226 resultados para Reactores Catalíticos
(Sa)-Binam-D-prolinamide (20 mol%), instead of (Sa)-binam-L-prolinamide, in combination with chloroacetic acid (100 mol%) is an efficient organocatalyst for the direct aldol reaction between α-keto esters as electrophiles and alkyl and α-functionalised ketones, under quasi solvent-free conditions, providing access to highly functionalised chiral quaternary γ-keto α-hydroxyesters with up to 92% ee.
Kinetics of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition involving azomethine ylides, generated from thermal [1,2]-prototropy of the corresponding imino ester, employing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), is surveyed. Glycine and phenylalanine derived imino esters have different behavior. The first one prefers reacting with itself at 75 ºC, rather than with the dipolarophile. However, the α-substituted imino ester gives the cycloadduct at higher temperatures. The thermal dynamic analysis by 1H NMR of the neat reaction mixture of the glycine derivative reveals the presence of signals corresponding to the dipole in very small proportion. The non-isothermal and isothermal DSC curves of the cycloaddition of phenylalaninate and diisobutyl fumarate are obtained from freshly prepared samples. The application of known kinetic models and mathematical multiple non-linear regressions (NLR) allow to determine and to compare Ea, lnA, reaction orders, and reaction enthalpy. Finally a rate equation for each different temperature can be established for this particular thermal cycloaddition.
Binap-AgSbF6 catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions between azomethine ylides and electrophilic alkenes are described and compared with analogous transformations mediated by other Binap-silver(I) salt complexes. Maleimides and 1,2-bis(phenylsulfonyl)ethylene are suitable dipolarophiles for obtaining very good enantioselectivities, even better values are generated by a multicomponent version. There are some very interesting applications of the disulfonylated cycloadducts in the total synthesis of cis-2,5-disubstituted pyrrolidines, precursors of natural products, or valuable intermediates in the synthesis of antiviral compounds.
The thermal multicomponent 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (1,3-DC) of diethyl aminomalonate or α-amino esters (derived from glycine, alanine, phenylalanine, and phenylglycine) with ethyl glyoxylate and the corresponding dipolarophile such as maleimides, methyl acrylate, methyl fumarate, (E)-1,2-bis(phenylsulfonyl)ethylene, and electron deficient alkynes allows the diastereoselective synthesis of new polysubstituted pyrrolidine derivatives. Microwave-assisted heating processes give better results than conventional heating ones, affording endo-cycloadducts as major stereoisomers. In general, 2,5-cis-cycloadducts are preferentially formed according to the previous formation of the W-shaped dipole. Only in the 1,3-DC of the disulfone with phenylglycine and ethyl glyoxylate the corresponding exo-trans-cycloadduct was isolated. The compound endo-cis-4b, derived from phenylalanine, ethyl glyoxylate and N-benzylmaleimide, has been further transformed into a very complex diazabicyclo[2.2.1]octane skeleton with potential biological activity.
The more advantageous hepatitis C virus (HCV) inhibitors (most of them incorporating polysubstituted prolines or pyrrolidines) are detailed in this paper. The improvement of current treatments by combination of antiviral drugs is the driving force of this race to reduce the fast proliferation of this virus. The enhancement of efficiency in short periods of treatment is crucial in the economical point of view and for the hope of all infected people. New protease or polymerase inhibitors have been recently developed in order to substitute the traditional highly toxic PEG-interferon α-2b/ribavirin tandem. The contribution of our group in this field concerns the elaboration of the first and second generation GSK polymerase inhibitors through enantioselective processes based on silver(I)- and gold(I)-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of azomethine ylides.
The BINAM-sulfonyl polymeric organocatalysts was prepared by the AIBN-promoted copolymerization of BINAM-derived sulfonamide, styrene and divinylbenzebe. The polymer catalyzed the asymmetric aldol reaction of aliphatic ketones with aromatic aldehydes to give the aldol products in up to 83% yield and with up to 95% ee. The catalysts could be recovered upt to 6 times with only a slight decrease on its activity.
Chiral complexes formed by phosphoramidites such as (Sa,R,R)-9 and Cu(OTf)2 are excellent catalysts for the general 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between azomethine ylides and nitroalkenes affording the corresponding tetrasubstituted proline esters mainly as exo-cycloadducts in high er at room temperature. The exo-cycloadducts can be obtained in enantiomerically pure form just after simple recrystallization. DFT calculations support the stereochemical results.
IDENTIFICACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA DE ESTUDIO. Las sustancias orgánicas solubles en agua no biodegradables tales como ciertos herbicidas, colorantes industriales y metabolitos de fármacos de uso masivo son una de las principales fuentes de contaminación en aguas subterráneas de zonas agrícolas y en efluentes industriales y domésticos. Las reacciones fotocatalizadas por irradiación UV-visible y sensitizadores orgánicos e inorgánicos son uno de los métodos más económicos y convenientes para la descomposición de contaminantes en subproductos inocuos y/o biodegradables. En muchas aplicaciones es deseable un alto grado de especificidad, efectividad y velocidad de degradación de un dado agente contaminante que se encuentra presente en una mezcla compleja de sustancias orgánicas en solución. En particular son altamente deseables sistemas nano/micro -particulados que formen suspensiones acuosas estables debido a que estas permiten una fácil aplicación y una eficaz acción descontaminante en grandes volúmenes de fluidos. HIPÓTESIS Y PLANTEO DE LOS OBJETIVOS. El objetivo general de este proyecto es desarrollar sistemas nano/micro particulados formados por polímeros de impresión molecular (PIMs) y foto-sensibilizadores (FS). Un PIMs es un polímero especialmente sintetizado para que sea capaz de reconocer específicamente un analito (molécula plantilla) determinado. La actividad de unión específica de los PIMs en conjunto con la capacidad fotocatalizadora de los sensibilizadores pueden ser usadas para lograr la fotodescomposición específica de moléculas “plantilla” (en este caso un dado contaminante) en soluciones conteniendo mezclas complejas de sustancias orgánicas. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS A UTILIZAR. Se utilizaran técnicas de polimerización en mini-emulsión para sintetizar los sistemas nano/micro PIM-FS para buscar la degradación de ciertos compuestos de interés. Para caracterizar eficiencias, mecanismos y especificidad de foto-degradación en dichos sistemas se utilizan diversas técnicas espectroscópicas (estacionarias y resueltas en el tiempo) y de cromatografía (HPLC y GC). Así mismo, para medir directamente distribuciones de afinidades de unión y eficiencia de foto-degradación se utilizaran técnicas de fluorescencia de molécula/partícula individual. Estas determinaciones permitirán obtener resultados importantes al momento de analizar los factores que afectan la eficiencia de foto-degradación (nano/micro escala), tales como cantidad y ubicación de foto- sensibilizadores en las matrices poliméricas y eficiencia de unión de la plantilla y los productos de degradación al PIM. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS. Los estudios propuestos apuntan a un mejor entendimiento de procesos foto-iniciados en entornos nano/micro-particulados para aplicar dichos conocimientos al diseño de sistemas optimizados para la foto-destrucción selectiva de contaminantes acuosos de relevancia social; tales como herbicidas, residuos industriales, metabolitos de fármacos de uso masivo, etc. IMPORTANCIA DEL PROYECTO. Los sistemas nano/micro-particulados PIM-FS que se propone desarrollar en este proyecto se presentan como candidatos ideales para tratamientos específicos de efluentes industriales y domésticos en los cuales se desea lograr la degradación selectiva de compuestos orgánicos. Los conocimientos adquiridos serán indispensables para construir una plataforma versátil de sistemas foto-catalíticos específicos para la degradación de diversos contaminantes orgánicos de interés social. En lo referente a la formación de recursos humanos, el proyecto propuesto contribuirá en forma directa a la formación de 3 estudiantes de postgrado y 2 estudiantes de grado. En las capacidades institucionales se contribuirá al acondicionamiento del Laboratorio para Microscopía Óptica Avanzada (LMOA) en el Dpto. de Química de la UNRC y al montaje de un sistema de microscopio de fluorescencia que permitirá la aplicación de técnicas avanzadas de espectroscopia de fluorescencia de molecula individual.
