235 resultados para Perfection


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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O presente trabalho, resultante de pesquisa documental e de campo, subsidiada pela abordagem qualitativa, teve por objetivos identificar e analisar a proposta metodológica de formação profissional por competências realizada pelo SENAI- PA, considerando suas especificidades, ideologias, objetivos latentes, e sua dimensão política, uma vez que esta instituição apresenta a referida proposta como alternativa para elevar o nível de formação e qualificação profissional, formar cidadãos criativos e empreendedores para atender às demandas do setor industrial. A investigação iniciou a partir de uma pesquisa exploratória e revisão bibliográfica de fundamentação teórica sobre a temática, permitindo a compreensão do objeto de estudo, além de respaldar a definição do problema de pesquisa. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de informações contidas no site institucional do SENAI, de pesquisas e obras que tratam da formação profissional ofertada por esta instituição. Para a realização desta investigação foi feito primeiramente um estudo dos referenciais teóricos, sobretudo, das teorias pedagógicas que têm pautado o desenvolvimento da prática pedagógica no contexto educacional brasileiro, como também, das teorias pedagógicas e econômicas que têm fundamentado a prática pedagógica de educação profissional. À luz destes referenciais, e com base nos procedimentos da análise dos conteúdos, examinamos os dados a partir dos seguintes eixos temáticos: objetivos, avaliação conteúdos, métodos e técnicas de ensino, relação teoria e prática, forma e conteúdo. Utilizamos ainda as categorias de análise obtidas a partir dos dados coletados: aprendizagem significativa, prática pedagógica eficaz, formar para o trabalho e para cidadania. A pesquisa possibilitou identificar o utilitarismo no processo de ensino, cuja manifestação ocorre no desenrolar das práticas pedagógicas, através da relação dicotômica entre teoria e prática, caracterizando, desta forma, a proposta metodológica de ensino desta instituição. Verificamos que a atual metodologia de ensino fundamentada na pedagogia das competências, se constitui no aperfeiçoamento da antiga metodologia utilizada por esta instituição, uma vez que ambas estão alicerçadas no Condutivismo, Pragmatismo, Funcionalismo, e no Construtivismo. Este aperfeiçoamento vincula-se à investigação prévia das competências a serem adquiridas pelo trabalhador, à caracterização do perfil dos cursos pelas competências exigidas pelo mercado, à estreita relação dos elementos constitutivos da prática pedagógica - conteúdos, métodos e técnicas de ensino e a avaliação da aprendizagem - aos ditames mercadológicos. Constatamos ainda que este aperfeiçoamento promove a continuidade de uma formação orientada pelos preceitos e exigências do mercado, caracterizando uma formação profissional para o trabalho e para cidadania.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O tema desta Dissertação é o suicídio como conseqüência da identificação com a mãe morta. Trata-se de uma pesquisa teórica fundamentada na teoria psicanalítica, que recorre à análise do personagem Richard Brown, do filme As Horas, para ilustrar o argumento teórico de que a revivescência da identificação com a mãe morta pode ser um fator desencadeante do suicídio do melancólico na vida adulta. Inicialmente procura explicitar o conceito de mãe morta, caracterizada como uma mãe que mesmo quando está presente mostra-se ausente nos cuidados e no investimento amoroso ao filho em função de sua depressão. Assim, para a criança, a imagem materna será a de uma mãe sem vida, de uma mãe morta. Mostra a identificação com a mãe morta como saída psíquica para a situação traumática proveniente do desinvestimento amoroso maternal. A criança na relação com esta mãe vive uma catástrofe psíquica chamada por Green de trauma narcisista, o que vai determinar o destino do investimento libidinal, objetal e narcisista do sujeito. Assim sendo, considera-se a melancolia como uma psicopatologia manifestada na vida adulta pelo sujeito subjugado pelo complexo da mãe morta. O estudo da melancolia no texto Luto e Melancolia, de Freud, fornece subsídios para se compreender os processos do mundo interior daqueles que querem dar cabo à sua própria existência. A melancolia evidencia o embate entre o Eu e o Supereu nos papéis de acusado e acusador. Mostra que o Supereu se torna sádico ao cobrar perfeição do Eu masoquista empobrecido narcisicamente pela identificação com a mãe morta. Quando chega às raias do sadismo esse embate leva o Eu, identificado com a mãe morta, a desejar eliminar o objeto mau introjetado numa parte do Eu, para resgatar o seu valor narcísico idealizado. Aponta o suicídio como a saída psíquica encontrada pelo melancólico para livrar-se da identificação com a mãe morta. Conclui que no suicídio os conflitos inconscientes manifestados na vida adulta são revivescências dos conteúdos psíquicos registrados na infância. No caso estudado em questão, a revivescência da identificação com a mãe morta teria sido o fator desencadeante do suicídio de Richard Brown na vida adulta.


