952 resultados para Real Jardín Botánico (Spain)
[EN] We present a geomorphological analysis of Ourense Province (NW Spain) characterized by: a general narrowing of the fluvial network, highlands with smooth reliefs partially eroded and lowlands with residual reliefs, several extensive plains of erosion frequently limited by fractures -among which Tertiary grabens are inserted-, some ?Hollow Surface?-type morphology, absence of sedimentary deposits outside the grabens, and a generalized outcrop of the Hercynian Massif substratum. Traditionally, this ?piano?s keyboard morphology? has been interpreted as expression of block tectonics in tensile regimen; instead we suggest the existence of: an isostatic upheaval simultaneous to a sequence of tectonic pulses of compressive regimen with activity in favour of transcurrent faults, a General Surface (R600), several plains that present a ?Hollow Surface?-type morphology (R1600 R1400 R1000), a generalized alteration that correspond to a same process of decomposition associated to fluctuating conditions of redox equilibrium, a erosional terraces related principaly to the palaeo-fluvial nets; moreover, we propose the existence of two morphoestructural lineament: the first one represented by the Fault of Vila Real (NE-SW) -a ramification of the ?Basal Pyrenean Overthrust?-, that would have been active at an early moment of the tectonic sequence with a left transcurrent fault, secondly the lineament represented by the Fault of Maceda (NNW-SSE) that would be related to the ?Fault System NW-SE? and would have produced a right transcurrent fault during a late tectonic pulse.
[ES] La evolución historiográfica ocurrida en los últimos años en relación con el mundo de las finanzas en general y las Haciendas reales en particular, ha generado grandes cambios en la percepción del interés por el gasto de los Estados. La potenciación del deseo de observar cómo las Monarquías del Antiguo Régimen gestionan la atención a sus necesidades, conlleva aparejada una creciente atención por el estudio de los organismos encargados de dicha actuación. Entre estas instituciones destaca en la España del siglo XVIII la Tesorería Mayor o Tesorería General. Su estudio permite conocer la evolución política de la Monarquía y de su relación con las finanzas privadas desde una perspectiva diferente. Los estudios centrados en la actuación de este organismo, su composición interna, su estructura territorial, los mecanismos de su ordenación contable y, en definitiva, cualquier tipo de actuación ocurrida dentro del ámbito de su gestión son el objeto del presente estudio.
El presente trabajo constituye un aporte a los estudios del exilio a través de dos protagonistas de esta experiencia: José Gaos, filósofo español que debió trasladarse a México en el año 1938, y José Donoso, escritor chileno exiliado en España. Se hace referencia, por un lado, al concepto del “transterrado" definido y desarrollado por José Gaos en su obra y, por el otro, se estudia el símbolo del “jardín" en la novela El jardín de al lado de José Donoso. Ambos discursos, el filosófico y el literario, permiten establecer un cruce de miradas para posibilitar la reflexión acerca de la ineludible necesidad que posee el hombre de significar sus vivencias para entenderlas y comprenderse a sí mismo.
La crisis intelectual y religiosa de la primera Modernidad, auspiciada entre otras causas por la sistemática reflexión que el Renacimiento y la expansión de herejías institucionales produjo sobre los fenómenos religioso y político, contribuyó a minar las pretensiones de sacralidad de las monarquías europeas. En respuesta, el discurso demonológico de ciertos intelectuales católicos del siglo XVII buscó dotar a los reyes españoles de un lazo evidente con la Divinidad a través del providencialismo militante y el celo confesional. En particular, y en un movimiento que podría catalogarse como rutinización del carisma, el sacerdote rural Francisco de Blasco Lanuza intentó basar este lazo en el poder del rito exorcístico. Esta hiper-espiritualización de la monarquía española formó parte, a su vez, de las reacciones simbólicas a la decadencia material y militar de la Península a mediados del Seiscientos
La crisis intelectual y religiosa de la primera Modernidad, auspiciada entre otras causas por la sistemática reflexión que el Renacimiento y la expansión de herejías institucionales produjo sobre los fenómenos religioso y político, contribuyó a minar las pretensiones de sacralidad de las monarquías europeas. En respuesta, el discurso demonológico de ciertos intelectuales católicos del siglo XVII buscó dotar a los reyes españoles de un lazo evidente con la Divinidad a través del providencialismo militante y el celo confesional. En particular, y en un movimiento que podría catalogarse como rutinización del carisma, el sacerdote rural Francisco de Blasco Lanuza intentó basar este lazo en el poder del rito exorcístico. Esta hiper-espiritualización de la monarquía española formó parte, a su vez, de las reacciones simbólicas a la decadencia material y militar de la Península a mediados del Seiscientos
La crisis intelectual y religiosa de la primera Modernidad, auspiciada entre otras causas por la sistemática reflexión que el Renacimiento y la expansión de herejías institucionales produjo sobre los fenómenos religioso y político, contribuyó a minar las pretensiones de sacralidad de las monarquías europeas. En respuesta, el discurso demonológico de ciertos intelectuales católicos del siglo XVII buscó dotar a los reyes españoles de un lazo evidente con la Divinidad a través del providencialismo militante y el celo confesional. En particular, y en un movimiento que podría catalogarse como rutinización del carisma, el sacerdote rural Francisco de Blasco Lanuza intentó basar este lazo en el poder del rito exorcístico. Esta hiper-espiritualización de la monarquía española formó parte, a su vez, de las reacciones simbólicas a la decadencia material y militar de la Península a mediados del Seiscientos
