816 resultados para Positive Coping
We study the existence and multiplicity of positive radial solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the Minkowski-curvature equation { -div(del upsilon/root 1-vertical bar del upsilon vertical bar(2)) in B-R, upsilon=0 on partial derivative B-R,B- where B-R is a ball in R-N (N >= 2). According to the behaviour off = f (r, s) near s = 0, we prove the existence of either one, two or three positive solutions. All results are obtained by reduction to an equivalent non-singular one-dimensional problem, to which variational methods can be applied in a standard way.
The determination of anti-HBs as a screening test before vaccination has been advisable in order to encounter immune individuals that don't need to receive vaccine protection. A case-report is presented and three other cases are reviewed from the literature. Anti-HBs was positive in these health-care personnels that developped typical acute B hepatitis. Different subtyping involving the d/y determinants were found in the first case, but false-positive anti-HBs even with high titres, determined by RIA, were found in the other cases. Concomitant determination of anti-HBc or absence of screening tests seem to be more reasonable policies until a low-cost and risk-free vaccine is produced.
Of 21 human fecal strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, isolated on the Northeast Coast of Brazil, eight (38%) were urease positive. Most of these strains, in contrast to the urease-negative ones, did not produce the hemolysin responsible for the Kanagawa phenomenon.
Introdução: Esta investigação, denominada de Burnout e Coping nos enfermeiros foi desenvolvida na área de Pediatria, Oncologia e Psiquiatria em contexto de Mestrado de Saúde Mental na Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Sendo eu enfermeira a exercer funções na área de saúde mental pareceu-me interessante investir na temática do burnout, e mais especificamente nos enfermeiros, por ser a classe profissional à qual pertenço, as áreas escolhidas para este estudo foram-no pelo conhecimento da expressão manifesta de colegas a exercerem nessas áreas, facto esse confirmado pela literatura existente de Cristina Maslach. De forma a perceber a complexidade da temática introduziram-se as variáveis do apoio social e as estratégias de resolução de problemas. Apesar dos diversos estudos realizados na problemática do burnout, no entanto é ainda difícil definir a influência de algumas variáveis intervenientes neste síndroma e a forma como lidar e prevenir esta situação apresenta-se algo limitada. Esta tese foi organizada em três partes, uma primeira para o enquadramento teórico, na segunda apresenta-se a metodologia utilizada nesta investigação e a terceira é constituída pelos resultados, conclusões e discussão. No enquadramento teórico são desenvolvidos três temas intervenientes nesta investigação: o burnout, o apoio social e o coping, sendo o burnout apresentado de uma forma mais aprofundada visto ser o pilar deste estudo. Na secção da metodologia é apresentado o problema da investigação, nas suas diferentes vertentes, justificação, objectivos e hipóteses; são descritas também as características da população, as variáveis da investigação, os instrumentos de análise, o procedimento de recolha dos dados e os aspectos éticos. A terceira parte é constituída pela apresentação dos resultados: a caracterização da amostra, as características psicométricas dos instrumentos de avaliação e os dados descritivos dos mesmos, a análise entre as variáveis de estudo e o estudo das hipóteses.
Detection of HBV-DNA by PCR was compared with other serological markers (HBsAg, HBeAg and anti-HBe) in a series of49 Chronic Hepatitis B patients, including 12 with a spontaneous clearance of HBsAg. None of these HBsAg negative cases were PCR positive, but 33/37 (89.2%) HBsAg positive cases were PCR positive (p < 0.0001). Among HBsAg positive samples, nine cases were HBeAg positive and anti-HBe negative, all of them PCR positive. Other 3 patients were HBeAg and anti-HBe positive and these cases were also found PCR positive. A third group included 21 patients anti-HBe positive and HBeAg negative: 19 of them were PCR positive and 2 were PCR negative. The last 4 cases were HBeAg and anti-HBe negative, two of them were PCR positive. The detection of anti-HBe viremic cases in the present series suggest that preC variants could occur in our country. In conclusion, the integrated phase o f chronic hepatitis B seems to be less frequent than it was assumed, when only HBeAg or dot blot hybridization techniques were used. The new term "low replication phase" might favorably replace the former "integrated phase".
