875 resultados para Pyroxene.


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Two types of serpentinized peridotites from Hole 670A of Leg 109 were studied in detail. A small piece of relatively unaltered sample, 109-670A-9R-1, #3 (22-24 cm), is olivine websterite characterized by aluminous chromian spinel with Cr/(Cr + Al) ratio of about 0.2. The other minerals have compositions essentially identical with those in more commonly observed serpentinized harzburgite like 109-670A-9R-01, #12 (94-97 cm). The occurrence of pyroxene-rich peridotite with normal harzburgite suggests that small scale heterogeneity in modal compositions exists in the upper mantle beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Low Cr/Al ratios of spinel and pyroxenes of those peridotites indicate that they are relatively less refractory among peridotites ever recovered from the oceanic region. Textures and the estimated equilibration temperatures indicate that peridotites recovered from Hole 670A are recrystallized and reequilibrated at subsolidus temperature. The occurrence of serpentinized peridotites from the rift valley of the active mid-oceanic ridge may suggest that they represent direct exposure of upwelling mantle materials rather than serpentine diapirs.


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Results of study of bottom sediments near Iceland and on the Jan Mayen Island are reported. It was found that in recent sediments chemical elements are mainly associated with pyro- and volcanoclastics. In some areas adjusted to deep-seated faults ancient iron-manganese crusts and sediments occur. They are rich in Ni, Co, V, Cu, Mo, Cd and other elements associated with endogenic matter.


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Altogether 513 samples from sediments of Cretaceous to Pleistocene age from DSDP Legs 56 and 57 were examined by x-ray methods. The main constituents are clay minerals, quartz, feldspar, opaline silica, and volcanic glass. The sediment composition reflects the position of the sites in relation to the main source area, the Japanese Island Arc. For example, relatively coarse-grained material rich in quartz and feldspar was deposited closest to the islands, whereas finer-grained material rich in clay minerals (mainly smectite and illite, with lesser amounts of kaolinite and chlorite) was deposited farther seaward. Vertical fluctuations in the composition of the sediments show the same trend in all sites and are caused mainly by a fluctuating contribution of biogenic silica with time. A trend reversal in the chlorite/kaolinite ratio at Site 438 supports the conclusion that the subsidence of the Oyashio ancient landmass took place during the middle Miocene. That ratio also indicates a northwest drift in the position of Site 436 by sea floor spreading. Oscillations of the illite/smectite ratio during the Pleistocene at Site 436 show the variations of climate during this period. During early diagenesis potassium is fixed in smectite. With increasing depth of burial a smectite-illite mixed layer is formed, with increasing illite layering. At Sites 434, 440, and 441, stepwise changes confirm intensive tectonic process at the midslope terrace and the lower inner slope of the Japan Trench.


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Refractive index and chemical composition were determined for glass shards contained in more than 100 tephra layers in DSDP Leg 58 sediment cores collected in the Shikoku Basin, North Philippine Sea. The refractive index is consistent with chemical composition. Refractive index and total iron show a linear relationship. Tephra in Pleistocene and Pliocene sediments is mostly rhyolitic and dacitic (non-alkali), whereas tephra in the Miocene shows wide composition variations in the eastern part of the basin. Basaltic tephra is recognized in Miocene sediments at Sites 443 and 444, but not at Site 442, west of the other two sites. This indicates that the basaltic tephra came from eruption relatively close to those drill sites (perhaps the Kinan Seamounts and the Shichito-Iwo Jima volcanic arc), although the exact source has not been identified.


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Early diagenesis in Leg 126 forearc and backarc sands/sandstones is characterized by the dissolution of intermediate to mafic brown glass, the alteration of colorless rhyolitic glass to clay minerals, precipitation of thin clay-mineral rim cements, and minor precipitation of clinoptilolite cements. Later, more intense diagenesis is restricted to Oligocene forearc basin sediments at Sites 787,792, and 793. In these sections, the effects of early diagenesis have been intensified and overprinted by later diagenetic effects including (1) large-scale dissolution of feldspar and pyroxene crystals, (2) further dissolution of vitric components, (3) precipitation of minor carbonate cements, and (4) pervasive, multiple-staged zeolite cementation. Zeolite minerals present include analcite, mordenite, natrolite, heulandite, wairakite, chabazite, erionite, herschelite, and phillipsite. The latest diagenetic events appear to be the minor dissolution of zeolite cements and the precipitation of minor carbonate and potassium feldspar(?) cements. Observed porosity types include primary interparticles; primary intraparticles in vesicular glass and foraminifers; primary interparticles reduced by compaction and cementation; secondary intraparticles produced by dissolution of feldspar, nonopaque heavy minerals, volcanic glass, and foraminifer tests; and secondary interparticles produced by the dissolution of zeolite cements. Within forearc Oligocene sections at Sites 787 and 792, diagenetic effects appear to decrease with depth in the Oligocene section; however, at Site 793 the majority of samples are intensely altered.


