976 resultados para Pneumonia necrotizante
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A pneumonia e a bronquiolite na infância são as principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade no mundo, sendo o Vírus Respiratório Sincicial Humano (VSRH) o principal agente viral. O VSRH está associado a surtos anuais de doenças respiratórias, onde a co-infecção bacteriana tem sido relatada. Este foi o primeiro estudo do VRSH em crianças hospitalizadas com Pneumonia Adquirida na Comunidade (PAC) em Belém, Pará (Norte do Brasil), que teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência da infecção pelo VSRH e avaliar as características clínicas e epidemiológicas dos pacientes. Métodos. Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo em oito hospitais no período de novembro de 2006 a outubro de 2007. Foram testadas 1.050 amostras de aspirado nasofaríngeo para o VRSH, obtidas de crianças hospitalizadas com até três anos de idade com diagnóstico de PAC, pelo método da imunofluorescência direta e da reação em cadeia por polimerase após transcrição reversa (RT-PCR) para identificação do subtipo viral. Foram obtidos resultados da dosagem de proteína C-reativa (PCR) e da cultura bacteriana. Resultados. A infecção pelo VSRH foi diagnosticada em 243 (23,1%) crianças. A idade média do grupo VRSH-positivo foi menor do que a do grupo VRSH-negativo (12,1 meses versus (vs) 15,5 meses, ambos com variância de 1-36 meses, p<0,001), enquanto que a distribuição por genero foi similar. O grupo VRSH-positivo apresentou menor dosagem (PCR) quando comparados ao grupo VRSH-negativo (15,3 vs 24.0 mg/dL, p<0,05). Os achados radiológicos confirmaram que 54,2% do grupo VRSH-positivo e 50,3% do grupo VRSH-negativo apresentavam infiltrado intersticial. A infecção bacteriana foi identificada predominantemente no grupo VRSH-positivo (10% vs 4,5%, p<0,05). Rinorréia e obstrução nasal foram predominantemente observadas no grupo VRSH-positivo. A co-circulação dos subtipos A e B foi observada, com predominância do subtipo B (209/227). A análise multivariada revelou que a idade de 1 ano (p<0,015), os níveis de PCR inferior a 48 mg/dL (p<0,001) e a co-infecção bacteriana (p<0,032) foram independentemente associados com a presença do VRSH em oposição ao grupo VRSH-negativo, e na análise dos sintomas, a obstrução nasal foi independentemente associada com o grupo VRSH-positivo (p<0,001). Conclusão. O presente estudo destaca a relevância da infecção por VSRH em casos hospitalizados de PAC em nossa região; nossos resultados justificam a realização de investigações adicionais que possam ajudar a elaborar estratégias para o controle da doença.
A pneumonia associada a ventilação mecânica é a infecção hospitalar mais comum em pacientes de unidade de terapia intensiva. Estratégias de prevenção podem ser mais bem elaboradas com o conhecimento dos fatores de risco para esta infecção. Com o objetivo principal de identificar fatores associados com maior risco de desenvolvimento de pneumonia em pacientes que recebem ventilação mecânica, foi realizado estudo retrospectivo, caso controle, não pareado, em uma unidade de terapia intensiva, clínico-cirúrgica, de um hospital universitário na cidade de Belém do Pará, Brasil. O período de estudo foi de 19 meses (janeiro de 2003 a julho de 2004). Os critérios de definição foram adaptados a partir dos critérios dos Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention. Foram avaliadas características demográficas, procedimentos invasivos, morbidades associadas e variáveis dependentes de tempo (ventilação mecânica, nutrição, exposição a drogas), entre outros fatores, em 27 casos e 27 controles. A pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica teve uma taxa bruta e incidência por 1000 ventiladores/dia de 10,6% e 12,3 episódios, respectivamente. O tempo médio de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva dos pacientes foi de 34,2 ± 27,7 dias, enquanto dos controles foi de 15,4 ± 13,6 dias (p=0,003). O tempo médio para início da pneumonia foi de 14,29 ± 9,16 dias. A taxa global de mortalidade foi similar nos dois grupos (OR=1,60; p=0,576). A análise univariada demonstrou que medicamentos administrados em aerossóis (OR=4,75; p=0,01) e uso de curares (OR=8,61; p=0,003) estiveram associados a um maior risco de desenvolvimento da infecção. Conclui-se que a pneumonia associada a ventilação mecânica esteve associada ao uso de curares e aerossóis, sendo que medidas preventivas poderiam ser direcionadas a estes fatores por serem eles, potencialmente modificáveis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare dermatopathy that promotes subcutaneous tissue damage, associated to substantial morbidity and mortality if treatment is not initiated at the beginning of the condition. The