After the diagnosis of two cases of microsporidial intestinal infection in 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, we have started looking for this parasite in HIV-infected patients with chronic unexplained diarrhea. We have studied 13 patients from Hospital Evandro Chagas, IOC-FIOCRUZ. Fecal specimens from these patients were examined for the presence of Cryptosporidia and Microsporidia, in addition to routine examination. Spores of Microsporidia were found in the stools of 6 (46.1%) of the 13 patients studied, with 2 histological jejunal confirmations. The Microsporidia-infected patients presented chronic diarrhea with about 6 loose to watery bowel movements a day. Five infected patients were treated with Metronidazole (1.5 g/day). They initially showed a good clinical response, but they never stopped eliminating spores. After about the 4th week of therapy, their diarrhea returned. Two patients utilized Albendazole (400 mg/day-4 weeks) with a similar initial improvement and recurrence of the diarrhea. Intestinal Microsporidiosis seems to be a marker of advanced stages of AIDS, since 5 of our 6 infected patients were dead after a 6 month period of follow-up. The present study indicates that intestinal microsporidiosis may be a burgeoning problem in HIV-infected patients with chronic diarrhea in Brazil, which deserves further investigation.
The evolution of multiple antibiotic resistance is an increasing global problem. Resistance mutations are known to impair fitness, and the evolution of resistance to multiple drugs depends both on their costs individually and on how they interact-epistasis. Information on the level of epistasis between antibiotic resistance mutations is of key importance to understanding epistasis amongst deleterious alleles, a key theoretical question, and to improving public health measures. Here we show that in an antibiotic-free environment the cost of multiple resistance is smaller than expected, a signature of pervasive positive epistasis among alleles that confer resistance to antibiotics. Competition assays reveal that the cost of resistance to a given antibiotic is dependent on the presence of resistance alleles for other antibiotics. Surprisingly we find that a significant fraction of resistant mutations can be beneficial in certain resistant genetic backgrounds, that some double resistances entail no measurable cost, and that some allelic combinations are hotspots for rapid compensation. These results provide additional insight as to why multi-resistant bacteria are so prevalent and reveal an extra layer of complexity on epistatic patterns previously unrecognized, since it is hidden in genome-wide studies of genetic interactions using gene knockouts.
Introdução – A adaptação ao ensino superior reveste-se de experiências académicas que podem constituir fonte de stress para os estudantes. A implementação de novos modelos pedagógicos, no âmbito do processo de Bolonha, introduz novas variáveis cujo impacto, designadamente em termos de saúde, importa conhecer. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as associações entre modelo pedagógico (Problem Based Learning – PBL vs. modelos próximos do tradicional) e variáveis psicológicas (coping, desregulação emocional, sintomas psicossomáticos, perceção de stress e afeto). Metodologia – O estudo tem um design transversal. Foram usados os seguintes questionários online: Brief-COPE, Escala de Dificuldades de Regulação Emocional, Questionário de Manifestações Físicas de Mal-Estar, Escala de Stress Percebido e Escala de Afeto Positivo e Negativo. A amostra é constituída por 183 estudantes do primeiro ano (84% do género feminino) de cursos da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto – Instituto Politécnico do Porto (ESTSP-IPP). Resultados – Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre as variáveis demográficas e psicológicas. Considerando diferentes modelos pedagógicos, foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas variáveis psicológicas. Os principais preditores de stress na amostra foram: ser mulher, frequentar uma licenciatura no modelo PBL, ter maiores índices de desregulação emocional, apresentar mais sintomas psicossomáticos, menos afeto positivo e mais afeto negativo. Conclusão – As diferenças encontradas entre modelos pedagógicos são discutidas, possibilitando a reflexão sobre as implicações práticas e sugestões para futuras investigações.