Este projecto teve como principal objectivo desenvolver um estudo à escala real e laboratorial com o intuito de testar a viabilidade da suspensão biológica comercial JASS para minorar o problema da ocorrência de elevadas concentrações de amoníaco atmosférico no interior dos aviários. Pretendeu-se, assim, estudar a vantagem da utilização de microrganismos com capacidade de degradar o amoníaco ou inibir a sua formação, fixando os compostos azotados na cama de aviário e reduzindo a sua emissão atmosférica. Para o efeito, realizaram-se diversos ensaios à escala laboratorial e real numa instalação industrial, de forma a testar a eficácia da suspensão biológica. Os ensaios laboratoriais consistiram na determinação da influência da aplicação da suspensão biológica na libertação de amoníaco em cama de aviário colocada em reactor fechado ou aberto e numa coluna que permitiu a quantificação do fluxo de amoníaco libertado a diferentes cotas. Noutro conjunto de experiências, procurou-se estudar a caracterização da suspensão biológica essencialmente por técnicas de coloração e de ensaios bioquímicos. Finalmente, avaliou-se a eficácia da suspensão na inibição da transformação da ureia pela enzima urease produzida pelo microrganismo Proteus vulgaris. Os ensaios à escala real decorreram nas instalações de Leiria da Ovopor - Agro-Pecuária dos Milagres, S.A., com uma área de 12500m2. Realizaram-se ensaios em dois ciclos de criação, um com 30970 pintos em que não foi aplicada a suspensão em estudo e outro com 28470 pintos onde foi feita a aplicação da suspensão, como forma de validar as vantagens de aplicação do produto desenvolvido. Durante estes ensaios foi feita a monitorização das condições ambientais, da concentração e do caudal mássico de amoníaco amostrado, bem como de alguns parâmetros caracterizadores da produtividade, como sejam o peso dos animais e a mortalidade. Apesar de não ter sido possível tirar conclusões esclarecedoras quanto à eficiência da suspensão nos estudos comparativos à escala laboratorial, quer nos ensaios em reactor fechado, quer com circulação de ar, observou-se uma redução da emissão de amoníaco de cerca de 13% no estudo da determinação do fluxo de amoníaco a diferentes cotas nas experiências em que se usou a mesma cama de aviário (redução do fluxo mássico total de 32,67 mgNH3/ (m2.h) para 30,68 mgNH3/ (m2.h). Relativamente ao ensaio de campo na recria da Ovopor verificou-se uma clara redução na emissão de amoníaco na segunda campanha, redução essa que foi particularmente relevante nas primeiras quatro semanas de criação, que correspondem ao período em que as condições de ambas as campanhas são praticamente iguais, uma vez que não se promove a ventilação da sala de recria. Constatou-se ainda que os valores mais elevados de amoníaco atmosférico registados foram de 8,2 e 4,8 ppm na 1ª e 2ª campanhas, respectivamente, que correspondem a valores claramente abaixo do valor máximo admissível previsto na legislação nacional (20ppm). Quanto à composição da suspensão biológica JASS verificou-se que é essencialmente composta por esporos de Bacillus sp. e que a germinação destes esporos é favorecida quando a suspensão é diluída. Por fim, através do estudo em meio de cultura com composição controlada, em que foi feita a avaliação da capacidade da suspensão biológica estudada inibir o processo de formação de amoníaco, confirmou-se que esta inibiu a actividade da enzima urease produzida pelo microorganismo Proteus vulgaris e, consequentemente, houve uma redução de cerca de 47% na capacidade de formação de amoníaco comparando o desempenho dos dois reactores aos quais foram adicionados este microrganismo. Em suma, pode-se pois concluir que, com excepção dos resultados dos estudos de determinação do amoníaco libertado realizados à escala laboratorial, todas as restantes experiências indiciam que a suspensão JASS estudada tem capacidade para inibir a formação de amoníaco e, consequentemente, a sua libertação, provando a utilidade do produto na melhoria das condições ambientais dos aviários.
Otimização da síntese do AlSBA-15 para produção de biodiesel por transesteri-ficação do óleo de coco
Stimulus encouraging the production and consumption of biodiesel favors the policy of pre-serving the environment, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas reducing climate change. The current trend of research in this field focuses on improving these processes with the use of heterogeneous catalysts, seeing has significant advantages such as: low contamination of products, ease of separation of the catalyst from the reaction medium, possibili-ty of reuse of the catalyst, decreased corrosion problems. The objective of this research was to optimize the synthesis of AlSBA-15 for the production of biodiesel through transesterification process via ethyl route. For the optimization of hydrothermal synthesis of type AlSBA-15 catalyst has assembled a 23 factorial experimental matrix with eleven trials. The stoichiometric amounts of starting materials were varied according to different ratios Si / Al which is a factor in the experimental design, in addition to the time and temperature of aging of the synthesis gel. The material showed the best results of characterization (SBET = 591.7 (m2 / g), Vp = 0.83 (cm3 / g), Dp = 5.59 (nm), w = 6.48 (nm) was synthesized at 100 ° C for 24 hours, with a ratio Si / Al = 10.This material was applied as a heterogeneous catalyst in the reaction of ethyl transesterification as raw coconut oil in natura. Coconut oil presented suitable for obtaining biodiesel via ethyl route.The visual aspects and physical-chemical characteristics of the reaction products show that AlSBA-15 catalyst favored the reaction. According to physical-chemical analysis the order of oxidative stability of the product of the transesterification reaction was: catalytic reaction at 1500 ° C> non-catalytic reaction at 100 ° C> 100 ° C catalytic> catalytic reaction at 200 ° C Reaction. The results of oxidative stability and kinematic viscosity shows that the biodiesel produced in the catalytic sandblasting held at 150 ° C which was maintained within the ABNT NBR 7148, ABNT NBR 10441 and EN 14112.
