858 resultados para Pachuca Tanks
[cat] Aquest treball té com a objectiu mostrar el grau en què el sector de la producció de vi a la Denominació d'Origen Penedès ha respost als reptes que s’han plantejat tant en termes de l'oferta (de consolidació i sorgiment dels països productors fora de l'esfera europea tradicional) i de la demanda (caiguda de la el consum de vi i els nous hàbits de consum) durant la segona meitat del segle XX. El document analitza l'evolució del sector a la regió des del començament de la dècada de 1940 fins a la fi del segle. Amb la fi de la Guerra Civil de 1936-1939 el sector va haver d'afrontar una caiguda de la producció, la qual va continuar concentrant-se en la comercialització de vins tradicionals. Aquesta situació va canviar quan, a finals de la dècada de 1960, la demanda es va girar cada vegada més als vins de major qualitat embotellats. Des del punt de vista legislatiu, la resposta es va centrar en la innovació tecnològica i la reestructuració de l'empresa. Aquest període va ser testimoni de la introducció de nous equips i processos, com ara l’acer inoxidable i tancs de fermentació a temperatura controlada, amb els vins embotellats expulsant el vi a granel i la transformació dels grans magatzemistes en cellers i caves. A més, una de les principals característiques del període 1970-1985 va ser la formació dels grans conglomerats empresarials dels vins i del cava. L’entrada d'Espanya a la Unió Europea el 1986 va impulsar una acceleració d'aquest procés de transformació, deixant el sector format principalment per empreses que produeixen vins i caves, que han introduït els vins negres i varietals en la seva oferta de productes, que posseeixen moltes hectàrees de vinyes i en molts casos, que han mostrat una clara intenció de penetrar en el mercat internacional.
[cat] Aquest treball té com a objectiu mostrar el grau en què el sector de la producció de vi a la Denominació d'Origen Penedès ha respost als reptes que s’han plantejat tant en termes de l'oferta (de consolidació i sorgiment dels països productors fora de l'esfera europea tradicional) i de la demanda (caiguda de la el consum de vi i els nous hàbits de consum) durant la segona meitat del segle XX. El document analitza l'evolució del sector a la regió des del començament de la dècada de 1940 fins a la fi del segle. Amb la fi de la Guerra Civil de 1936-1939 el sector va haver d'afrontar una caiguda de la producció, la qual va continuar concentrant-se en la comercialització de vins tradicionals. Aquesta situació va canviar quan, a finals de la dècada de 1960, la demanda es va girar cada vegada més als vins de major qualitat embotellats. Des del punt de vista legislatiu, la resposta es va centrar en la innovació tecnològica i la reestructuració de l'empresa. Aquest període va ser testimoni de la introducció de nous equips i processos, com ara l’acer inoxidable i tancs de fermentació a temperatura controlada, amb els vins embotellats expulsant el vi a granel i la transformació dels grans magatzemistes en cellers i caves. A més, una de les principals característiques del període 1970-1985 va ser la formació dels grans conglomerats empresarials dels vins i del cava. L’entrada d'Espanya a la Unió Europea el 1986 va impulsar una acceleració d'aquest procés de transformació, deixant el sector format principalment per empreses que produeixen vins i caves, que han introduït els vins negres i varietals en la seva oferta de productes, que posseeixen moltes hectàrees de vinyes i en molts casos, que han mostrat una clara intenció de penetrar en el mercat internacional.
Schauman Wood Oy Pelloksen tehtaat on Euroopan suurin havuvanerin valmistaja. Tehtailla tukkien haudonnassa ja kuorien kuivaamisessa syntyvät jätevedet sekä sosiaalijätevedet puhdistetaan omassa biologisessa puhdistamossa. Puhdistamo rakennettiin alun perin aktiivilietelaitokseksi ja muutettiin kuormituksen kasvaessa vuonna 2002 kantoaineprosessiksi. Puhdistamolle laskettiin ensin optimaalinen kuormitus, jonka perusteella kuormitusta ryhdyttiin nostamaan. Tavoitteena oli saavuttaa virtaaman nostolla ja ajomallien muutoksilla tilavuuskuorma 1-3 kgBOD/m3•d. Kun tulovirtaamaa oli saatu nostettua riittävästi, tehtiin laskeutuskokeita laskeutuskemikaalin optimimäärän selvittämiseksi. Koeajojakson lopuksi pidettiin kolmen viikon tehotarkkailujakso, jolloin kokeiltiin puhdistamon ajoa erilaisilla kemikaalimäärillä. Näin saatiin selville tasemielessä tietyn puumäärän aiheuttama kuormitus puhdistamolle. Jätevedenpuhdistamon tulovirtaama saatiin nostettua tasolle 300- 350 m³/d, jolloin tilaavuuskuormaksi tuli 1,68 kgBOD/m3•d. Kolmen viikon tehotarkkailujakson aikana saatiin selvitettyä optimikemikaaliannostus sekä laskettua kolmesta eri vaihtoehdosta taloudellisesti kannattavin ajomalli. Puhdistusreduktioiden, puhdistamon toimivuuden ja taloudellisuuden kannalta paras vaihtoehto oli laskeutuskemikaalin ja polymeerin yhteiskäyttö.