Active infection by T. gondii was evaluated by immunoassay for soluble SAG-1 (p30), the major surface antigen from T. gondii, specific antibodies and immune complexes in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. A total of 263 samples of CSF were collected from hospitalized patients presenting neurological disorders and analyzed for antibodies to HIV. Patients were divided into two groups: HIV positive (n = 96) or HIV negative (n =167). The results of the assays showed that 45% of all samples were positive for soluble SAG-1. Toxoplasma Ag/Ab immune complexes were detected in 19% of the CSF samples and 62% were positive for T. gondii- specific IgG. A combination of these assays in the presence of clinical findings consistent with active Toxoplasma infection may predict the presence of toxoplasmic encephalitis. Moreover, detection of soluble SAG-1 in the CSF of these individuals appears consistent with active infection.
Between 1992 and 1997, 790 blood donors with anti-HCV EIA-2 strongly reagent (relationship between the sample optical density/cut-off > 3) detected at the blood bank serological screening, were evaluated in ambulatory environment. They were all negative for Chagas disease, syphilis, hepatitis B (HBsAg) and AIDS. Blood samples were collected at the first ambulatorial evaluation, for hemogram, biochemical tests and new serological tests for HCV (anti-HCV EIA-2). In blood samples of 226 repeatedly reagent anti-HCV EIA-2 blood donors, supplementary "immunoblot" test for HCV (RIBA-2) was used. In 209 donors, the presence of HCV-RNA was investigated by the PCR test. The abdominal ultrasonography was realized in 366 donors. In 269 patients liver biopsy was performed for the histopathological study. The follow-up of blood donors showed that 95.6% were repeatedly EIA-2 reagent, 94% were symptomless and denied any hepatitis history, with only 2% mentioning previous jaundice. In 47% of this population at least one risk factor has been detected for the HCV transmission, the use of intravenous drugs being the main one (27.8%). Blood transfusion was the second factor for HCV transmission (27.2%). Hepatomegaly was detected in 54% of the cases. Splenomegaly and signs of portal hypertension have seldom been found in the physical examination, indicating a low degree of hepatic compromising in HCV. Abdominal ultrasound showed alterations in 65% of the subjects, being the steatosis the most frequent (50%). In 83.5% of the donors submitted to the liver biopsy, the histopathological exam showed the presence of chronic hepatitis, usually classified as active (89%) with mild or moderate grade in most of the cases (99.5%). The histopathological exam of the liver was normal in 1.5% of blood donors. The RIBA-2 test and the HCV-RNA investigation by PCR were positive in respectively 91.6 and 75% of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors. The HCV-RNA research was positive in 82% of the RIBA-2 positive subjects, in 37.5% of the indeterminate RIBA-2 donors and in 9% of the negative RIBA-2 donors. Chronic hepatitis has also been observed in 50% of the histopathological exams of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors which were indeterminate RIBA-2. Among 18 blood donors with minimal changes histopathological exam 11 (61%) were HCV-RNA positive. Our blood donors anti-HCV reagent generally had clinical, laboratorial and histopathological features observed in patients with chronic HCV hepatitis and a high proportion could be identified in interviews and medical evaluation realized in blood blanks. Generally, these HCV infected donors are identified and discharged only by the serological tests results.
Comunicação apresentada na CAPSI 2011 - 11ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação – A Gestão de Informação na era da Cloud Computing, Lisboa, ISEG/IUL-ISCTE/, 19 a 21 de Outubro de 2011.
Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis, or Kikuchi's lymphadenitis (KL), is an unusual form of lymphadenitis, generally with self-limited clinical course. KL has been reported in rare patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Pathogenesis of the lesion is probably related to an impaired immune function. The purpose of the present article is to report on one case in which KL was diagnosed in an HIV-infected patient. Histomorphology and immunophenotype were similar to previous reports, but a focus of activated CD30+ macrophages was seen, what might be due to the immunological status of the patient. EBV was not detected on the sections using the in situ hybridization technique. Although rare, the occurrence of KL in HIV-infected subjects must be emphasized, because of the potential misdiagnosis of malignancy, especially in the presence of CD30+ cells.