Barium Cerate (BaCeO3) is perovskite type structure of ABO3, wherein A and B are metal cations. These materials, or doped, have been studied by having characteristics that make them promising for the application in fuel cells solid oxide, hydrogen and oxygen permeation, as catalysts, etc .. However, as the ceramic materials mixed conductivity have been produced by different synthesis methods, some conditions directly influence the final properties, one of the most important doping Site B, which may have direct influence on the crystallite size, which in turn directly influences their catalytic activity. In this study, perovskite-type (BaCexO3) had cerium gradually replaced by praseodymium to obtain ternary type materials BaCexPr1-xO3 and BaPrO3 binaries. These materials were synthesized by EDTA/Citrate complexing method and the material characterized via XRD, SEM and BET for the identification of their structure, morphology and surface area. Moreover were performed on all materials, catalytic test in a fixed bed reactor for the identification of that person responsible for complete conversion of CO to CO2 at low operating temperature, which step can be used as the subsequent production of synthesis gas (CO + H2) from methane oxidation. In the present work the crystalline phase having the orthorhombic structure was obtained for all compositions, with a morphology consisting of agglomerated particles being more pronounced with increasing praseodymium in the crystal structure. The average crystal size was between 100 nm and 142,2 nm. The surface areas were 2,62 m²g-1 for the BaCeO3 composition, 3,03 m²g-1 to BaCe0,5Pr0,5O3 composition and 2,37 m²g-1 to BaPrO3 composition. Regarding the catalytic tests, we can conclude that the optimal flow reactor operation was 50 ml / min and the composition regarding the maximum rate of conversion to the lowest temperature was BaCeO3 to 400° C. Meanwhile, there was found that the partially replaced by praseodymium, cerium, there was a decrease in the catalytic activity of the material.
The uncontrolled disposal of wastewaters containing phenolic compounds by the industry has caused irreversible damage to the environment. Because of this, it is now mandatory to develop new methods to treat these effluents before they are disposed of. One of the most promising and low cost approaches is the degradation of phenolic compounds via photocatalysis. This work, in particular, has as the main goal, the customization of a bench scale photoreactor and the preparation of catalysts via utilization of char originated from the fast pyrolysis of sewage sludge. The experiments were carried out at constant temperature (50°C) under oxygen (410, 515, 650 and 750 ml min-1). The reaction took place in the liquid phase (3.4 liters), where the catalyst concentration was 1g L-1 and the initial concentration of phenol was 500 mg L-1 and the reaction time was set to 3 hours. A 400 W lamp was adapted to the reactor. The flow of oxygen was optimized to 650 ml min-1. The pH of the liquid and the nature of the catalyst (acidified and calcined palygorskite, palygorskite impregnated with 3.8% Fe and the pyrolysis char) were investigated. The catalytic materials were characterized by XRD, XRF, and BET. In the process of photocatalytic degradation of phenol, the results showed that the pH has a significant influence on the phenol conversion, with best results for pH equal to 5.5. The phenol conversion ranged from 51.78% for the char sewage sludge to 58.02% (for palygorskite acidified calcined). Liquid samples analyzed by liquid chromatography and the following compounds were identified: hydroquinone, catechol and maleic acid. A mechanism of the reaction was proposed, whereas the phenol is transformed into the homogeneous phase and the others react on the catalyst surface. For the latter, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model was applied, whose mass balances led to a system of differential equations and these were solved using numerical methods in order to get estimates for the kinetic and adsorption parameters. The model was adjusted satisfactorily to the experimental results. From the proposed mechanism and the operating conditions used in this study, the most favored step, regardless of the catalyst, was the acid group (originated from quinone compounds), being transformed into CO2 and water, whose rate constant k4 presented value of 0.578 mol L-1 min-1 for acidified calcined palygorskite, 0.472 mol L-1 min-1 for Fe2O3/palygorskite and 1.276 mol L-1 min-1 for the sludge to char, the latter being the best catalyst for mineralization of acid to CO2 and water. The quinones were adsorbed to the acidic sites of the calcined palygorskite and Fe2O3/palygorskite whose adsorption constants were similar (~ 4.45 L mol-1) and higher than that of the sewage sludge char (3.77 L mol-1).