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At Site 582, DSDP Leg 87, turbidites about 560 m thick were recovered from the floor of the Nankai Trough. A turbidite bed is typically composed of three subdivisions: a lower graded sand unit, an upper massive silt unit, and an uppermost Chondrites burrowed silt unit. The turbidites intercalate with bluish gray hemipelagic mud which apparently accumulated below the calcite compensation depth. In order to investigate the nature and provenance of the turbidites, we studied the grain orientation, based on magnetic fabric measurements and thin-section grain counting, and grain size, using a photo-extinction settling tube and detrital modal analysis. The following results were obtained: (1) grain orientation analysis indicates that the turbidity current transport parallels the trench axis, predominantly from the northeast; (2) Nankai Trough turbidites generally decrease in grain size to the southwest; (3) turbidite sands include skeletal remains indicative of fresh-water and shallow-marine environments; and (4) turbidites contain abundant volcanic components, and their composition is analogous to the sediments of the Fuji River-Suruga Bay area. Considering other evidence, such as physiography and geometry of trench fill, we conclude that the turbidites of Site 582 as well as Site 583 were derived predominantly from the mouth of Fuji River and were transported through the Suruga Trough to the Nankai Trough, a distance of some 700 km. This turbidite transport system has tectonic implications: (1) the filling of the Nankai Trough is the direct consequence of the Izu collision in Pliocene- Pleistocene times; (2) the accretion of trench fill at the trench inner slope observed in the Nankai Trough is controlled by collision tectonics; and (3) each event of turbidite deposition may be related to a Tokai mega-earthquake.


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The grain size of deep-sea sediments provides an apparently simple proxy for current speed. However, grain size-based proxies may be ambiguous when the size distribution reflects a combination of processes, with current sorting only one of them. In particular, such sediment mixing hinders reconstruction of deep circulation changes associated with ice-rafting events in the glacial North Atlantic because variable ice-rafted detritus (IRD) input may falsely suggest current speed changes. Inverse modeling has been suggested as a way to overcome this problem. However, this approach requires high-precision size measurements that register small changes in the size distribution. Here we show that such data can be obtained using electrosensing and laser diffraction techniques, despite issues previously raised on the low precision of electrosensing methods and potential grain shape effects on laser diffraction. Down-core size patterns obtained from a sediment core from the North Atlantic are similar for both techniques, reinforcing the conclusion that both techniques yield comparable results. However, IRD input leads to a coarsening that spuriously suggests faster current speed. We show that this IRD influence can be accounted for using inverse modeling as long as wide size spectra are taken into account. This yields current speed variations that are in agreement with other proxies. Our experiments thus show that for current speed reconstruction, the choice of instrument is subordinate to a proper recognition of the various processes that determine the size distribution and that by using inverse modeling meaningful current speed reconstructions can be obtained from mixed sediments.


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High-resolution climatic records of the late Holocene along the north-west African continental margin are scarce. Here we combine sediment grain size, elemental distribution and mineral assemblage data to trace dust and riverine sources at a shallow-marine sediment depocentre in the vicinity of the Senegal River mouth. The aim is to understand how these terrigenous components reflect climate variability during the late Holocene. Major element contents were measured and mineral identification was performed on three sub-fractions of our sediment core: (i) fluvial material <2 µm, (ii) aeolian material of 18-63 µm and (iii) a sub-fraction of dual-origin material of 2-18 µm. Results show that more than 80% of the total Al and Fe terrigenous bulk content is present in the fluviogenic fraction. In contrast, Ti, K and Si cannot be considered as proxies for one specific source off Senegal. The Al/Ca ratio, recording the continental river runoff, reveals two dry periods from 3010 to 2750 cal a BP and from 1900 to 1000 cal a BP, and two main humid periods from 2750 to 1900 cal a BP and from 1000 to 700 cal a BP. The match between (i) intervals of low river runoff inferred by low Al/Ca values, (ii) reduced river discharge inferred by integrated palynological data from offshore Senegal and (iii) periods of enhanced dune reactivation in Mali confirms this interpretation.