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Este estudo tem como objetivos: caracterizar as representações sociais de clientes diabéticos sobre o seu corpo após a amputação e analisar a relação dessas representações para o cuidado de si. A pesquisa foi exploratório-qualitativa, com o emprego da Teoria das Representações Sociais e do método de estudo de caso. O cenário foi um hospital na cidade de Belém-Pará, participaram 20 sujeitos. As técnicas de coleta de dados foram: a livre associação de palavras e a observação livre. Após análise emergiram quatro categorias: O corpo saudável saúde expressão do viver bem, O corpo trabalho a perfeição e a beleza no cotidiano, O corpo amputado a limitação ocasionada pela amputação e O corpo amputado e sua relação para o cuidado de si. Torna-se evidente a preocupação em recuperar parte do bem-estar perdido.


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A abordagem teórica da participação processual se encontra em um ponto de interseção entre uma teoria política e social e uma teoria do direito, pelo que, foi necessário iniciar pela teoria social de Habermas, para então transitar para sua teoria política e dela para a sua teoria sobre o direito. Nos termos de uma teoria discursiva, a correção da decisão judicial decorre não apenas da racionalidade da legislação, mas, também da reprodução, no âmbito do discurso jurídico, das condições do discurso racional, desde que observadas as limitações pragmáticas que incidem sobre o discurso jurídico, limitações essas que decorrem da especificidade do discurso jurídico, que, voltado para questões de decidibilidade, não pode se desenvolver sob os mesmos pressupostos da ética do discurso. Mesmo limitado pelas imposições pragmáticas do discurso jurídico, nele, assim como nos discursos práticos em geral, a argumentação é necessária à justificação racional e à correção da decisão judicial, e é neste aspecto que o discurso jurídico se conecta com a participação, essencial para a justificação racional e legitimidade da decisão judicial. Assim, a legislação processual deve ser submetida à crítica, para que se verifique se a participação processual prevista na legislação é capaz de garantir um procedimento legítimo. No caso da legislação nacional, há duas situações que não se justificam racionalmente, a primeira, referente ao procedimento judicial atual, calcado no paradigma individual, insuficiente para o processamento de lides formuladas em torno dos direitos difusos, pois impedem que a necessária discussão em torno dos paradigmas jurídicos que serão apresentados em juízo, e em torno da representação adequada, aconteçam. A segunda referente à restrição à participação individual na maioria das ações processuais voltadas à tutela dos direitos difusos que não se justifica racionalmente. Apesar de existir um indicativo de mudança, consistente em um anteprojeto de código de processo coletivo em que está prevista a ampliação da legitimação a qualquer membro da sociedade, esta ampliação não se estende a todas as ações que podem ser utilizadas para tutelar interesses e direitos difusos, pois ficaram de fora as ações de controle de constitucionalidade. Assim, a reflexão em torno do tema da participação processual não pode ser encerrada, nem mesmo quando o código de processo coletivo for promulgado, dada a essencialidade da participação de todos os interessados, ou de seus representantes legítimos, em qualquer procedimento judicial em que seus interesses ou direitos estejam sendo discutidos. De igual modo, apenas a continuidade da reflexão em torno da insuficiência do procedimento judicial pautado no paradigma liberal para a tutela de direitos difusos é capaz de criar uma discussão racional sobre o tema, cuja conclusão represente a vitória das melhores razões.


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The present work aims to study the microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium alloys, widely used in the manufacture of orthopedic implants in order to compare a new manufacturing technology of implants, rapid prototyping in metals with conventional manufacturing processes. Rapid prototyping is being used in many areas of human knowledge to assist in the study and often in the manufacture of components for their own use. Nowadays with the advancement of software and equipment such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, we can reproduce any part of the human body in three-dimensional images with great perfection and it is used in the reproduction of implants, scaffolds, material aid and preparation in surgery. This work aims to do: A comparison between the microstructure of the alloy in the two manufacturing processes (prototyping and conventional), showing the grain size, the nature, form, quantity, and distribution of various ingredients or certain inclusions and study of mechanical properties of titanium in both cases.


