264 resultados para Proust
The work of nouvelliste Annie Saumont constantly explores the phenomenon of memory, and of memories. This article identifies and nuances the various forms that this exploration takes. An introductory contextualization of author and theme is followed by the presentation of a short story, ‘Méandres’, which embodies the first quality of memory to be examined: its capacity not only to recall but also to re-evaluate a past which is thus shown to be as hypothetical as the future. Memory as guilt that moulds or puts its indelible stamp on lives is then evoked by means of examples from other stories, illustrating the gradations Saumont achieves in her investigation of the power of this complex faculty. The next section turns to her portrayal of involuntary memory. Unlike for Proust, the instances of spontaneous remembering that are experienced by her characters lunge at them down the years almost exclusively to wound or disorientate. Depictions of the memory which conserves, and is thus burdened by, secrets are then considered, and finally Saumont's evocation of characters who have different reasons to analyse the way their own and other people's memories work. The conclusion to be drawn is that for Saumont, we are our memories; the ability to master a ‘judicious interpretation’ of memory – or indeed, to forget – is, in her stories, overwhelmingly a quality to be envied.
This essay outlines the case for a new, scholarly edition of Beckett's critical writings, one that would be complete and with critical annotation. For the most part these texts (critical writings, tributes, in memoria and epigraphs) have been published in a range of places. As well as in the magazines, newspapers, books and special-issue publications in which pieces originally appeared, a number were collected in Disjecta (Calder 1983 & Grove 1984). This volume, however, is not exhaustive; it misses out a number of important texts (not least Proust) and contains some textual inaccuracies. Furthermore, Beckett's critical writings are currently not available from the UK publishers Faber and the Grove Press Centenary Edition of Beckett's works, the fourth volume of which contains a section entitled ‘Criticism’, presents only three works of criticism by Beckett (Proust, ‘Dante … Bruno . Vico . . Joyce’ and ‘Three Dialogues’). In this essay, we give a brief (and far from exhaustive) overview of the publication history of Beckett's non-fiction prose texts, before outlining some of the editorial challenges they pose. Although Beckett tended to be dismissive of these works, they form an integral part of his canon.
Minha dissertação consiste em desenvolver a relação estabelecida entre o texto e o leitor no processo de leitura literária como produtividade, considerada como um conjunto, compreendendo o produtor do texto e seu leitor. A leitura vista como ‘‘jogo", em que o retorno do diferente não desdenha a tradição da leitura, conduz o leitor à produzir um texto múltiplo, plural. O texto é o mesmo e um outro ao mesmo tempo. Este estudo compreende três textos singulares da obra de Samuel Beckett: Malone meurt, L’Innommable e En attendant Godot. Tudo o que é assimilado, assim como refutado por Beckett, é convidado a entrar em cena no decorrer deste trabalho. Como via de acesso para a composisão da escritura becketiana, foi necessário seguir os passos da memória de leitura do autor para chegar a uma conclusão, segundo minha própria leitura, a partir da leitura dos três textos escolhidos. Por isso, reencontrei em Proust, a idéia do leitor ‘‘livre’’ e ‘‘independente’’ mantido por Beckett. Seguindo os traços da tradição, foi possível desenvolver uma memória de leitura como uma repetição, conduzindo a um resultado imprevisto. Balzac é a primeira referência da leitura beketiana. O autor é trabalhado como fonte principal da leitura becketiana. Assim, a composição da memória em Beckett não pode ser recuperada senão na articulação dos estudos textuais como ‘‘produção’’ e, cujas imagens repetitivas fornecidas pelos três textos de Samuel Beckett asseguram a continuidade, a produtividade de leitura, em que, esta memória, torna-se inevitavelmente, memória do texto.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
On November 14, 2013, the 100th anniversary of the publication of Swann’s Way will be celebrated. This first volume was to become the most prominent work by Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time. This essay aims at analyzing the presence of Stendhal’s love theory in this first novel, examining on the way Proust’s unfinished work, Jean Santeuil, considered here as a kind of pre-text of In Search of Lost Time.
