "thinking about thinking," has been studied extensively in humans, but very little is known about the process in animals. Although great apes and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) have demonstrated multiple apparently meta-cognitive abilities, other species have either been largely ignored or failed to convincingly display meta-cognitive traits. Recent work by Marsh, however, raised the possibility that some species may possess rudimentary or partial forms of meta-cognition. This thesis sought to further investigate this possibility by running multiple comparative experiments. The goal of the first study was to examine whether lion-tailed macaques, a species that may have a rudimentary form of meta-cognition, are able to use an uncertainty response adaptively, and if so, whether they could use the response flexibly when the stimuli for which the subjects should be uncertain changed. The macaques' acquisition of the initial discrimination task is ongoing, and as such there were not yet data to support a conclusion either way. In the second study, tufted capuchins were required to locate a food reward hidden beneath inverted cups that sat on a Plexiglas tray. In some conditions the capuchins were shown where the food was hidden, in others they could infer its location, and in yet others they were not given information about the location of the food. On all trials, however, capuchins could optionally seek additional information by looking up through the Plexiglas into the cups. In general, capuchins did this less often when they were shown the food reward, but not when they could infer the reward's location. These data suggest capuchins only meta-cognitively control their information seeking in some conditions, and thus, add support to the potential for a rudimentary form of meta-cognition. In convergence with other studies, these results may represent early models for rudimentary meta-cognition, although viable alternative explanations still remain.


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BACKGROUND: The deletion of three adjacent nucleotides in an exon may cause the lack of a single amino acid, while the protein sequence remains otherwise unchanged. Only one such in-frame deletion is known in the two RH genes, represented by the RHCE allele ceBP expressing a "very weak e antigen." STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Blood donor samples were recognized because of discrepant results of D phenotyping. Six samples came from Switzerland and one from Northern Germany. The molecular structures were determined by genomic DNA nucleotide sequencing of RHD. RESULTS: Two different variant D antigens were explained by RHD alleles harboring one in-frame triplet deletion each. Both single-amino-acid deletions led to partial D phenotypes with weak D antigen expression. Because of their D category V-like phenotypes, the RHD(Arg229del) allele was dubbed DVL-1 and the RHD(Lys235del) allele DVL-2. These in-frame triplet deletions are located in GAGAA or GAAGA repeats of the RHD exon 5. CONCLUSION: Partial D may be caused by a single-amino-acid deletion in RhD. The altered RhD protein segments in DVL types are adjacent to the extracellular loop 4, which constitutes one of the most immunogenic parts of the D antigen. These RhD protein segments are also altered in all DV, which may explain the similarity in phenotype. At the nucleotide level, the triplet deletions may have resulted from replication slippage. A total of nine amino acid positions in an Rhesus protein may be affected by this mechanism.


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The predominant route of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission is infection across the vaginal mucosa. Epithelial cells, which form the primary barrier of protection against pathogens, are the first cell type at these mucosal tissues to encounter the virus but their role in HIV infection has not been clearly elucidated. Although mucosal epithelial cells express only low levels of the receptors required for successful HIV infection, productive infection does occur at these sites. The present work provides evidence to show that HIV exposure, without the need for productive infection, induces human cervical epithelial cells to produce Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin (TSLP), an IL7-like cytokine, which potently activated human myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) to cause the homeostatic proliferation of autologous CD4+ T cells that serve as targets for HIV infection. Rhesus macaques inoculated with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) or with the simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) by the vaginal, oral or rectal route exhibited dramatic increases in: TSLP expression, DC and CD4+ T cell numbers, and viral replication, in the vaginal, oral, and rectal tissues, respectively within the first 2 weeks after virus exposure. Evidence obtained showed that HIV-mediated TSLP production by cervical cells is dependent upon the expression of the cell surface salivary agglutinin (SAG) protein gp340. Epithelial cells expressing gp340 exhibited HIV endocytosis and TSLP expression and genetic knockdown of gp340 or use of a gp340-blocking antibody inhibited TSLP expression by HIV. On the other hand, gp340-null epithelial cells failed to endocytose HIV and produce TSLP, but transfection of gp340 resulted in HIV-induced TSLP expression. Finally, HIV-induced TSLP expression was found to be mediated by TLR7/8 signaling and NF-kB activity because silencing these pathways or use of specific inhibitors abrogated TSLP expression in gp340-postive but not in gp340-null epithelial cells. Overall these studies identify TSLP as a key player in the acute phase of HIV-1 infection in permitting HIV to successfully maneuver the hostile vaginal mucosal microenvironment by creating a conducive environment for sustaining the small amount of virus that initially crosses the mucosal barrier allowing it to successfully cause infection and spread to distal compartments of the body


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In this Opinion piece, I argue that the dynamics of viruses and the cellular immune response depend on the body size of the host. I use allometric scaling theory to interpret observed quantitative differences in the infection dynamics of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in mice (Mus musculus), simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in humans.