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Currently the company suffers a heavy influence of media, through their tentacles people are reached and clawed into a consumerist context, and the reason for the success of this market share is linked to aesthetics. An ideal beauty standard is followed, aimed at recognizing social, emotional success, professional and loving. Thus, people are accustomed from his childhood with the image of a perfect prince or princess, heroes that is becoming increasingly more muscular and developed throughout the evolution of cinema. While the aesthetic perfection is internalized by society and see that this beauty is not a particular good for some people, but everyone should become pretty standard to suit hence those who do not fit this stereotype are somehow excluded from the circle of society standard. One way people try to develop and hone the look is through weight training exercises in specialized academies. The problem is when it appears not the contentment of the individual in relation to his body. Even when your muscles are increasing, for the person who suffers from Vigorexia changes are significant to the point never to be content with their state of development, which is seen distorted and underestimated. Thus this paper aims to describe the situation and how the routine Vigorexia context and people are distorted to suit the aesthetic and social demands that are made, through a literature search on the muscle dysmorphia. It is of paramount importance to know the pathological picture of Vigorexia not only by professionals of Psychology, Psychiatry and Medicine, but also for Physical Educators that are constantly present in an active and that can positively or negatively influence the routine and pathological picture of these people with Muscular Dysmorphia


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La presente ricerca, L’architettura religiosa di Luis Moya Blanco. La costruzione come principio compositivo, tratta i temi inerenti l’edificazione di spazi per il culto della religione cristiana che l’architetto spagnolo progetta e realizza a Madrid dal 1945 al 1970. La tesi è volta ad indagare quali siano i principi alla base della composizione architettonica che si possano considerare immutati, nel lungo arco temporale in cui l’autore si trova ad operare. Tale indagine, partendo da una prima analisi riguardante gli anni della formazione e gli scritti da lui prodotti, verte in particolare sullo studio dei progetti più recenti e ancora poco trattati dalla critica. L’obbiettivo della presente tesi è dunque quello di apportare un contributo originale sull’aspetto compositivo della sua architettura. Ma analizzare la composizione significa, in Moya, analizzare la costruzione che, a dispetto del susseguirsi dei linguaggi, rimarrà l’aspetto principale delle sue opere. Lo studio dei manufatti mediante categorie estrapolate dai suoi stessi scritti – la matematica, il numero, la geometria e i tracciati regolatori - permette di evidenziare punti di contatto e di continuità tra le prime chiese, fortemente caratterizzate da un impianto barocco, e gli ultimi progetti che sembrano cercare invece un confronto con forme decisamente moderne. Queste riflessioni, parallelamente contestualizzate nell’ambito della sua consistente produzione saggistica, andranno a confluire nell’idea finale per cui la costruzione diventi per Luis Moya Blanco il principio compositivo da cui non si può prescindere, la regola che sostanzia nella materia il numero e la geometria. Se la costruzione è dunque la pietrificazione di leggi geometrico-matematiche che sottendono schemi planimetrici; il ricorso allo spazio di origine centrale non risponde all’intenzione di migliorare la liturgia, ma a questioni di tipo filosofico-idealista, che fanno corrispondere alla somma naturalezza della perfezione divina, la somma perfezione della forma circolare o di uno dei suoi derivati come l’ellisse.