«In altri termini mi sfuggiva e ancora oggi mi sfugge gran parte del significato dell’evoluzione del tempo; come se il tempo fosse una materia che osservo dall’esterno. Questa mancanza di evoluzione è fonte di alcune mie sventure ma anche mi appartiene con gioia.» Aldo Rossi, Autobiografia scientifica. The temporal dimension underpinning the draft of Autobiografia scientifica by Aldo Rossi may be referred to what Lucien Lévy-Bruhl, the well-known French anthropologist, defines as “primitive mentality” and “prelogical” conscience : the book of life has lost its page numbers, even punctuation. For Lévy-Bruhl, but certainly for Rossi, life or its summing up becomes a continuous account of ellipses, gaps, repetitions that may be read from left to right or viceversa, from head to foot or viceversa without distinction. Rossi’s autobiographical writing seems to accept and support the confusion with which memories have been collected, recording them after the order memory gives them in the mental distillation or simply according to the chronological order in which they have happened. For Rossi, the confusion reflects the melting of memory elements into a composite image which is the result of a fusion. He is aware that the same sap pervades all memories he is going to put in order: each of them has got a common denominator. Differences have diminished, almost faded; the quick glance is prevalent over the distinction of each episode. Rossi’s writing is beyond the categories dependent on time: past and present, before and now. For Rossi, the only repetition – the repetition the text will make possible for an indefinite number of times – gives peculiarity to the event. As Gilles Deleuze knows, “things” may only last as “singleness”: more frequent the repetition is, more singular is the memory phenomenon that recurs, because only what is singular magnifies itself and happens endlessly forever. Rossi understands that “to raise the first time to nth forever”, repetition becomes glorification . It may be an autobiography that, celebrating the originality, enhances the memory event in the repetition; in fact it greatly differs from the biographical reproduction, in which each repetition is but a weaker echo, a duller copy, provided with a smaller an smaller power in comparison with the original. Paradoxically, for Deleuze the repetition asserts the originality and singularity of what is repeated. Rossi seems to share the thought expressed by Kierkegaard in the essay Repetition: «The hope is a graceful maiden slipping through your fingers; the memory of an elderly woman, indeed pretty, but never satisfactory if necessary; the repetition is a loved friend you are never tired of, as it is only the new to make you bored. The old never bores you and its presence makes you happy [...] life is but a repetition [...] here is the beauty of life» . Rossi knows well that repetition hints at the lasting stability of cosmic time. Kierkegaard goes on: «The world exists, and it exists as a repetition» . Rossi devotes himself, on purpose and in all conscience, to collect, to inventory and «to review life», his own life, according to a recovery not from the past but of the past: a search work, the «recherche du temps perdu», as Proust entitled his masterpiece on memory. If you want the past time to be not wasted, you must give it presence. «Memoria e specifico come caratteristiche per riconoscere se stesso e ciò che è estraneo mi sembravano le più chiare condizioni e spiegazioni della realtà. Non esiste uno specifico senza memoria, e una memoria che non provenga da un momento specifico; e solo questa unione permette la conoscenza della propria individualità e del contrario (self e non-self)» . Rossi wants to understand himself, his own character; it is really his own character that requires to be understood, to increase its own introspective ability and intelligence. «Può sembrare strano che Planck e Dante associno la loro ricerca scientifica e autobiografica con la morte; una morte che è in qualche modo continuazione di energia. In realtà, in ogni artista o tecnico, il principio della continuazione dell’energia si mescola con la ricerca della felicità e della morte» . The eschatological incipit of Rossi’s autobiography refers to Freud’s thought in the exact circularity of Dante’s framework and in as much exact circularity of the statement of the principle of the conservation of energy: in fact it was Freud to connect repetition to death. For Freud, the desire of repetition is an instinct rooted in biology. The primary aim of such an instinct would be to restore a previous condition, so that the repeated history represents a part of the past (even if concealed) and, relieving the removal, reduces anguish and tension. So, Freud ask himself, what is the most remote state to which the instinct, through the repetition, wants to go back? It is a pre-vital condition, inorganic of the pure entropy, a not-to-be condition in which doesn’t exist any tension; in other words, Death. Rossi, with the theme of death, introduces the theme of circularity which further on refers to the sense of continuity in transformation or, in the opposite way, the transformation in continuity. «[...] la descrizione e il rilievo delle forme antiche permettevano una continuità altrimenti irripetibile, permettevano anche una trasformazione, una volta che la vita fosse fermata in forme precise» . Rossi’s attitude seems to hint at the reflection on time and – in a broad sense – at the thought on life and things expressed by T.S. Eliot in Four Quartets: «Time present and time past / Are both perhaps present in time future, / And time future is contained in time past. / I all time is eternally present / All time is unredeemable. / What might have been is an abstraction / Remaining perpetual possibility / Only in a word of speculation. / What might have been and what has been / Point to one end, which is always present. [...]» . Aldo Rossi’s autobiographical story coincides with the description of “things” and the description of himself through the things in the exact parallel with craft or art. He seems to get all things