objective of the present study is to report the occurrence of two cases of necrotizing fasciitis, one in a miniature female Pinscher and the other one in a female Poodle, both attended at the Veterinary Hospital of FMVZ/Unesp-Botucatu. The animals presented ulcerated, erythematous lesions with secretion and points of necrosis along fascial planes. Bacterial culture was positive for Streptococcus spp. The animals were treated with enrofloxacin, associated to topical cleaning of the lesions with saline solution and triclosan-based soap and rifampicin spray. Both animals presented total remission of lesions after approximately 15 days of treatment. The present report aims to alert veterinary clinicians to the severity of Streptococcus spp infections.
Clostridia are uncommon causes of pleuropneumonia in wildlife In human and domestic animals,different hemorrhagic pneumonia with involvement of the pleura. In livestock, most cases are associated with sudden changes of diet, iatrogenic lesionscaused by invasive procedures such as thoracente thoracotomy, or traumatic percutaneous introduction of the microorganism.The clinical course of pleuropneumonia by clostridia infections may be very variable, although usually are associated with hyperacute or acute course and high mortality. The pr necrotizing pneumonia and sepsis caused by hyperacute fatal course, highlighting clinical, epidemiological, microbiological, and histopathological aspects.
Background: Air pollution is associated with a substantial burden on human health; however, the most important pollutants may vary with location. Proper monitoring is necessary to determine the effect of these pollutants on respiratory health. Objectives: This study was designed to evaluate the role of outdoor, indoor and personal exposure to combustion-related pollutants NO2 and O-3 on respiratory health of children in a non-affluent urban area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Levels of NO2 and O-3 were continuously measured in outdoor and indoor air, as well as personal exposure, for 30 days using passive measurement monitors. Respiratory health was assessed with a Brazilian version of the ISAAC questionnaire. Results: Complete data were available from 64 children, aged 6-10 years. Respiratory morbidity was high, with 43 (67.2%) reporting having had wheezing at any time, 27 (42.2%) wheezing in the last month, 17 (26.6%) asthma at any time and 21(32.8%) pneumonia at any time. Correlations between levels of NO2 and O-3 measured in the three locations evaluated were poor. Levels of NO2 in indoor air and personal exposure to O-3 were independently associated with asthma (both cases P=.02), pneumonia (O-3, P=.02) and wheezing at any time (both cases P<.01). No associations were seen between outdoor NO2 and O-3 and respiratory health. Conclusions: Exposure to higher levels of NO2 and O-3 was associated with increased risk for asthma and pneumonia in children. Nonetheless, the place where the pollutants are measured influences the results. The measurements taken in indoor and personal exposure were the most accurate. (C) 2012 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
Because the superficial lymphatics in the lungs are distributed in the subpleural, interlobular and peribroncovascular interstitium, lymphatic impairment may occur in the lungs of patients with idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIPs) and increase their severity. We investigated the distribution of lymphatics in different remodeling stages of IIPs by immunohistochemistry using the D2-40 antibody. Pulmonary tissue was obtained from 69 patients with acute interstitial pneumonia/diffuse alveolar damage (AIP/DAD, N = 24), cryptogenic organizing pneumonia/organizing pneumonia (COP/OP, N = 6), nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP/NSIP, N = 20), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis/usual interstitial pneumonia (IPF/UIP, N = 19). D2-40+ lymphatic in the lesions was quantitatively determined and associated with remodeling stage score. We observed an increase in the D2-40+ percent from DAD (6.66 +/- 1.11) to UIP (23.45 +/- 5.24, P = 0.008) with the advanced process of remodeling stage of the lesions. Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed a better survival for patients with higher lymphatic D2-40+ expression than 9.3%. Lymphatic impairment occurs in the lungs of IIPs and its severity increases according to remodeling stage. The results suggest that disruption of the superficial lymphatics may impair alveolar clearance, delay organ repair and cause severe disease progress mainly in patients with AIP/DAD. Therefore, lymphatic distribution may serve as a surrogate marker for the identification of patients at greatest risk for death due to IIPs.
