988 resultados para Pressure films


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The main purpose of this work is to present and to interpret the change of structure and physical properties of tantalum oxynitride (TaNxOy) thin films, produced by dc reactive magnetron sputtering, by varying the processing parameters. A set of TaNxOy films was prepared by varying the reactive gases flow rate, using a N2/O2 gas mixture with a concentration ratio of 17:3. The different films, obtained by this process, exhibited significant differences. The obtained composition and the interpretation of X-ray diffraction results, shows that, depending on the partial pressure of the reactive gases, the films are: essentially dark grey metallic, when the atomic ratio (N + O)/Ta < 0.1, evidencing a tetragonal β-Ta structure; grey-brownish, when 0.1 < (N + O)/Ta < 1, exhibiting a face-centred cubic (fcc) TaN-like structure; and transparent oxide-type, when (N + O)/Ta > 1, evidencing the existence of Ta2O5, but with an amorphous structure. These transparent films exhibit refractive indexes, in the visible region, always higher than 2.0. The wear resistance of the films is relatively good. The best behaviour was obtained for the films with (N + O)/Ta ≈ 0.5 and (N + O)/Ta ≈ 1.3.


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Perovskite manganite compounds, Lai-xDxMnOs (D-divalent alkaline earth Ca, Sr or Ba), whose electrical and magnetic properties were first investigated nearly a half century ago, have attracted a great deal of attention due to their rich phase diagram. From the point of view of designing a future application, the strong pressure dependence of the resistivity and the accompanying effects in thin films have potential for application in pressure sensing and electronic devices. In this study we report our experimental investigations of pressure dependence of the resistivity of Lao.siSvo^iQMnOs and Lai-xSvxMnOs (LSMO) epitaxial films with x= 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, on SrTiOs substrates.


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Durant les dernières décennies, la technique Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) s’est beaucoup développée dans l’approche « bottom-up » pour la création de couches ultra minces nanostructurées. Des patrons constitués de stries parallèles d’environ 100 à 200 nm de largeur ont été générés avec la technique de déposition LB de monocouches mixtes de 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) et de 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) sur des substrats de silicium et de mica. Afin d’amplifier la fonctionnalité de ces patrons, la 1-palmitoyl-2-(16-(S-methyldithio)hexadécanoyl)-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSDPPC) et la 1-lauroyl-2-(12-(S-methyldithio)dodédecanoyl)-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSDLPC) ont été employées pour la préparation de monocouches chimiquement hétérogènes. Ces analogues de phospholipide possèdent un groupement fonctionnel méthyldisulfide qui est attaché à la fin de l’une des chaînes alkyles. Une étude exhaustive sur la structure de la phase des monocouches Langmuir, Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) et LB de la DSDPPC et de la DSDLPC et leurs différents mélanges avec la DPPC ou la DLPC est présentée dans cette thèse. Tout d’abord, un contrôle limité de la périodicité et de la taille des motifs des stries parallèles de DPPC/DLPC a été obtenu en variant la composition lipidique, la pression de surface et la vitesse de déposition. Dans un mélange binaire de fraction molaire plus grande de lipide condensé que de lipide étendu, une vitesse de déposition plus lente et une plus basse pression de surface ont généré des stries plus continues et larges. L’addition d’un tensioactif, le cholestérol, au mélange binaire équimolaire de la DPPC/DLPC a permis la formation de stries parallèles à de plus hautes pressions de surface. La caractérisation des propriétés physiques des analogues de phospholipides a été nécessaire. La température de transition de phase de la DSDPPC de 44.5 ± 1.5 °C comparativement à 41.5 ± 0.3 °C pour la DPPC. L’isotherme de la DSDPPC est semblable à celui de la DPPC. La monocouche subit une transition de phase liquide-étendue-à-condensée (LE-C) à une pression de surface légèrement supérieure à celle de la DPPC (6 mN m-1 vs. 4 mN m-1) Tout comme la DLPC, la DSDLPC demeure dans la phase LE jusqu’à la rupture de la monocouche. Ces analogues de phospholipide existent dans un état plus étendu tout au long de la compression de la monocouche et montrent des pressions de surface de rupture plus basses que les phospholipides non-modifiés. La morphologie des domaines de monocouches Langmuir de la DPPC et de la DSDPPC à l’interface eau/air a été comparée par la microscopie à angle de Brewster (BAM). La DPPC forme une monocouche homogène à une pression de surface (π) > 10 mN/m, alors que des domaines en forme de fleurs sont formés dans la monocouche de DSDPPC jusqu’à une π ~ 30 mN m-1. La caractérisation de monocouches sur substrat solide a permis de démontrer que le patron de stries parallèles préalablement obtenu avec la DPPC/DLPC était reproduit en utilisant des mélanges de la DSDPPC/DLPC ou de la DPPC/DSDLPC donnant ainsi lieu à des patrons chimiquement hétérogènes. En général, pour obtenir le même état de phase que la DPPC, la monocouche de DSDPPC doit être comprimée à de plus hautes pressions de surface. Le groupement disulfide de ces analogues de phospholipide a été exploité, afin de (i) former des monocouches auto-assemblées sur l’or et de (ii) démontrer la métallisation sélective des terminaisons fonctionnalisées des stries. La spectrométrie de photoélectrons induits par rayons X (XPS) a confirmé que la monocouche modifiée réagit avec la vapeur d’or pour former des thiolates d’or. L’adsorption de l’Au, de l’Ag et du Cu thermiquement évaporé démontre une adsorption préférentielle de la vapeur de métal sur la phase fonctionnalisée de disulfide seulement à des recouvrements sub-monocouche.


