998 resultados para ROJAS PIZARRO, GONZALO, 1916-2011
The mantis shrimp Squilla biformis is the most conspicuous and abundant stomatopod captured during benthic trawling operations off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Due to its abundance, this species is considered a potential fisheries resource for the region. Nevertheless, its life history is practically unknown. The present study describes the population demography, spatial distribution and behaviour of S. biformis from Pacific Costa Rica. The population was principally composed of individuals between 20 and 32 mm carapace length (CL), forming 2 age groups. Individuals of 35 to 45 mm CL and > 45 mm CL were poorly represented. We assume that larger individuals are more frequent at greater depths (probably on the continental slope), thus out of the reach of the fishing vessels used in our study. Males outnumbered females, as observed in other stomatopods. Visual evidence of their behaviour demonstrates that the adults in this species possess a benthic and pelagic life style. Largest numbers of individuals (50% of the total) were found between 240 to 260 m, the same bathymetric range that was historically occupied by commercial shrimps. This shift may be related to intense fishing activities. We observed a synchronized moulting of females and males during less luminous (third and fourth) lunar phases. The evolutionary development of a group moulting system could confer advantages to S. biformis in comparison to other stomatopods whose moulting process is individual and asynchronous.
Eight species of Kempnyia Klapalek were collected in the Mantiqueira Mountains at Campos do Jordao, of which six were known: K. colossica (Navas, 1934), K. flava Klapalek, 1916, K. neotropica (Jacobson and Bianchi, 1905), K. obtusa Klapalek, 1916, K. reichardti Froehlich, 1984 and K. tamoya Froehlich, 1984; two are new, K. pirata and K. tupinamba. One new synonymy is proposed. Comments are provided for all species from the area and a key to these species is presented.
The antioxidant capacity of propolis from the southern region of Uruguay was evaluated using in vitro as well as cellular assays. Free radical scavenging capacity was assessed by ORAC, obtaining values significantly higher than those of other natural products (8000 mu mol Trolox equiv/g propolis). ORAC values correlated well with total polyphenol content (determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method) and UV absorption. Total polyphenol content (150 mg gallic acid equiv/g propolis) and flavonoids (45 mg quercetin equiv/g propolis) were similar to values reported for southern Brazilian (group 3) and Argentinean propolis. Flavonoid composition determined by RP-HPLC indicates a strong poplar-tree origin. Samples high in polyphenols efficiently inhibit low-density lipoprotein lipoperoxidation and tyrosine nitration. In addition, Uruguayan propolis was found to induce the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and inhibit endothelial NADPH oxidase, suggesting a potential cardiovascular benefit by increasing nitric oxide bioavailability in the endothelium.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the microsurgical anatomy, branches, and anatomic relationships of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) represented in three-dimensional images. METHODS: Seventy hemispheres of 35 brain specimens were studied. They were previously injected with red silicone and fixed in 10% formalin for at least 40 days. Four of the studied specimens were frozen at -10 degrees to -15 degrees C for 14 days, and additional dissection was done with the Klingler`s fiber dissection technique at x6 to x40 magnification. Each segment of the artery was measured and photographed to obtain three-dimensional stereoscopic images. RESULTS: The PCA origin was in the interpeduncular cistern at the pontomesencephalic junction level in 23 specimens (65.7%). The PCA was divided into four segments: P1 extends from the PCA origin to its junction with the posterior communicating artery with an average length of 7.7 mm; P2 was divided into an anterior and posterior segment. The P2A segment begins at the posterior communicating artery and ends at the most lateral aspect of the cerebral peduncle, with an average length of 23.6 mm, and the P2P segment extends from the most lateral aspect of the cerebral peduncle to the posterior edge of the lateral surface of the midbrain, with an average length of 16.4 mm; P3 extends from the posterior edge of the lateral surface of the midbrain and ends at the origin of the parieto-occipital sulcus along the calcarine fissure, with an average length of 19.8 mm; and the P4 segment corresponds to the parts of the PCA that run along or inside both the parieto-occipital sulcus and the distal part of the calcarine fissure. CONCLUSIONS: To standardize the neurosurgical practice and knowledge, surgical anatomic classifications should be used uniformly and further modified according to the neurosurgical experience gathered. The PCA classification proposed intends to correlate its anatomic segments with their required microneurosurgical approaches.