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Basalt underlying early Campanian chalk at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 163 is divided into seven extrusive cooling units bounded by glassy margins. The margins have dips of 15° to 70°, suggestive of pillow flows rather than tabular flows. The margins are fresh sideromelane (glass) grading inward to opaque and reddish-brown globules containing microcrystalline material with radial, undulose extinction. Relative to adjacent sideromelane, the reddish-brown globules are enriched in sodium and calcium, whereas the opaque globules are depleted in these elements and enriched in iron and magnesium. It appears that basalt just inside the pillow margins has differentiated in place into globules of two distinct compositions. This globule zone grades inward to less rapidly cooled pyroxene varioles and intergrowths of plagioclase and opaque minerals. In the center of the thicker cooling units, the texture is diabasic. Alteration and calcite vein abundance are greatest at pillow margins and decrease inward; the interior of the thickest cooling unit is only slightly altered, and calcite veins are absent. Chemical analysis of whole rock by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and of sideromelane by electron microprobe, indicates that the rock is a slightly weathered tholeiite. The atomic absorption analyses, except the one nearest the top of the basalt, are relatively uniform and similar to the sideromelane microprobe analyses, including those near the top of the basalt. This suggests that deep penetration is not necessary to get through the severely altered layer at the basalt surface, and that within this altered layer, analyses of sideromelane may be more representative of crustal composition than analyses of whole rock.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 190 several turbidite successions in the Nankai Trough were drilled through including Pleistocene trench fill (Sites 1173 and 1174), Pleistocene-Pliocene slope basin deposits and underlying trench fill (Sites 1175 and 1176), Miocene Shikoku Basin deposits (Site 1177), and upper Miocene trench fill (Site 1178). Sands from the Pleistocene trench-fill succession of the Nankai Trough are of mixed derivation with significant monomineralic components (quartz and feldspar) and mafic to intermediate volcanic rock fragments, in addition to sedimentary and less abundant metamorphic detritus. They have a source in the Izu collision zone in central Honshu. Sands from the slope and accreted trench fill at Sites 1175 and 1176 are dominated by quartz with less abundant feldspar, sedimentary rock fragments, and only minor volcanic and metamorphic rock fragments. In contrast to the trench turbidites of Sites 1173 and 1174, these sands are very quartzose with characteristic radiolarian chert fragments. Volcanic rock fragments are mainly of silicic composition. Potential sources of these sands are uplifted subduction complexes of southwest Japan. Sands from the accreted trench turbidites at Site 1178 have clast types similar to those at Sites 1175 and 1176. In contrast, however, framework detrital modes are distinctive, with Site 1178 sands having substantially lower total quartz contents and more abundant fine-grained sedimentary rock fragments. These sands were also probably derived from the island of Shikoku, but their composition indicates that sedimentary rocks were abundant in the source area and these may have been Miocene forearc basin successions that were largely removed by erosion. Erosional remnants of Miocene forearc basin deposits are present on the Kii Peninsula east-northeast of Shikoku. Erosion followed a phase of exhumation of the Shimanto Belt indicated by apatite fission track ages at ~10 Ma. Sand in the lower-upper Miocene turbidites of the lower Shikoku Basin section at Site 1177 is more varied in composition, with the upper part of the unit similar to Site 1178 (i.e., rich in sedimentary rock fragments) and the lower part similar to those at Sites 1175 and 1176 (i.e., rich in quartz with some silicic volcanic rock fragments). Sands from the lower part of the Miocene turbidite unit were derived from a continental source with plutonic and volcanic rocks, possibly the inner zone of southwest Japan.


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In order to provide information on the degree of alteration of the very young basaltic basement drilled on Leg 65 in the mouth of the Gulf of California, we have measured the oxygen isotopic composition of whole rocks and mineral separates. Considerable data already exist for older ocean crust, in particular for the deep holes drilled in the Atlantic Ocean on Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Legs 37, 45, 46, and 51-53. These data indicate that in all of these holes, which include crust as young as 3.5 m.y. old, a significant amount of alteration has taken place as the result of low-temperature interaction between basalt and seawater (cf. Muehlenbachs, 1977, 1980; Hoernes et al., 1978; Friedrichsen and Hoernes, 1980). It is therefore of interest to determine whether Leg 65 crust, which is only 0.5 to 1.5 m.y. old, has experienced a similar degree of alteration.


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A core of foraminiferal-coccolithic oozes filling a valley of the transform fault located at 29°40'S on the South Atlantic Ridge contains layers composed of angular fragments of igneous and metamorphic rocks. They include many serpentinites deriving from serpentinized ultrabasic rocks, probably exposed on the lower section of the southern slope of the fault valley. A mineral and chemical description of these serpentinites is given.