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The project aimed to analyse representations of motherhood in Polish cinema as a special case of a more general system within the representation of women. It concentrated on the image of the Polish Mother created during the 19th century in Polish culture under the influence of specific political, social and religious factors. Ms. Ostrowska's initial hypothesis was that this symbolic image became one of the most stable elements in Polish cinema and as her research revealed, it was valuable for the preservation of national identity but nevertheless a fiercely constraining model for Polish femininity. In order to fully understand the nature of this persistent image it was initially necessary to related it to broader contexts and issues in representation. These included the image of the Polish Mother within general mythological structures (using the notion of myth in the Barthesian sense). Following her initial research Ms. Ostrowska felt that it was most appropriate to view the myth of the Polish Mother as a dominant ideological structure in the discourse of motherhood within Polish culture. An analysis of the myth of the Polish Mother can provide an insight into how Polish society sees itself at different periods in time and how a national identity was constructed in relation to particular ideological demands stemming from concrete historical and political situations. The analysis of the film version of this myth also revealed some aspects of the national character of Polish cinema. There the image of woman has become enshrined as the "eternal feminine", with virtues which are inevitably derived directly from Catholicism, particularly in relation to the networks of meanings around the central figure of Mary, Mother of God. In 19th century Poland these were linked with patriotic values and images of woman became part of the defence of the very idea of Poland and Polishness. After World War Two, this religious-political image system was adapted to the demands of the new communist ideology. The possibility of manipulating the ideological dimensions of the myth of the Polish Mother is due to the very nature of the image, which as a symbol of civil religion had been able to function independently of any particular state or church institution. Although in communist ideology the stress was on the patriotic aspect of the myth, its pronounced religious aspect was also transmitted, consciously or not, in the denotation process, this being of great significance in the viewer's response to the female character. This appropriation of elements derived from the national patriotic tradition into the discourse of communist ideology was a very efficient strategy to establish the illusion of continuity in national existence, which was supposed to convince society of the rightness of the new political situation. The analysis of films made in the post-war period showed the persistence of this discourse on motherhood in a range of cinematic texts regardless of the changing political situation. Ms. Ostrowska claims that the stability of this discursive formation is to a certain extent the result of the mythological aspect of the mother figure. This mythological structure also belongs to the ideology of Romanticism which in general continues to prevail in Polish cultural discourse as a meta-language of national community. The analysis of the films confirmed the hypothesis of the Polish Mother as a myth-sign whose signifier is stable whereas the signified depends on the specific historical conditions in which it is set. Therefore in the famous propaganda documentary Kobiety naszych dni (Women of Our Days, 1951) by Jan Zelnik, and in other films made after the October 1956 "thaw" it functions as an "empty sign. She concludes that it would be difficult to deny that the myth of the Polish Mother has offered Polish women a special role in national life, granting them a high moral position in the social, hierarchy. However the processes of idealisation involved have resulted in a deprivation of her subjectivity and the right to decide about her own life. This idealisation also served to strengthen traditional patriarchal structures through this set of female obligations to the mother land. In Polish ideology it is not a man who demands sacrifice from a woman but the motherland, which, deprived of the institutions of male power for nearly 150 years, had functioned as a feminine structure. That is why oppressive aspects of the myth have been obscured for so long. While Polish women were doubtless able to accept the constrictions because of their sense of national duty and any misgivings were overridden by the argument of the cause, it is important to recognise that the strength of these constructions, compounded by the ways in which they spoke of and continue to speak of a certain perfection, make them persist into contemporary Poland. Poland is however no longer embattled and the signs that made these meanings are potentially empty. This space for meaning will be and is already being contested and increasingly colonised by current western models of femininity. Ms. Ostrowska's final question is whether this will help to prevent a possible resentful victimisation of the silent and noble Polish Mother.