Catalunya és un dels territoris on hi ha hagut més auge del sector de la cervesa artesana, i són molt nombroses les microcerveseries i les botigues especialitzades on es poden trobar els recursos materials necessaris, a més de ser centres difusió de coneixements relacionats. Així, doncs, aquest projecte està emmarcat en un context que permet el desenvolupament de tècniques d’elaboració de cervesa artesana. Aquest projecte es basa en la construcció d’un equip amb materials reutilitzats i amb un pressupost limitat que permet reproduir a petita escala els processos d’elaboració que es duen a terme en les microcerveseries artesanes actuals. El projecte s’ha assentat sobre la comprensió dels fonaments teòrics i pràctics del procés d’elaboració de cervesa, i amb l’experiència inicial d’elaboració de cervesa amb un equip bàsic de tipus homebrewer. Per minimintzar costos els tancs s’han construït a partir de barrils de cervesa i les parts sobrants s’han aprofitat per a altres elements. S’han emprat elements quotidians com una olla a pressió i s’ha construït un sistema regulador de pressió (per al tanc de fermentació cilindrocònic isobàric construït) en lloc d’adquirir-lo. S’ha posat l’èmfasi en minimitzar la necessitat de manipulació manual durant l’elaboració. Per tant, s’han instal·lat els components de l’equip formant un circuit tancat amb sistema de bombeig, i s’ha incorporat un sistema que permet el control i la lectura de les temperatures de cada procés. Altres elements són el sistema de filtres amb mecanisme de tub en forma d’ela (que permet l’extracció del most dels tanc de maceració i de cocció d’una manera efectiva i sense necessitat de manipulació) i el sistema de dutxa (que permet automatitzar el procés de rentat i filtrat). Un element que distingeix aquest equip d’altres equips emprats en algunes microcerveseries artesanes és el tanc de fermentació cilindrocònic isobàric amb vàlvula controladora de pressió, que permet prescindir de la doble fermentació en ampolla, ja que permet aprofitar el gas carbònic produït durant la fermentació per la carbonatació de la cervesa. Es pot concloure que gràcies a les seves característiques, l’equip permet realitzar successives elaboracions obtenint el mateix producte amb les mateixes característiques organolèptiques, principalement gràcies a la cambra de fermentació, que permet realitzar les etapes de fermentació, maduració i clarificació controlant la temperatura desitjada; al tanc de maceració amb aïllament, que permet realitzar el procés a temperatura constant sense pèrdues tèrmiques i al sistema de control de temperatura de totes les etapes. L’únic inconvenient és que, degut a la manca pressupostària, ha estat impossible l’adquisició d’un sistema d’embotellament isobàric que permeti realitzar l’embotellament sense pèrdues del gas carbònic. Per tant, el producte final pot embotellar-se amb una lleugera pèrdua de gas o es pot emmagatzemar en el mateix fermentador cilindrocònic per al seu consum directe, a l’estil d’alguns brewpubs.