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L'auto-assemblage des copolymères à bloc (CPBs) attire beaucoup d'intérêt grâce à leur capacité de générer spontanément des matériaux ordonnés avec des propriétés uniques. Les techniques Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) et Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) sont couramment utilisées pour produire des monocouches ou des films ultraminces à l'interface air/eau suivi de transfert aux substrats solides. Les films LB/LS de CPBs amphiphiles s'auto-assemblent dans des morphologies variables dépendamment de la composition du CPB ainsi que d'autres facteurs. Dans notre travail, nous avons étudié les films LB/LS de polystyrène-b-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) et leurs complexes supramoléculaires avec le naphtol (NOH), l'acide naphtoïque (NCOOH) et le 3-n-pentadécylphenol (PDP). La première partie de ce mémoire est consacré à l'investigation du PS-P4VP complexé avec le NOH et le NCOOH, en comparaison avec le PS-P4VP seul. Il a été démontré qu'un plateau dans l'isotherme de Langmuir, indicatif d'une transition de premier ordre, est absent à des concentrations élevées des solutions d'étalement des complexes. Cela a été corrélé avec l'absence de morphologie en nodules avec un ordre 2D hexagonal à basse pression de surface. L'ordre au-delà de la pression de cette transition, lorsque présente, change à un ordre 2D carré pour tout les systèmes. La deuxième partie du la mémoire considère à nouveau le système PS-P4VP/ PDP, pour lequel on a démontré antérieurement que la transition dans l'isotherme correspond a une transition 2D d'un ordre hexagonal à un ordre carré. Cela est confirmé par microscopie à force atomique, et, ensuite, on a procédé à une étude par ATR-IR des films LB pour mieux comprendre les changements au niveau moléculaire qui accompagnent cette transition. Il a été constaté que, contrairement à une étude antérieure dans la littérature sur un autre système, il n'y a aucun changement dans l'orientation des chaînes alkyles. Au lieu de cela, on a découvert que, aux pressions au-delà de celle de la transition, le groupe pyridine, qui est orienté à basse pression, devient isotrope et qu'il y a une augmentation des liaisons hydrogènes phénol-pyridine. Ces observations sont rationalisées par un collapse partiel à la pression de transition de la monocouche P4VP, qui à basse pression est ordonné au niveau moléculaire. Cette étude a mené à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires qui se produisent à l'interface air/eau, ce qui fournit une meilleure base pour la poursuite des applications possibles des films LB/LS dans les domaines de nanotechnologie.