There is considerable evidence showing that the neurodegenerative processes that lead to sporadic Parkinson`s disease (PD) begin many years before the appearance of the characteristic motor symptoms and that impairments in olfactory, cognitive and motor functions are associated with time-dependent disruption of dopaminergic neurotransmission in different brain areas. Midkine is a 13-kDa retinoic acid-induced heparin-binding growth factor involved in many biological processes in the central nervous system such as cell migration, neurogenesis and tissue repair. The abnormal midkine expression may be associated with neurochemical dysfunction in the dopaminergic system and cognitive impairments in rodents. Here, we employed adult midkine knockout mice (Mdk(-/-)) to further investigate the relevance of midkine in dopaminergic neurotransmission and in olfactory, cognitive and motor functions. Mdk(/-) mice displayed pronounced impairments in their olfactory discrimination ability and short-term social recognition memory with no gross motor alterations. Moreover, the genetic deletion of midkine decreased the expression of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase in the substantia nigra reducing partially the levels of dopamine and its metabolites in the olfactory bulb and striatum of mice. These findings indicate that the genetic deletion of midkine causes a partial loss of dopaminergic neurons and depletion of dopamine, resulting in olfactory and memory deficits with no major motor impairments. Therefore, Mdk(-/-) mice may represent a promising animal model for the study of the early stages of PD and for testing new therapeutic strategies to restore sensorial and cognitive processes in PD.
The first eighteen months of the Great War witnessed an unprecedented awakening of interest in the Polish Question, when worldwide attention was drawn to the prolonged devastation of the Polish territories. Thereafter, a steady increase in media comment and criticism, highlighting Poland's plight, fostered public indignation at the continual stalling of humanitarian relief efforts for Polish refugees. Such burgeoning popular sentiment focused wider political attention upon a growing movement for recognition of Polish claims to independence. This particularly proved to be the case for Woodrow Wilson and his administration's budding interest in Poland. Subsequently, nowhere did the Polish Question assume a greater role in diplomatic efforts to mediate for peace than in America, and at no time more than during the year preceding the President's hesitant decision to intervene in hostilities.
O estudo de caso trata do desastre natural ocorrido na regi??o serrana do Rio de Janeiro nos dias 11 e 12 de janeiro de 2011, considerado a maior cat??strofe clim??tica e geot??cnica do pa??s, causado por fortes chuvas que provocaram enchentes e deslizamentos em sete munic??pios. O caso tem por finalidade despertar a discuss??o sobre as vari??veis e atores que influenciaram o processo de gest??o da crise, contextualizando o desastre no cen??rio da regi??o e reconstituindo, especialmente, o processo de resposta imediata dada ?? trag??dia pelos ??rg??os envolvidos. O estudo pode ser utilizado em cursos que abordem, entre outros, os seguintes t??picos: gest??o de crise e gest??o de riscos, negocia????o, comunica????o e planejamento estrat??gico
Este livro re??ne as dez iniciativas premiadas no 16?? Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal. Nesta 16?? edi????o, o Concurso conta com os apoios da Embaixada da Fran??a, da Embaixada da Noruega, da Ag??ncia de Coopera????o Internacional Alem?? (GIZ) e da Ag??ncia Brasileira de Coopera????o (ABC), que premiam os primeiros colocados com visitas t??cnicas. A ENAP tamb??m premia os vencedores com vagas nos cursos de Especializa????o em Gest??o P??blica e Desenvolvimento Gerencial , publica????es da Escola, livro contendo os relatos das iniciativas, certificado, divulga????o no Banco de Solu????es do s??tio do Concurso, assinatura de um ano da Revista do Servi??o P??blico (RSP) e Selo Inova????o
Relat??rio de Gest??o do exerc??cio de 2011 apresentado aos ??rg??os de controle interno e externo como presta????o de contas anual a que esta Unidade est?? obrigada nos termos do art. 70 da Constitui????o Federal, elaborado de acordo com as disposi????es da IN TCU n?? 63/2010, da DN TCU n?? 108/2010, da Portaria TCU n?? 123/2011 e das orienta????es do ??rg??o de controle interno (Portaria CGU n?? 2546/2010)
O Curso de Forma????o dos Especialistas em Pol??ticas P??blicas e Gest??o Governamental (EPPGGs) constitui a segunda etapa do Concurso P??blico para ingresso no cargo e tem como objetivo selecionar e preparar quadros de alta ger??ncia para o ingresso na Administra????o P??blica Federal
O Programa de Aperfei??oamento par carreiras do ciclo de gest??o governamental ?? regulamentado por meio da Portaria n?? 3, de 18 de janeiro de 2011.