Lorsque de l'essence est employée pour allumer et/ou propager un incendie, l'inférence de la source de l'essence peut permettre d'établir un lien entre le sinistre et une source potentielle. Cette inférence de la source constitue une alternative intéressante pour fournir des éléments de preuve dans ce type d'événements où les preuves matérielles laissées par l'auteur sont rares. Le but principal de cette recherche était le développement d'une méthode d'analyse de spécimens d'essence par GC-IRMS, méthode pas routinière et peu étudiée en science forensique, puis l'évaluation de son potentiel à inférer la source de traces d'essence en comparaison aux performances de la GC-MS. Un appareillage permettant d'analyser simultanément les échantillons par MS et par IRMS a été utilisé dans cette recherche. Une méthode d'analyse a été développée, optimisée et validée pour cet appareillage. Par la suite, des prélèvements d'essence provenant d'un échantillonnage conséquent et représentatif du marché de la région lausannoise ont été analysés. Finalement, les données obtenues ont été traitées et interprétées à l'aide de méthodes chimiométriques. Les analyses effectuées ont permis de montrer que la méthodologie mise en place, aussi bien pour la composante MS que pour l'IRMS, permet de différencier des échantillons d'essence non altérée provenant de différentes stations-service. Il a également pu être démontré qu'à chaque nouveau remplissage des cuves d'une station-service, la composition de l'essence distribuée par cette station est quasi unique. La GC-MS permet une meilleure différenciation d'échantillons prélevés dans différentes stations, alors que la GC-IRMS est plus performante lorsqu'il s'agit de comparer des échantillons collectés après chacun des remplissages d'une cuve. Ainsi, ces résultats indiquent que les deux composantes de la méthode peuvent être complémentaires pour l'analyse d'échantillons d'essence non altérée. Les résultats obtenus ont également permis de montrer que l'évaporation des échantillons d'essence ne compromet pas la possibilité de grouper des échantillons de même source par GC-MS. Il est toutefois nécessaire d'effectuer une sélection des variables afin d'éliminer celles qui sont influencées par le phénomène d'évaporation. Par contre, les analyses effectuées ont montré que l'évaporation des échantillons d'essence a une forte influence sur la composition isotopique des échantillons. Cette influence est telle qu'il n'est pas possible, même en effectuant une sélection des variables, de grouper correctement des échantillons évaporés par GC-IRMS. Par conséquent, seule la composante MS de la méthodologie mise en place permet d'inférer la source d'échantillons d'essence évaporée. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ When gasoline is used to start and / or propagate an arson, source inference of gasoline can allow to establish a link between the fire and a potential source. This source inference is an interesting alternative to provide evidence in this type of events where physical evidence left by the author are rare. The main purpose of this research was to develop a GC-IRMS method for the analysis of gasoline samples, a non-routine method and little investigated in forensic science, and to evaluate its potential to infer the source of gasoline traces compared to the GC-MS performances. An instrument allowing to analyze simultaneously samples by MS and IRMS was used in this research. An analytical method was developed, optimized and validated for this instrument. Thereafter, gasoline samples from a large sampling and representative of the Lausanne area market were analyzed. Finally, the obtained data were processed and interpreted using chemometric methods. The analyses have shown that the methodology, both for MS and for IRMS, allow to differentiate unweathered gasoline samples from different service stations. It has also been demonstrated that each new filling of the tanks of a station generates an almost unique composition of gasoline. GC-MS achieves a better differentiation of samples coming from different stations, while GC-IRMS is more efficient to distinguish samples collected after each filling of a tank. Thus, these results indicate that the two components of the method can be complementary to the analysis of unweathered gasoline samples. The results have also shown that the evaporation of gasoline samples does not compromise the possibility to group samples coming from the same source by GC-MS. It is however necessary to make a selection of variables in order to eliminate those which are influenced by the evaporation. On the other hand, the carried out analyses have shown that the evaporation of gasoline samples has such a strong influence on the isotopic composition of the samples that it is not possible, even by performing a selection of variables, to properly group evaporated samples by GC-IRMS. Therefore, only the MS allows to infer the source of evaporated gasoline samples.
After decades of polluting actions the environment manifests serious and global consequences. The contamination of soils and groundwater by organic compounds is a widespread problem mainly on account of contamination by leakage from underground storage tanks, which often results in the release of gasoline or other chemicals. The main problem about groundwater contamination is due to the toxicity of water-soluble components such as benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX). In the present work a study about classical and modern methods for remediation of BTX is reported.
Comparison of national budgets for R&D is often made but it should consider the relative productivity and their factors. In Brazil, inefficiency factors as well as their causes have been diagnosed since the late 60's and solutions have been proposed within various governmental organisms, from CNPq to the strategy think tanks. Problems that hinder R&D and innovation in Brazil are reviewed from a historical perspective together with the proposed solutions providing a detailed analysis of the difficulties that have to be overcome to achieve a more effective innovation environment, adequate for the present times, challenges and opportunities.