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ZnGa2O4 spinel is a promising new UV transparent electronic conductor. Enhancing the electrical conductivity of this potential oxide phosphor can make it a promising transparent conducting oxide. In this paper, we have investigated the effects of processing and doping on the conductivity of semiconducting ZnGa2O4, particularly thin films. Crystalline zinc gallate thin films have been deposited on fused quartz substrates employing the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique at room temperature for an oxygen partial pressure of 0.1 Pa (0.001mbar). The films were found to be UV transparent, the band gap of which shifted to 4.75eV on hydrogen annealing. The band gap of the oxygen stoichiometric bulk powder samples (4.55eV) determined from diffuse reflection spectrum (DRS) shifted to 4.81eV on reduction in a hydrogen atmosphere. The electrical conductivity improved when Sn was incorporated into the ZnGa2O4 spinel. The conductivity of ZnGa2O4:Sn thin films was further improved on reduction.


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Structural, electronic, and optical properties of amorphous and transparent zinc tin oxide films deposited on glass substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) were examined for two chemical compositions of Zn:Sn=1:1 and 2:1 as a function of oxygen partial pressure PO2 used for the film deposition and annealing temperature. Different from a previous report on sputter-deposited films Chiang et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 013503 2005 , the PLD-deposited films crystallized at a lower temperature 450 °C to give crystalline ZnO and SnO2 phases. The optical band gaps Tauc gaps were 2.80−2.85 eV and almost independent of oxygen PO2 , which are smaller than those of the corresponding crystals 3.35−3.89 eV . Films deposited at low PO2 showed significant subgap absorptions, which were reduced by postthermal annealing. Hall mobility showed steep increases when carrier concentration exceeded threshold values and the threshold value depended on the film chemical composition. The films deposited at low PO2 2 Pa had low carrier concentrations. It is thought that the low PO2 produced high-density oxygen deficiencies and generated electrons, but these electrons were trapped in localized states, which would be observed as the subgap absorptions. Similar effects were observed for 600 °C crystallized films and their resistivities were increased by formation of subgap states due to the reducing high-temperature condition. High carrier concentrations and large mobilities were obtained in an intermediate PO2 region for the as-deposited films.


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Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films were deposited on quartz, silicon, and polymer substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique at different oxygen partial pressures (0.007 mbar to 0.003 mbar). Polycrystalline ZnO films were obtained at room temperature when the oxygen pressure was between 0.003 mbar and .007 mbar, above and below this pressure the films were amorphous as indicated by the X-ray diffraction (XRD). ZnO films were deposited on Al2O3 (0001) at different substrate temperatures varying from 400oC to 600oC and full width half maximum (FWHM) of XRD peak is observed to decrease as substrate temperature increases. The optical band gaps of these films were nearly 3.3 eV. A cylindrical Langmuir probe is used for the investigation of plasma plume arising from the ZnO target. The spatial and temporal variations in electron density and electron temperature are studied. Optical emission spectroscopy is used to identify the different ionic species in the plume. Strong emission lines of neutral Zn, Zn+ and neutral oxygen are observed. No electronically excited O+ cations are identified, which is in agreement with previous studies of ZnO plasma plume.