made by man to coincide with the personal or artistic story, with the consequent immediate necessity of formulating a new interpretation: the flow of things has never met a total stop; all that exists nowadays is but a repetition or a variant of something existing some time ago and so on, without any interruption until the early dawnings of human life. Nevertheless, Rossi must operate specific subdivisions inside the continuous connection in time – of his time – even if limited by a present beginning and end of his own existence. This artist, as an “historian” of himself and his own life – as an auto-biographer – enjoys the privilege to be able to decide if and how to operate the cutting in a certain point rather than in another one, without being compelled to justify his choice. In this sense, his story is a matter very ductile and flexible: a good story-teller can choose any moment to start a certain sequence of events. Yet, Rossi is aware that, beyond the mere narration, there is the problem to identify in history - his own personal story – those flakings where a clean cut enables the separation of events of different nature. In order to do it, he has to make not only an inventory of his own “things”, but also to appeal to authority of the Divina Commedia started by Dante when he was 30. «A trent’anni si deve compiere o iniziare qualcosa di definitivo e fare i conti con la propria formazione» . For Rossi, the poet performs his authority not only in the text, but also in his will of setting out on a mystical journey and handing it down through an exact descriptive will. Rossi turns not only to the authority of poetry, but also evokes the authority of science with Max Plank and his Scientific Autobiography, published, in Italian translation, by Einaudi, 1956. Concerning Planck, Rossi resumes an element seemingly secondary in hit account where the German physicist «[...] risale alle scoperte della fisica moderna ritrovando l’impressione che gli fece l’enunciazione del principio di conservazione dell’energia; [...]» . It is again the act of describing that links Rossi to Planck, it is the description of a circularity, the one of conservation of energy, which endorses Rossi’s autobiographical speech looking for both happiness and death. Rossi seems to agree perfectly to the thought of Planck at the opening of his own autobiography: «The decision to devote myself to science was a direct consequence of a discovery which was never ceased to arouse my enthusiasm since my early youth: the laws of human thought coincide with the ones governing the sequences of the impressions we receive from the world surrounding us, so that the mere logic can enable us to penetrate into the latter one’s mechanism. It is essential that the outer world is something independent of man, something absolute. The search of the laws dealing with this absolute seems to me the highest scientific aim in life» . For Rossi the survey of his own life represents a way to change the events into experiences, to concentrate the emotion and group them in meaningful plots: «It seems, as one becomes older. / That the past has another pattern, and ceases to be a mere sequence [...]» Eliot wrote in Four Quartet, which are a meditation on time, old age and memory . And he goes on: «We had the experience but missed the meaning, / And approach to the meaning restores the experience / In a different form, beyond any meaning [...]» . Rossi restores in his autobiography – but not only in it – the most ancient sense of memory, aware that for at least 15 centuries the Latin word memoria was used to show the activity of bringing back images to mind: the psychology of memory, which starts with Aristotele (De Anima), used to consider such a faculty totally essential to mind. Keith Basso writes: «The thought materializes in the form of “images”» . Rossi knows well – as Aristotele said – that if you do not have a collection of mental images to remember – imagination – there is no thought at all. According to this psychological tradition, what today we conventionally call “memory” is but a way of imagining created by time. Rossi, entering consciously this stream of thought, passing through the Renaissance ars memoriae to reach us gives a great importance to the word and assumes it as a real place, much more than a recollection, even more than a production and an emotional elaboration of images.
This thesis work has been carried out during the Erasmus exchange period at the “Université Paris 6 – Pierre et Marie Curie”, in the “Edifices PolyMétalliques – EPOM” team, leaded by Prof. Anna Proust, belonging to the “Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire”, under the supervision of Dr. Guillaume Izzet and Dr. Geoffroy Guillemot. The redox properties of functionalized Keggin and Dawson POMs have been exploited in photochemical, catalytic and reactivity tests. For the photochemical purposes, the selected POMs have been functionalized with different photoactive FGs, and the resulting products have been characterized by CV analyses, luminescence tests and UV-Vis analyses. In future, these materials will be tested for hydrogen photoproduction and polymerization of photoactive films. For the catalytic purposes, POMs have been firstly functionalized with silanol moieties, to obtain original coordination sites, and then post-functionalized with TMs such as V, Ti and Zr in their highest oxidation states. In this way, the catalytic properties of TMs were coupled to the redox properties of POM frameworks. The redox behavior of some of these hybrids has been studied by spectro-electrochemical and EPR methods. Catalytic epoxidation tests have been carried out on allylic alcohols and n-olefins, employing different catalysts and variable amounts of them. The performances of POM-V hybrids have been compared to those of VO(iPrO)3. Finally, reactivity of POM-VIII hybrids has been studied, using styrene oxide and ethyl-2-diazoacetate as substrates. All the obtained products have been analyzed via NMR techniques. Cyclovoltammetric analyses have been carried out in order to determine the redox behavior of selected hybrids.