The authors are from UPM and are relatively grouped, and all have intervened in different academic or real cases on the subject, at different times as being of different age. With precedent from E. Torroja and A. Páez in Madrid Spain Safety Probabilistic models for concrete about 1957, now in ICOSSAR conferences, author J.M. Antón involved since autumn 1967 for euro-steel construction in CECM produced a math model for independent load superposition reductions, and using it a load coefficient pattern for codes in Rome Feb. 1969, practically adopted for European constructions, giving in JCSS Lisbon Feb. 1974 suggestion of union for concrete-steel-al.. That model uses model for loads like Gumbel type I, for 50 years for one type of load, reduced to 1 year to be added to other independent loads, the sum set in Gumbel theories to 50 years return period, there are parallel models. A complete reliability system was produced, including non linear effects as from buckling, phenomena considered somehow in actual Construction Eurocodes produced from Model Codes. The system was considered by author in CEB in presence of Hydraulic effects from rivers, floods, sea, in reference with actual practice. When redacting a Road Drainage Norm in MOPU Spain an optimization model was realized by authors giving a way to determine the figure of Return Period, 10 to 50 years, for the cases of hydraulic flows to be considered in road drainage. Satisfactory examples were a stream in SE of Spain with Gumbel Type I model and a paper of Ven Te Chow with Mississippi in Keokuk using Gumbel type II, and the model can be modernized with more varied extreme laws. In fact in the MOPU drainage norm the redacting commission acted also as expert to set a table of return periods for elements of road drainage, in fact as a multi-criteria complex decision system. These precedent ideas were used e.g. in wide Codes, indicated in symposia or meetings, but not published in journals in English, and a condensate of contributions of authors is presented. The authors are somehow involved in optimization for hydraulic and agro planning, and give modest hints of intended applications in presence of agro and environment planning as a selection of the criteria and utility functions involved in bayesian, multi-criteria or mixed decision systems. Modest consideration is made of changing in climate, and on the production and commercial systems, and on others as social and financial.
El botánico L'Heritier, en el año 1777,dio a conocer el género sobre una muestra recolectada por el Doctor Anderson, compañero de Cook en su segunda expedición. Aunque anteriormente el mismo Anderson había incluido los eucaliptos en su género AR0MADENDR0N y posteriormente Brown en 1814 y Saurer en 1844 proponen los nombres de EUDESMIA y SYMPHYOMYRTUS, respectivamente, ninguna de estas denominaciones ha prosperado; el nombre genérico de EUCALYPTUS propuesto por L'Heritier y aceptado con entusiasmo por Von Müller, acertadísimo en su significado griego, ha triunfado plenamente en la nomenclatura botánica y en la lengua vulgar.
Many cities in Europe have difficulties to meet the air quality standards set by the European legislation, most particularly the annual mean Limit Value for NO2. Road transport is often the main source of air pollution in urban areas and therefore, there is an increasing need to estimate current and future traffic emissions as accurately as possible. As a consequence, a number of specific emission models and emission factors databases have been developed recently. They present important methodological differences and may result in largely diverging emission figures and thus may lead to alternative policy recommendations. This study compares two approaches to estimate road traffic emissions in Madrid (Spain): the COmputer Programme to calculate Emissions from Road Transport (COPERT4 v.8.1) and the Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport (HBEFA v.3.1), representative of the ‘average-speed’ and ‘traffic situation’ model types respectively. The input information (e.g. fleet composition, vehicle kilometres travelled, traffic intensity, road type, etc.) was provided by the traffic model developed by the Madrid City Council along with observations from field campaigns. Hourly emissions were computed for nearly 15 000 road segments distributed in 9 management areas covering the Madrid city and surroundings. Total annual NOX emissions predicted by HBEFA were a 21% higher than those of COPERT. The discrepancies for NO2 were lower (13%) since resulting average NO2/NOX ratios are lower for HBEFA. The larger differences are related to diesel vehicle emissions under “stop & go” traffic conditions, very common in distributor/secondary roads of the Madrid metropolitan area. In order to understand the representativeness of these results, the resulting emissions were integrated in an urban scale inventory used to drive mesoscale air quality simulations with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modelling system (1 km2 resolution). Modelled NO2 concentrations were compared with observations through a series of statistics. Although there are no remarkable differences between both model runs, the results suggest that HBEFA may overestimate traffic emissions. However, the results are strongly influenced by methodological issues and limitations of the traffic model. This study was useful to provide a first alternative estimate to the official emission inventory in Madrid and to identify the main features of the traffic model that should be improved to support the application of an emission system based on “real world” emission factors.