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Photoconductivity (PC) processes may be the most suitable technique for obtaining information about the states in the gap. It finds applications in photovoItaics, photo detection and radiation measurements. The main task in the area of photovoltaics, is to increase the efficiency of the device and also to develop new materials with good optoelectronic properties useful for energy conversion, keeping the idea of cost effectiveness. Photoconduction includes generation and recombination of carriers and their transport to the electrodes. So thermal relaxation process, charge carrier statistics, effects of electrodes and several mechanisms of recombination are involved in photoconductivity.A major effect of trapping is to make the experimentally observed decay time of photocurrent, longer than carrier lifetime. If no trapping centers are present, then observed photocurrent will decay in the same way as the density of free carriers and the observed decay time will be equal to carrier lifetime. If the density of free carriers is much less than density of trapped carriers, the entire decay of photocurrent is effectively dominated by the rate of trap emptying rather than by the rate of recombination.In the present study, the decay time of carriers was measured using photoconductive decay (PCD) technique. For the measurements, the film was loaded in a liquid Helium cryostat and the temperature was controlled using Lakshore Auto tuning temperature controller (Model 321). White light was used to illuminate the required area of the sample. Heat radiation from the light source was avoided by passing the light beam through a water filter. The decay current. after switching off the illumination. was measured using a Kiethely 2000 multi meter. Sets of PCD measurements were taken varying sample temperature, sample preparation temperature, thickness of the film, partial pressure of Oxygen and concentration of a particular element in a compound. Decay times were calculated using the rate window technique, which is a decay sampling technique particularly suited to computerized analysis. For PCD curves with two well-defined regions, two windows were chosen, one at the fast decay region and the other at the slow decay region. The curves in a particular window were exponentially fitted using Microsoft Excel 2000 programme. These decay times were plotted against sample temperature and sample preparation temperature to study the effect of various defects in the film. These studies were done in order to optimize conditions of preparation technique so as to get good photosensitive samples. useful for photovoltaic applications.Materials selected for the study were CdS, In2Se3, CuIn2Se3 and CuInS2• Photoconductivity studies done on these samples are organised in six chapters including introduction and conclusion.


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This work mainly concentrate to understand the optical and electrical properties of amorphous zinc tin oxide and amorphous zinc indium tin oxide thin films for TFT applications. Amorphous materials are promising in achieving better device performance on temperature sensitive substrates compared to polycrystalline materials. Most of these amorphous oxides are multicomponent and as such there exists the need for an optimized chemical composition. For this we have to make individual targets with required chemical composition to use it in conventional thin film deposition techniques like PLD and sputtering. Instead, if we use separate targets for each of the cationic element and if separately control the power during the simultaneous sputtering process, then we can change the chemical composition by simply adjusting the sputtering power. This is what is done in co-sputtering technique. Eventhough there had some reports about thin film deposition using this technique, there was no reports about the use of this technique in TFT fabrication until very recent time. Hence in this work, co-sputtering has performed as a major technique for thin film deposition and TFT fabrication. PLD were also performed as it is a relatively new technique and allows the use high oxygen pressure during deposition. This helps to control the carrier density in the channel and also favours the smooth film surface. Both these properties are crucial in TFT.Zinc tin oxide material is interesting in the sense that it does not contain costly indium. Eventhough some works were already reported in ZTO based TFTs, there was no systematic study about ZTO thin film's various optoelectronic properties from a TFT manufacturing perspective. Attempts have made to analyse the ZTO films prepared by PLD and co-sputtering. As more type of cations present in the film, chances are high to form an amorphous phase. Zinc indium tin oxide is studied as a multicomponent oxide material suitable for TFT fabrication.


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A comparative study of LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films grown on SrTiO3 substrates is reported. It is shown that these films grow epitaxially in a narrow pressure-temperature range. A detailed structural and compositional characterization of the films is performed within the growth window. The structure and the magnetization of this system are investigated. We find a clear correlation between the magnetization and the unit-cell volume that we ascribe to Bi deficiency and the resultant introduction of a mixed valence on the Mn ions. On these grounds, we show that the reduced magnetization of LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films compared to the bulk can be explained quantitatively by a simple model, taking into account the deviation from nominal composition and the Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules of magnetic interactions.


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LiCoO₂thin films have been grown by pulsed laser deposition on stainless steel and SiO₂/Si substrates. The film deposited at 600°C in an oxygen partial pressure of 100mTorr shows an excellent crystallinity, stoichiometry and no impurity phase present. Microstructure and surface morphology of thin films were examined using a scanning electron microscope. The electrochemical properties of the thin films were studied with cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge techniques in the potential range 3.0-4.2 V. The initial discharge capacity of the LiCoO2 thin films deposited on the stainless steel and SiO₂/Si substrates reached 23 and 27 µAh/cm², respectively.