The uncontrolled disposal of wastewaters containing phenolic compounds by the industry has caused irreversible damage to the environment. Because of this, it is now mandatory to develop new methods to treat these effluents before they are disposed of. One of the most promising and low cost approaches is the degradation of phenolic compounds via photocatalysis. This work, in particular, has as the main goal, the customization of a bench scale photoreactor and the preparation of catalysts via utilization of char originated from the fast pyrolysis of sewage sludge. The experiments were carried out at constant temperature (50°C) under oxygen (410, 515, 650 and 750 ml min-1). The reaction took place in the liquid phase (3.4 liters), where the catalyst concentration was 1g L-1 and the initial concentration of phenol was 500 mg L-1 and the reaction time was set to 3 hours. A 400 W lamp was adapted to the reactor. The flow of oxygen was optimized to 650 ml min-1. The pH of the liquid and the nature of the catalyst (acidified and calcined palygorskite, palygorskite impregnated with 3.8% Fe and the pyrolysis char) were investigated. The catalytic materials were characterized by XRD, XRF, and BET. In the process of photocatalytic degradation of phenol, the results showed that the pH has a significant influence on the phenol conversion, with best results for pH equal to 5.5. The phenol conversion ranged from 51.78% for the char sewage sludge to 58.02% (for palygorskite acidified calcined). Liquid samples analyzed by liquid chromatography and the following compounds were identified: hydroquinone, catechol and maleic acid. A mechanism of the reaction was proposed, whereas the phenol is transformed into the homogeneous phase and the others react on the catalyst surface. For the latter, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model was applied, whose mass balances led to a system of differential equations and these were solved using numerical methods in order to get estimates for the kinetic and adsorption parameters. The model was adjusted satisfactorily to the experimental results. From the proposed mechanism and the operating conditions used in this study, the most favored step, regardless of the catalyst, was the acid group (originated from quinone compounds), being transformed into CO2 and water, whose rate constant k4 presented value of 0.578 mol L-1 min-1 for acidified calcined palygorskite, 0.472 mol L-1 min-1 for Fe2O3/palygorskite and 1.276 mol L-1 min-1 for the sludge to char, the latter being the best catalyst for mineralization of acid to CO2 and water. The quinones were adsorbed to the acidic sites of the calcined palygorskite and Fe2O3/palygorskite whose adsorption constants were similar (~ 4.45 L mol-1) and higher than that of the sewage sludge char (3.77 L mol-1).
El reactor multipropósito RA-10 que se construirá en Ezeiza tiene como objetivo principal aumentar la producción de radioisótopos destinados al diagnóstico de enfermedades; adicionalmente el proyecto RA-10 permitirá ofrecer al sistema científico-tecnológico oportunidades de investigación, desarrollo y producción. Entre ellas se contará con una facilidad de dopaje de silicio a través de transmutación neutrónica para producir material semiconductor. La principal ventaja de esta técnica de fabricación es que se obtiene el semiconductor más homogéneamente dopado del mercado. Esto se logra irradiando a la pieza con un flujo neutrónico axialmente uniforme. La uniformidad axial se obtiene diseñando un aplanador de flujo que consiste en un conjunto de anillos de acero de diferentes espesores para lograr aplanar el perfil de flujo neutrónico que irradia al silicio. El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar e implementar un algoritmo que permita calcular los espesores óptimos de acero de forma tal de modificar el perfil de flujo neutrónico que se genera en el núcleo para uniformizarlo lo más posible. Se proponen y evalúan mejoras para incrementar el valor del flujo neutrónico al cual se uniformiza. Posteriormente se evalúan los tiempos necesarios para obtener diferentes resistividades objetivo y se realizan cálculos de activación neutrónica para determinar los tiempos de decaimiento necesarios para cumplir los límites de actividad requeridos. Se realizan además cálculos de calentamiento para determinar la potencia que se debe disipar para refrigerar la facilidad.