An improved defoamer dosage procedure and a more efficient dosing point to the approach system were studied in this thesis. Their influence on paper machine wet end operations was investigated. The improved defoamer dosing procedure was examined at UMP-Kymmene Tervasaari PM8. Air content and its controlling methods at the paper machine were studied in the literature survey. Also the influence of dissolved gases and entrained air in the papermaking furnish were introduced. Feeding methods – a TrumpJet chemical mixer and traditional feeding devices – were reviewed. The defoamer’s functioning methods were studied. The influence of the use of defoamers was estimated based on the main selected wet end operations. In the experimental part, defoamer mixing with a traditional feeding method and two improved mixing stages were compared based on the air content profiles in PM8’s approach system. The reference dosage procedure was PM8’s old dosing system. The first dosage procedure in the comparison involved two TrumpJet chemical mixers installed on the bottom wire trays. The second element of comparison involved the improvement brought by a third TrumpJet chemical mixer installed on the top wire tray. This second comparison of the efficient defoamer feeding concept was made at a higher production speed of PM8. The air content control situation was also studied at the higher production speed. In addition the connection between the defoamer and air content was observed and a mill-scale system was studied. The economical benefits of the new dosing procedure were also reviewed. Air content profiles of short circulation were measured in the reference situation and the two comparison points of the study. These air content measurements proved the main gas load is introduced to PM8's paper furnish from the white water tray. Thick stock air content was not essential when the air volume flow was considered. The improved defoamer dosing procedure made lower dosage amounts possible. Compared with the traditional feeding system, the new defoamer feeding concept made only few direct improvements to the wet end operations and the produced paper itself. The lower defoamer need was noticed to have a positive influence on hydrophobic sizing and paper defects. The surfaces of the white water tanks and the operation of pumps were assessed based on the density variations of the suspension. The temperature in the white water silo was stated to have a significant influence on the air content measured in the first centrifugal cleaning stage.
Underground storage tanks (UST) are widely used in the Porto Velho area. A large number of these USTs are in bad condition due to corrosion processes causing groundwater contamination. A large number of these leaking underground fuel tanks (LUFT) are in urban areas but due to the lack of water quality monitoring, they are only detected when there is a high contamination level. This study identified petroleum hydrocarbons, derived from a LUFT, by a silica gel/petroleum ether partitioning gravimetric method and by gas chromatographic analysis of samples collected in wells dug in a gas station and in houses in the aforementioned neighborhood.
In this paper, a simple and rapid method of evaluating galvanized steel sheet corrosion in a CuSO4 solution, as an experimentation proposal for corrosion teaching. Galvanized steel corrosion is present in tanks and tubing by leading of natural or industrial waters which contain soluble copper compounds. This was the rationale for choosing the Cu2+ ions solution as an oxidizing agent. The method principle is based on visual colorimetry because the used oxidant has an intense blue color. Thus, a change in its concentration as a result of the corrosive process can be followed by a color intensity change in the solution thereby allowing evaluation of the corrosion rate.
Studies on the effects of temperature and time of incubation of wastewater samples for the estimation of biodegradable organic matter through the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), that nowadays are rare, considering that the results of the classic study of STREETER & PHELPS(1925) have been accepted as standard. However, there are still questions how could be possible to reduce the incubation time; whether the coefficient of temperature (θ) varies with the temperature and with the type of wastewater and if it approaches 1.047. Aiming the elucidation of these questions, wastewater samples of dairy, swine and sewage treated in septic tanks were incubated at temperatures of 20, 30 and 35 °C, respectively for 5, 3.16 and 2.5 days. From the parameter of deoxygenation coefficient at 20 °C (k20), θ30 and θ35 were calculated. The results indicated that θ values changes with the type of wastewater, however does not vary in the temperature range between 30 and 35 °C, and that the use of 1.047 value did not implied significant differences in obtaining k in a determined T temperature. Thus, it is observed that the value of θ can be used to estimate the required incubation time of the samples at different temperatures.
