916 resultados para Plywood -- Environmental aspects


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Housing developers in Malaysia have been focusing on providing more homes to deal with the ever growing urban population, and have failed to address environmental issues which run parallel to these housing developments. The thesis identifies and suggests possible actions enabling future housing developments to incorporate sustainable elements.


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Resin acids are reported to be of major toxicological importance in pulp mill effluents for Rainbow Trout. Their determination, using a high performance liquid chromatographic method, is described.


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The correlation between sulfur, metallothionein and heavy metals was investigated in biological samples from the aquatic environment. Samples of orange roughie, shark, goldfish and king crab were analysed for metals and sulfur. Results indicated that there was insufficient evidence to suggest any relationship between sulfur and total metals, but there was sufficient evidence to suggest a significant relationship existed between mercury and total sulfur in the biological tissues examined.


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This thesis assessed the diet of foxes within the ALCOA lease area of Anglesea to determine which native and introduced species foxes were eating. Results showed that Swamp Wallaby was regularly eaten but many other mammals, birds, insects and reptiles were also consumed. The response of native mammals to seasonal fox removal was also determined.


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Available effluent treatment systems to treat wool scour and dyehouse wastewaters were investigated. Electroflotation was found to be the most practicable treatment process as it had the ability to reduce the contaminant load in wastewaters. The quality of the treated wastewaters was then suitable for disposal to sewer or reuse on site.


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Vine-row soil chemical and physical properties were significantly and detrimentally altered by drip irrigation of treated municipal effluent. Hydraulic gradients under the drip-emitter fostered strong chemical gradients and high variability of vine-row soil parameters, complicating soil management. Gypsum improves soil properties without impacting vine production when applied in small quantities.


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An industrial hygiene exposure database and surveillance system was developed in partnership between National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-funded independent investigators and practicing industrial hygienists at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) in Golden, Colo. RFETS is a former U.S. Department of Energy nuclear weapons plant that is now in cleanup phase. This project is presented as a case study in the development of an exposure database and surveillance system in terms that are generalizable to most other industries and work contexts. Steps include gaining organizational support; defining system purpose and scope; defining database elements and coding; planning practical and efficient analysis strategies; incorporating reporting capabilities; and anticipating communication strategies that maximize the probability that surveillance findings will feed back to preventive applications. For each of these topics, the authors describe both general considerations as well as the specific choices made for this system. An important feature of the system is a two-tier task-coding scheme comprising 33 categories of task groups. Examples of grouped analyses of exposure data captured during the system pilot period demonstrate applications to exposure control, medical surveillance, and other preventive measures. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.


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Background : Communication problems contribute enormously to medication errors and adverse events. Encouraging patient engagement can help to facilitate effective medication management.

Objectives : To examine barriers and enablers affecting how patients engage with managing their medications in specialty hospital settings.

Design : An exploratory qualitative design was used involving in-depth interviews with doctors, nurses, pharmacists, patients and family members.

Setting : An Australian public, metropolitan teaching hospital was the study site and five specialty hospital settings were used, including cardiac care, emergency care, intensive care, oncology care and perioperative care.

Results : In all, 21 health professionals, 11 patients and 12 family members participated in the study (n = 44). Barriers and enablers involved intrapersonal, interpersonal and environmental aspects, and differences in perceptions and experiences were found between the various settings. Health professionals had preconceived notions of what was appropriate behaviour in conveying information about medications. Many health professionals stated that they deliberately chose not to provide medication-related knowledge. Different barriers for patient engagement existed in various settings – in emergency care, patients could only stay for 4 h; in intensive care, medication changes regularly happened; in cardiac care, patients were discharged prematurely due to urgent need of beds; in oncology, there was lack of availability of oncology consultants; while in perioperative care, surgeons and anaesthetists were available just before surgery.

Conclusions : Complex barriers and enablers are associated with patient engagement in specialty clinical settings. By developing an understanding of these barriers and enablers, health professionals can help patients to understand and participate in their medication management.