Objective: To identify spatial patterns in rates of admission for pneumonia among children and relate them to the number of fires reported in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Methods: We conducted an ecological and exploratory study of data from the state of Mato Grosso for 2008 and 2009 on hospital admissions of children aged 0 to 4 years due to pneumonia and on fires in the same period. Admission rates were calculated and choropleth maps were plotted for rates and for fire outbreaks, Moran's I was calculated and the kernel estimator used to identify "hotspots." Data were analyzed using TerraView 3.3.1. Results: Fifteen thousand six hundred eighty-nine children were hospitalized (range zero to 2,315), and there were 161,785 fires (range 7 to 6,454). The average rate of admissions per 1,000 inhabitants was 2.89 (standard deviation [SD] = 5.18) and the number of fires per 1,000 inhabitants was 152.81 (SD = 199.91). Moran's I for the overall number of admissions was I = 0.02 (p = 0.26), the index for rate of admission was I = 0.02 (p = 0.21) and the index for the number of fires was I = 0.31 (p < 0.01). It proved possible to identify four municipalities with elevated rates of admissions for pneumonia. It was also possible to identify two regions with high admission densities. A clustering of fires was evident along what is known as the "arc of deforestation." Conclusions: This study identified municipalities in the state of Mato Grosso that require interventions to reduce rates of admission due to pneumonia and the number fires.
Objective: The use of corticosteroids is frequent in critically-ill patients. However, little information is available on their effects in patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia. We assessed patients' characteristics, microbial etiology, inflammatory response, and outcomes of previous corticosteroid use in patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: Intensive care units of a university teaching hospital. Patients: Three hundred sixteen patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia. Patients were divided according to previous systemic steroid use at onset of pneumonia. Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results: Survival at 28 days was analyzed using Cox regression, with adjustment for the propensity for receiving steroid therapy. One hundred twenty-five (40%) patients were receiving steroids at onset of pneumonia. Despite similar baseline clinical severity, steroid treatment was associated with decreased 28-day survival (adjusted hazard ratio for propensity score and mortality predictors 2.503; 95% confidence interval 1.176-5.330; p = .017) and decreased systemic inflammatory response. In post hoc analyses, steroid treatment had an impact on survival in patients with nonventilator intensive care unit acquired pneumonia, those with lower baseline severity and organ dysfunction, and those without etiologic diagnosis or bacteremia. The cumulative dosage of corticosteroids had no significant effect on the risk of death, but bacterial burden upon diagnosis was higher in patients receiving steroid therapy. Conclusions: In critically-ill patients, systemic corticosteroids should be used very cautiously because this treatment is strongly associated with increased risk of death in patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia, particularly in the absence of established indications and in patients with lower baseline severity. Decreased inflammatory response may result in delayed clinical suspicion of intensive care unit acquired pneumonia and higher bacterial count. (Crit Care Med 2012; 40:2552-2561)