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The work described in this thesis had two objectives. The first objective was to develop a physically based computational model that could be used to predict the electronic conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal conductivity of Pb1-xSnxTe alloys over the 400 K to 700 K temperature as a function of Sn content and doping level. The second objective was to determine how the secondary phase inclusions observed in Pb1-xSnxTe alloys made by consolidating mechanically alloyed elemental powders impact the ability of the material to harvest waste heat and generate electricity in the 400 K to 700 K temperature range. The motivation for this work was that though the promise of this alloy as an unusually efficient thermoelectric power generator material in the 400 K to 700 K range had been demonstrated in the literature, methods to reproducibly control and subsequently optimize the materials thermoelectric figure of merit remain elusive. Mechanical alloying, though not typically used to fabricate these alloys, is a potential method for cost-effectively engineering these properties. Given that there are deviations from crystalline perfection in mechanically alloyed material such as secondary phase inclusions, the question arises as to whether these defects are detrimental to thermoelectric function or alternatively, whether they enhance thermoelectric function of the alloy. The hypothesis formed at the onset of this work was that the small secondary phase SnO2 inclusions observed to be present in the mechanically alloyed Pb1-xSnxTe would increase the thermoelectric figure of merit of the material over the temperature range of interest. It was proposed that the increase in the figure of merit would arise because the inclusions in the material would not reduce the electrical conductivity to as great an extent as the thermal conductivity. If this were to be true, then the experimentally measured electronic conductivity in mechanically alloyed Pb1-xSnxTe alloys that have these inclusions would not be less than that expected in alloys without these inclusions while the portion of the thermal conductivity that is not due to charge carriers (the lattice thermal conductivity) would be less than what would be expected from alloys that do not have these inclusions. Furthermore, it would be possible to approximate the observed changes in the electrical and thermal transport properties using existing physical models for the scattering of electrons and phonons by small inclusions. The approach taken to investigate this hypothesis was to first experimentally characterize the mobile carrier concentration at room temperature along with the extent and type of secondary phase inclusions present in a series of three mechanically alloyed Pb1-xSnxTe alloys with different Sn content. Second, the physically based computational model was developed. This model was used to determine what the electronic conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, total thermal conductivity, and the portion of the thermal conductivity not due to mobile charge carriers would be in these particular Pb1-xSnxTe alloys if there were to be no secondary phase inclusions. Third, the electronic conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and total thermal conductivity was experimentally measured for these three alloys with inclusions present at elevated temperatures. The model predictions for electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient were directly compared to the experimental elevated temperature electrical transport measurements. The computational model was then used to extract the lattice thermal conductivity from the experimentally measured total thermal conductivity. This lattice thermal conductivity was then compared to what would be expected from the alloys in the absence of secondary phase inclusions. Secondary phase inclusions were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis to be present in all three alloys to a varying extent. The inclusions were found not to significantly degrade electrical conductivity at temperatures above ~ 400 K in these alloys, though they do dramatically impact electronic mobility at room temperature. It is shown that, at temperatures above ~ 400 K, electrons are scattered predominantly by optical and acoustical phonons rather than by an alloy scattering mechanism or the inclusions. The experimental electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient data at elevated temperatures were found to be within ~ 10 % of what would be expected for material without inclusions. The inclusions were not found to reduce the lattice thermal conductivity at elevated temperatures. The experimentally measured thermal conductivity data was found to be consistent with the lattice thermal conductivity that would arise due to two scattering processes: Phonon phonon scattering (Umklapp scattering) and the scattering of phonons by the disorder induced by the formation of a PbTe-SnTe solid solution (alloy scattering). As opposed to the case in electrical transport, the alloy scattering mechanism in thermal transport is shown to be a significant contributor to the total thermal resistance. An estimation of the extent to which the mean free time between phonon scattering events would be reduced due to the presence of the inclusions is consistent with the above analysis of the experimental data. The first important result of this work was the development of an experimentally validated, physically based computational model that can be used to predict the electronic conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal conductivity of Pb1-xSnxTe alloys over the 400 K to 700 K temperature as a function of Sn content and doping level. This model will be critical in future work as a tool to first determine what the highest thermoelectric figure of merit one can expect from this alloy system at a given temperature and, second, as a tool to determine the optimum Sn content and doping level to achieve this figure of merit. The second important result of this work is the determination that the secondary phase inclusions that were observed to be present in the Pb1-xSnxTe made by mechanical alloying do not keep the material from having the same electrical and thermal transport that would be expected from “perfect" single crystal material at elevated temperatures. The analytical approach described in this work will be critical in future investigations to predict how changing the size, type, and volume fraction of secondary phase inclusions can be used to impact thermal and electrical transport in this materials system.


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It has been said that “journalism is the first rough draft of history.” If that be the case, much of Montana’s history since 1970 was first written by Chuck Johnson. He has covered the activities of 20 regular sessions of the Legislature plus an untold number of Special Sessions, the Constitutional Convention, nine Governors, eight US Senators and seven US Congressmen. Primary elections, general elections, state and national Party Conventions have been seen by Montanans through Johnson’s prism. Big and little news about policy, insights about politics, and a sense of the people behind the news (and history) has flowed from Chuck Johnson’s pen. Johnson’s first decade as a journalist coincides substantially with the period of “In the Crucible of Change.” Having been one of those who wrote the first draft of much of the history in the series “In the Crucible of Change,” and as “Dean of Montana’s Capitol Reporters,” Chuck’s reflections and insights about the period are conveyed in this film with a maturity and understanding that can only come from one who has spent decades honing is craft to perfection. Chuck Johnson is a journalist who has covered Montana state government and politics since 1970. Since 1992, he has been bureau chief of the Lee Newspapers State Bureau in Helena, writing for the Lee daily newspapers: the Billings Gazette, The Montana Standard (Butte), Helena Independent Record, The Missoulian, and the Ravalli Republic (Hamilton). Johnson, a Great Falls native raised in Helena, was exposed to politics early on when he was taken up to the Legislature one night to watch the debate on the raging issue of the day--whether stores should be allowed to give trading stamps to customers. He received a B.A. in journalism and an M.A. history from the University of Montana. Johnson spent a year studying politics and economics at Oxford University in England on a Rotary Foundation scholarship. He previously was chief of the Great Falls Tribune Capitol Bureau and worked for the Associated Press, Missoulian and Helena Independent Record. Chuck and his wife Pat reside in Helena.