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Este estudo de caso tem o objetivo de analisar o procedimento do orçamento participativo na viabilização da nova política de desenvolvimento adotada pelo Município de Ribeirão Pires. Esta política baseia-se na sustentabilidade econômica, incorporando os aspectos sociais e resgatando a questão ambiental. A sua implementação nesse Município está muito vinculada à institucionalização do Orçamento Participativo, que possibilita uma maior participação dos cidadãos na definição das prioridades de investimento dos recursos disponíveis e, por essa razão, tem grande potencial para tornar-se um valioso instrumento para a concretização da política de desenvolvimento sustentável.


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This research emerged from the contemporary need of a public management focused on results, in which the State must reach the effectiveness of public policies implemented, put these into practice through transformation actions. However, these actions should not be seen in isolation, cause, when implemented in a certain environment, interact with actions of various actors, generating social dynamics that will be fundamentals to achieving the expected results. The transdisciplinarity approach may enable an object be seen in its essence, considering all environmental aspects around it as well as various social dynamics that might emerge, in order to facilitate the State reach the effectiveness of their actions, providing the transformation wanted to society. For this reason, are presented in this study the basis of a management model with focus on transdisciplinarity, considering the various challenges, searched the literature on the management of public policies. To verify the adequacy of the basis of the proposed model, was done a case study of the government project called "Implantação das UPAS 24 horas" in Rio de Janeiro. In applying the basis of the model in that project, we find that the transdisciplinarity management can maximize the effectiveness of State intervention.


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O objetivo do estudo aqui proposto é municiar os dirigentes e acionistas do segmento industrial de refrigerantes e águas minerais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com conhecimentos que possam lhes oferecer novas oportunidades de negócios e auxiliá-los na decisão pela integração horizontal ou vertical na cadeia de suprimentos de embalagens PET e de outros materiais plásticos na área produtiva de suas fábricas. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa com coleta de dados por meio de bibliografia e questionário aplicado a 28 empresas. O estudo contribui para o aumento da competitividade do segmento, apresentando resultados baseados em aspectos tecnológicos, econômicos, estratégicos, sociais e de meio ambiente. As conclusões mostram que há oportunidades para melhorias na cadeia industrial de embalagens PET e de outros materiais plásticos no segmento de refrigerantes e águas minerais no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, dentro do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável.


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O carvão vegetal tem um papel de destaque entre as biomassas consumidas no Brasil. Seu uso em larga escala na indústria siderúrgica para a produção de ferro gusa fez do país um dos maiores produtores e consumidores mundiais de carvão vegetal. A matéria-prima abundante, bem como a falta de preocupação com fatores ambientais e sociais, permitiu no passado que se atentasse apenas ao fator econômico; e a tecnologia de produção deste combustível/insumo se desenvolveu muito pouco ao longo de quase toda a sua história no Brasil até os anos mais recentes. Nas duas últimas décadas, quando se intensificou a preocupação social e ambiental e esses fatores ganharam relevância na análise da viabilidade de projetos tanto a serem implantados, quanto já existentes, a produção de carvão vegetal passou a ser identificada como extremamente rudimentar e impactante ao meio ambiente e sociedade onde se localiza. Neste trabalho buscou-se analisar a viabilidade econômica de quatro sistemas de produção de carvão existentes no Brasil. O sistema mais rudimentar, comumente chamado de “rabo quente”, um sistema ainda de alvenaria, com um pouco mais desenvolvimento tecnológico conhecido como forno retangular, e dois sistemas que utilizam fornos metálicos para buscar menor tempo do processo de carbonização (devido ao mais rápido resfriamento do sistema) e que têm, ambos, uma preocupação ambiental maior e buscam emitir menos poluentes e oferecer uma condição de trabalho mais adequada, refletindo também positivamente sob o aspecto sócio-ambiental. Percebe-se que em termos de implantação, obviamente, os sistemas que envolvem um pouco mais de tecnologia são bem mais dispendiosos em investimento inicial, porém, há resultados animadores do ponto de vista de retorno do investimento e possibilidades de agregação de valor que tendem a atrair o investimento especialmente dos grandes grupos siderúrgicos consumidores, que têm se preocupado cada vez mais em investir tanto na produção de matéria-prima, com grandes áreas de reflorestamento, quanto na produção sustentável do carvão vegetal.