ABSTRACT Surfactant use in spray solutions has a major advantage of reducing droplet surface tension and increasing deposition. We aimed to evaluate droplet deposition on cattail plants (Typha subulata) using food coloring (Brilliant Blue - FD & C-1) as marker added to spray solution at two different growth stages: vegetative (4 leaves) and flowering (5 leaves). The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications and five plants per plot (16.2-L tanks). Treatments consisted of adding into spray solutions Brilliant Blue alone (control), Brilliant Blue + 0.5% v/v Aterbane and Brilliant Blue + 0.01% v/v Silwet. Spraying was performed by a pressurized CO2 sprayer at 220 kPa using two Teejet XR 8002 nozzles at a spray volume of 200 L ha-1. We observed that surfactant addition provided uniform deposition of spray solution on T. subulata plants at both growth stages compared to treatments without surfactant. However, this product has not increased spray deposits on cattail leaves at both stages.
Quite often, in the construction of a pulp mill involves establishing the size of tanks which will accommodate the material from the various processes in which case estimating the right tank size a priori would be vital. Hence, simulation of the whole production process would be worthwhile. Therefore, there is need to develop mathematical models that would mimic the behavior of the output from the various production units of the pulp mill to work as simulators. Markov chain models, Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model, Mean reversion models with ensemble interaction together with Markov regime switching models are proposed for that purpose.
This study aimed to determine both the lethal and sublethal concentrations of Cypermethrin in young Silver Catfish (Brazilian "Jundiá", Rhamdia quelen) on aquatic environment during 96 hours, as well as to determine the Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin sublethal concentrations during the initial embryonic development period of Rhamdia quelen, and to verify their respective rates of fertilization, hatching and survival. Pyrethroid nowadays is a widely used insecticide, which presents a high toxicity to fish. In order to determine lethal and sublethal concentrations, 120 silver catfish were used; each one had an average weight of 59.58±4.50g and an average size of 20.33±2.34cm. Concentrations used were 0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0mg of Cypermethrin per liter of water (mg/L). Fish were exposed to the product in 30-liter fish tanks. In each fish tank there were four fishes and the product was applied three times, i.e., a total of twelve fish were exposed to the product at each application, and a total of 120 fish during the entire experiment (n=120). In order to determine the Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin sublethal concentrations during the initial embryonic development, ovulation induction was performed on female fishes using hormones, and then and egg collection was performed. The eggs were then hydrated and fertilized in Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin in different concentrations: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0mg/L of Cypermethrin and 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0mg/L of Deltamethrin, in addition to the control group (0mg/L). After fertilization, the eggs were kept in containers with the respective pesticides of Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin until hatching, when hatching rate was verified. Then the alevins, from the hatching, were kept on their respective concentrations of Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin so that the survival rate could be analyzed regarding the tested insecticides, during both 12-hour and 24-hour periods. Concerning the sublethal and lethal concentrations, Silver Catfish was sensitive to the tested concentrations of Cypermethrin, showing symptoms of poisoning, such as loss of balance, swimming alteration, dyspnea (they kept their mouths and opercula open), upright swimming and sudden spiral swimming movements. The intensity of such symptoms varied in proportion to the concentration used. The concentrations above 3.0mg/L were considered lethal to the species, since every animal exposed to concentrations between 3.0 and 20.0mg/L had died, while concentrations between 1.0 and 2.5mg/L were considered sublethal. Lethal concentration of Cypermethrin to Silver catfish, in 96 hours, was 1.71 milligram per liter of water. Concerning the sublethal concentration of Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin during the initial embryonic development, the results show that both pyrethroids had significantly decreased the analyzed parameters when comparing them with the control group. It was concluded that, even with the fish being more resistant to pyrethroids in comparison with other species, both the young animals and the ones in stage of embryonic development were susceptible to the effects of these pesticides.
Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään ilman hitsauslisäainetta tapahtuvan laser–TIG–hybridihitsausprosessin soveltuvuus 6 mm ja 8 mm paksujen päittäisliitettyjen S355 K2 ja Laser 355 MC rakenneterästen hitsaukseen. Hitsien tarkastelussa huomio kiinnitetään hitsausnopeuteen, hitsien tunkeumaan, liittämistehokkuuteen, hitsien kovuuteen ja hitsausliitoksen ulkonäköön. Muita tutkittavia asioita ovat laser-TIG-hybridihitsattujen levyjen muodonmuutokset ja suuresta hitsausnopeudesta sekä pienestä t8/5 jäähtymisajasta johtuvat mahdolliset kylmähalkeamat. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsejä verrataan robotti-MAG- ja käsin MAG-hitseihin sekä kaarihitsausstandardin SFS-EN ISO 5817 hitsiluokkien mukaisiin raja-arvoihin. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessissa TIG-valokaari mahdollistaa tasaisen ja lähes roiskeettoman hitsin ja lasersäde aikaansaa syvän tunkeuman sekä tasalaatuisen juurihitsin. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla 6 mm paksut S355 K2 rakenneteräslevyt on mahdollista hitsata levyn yhdeltä puolelta kerralla valmiiksi. Paksummat 8 mm levyt voidaan hitsata levyn yhdeltä tai molemmilta puolilta suoritettavalla laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksella. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla hitsatut hitsit ovat hyvin siistejä ja lähes roiskeettomia. Verrattaessa laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessia muihin hitsausprosesseihin sen voidaan todeta olevan erittäin kilpailukykyinen 6 mm paksujen päittäisliitettyjen rakenneterästen hitsaamisessa, mutta se soveltuu myös 8 mm paksujen rakenneterästen hitsaamiseen. Tutkitut hitsit täyttävät kaarihitsausstandardin SFS-EN ISO 5817 B- ja D-hitsiluokkien mukaiset raja-arvot. Vertailukokeet 6 mm paksulla S355 rakenneteräksellä osoittavat, että yhdeltä puolelta suoritettavan laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksen hitsausnopeus on robotti-MAG-hitsaukseen verrattuna yli nelinkertainen ja MAG-käsinhitsaukseen verrattuna yli viisinkertainen. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksessa liittämistehokkuus on noin viisinkertainen robotti-MAGhitsaukseen verrattuna. Molemmilta puolilta suoritettavalla laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksella voidaan 8 mm paksulla S355 rakenneteräksellä saavuttaa noin kolminkertainen hitsausnopeus ja liittämistehokkuus robotti-MAG-hitsaukseen verrattuna. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksessa TIG-kaaren tuoman lisälämmön ansiosta suurillakin hitsausnopeuksilla (1 m/min) voidaan saavuttaa edulliset kovuusarvot. Kovuusmittausten tulosten perusteella 6 mm ja 8 mm paksujen S355 K2 ja Laser 355 MC rakenneterästen hitsit eivät ylittäneet kaarihitsausstandardin määrittelemää 350 HV kovuuden enimmäisrajaa. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksen edullisesta lämmöntuonnista johtuen levyjen pituus- ja poikittaissuuntaiset muodonmuutokset ovat noin 80 prosenttia pienemmät kuin käsin suoritettavassa MAG-hitsauksessa. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla käytetään I-railoa, mutta robotti-MAG- ja käsin MAG-hitsausprosesseilla joudutaan käyttämään V-railoa, jolloin lämmöntuonti ja siitä johtuvat muodonmuutokset ovat suuremmat. Korkea liittämistehokkuus ja edullinen lämmöntuonti merkitsevät vähäisempiä muodonmuutoksia ja siten merkittäviä säästöjä työ-, materiaali- ja energiakustannuksissa. 8 mm ja sitä paksummilla S355 rakenneteräksillä levyn yhdeltä puolelta suoritettava päittäisliitoksen hitsaaminen on laser-TIG hybridihitsauksella haastavaa, koska yli 200 A:n TIG-kaarivirralla suuri metallisula aiheuttaa avaimenreiän sulkeutumisen ja avaimenreiän alaosaan muodostuu kaasukuplia. Tästä voidaan tehdä sellainen johtopäätös, että päittäisliitettävien levyjen ilmarakoa pitäisi kasvattaa niin suureksi, että avaimenreiän sulavirtaus ei pääse estymään. Yli 0,25 mm:n ilmarako edellyttää lasersäteen vaaputusta tai säteen halkaisijan kasvattamista. Ilmaraon kasvattaminen edellyttää myös lisäaineen käyttöä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla voidaan saavuttaa merkittäviä etuja ja kustannussäästöjä, joten sen hyödyntämistä kannattaa harkita 8 mm ja sitä ohuempien päittäisliitettävien tuotteiden konepaja- ja tehdastuotannossa. Laser-TIGhybridihitsausprosessi soveltuu esimerkiksi seuraavien tuotteiden hitsaamiseen: päittäisliitettävät levyt, palkit, koneenosat, putket, säiliöt ja erilaiset pyörähdyskappaleet.