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The aim of this work was to study the effects of drying methods and conditions (i.e., ambient drying, hot air drying at 40 degrees C, vacuum drying and low-pressure superheated steam drying within the temperature range of 70-90 degrees C at an absolute pressure of 10 kPa) as well as the concentration of galangal extract on the antimicrobial activity of edible chitosan films against Staphylococcus aureus. Galangal extract was added to the film forming solution as a natural antimicrobial agent in the concentration range of 0.3-0.9 g/100 g. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra and swelling of the films were also evaluated to investigate interaction between chitosan and the galangal extract. The antimicrobial activity of the films was evaluated by the disc diffusion and viable cell count method, while the morphology of bacteria treated with the antimicrobial films was observed via transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The antimicrobial activity, swelling and functional group interaction of the antimicrobial films were found to be affected by the drying methods and conditions as well as the concentration of the galangal extract. The electron microscopic observations revealed that cell wall and cell membrane of S. aureus treated by the antimicrobial films were significantly damaged. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The polysaccharide chitosan has been largely used in many biological applications as a fat and cholesterol reducer, bactericide agent, and wound healing material. While the efficacy for some of such uses is proven, little is known about the molecular-level interactions involved in these applications. In this study, we employ mixed Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of negatively charged dimyristoyl phosphatidic acid (DMPA) anti cholesterol as cell membrane models to investigate the role of cholesterol in the molecular-level action of chitosan. Chitosan does not remove cholesterol froth the monolayer. The interaction with chitosan tends to expand the DMPA monolayer due to its interpenetration within the film. On the other hand, cholesterol induces condensation of the DMPA monolayer. The competing effects cause the surface pressure isotherms of mixed DMPA-cholesterol films on a chitosan subphase to be unaffected by the cholesterol mole fraction, due to distinct degrees of chitosan penetration into the film in the presence of cholesterol. By combining polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) and sum-frequency generation spectroscopy (SFG), we showed that chitosan induces order into negatively charged phospholipid layers, whereas the opposite occurs for cholesterol. In conclusion, chitosan has its penetration in the film modulated by cholesterol, and electrostatic interactions with negatively charged phospholipids, such as DMPA, are crucial for the action of chitosan.


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Enzyme immobilization in nanostructured films may be useful for a number of biomimetic systems, particularly if suitable matrixes are identified. Here we show that alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) has high affinity toward a negatively charged phospholipid, dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA), which forms a Langmuir monolayer at an air-water interface. Incorporation of ADH into the DMPA monolayer was monitored with Surface pressure measurements; and polarization-modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy, with the alpha-helices from ADH being mainly oriented parallel to the water surface. ADH remained at the interface even at high surface pressures, thus allowing deposition of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films from the DMPA-ADH film. Indeed, interaction with DMPA enhances the transfer of ADH, where the mass transferred onto a solid support increased from 134 ng for ADH on a Gibbs monolayer to 178 ng for an LB film with DMPA. With fluorescence spectroscopy it was possible to confirm that the ADH structure was preserved even after one month of the LB deposition. ADH-containing films deposited onto gold-interdigitated electrodes were employed in a sensor array capable of detecting ethanol at concentrations down to 10 ppb (in volume), using impedance spectroscopy as the method of detection.


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Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films from diazobenzene Sudan III have been investigated using surface potential measurements as a function of number of layers and deposition pressures, with the surface potential data being related to molecular dipole moments obtained from theoretical electronic structure calculations. The surface potential increased with the number of layers for SIII LB films, and then tended to saturate. Results from density functional theory (DIFT) and UV-vis spectroscopy indicated that the increase is due to addition of layers with oriented molecular dipoles, with the saturation tendency being attributed to a decrease in the amount of material deposited in each layer. The surface potential increased with the surface pressure used for deposition, probably owing to a higher contribution from the vertical component of the dipole moment as a closer molecular packing, which is associated with decreasing conformational entropy, was reached. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.