Objective: To identify differences in the evolution of children with non-severe acute lower respiratory tract infection between those with and without radiographically diagnosed pneumonia. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: A public university pediatric hospital in Salvador, Northeast Brazil. Patients: Children aged 2-59 months. Methods: By active surveillance, the pneumonia cases were prospectively identified in a 2-year period. Each case was followed-up for changes in various clinical symptoms and signs. Demographic, clinical and radiographic data were recorded in standardized forms. Exclusion was due to antibiotic use in the previous 48 hours, signs of severe disease, refusal to give informed consent, underlying chronic illness, hospitalization in the previous 7 days or amoxicillin allergy. Chest X-ray (CXR) was later read by at least 2 independent pediatric radiologists. Main Outcome Measures: Radiographic diagnosed pneumonia based on agreed detection of pulmonary infiltrate or pleural effusion in 2 assessments. Results: A total of 382 patients receiving amoxicillin were studied, of whom, 372 (97.4%) had concordant radiographic diagnosis which was pneumonia (52%), normal CXR (41%). and others (7%). By multivariate analysis, age (OR=1.03; 95% CI: 1.02-1.05), disease >= 5days (OR = 1.04; 95% CI: 1.001-1.08), reduced pulmonary expansion (OR = 3.3; 95% CI: 1.4-8.0), absence of wheezing (OR = 0.5; 95% CI: 0.3-0.9), crackles on admission (OR = 2.0; 95% CI: 1.2-3.5), inability to drink on day 1 (OR = 4.2; 95% CI: 1.05-17.3), consolidation percussion sign (OR = 7.0; 95% CI: 1.5-32.3), tachypnea (OR = 2.0; 95% CI: 1.09-3.6) and fever (OR = 3.6; 95% CI: 1.4-9.4) on day 2 were independently associated with pneumonia. The highest positive predictive value was at the 2nd day of evolution for tachypnea (71.0%) and fever (81.1%). Conclusion: Persistence of fever or tachypnea up to the second day of amoxicillin treatment is predictive of radiographically diagnosed pneumonia among children with non-severe lower respiratory tract diseases.
Background An adult male Brachyteles arachanoides, kept in captivity since 1990, was found dead without apparent clinical evidence. Methods Necropsy report, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and ultrastructural examination were conducted. Results Pulmonary syncytial cells were positive for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and ultrastructural examination revealed viral particles inside macrophages compatible with the Paramyxoviridae family. Conclusions Muriquis are susceptible to RSV pneumonia followed by respiratory distress syndrome and death.
Human bocavirus (HBoV) is a human virus associated with respiratory disease in children. Limited information is available on acute infection with HBoV among children admitted to hospital with community-acquired pneumonia in tropical regions and the current diagnosis is inadequate. The aims were to diagnose and describe acute HBoV infections among children hospitalized for community-acquired pneumonia. In Salvador, Brazil, 277 children with community-acquired pneumonia were prospectively enrolled. Paired serum samples were tested by IgG, IgM, and IgG-avidity enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) using recombinant HBoV VP2. HBoV DNA was detected in nasopharyngeal aspirates and serum by a quantitative polymerase-chain reaction (PCR). HBoV DNA was detected in nasopharyngeal aspirates of 62/268 (23%) children and 156/273 (57%) were seropositive. Acute primary HBoV infection was reliably diagnosed (bearing at least two acute markers: Positive IgM, a fourfold increase/conversion of IgG, low IgG avidity or viremia) in 21 (8%) of 273 patients, 90% of 20 had HBoV DNA in nasopharyngeal aspirates, 83% with a high DNA load. The median age of infection with HBoV was 16 months, range 5-36.Community-acquired pneumonia was confirmed radiographically in 85% of 20 patients with acute HBoV infection diagnosed serologically. HBoV DNA was found in nasopharyngeal aspirates of 42/246(17%) children without an acute primary HBoV infection and available nasopharyngeal aspirate. Four children with HBoV secondary immune responses were detected, lacking both IgM and viremia. HBoV infection was diagnosed accurately in children aged 5-36 months with community-acquired pneumonia confirmed radiographically. PCR of nasopharyngeal aspirates is not a reliable marker of acute HBoV infection. J. Med. Virol. 84:253-258, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.