The construction cost estimation systems in Spain are undeveloped and, hence, infrequently used by technicians and professionals in the building sector. However, estimation of an approximate real cost prior to the execution of the work is compulsory under current legal regulations (Technical Building Code). Therefore, the development of research projects on construction cost estimation models such as the one described and demonstrated in this talk is extremely interesting.
In this paper we present AMSIA, an agent architecture that combines the possibility of using di erent reasoning methods with a mechanism to control the resources needed by the agent to ful ll its high level objectives. The architecture is based on the blackboard paradigm which o ers the possibility of combining di erent reasoning techniques and opportunistic behavior. The AMSIA architecture adds a representation of plans of objectives allowing di erent reasoning activities to create plans to guide the future behavior of the agent. The opportunism is in the acquisition of high-level objectives and in the modi cation of the predicted activity when something doesn't happen as expected. A control mechanism is responsible for the translation of plans of objectives to concrete activities, considering resource-boundedness. To do so, all the activity in the agent (including control) is explicitly scheduled, but allowing the necessary exibility to make changes in the face of contingencies that are expected in dynamic environments. Experimental work is also presented.
The objective of this paper is the development of a building cost estimation model whose purpose is to quickly and precisely evaluate rebuilding costs for historic heritage buildings affected by catastrophic events. Specifically, this study will be applied to the monumental buildings owned by the Catholic Church that were affected by two earthquakes on May 11, 2011 in the town of Lorca. To estimate the initial total replacement cost new, calculation model will be applied which, on the one hand, will use two-dimensional metric exterior parameters and, on the other, three-dimensional interior cubic parameters. Based on the total of the analyzed buildings, and considering damage caused by the seismic event, the final reconstruction cost for the building units ruined by the earthquakes can be estimated. The proposed calculation model can also be applied to other emergency scenarios and situations for the quick estimation of construction costs necessary for rebuilding historic heritage buildings which have been affected by catastrophic events that deteriorate or ruin their structural or constructive configuration.
El presente trabajo se propone determinar la distribución de tamaño y número de partículas nanométricas provenientes de motores diésel con equipos embarcados en tráfico extraurbano. Para ello, se utilizaron equipos de medición de última generación en condiciones promedio de conducción en tráfico extraurbano por más de 800 km a lo largo del trayecto Madrid-Badajoz-Madrid mediante un vehículo característico del parque automotor español y se implementaron métodos novedosos y pioneros en el registro de este tipo de emisiones. Todo ello abre el camino para líneas de investigación y desarrollo que contribuirán a entender, dimensionar y cualificar el comportamiento de las partículas, así como su impacto en la calidad de vida de la población. El estudio hace dos grandes aportes al campo. Primero, permite registrar las emisiones en condiciones transitorias propias del tráfico real. Segundo, permite mantener controladas las condiciones de medición y evita la formación aleatoria de partículas provenientes de material volátil, gracias al sistema de adecuación de la muestra de gases de escape incorporado. Como resultado, se obtuvo una muestra abundante y confiable que permitió construir modelos matemáticos para calcular la emisión de partículas nanométricas, ultrafinas, finas y totales sobre las bases volumétrica, espacial y temporal en función de la pendiente del perfil orográfico de la carretera, siempre y cuando esté dentro del intervalo ±5.0%. Estos modelos de cálculo de emisiones reducen tanto los costos de experimentación como la complejidad de los equipos necesarios, y fundamentaron el desarrollo de la primera versión de una aplicación informática que calcula las partículas emitidas por un motor diésel en condiciones de tráfico extraurbano ("Partículas Emitidas por Motores Diésel, PEMDI). ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine the distribution of size and number of nanometric particles that come from diesel engines by means of on-board equipment in extra-urban traffic. In order to do this, cutting-edge measuring equipment was used under average driving conditions in extra-urban traffic for more than 800 km along the Madrid-Badajoz-Madrid route using a typical vehicle from Spain's automotive population and innovative, groundbreaking registering methods for this type of emissions were used. All this paves the way for lines of research and development which should help understand, measure and characterize the behavior of such particles, as well as their impact in the quality of life of the general population. The study makes two important contributions to the field. First, it makes it possible to register emissions under transient conditions, which are characteristic to real traffic. Secondly, it provides a means to keep the measuring conditions under control and prevents the random formation of particles of volatile origin through the built-in adjustment system of the exhaust gas sample. As a result, an abundant and reliable sample was gathered, which enabled the building of mathematical models to estimate the emission of nanometric, ultrafine, fine and total particles on volumetric, spatial and temporal bases as a function of the orographic outline of the road within a ±5.0% range. These emission estimating models lower both the experimentation costs and the required equipment's complexity, and they provided the basis for the development of a first software application version that estimates the particles emitted from diesel engines under extra-urban traffic conditions (Partículas Emitidas por Motores Diésel, PEMDI).