966 resultados para Prime OCR
Este libro está diseñado para apoyar a los estudiantes en el estudio y preparación de la asignatura economía doméstica para OCR nivel A2 de enseñanza secundaria. Los temas del libro son: introducción a la nutrición (concepto de nutrición, alimentación equilibrada, malnutrición), los nutrientes y la energía (las proteínas, las grasas, los hidratos de carbono, los minerales: calcio, potasio, sodio, las fuentes de energía), necesidades nutricionales y dietéticas de los diferentes grupos (niños, adolescentes, adultos, vegetarianos, mujeres embarazadas), propiedades de la comida, diseño, desarrollo y producción de nuevos productos.
Este libro está diseñado para apoyar a los estudiantes en el estudio y preparación de la asignatura economía doméstica para OCR y así conseguir el GCSE (Certificado General de Educación Secundaria. Los temas del libro son: principios de comida y nutrición, nutrición y salud (proteínas, grasas, hidratos de carbono, la importancia del agua y de la fibra en la dieta, la relación entre dieta y salud), los productos alimenticios (carne y pollo, pescado y marisco, cereales, frutas y vegetales), la planificación de las comidas (niños, adolescentes, gente que quiere perder peso, diabéticos), preparación y cocina de la comida, la seguridad alimentaria y la ley, la educación del consumidor.
Guía del profesor que da soporte al proceso de aprendizaje en clase y al libro de texto del nivel A2 de la especificación de OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations), enseñanza secundaria bachillerato, en el área de Geografía. Cubre las unidades F763 y F764 de la especificación. Contiene los siguientes temas: peligros medioambientales, ecosistemas y entornos en peligro, riesgos climatológicos, población y recursos, globalización, y desarrollo y desigualdades. Incluye comentarios a las respuestas de las preguntas tipo examen del libro de texto y hojas de trabajo para investigación.
Three experiments investigated the influence of implicit memory for familiar brand names on consumer choice. Priming was measured using modified preference judgment tasks that comprised both brand consideration and choice components. Experiment 1 used a 'complex choice task' where consideration and choice stages were characterized as acting in sequence. Experiment 2 explored a different formulation whereby consideration and choice were assumed to act in parallel, Both experiments demonstrated that priming had an influence on brand consideration but not on final or preferred choice. Finally, Experiment 3 replicated and extended these findings under more realistic conditions where participants actually received some of the products that they selected. Overall, the experiments suggested that for many decisions involving the consideration of familiar brands prior to choice, previous exposure to brand names can increase the likelihood that they will enter the consumers' consideration set. However, the advantage does not appear to extend to choice itself. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
We study generalised prime systems (both discrete and continuous) for which the `integer counting function' N(x) has the property that N(x) ¡ cx is periodic for some c > 0. We show that this is extremely rare. In particular, we show that the only such system for which N is continuous is the trivial system with N(x) ¡ cx constant, while if N has finitely many discontinuities per bounded interval, then N must be the counting function of the g-prime system containing the usual primes except for finitely many. Keywords and phrases: Generalised prime systems. I
Systematic climate shifts have been linked to multidecadal variability in observed sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic Ocean1. These links are extensive, influencing a range of climate processes such as hurricane activity2 and African Sahel3, 4, 5 and Amazonian5 droughts. The variability is distinct from historical global-mean temperature changes and is commonly attributed to natural ocean oscillations6, 7, 8, 9, 10. A number of studies have provided evidence that aerosols can influence long-term changes in sea surface temperatures11, 12, but climate models have so far failed to reproduce these interactions6, 9 and the role of aerosols in decadal variability remains unclear. Here we use a state-of-the-art Earth system climate model to show that aerosol emissions and periods of volcanic activity explain 76 per cent of the simulated multidecadal variance in detrended 1860–2005 North Atlantic sea surface temperatures. After 1950, simulated variability is within observational estimates; our estimates for 1910–1940 capture twice the warming of previous generation models but do not explain the entire observed trend. Other processes, such as ocean circulation, may also have contributed to variability in the early twentieth century. Mechanistically, we find that inclusion of aerosol–cloud microphysical effects, which were included in few previous multimodel ensembles, dominates the magnitude (80 per cent) and the spatial pattern of the total surface aerosol forcing in the North Atlantic. Our findings suggest that anthropogenic aerosol emissions influenced a range of societally important historical climate events such as peaks in hurricane activity and Sahel drought. Decadal-scale model predictions of regional Atlantic climate will probably be improved by incorporating aerosol–cloud microphysical interactions and estimates of future concentrations of aerosols, emissions of which are directly addressable by policy actions.
Evidence exists that both right and left hemisphere attentional mechanisms are mobilized when attention is directed to the right visual hemifield and only right hemisphere attentional mechanisms are mobilized when attention is directed to the left visual hemifield. This arrangement might lead to a rightward bias of automatic attention. The hypothesis was investigated by testing male volunteers, wherein a ""location discrimination"" reaction time task (Experiments 1 and 3) and a ""location and shape discrimination"" reaction time task (Experiments 2 and 4) were used. Unilateral (Experiments 1 and 2) and unilateral or bilateral (Experiments 3 and 4) peripheral visual prime stimuli were used to control attention. Reaction time to a small visual target stimulus in the same location or in the horizontally opposite location was evaluated. Stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) were 34, 50, 67, 83 and 100 ms. An important prime stimulus attentional effect was observed as early as 50 ms in the four experiments. In Experiments 2, 3 and 4, this effect was larger when the prime stimulus occurred in the right hemifield than when it occurred in the left hemifield for SOA 100 ms. In Experiment 4, when the prime stimulus occurred simultaneously in both hemifields, reaction time was faster for the right hemifield and for SOA 100 ms. These results indicate that automatic attention tends to favor the right side of space, particularly when identification of the target stimulus shape is required. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we study the Reidemeister spectrum for metabelian groups of the form Q(n) x Z and Z[1/p](n) x Z. Particular attention is given to the R(infinity)-property of a subfamily of these groups.