Saccular intracranial aneurysms are balloon-like dilations of the intracranial arterial wall; their hemorrhage commonly results in severe neurologic impairment and death. We report a second genome-wide association study with discovery and replication cohorts from Europe and Japan comprising 5,891 cases and 14,181 controls with approximately 832,000 genotyped and imputed SNPs across discovery cohorts. We identified three new loci showing strong evidence for association with intracranial aneurysms in the combined dataset, including intervals near RBBP8 on 18q11.2 (odds ratio (OR) = 1.22, P = 1.1 x 10(-12)), STARD13-KL on 13q13.1 (OR = 1.20, P = 2.5 x 10(-9)) and a gene-rich region on 10q24.32 (OR = 1.29, P = 1.2 x 10(-9)). We also confirmed prior associations near SOX17 (8q11.23-q12.1; OR = 1.28, P = 1.3 x 10(-12)) and CDKN2A-CDKN2B (9p21.3; OR = 1.31, P = 1.5 x 10(-22)). It is noteworthy that several putative risk genes play a role in cell-cycle progression, potentially affecting the proliferation and senescence of progenitor-cell populations that are responsible for vascular formation and repair.
Bauen und Sprechen sind der Zeit unterworfen. Wenn Zeit über sie hinweggegangen ist, werden sie zu Zeichen. Und die Gegenwart muss sich fragen, wie sie mit diesen Zeichen umgehen will: als Vorboten ihres eigenen Vergehens oder als Feinden ihrer momentanen Befindlichkeit. Bauten, die vorgeben, die Zeiten überdauern und der Ewigkeit nahe sein zu können, sind Verwirklichungen eines utopisch-neuzeitlichen Traumes. Alterslose Perfektion fasziniert, aber sie ist nicht der Inbegriff des Menschlichen. Menschen sind auf das Unfertige ausgelegt, es steht für Vergänglichkeit, aber auch für Heimat und Nähe. Das Vergängliche bewegt mehr als das immer-Gleiche; es kann im Geist neue Projekte erzeugen, neue und andere Bauten, keine Kopien der alten. Doch es muss nicht immer so kommen.
Propionibacterium acnes is a Gram-positive commensal bacterium thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. Although the ability of P. acnes in the initiation of pro-inflammatory responses is well documented, little is known about adaptive immune responses to this bacterium. The observation that infiltrating immune cells consist mainly of CD4(+) T cells in the perifollicular space of early acne lesions suggests that helper T cells may be involved in immune responses caused by the intra-follicular colonization of P. acnes. A recent report showing that P. acnes can induce IL-17 production by T cells suggests that acne might be a T helper type 17 (Th17)-mediated disease. In line with this, we show in this work that, in addition to IL-17A, both Th1 and Th17 effector cytokines, transcription factors, and chemokine receptors are strongly upregulated in acne lesions. Furthermore, we found that, in addition to Th17, P. acnes can promote mixed Th17/Th1 responses by inducing the concomitant secretion of IL-17A and IFN-γ from specific CD4(+) T cells in vitro. Finally, we show that both P. acnes-specific Th17 and Th17/Th1 cells can be found in the peripheral blood of patients suffering from acne and, at lower frequencies, in healthy individuals. We therefore identified P. acnes-responding Th17/Th1 cells as, to our knowledge, a previously unreported CD4(+) subpopulation involved in inflammatory acne.
"Montaigne oder die Funktion der Skepsis" (GS 4, S.236-194), veröffentlicht in: Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung VII, 1938, S.1-54, englische Fassung des Aufsatzes, Typoskript, 69 Blatt; Exzerpte: Montaigne im Urteil der Nachwelt, Typoskripte, 29 Blatt; handschriftliche Stichworte zu Montaigne, 10 Blatt; 2 Zeitungsausschnitte; Leihscheine der Columbia University Library für Bücher über Montaigne; "Die Juden und Europa" (GS 4, S.308-331), veröffentlicht in: Studies in Philosophy and Social Science VIII, 1939, S. 115-137, a) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 31 Blatt, b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen und handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 32 Blatt, c) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 27 Blatt, d) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, Teilstücke, 16 Blatt, e) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen und handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 20 Blatt, f) überholte Formulierungen, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 10 Blatt; Bemerkungen zum Verhältnis von Liberalismus und Antisemitismus, a) Typoskript, 4 Blatt, b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 9 Blatt (als Nachbemerkung zu: Ernst Engelberg: Exzerpt zu W. Frank und W. Grau), Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Exzerpte zu: Alvin Johnson, Honoré de Balzac, Guy de Maupassant, Paul Mahn, Marcel Proust, Anatole France, Marcel le Goff, Emile Zola, Typoskripte, 58 Blatt; Otto Kirchheimer: "Produktionswandel und Konzentrationstendenzen im Bankgewerbe", Typoskript, 2 Blatt; eigenhändige Adressennotiz, 1 Blatt; Otto Kirchheimer: "Reprivatisierungstendenzen des Faschismus", Typoskript mit eigenhändiger Ergänzung, 12 Blatt; Zeitungsausschnitte zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, 1938, 8 Blatt;