970 resultados para POWER SPECTRUM


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A kind of novel broad-band superluminescent diodes (SLDs) using graded tensile-strained bulk InGaAs is developed. The graded tensile-strained bulk InGaAs is obtained by changing only group-III trimethyl-gallium source flow during low-pressure metal organic vapor-phase epitaxy. At the injection current of 200 mA, the fabricated SLDs with such structure demonstrate full-width at half-maximum spectral width of 106 nm and the output light power of 13.6 mW, respectively.


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Organic photovoltaic cells with a strong absorption spectrum in the near infrared region were fabricated with the structure of indium tin oxide (ITO)/zinc phthalocynine (ZnPc)/lead phthalocynine (PbPc)/C-60/Al. PbPc has a broad and strong absorption, while the organic films of PbPc/C-60 showed an additional new absorption peak at 900 nm. The absorption in the near infrared region can harvest more photons to invert into photocurrent. Moreover, the introduction of ZnPc thin layer between ITO and PbPc further improved the new absorption peak and the collection of hole carriers at the electrode ITO, which increased the power conversion efficiencies to 1.95% and short-circuit current density to 9.1 mA/cm(2) under AM 1.5 solar spectrum.


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The absorption spectra of phytoplankton in the visible domain hold implicit information on the phytoplankton community structure. Here we use this information to retrieve quantitative information on phytoplankton size structure by developing a novel method to compute the exponent of an assumed power-law for their particle-size spectrum. This quantity, in combination with total chlorophyll-a concentration, can be used to estimate the fractional concentration of chlorophyll in any arbitrarily-defined size class of phytoplankton. We further define and derive expressions for two distinct measures of cell size of mixed. populations, namely, the average spherical diameter of a bio-optically equivalent homogeneous population of cells of equal size, and the average equivalent spherical diameter of a population of cells that follow a power-law particle-size distribution. The method relies on measurements of two quantities of a phytoplankton sample: the concentration of chlorophyll-a, which is an operational index of phytoplankton biomass, and the total absorption coefficient of phytoplankton in the red peak of visible spectrum at 676 nm. A sensitivity analysis confirms that the relative errors in the estimates of the exponent of particle size spectra are reasonably low. The exponents of phytoplankton size spectra, estimated for a large set of in situ data from a variety of oceanic environments (similar to 2400 samples), are within a reasonable range; and the estimated fractions of chlorophyll in pico-, nano- and micro-phytoplankton are generally consistent with those obtained by an independent, indirect method based on diagnostic pigments determined using high-performance liquid chromatography. The estimates of cell size for in situ samples dominated by different phytoplankton types (diatoms, prymnesiophytes, Prochlorococcus, other cyanobacteria and green algae) yield nominal sizes consistent with the taxonomic classification. To estimate the same quantities from satellite-derived ocean-colour data, we combine our method with algorithms for obtaining inherent optical properties from remote sensing. The spatial distribution of the size-spectrum exponent and the chlorophyll fractions of pico-, nano- and micro-phytoplankton estimated from satellite remote sensing are in agreement with the current understanding of the biogeography of phytoplankton functional types in the global oceans. This study contributes to our understanding of the distribution and time evolution of phytoplankton size structure in the global oceans.


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The electronic stopping power of H and He moving through gold is obtained to high accuracy using time-evolving density-functional theory, thereby bringing usual first principles accuracies into this kind of strongly coupled, continuum nonadiabatic processes in condensed matter. The two key unexplained features of what observed experimentally have been reproduced and understood: (i)The nonlinear behavior of stopping power versus velocity is a gradual crossover as excitations tail into the d-electron spectrum; and (ii)the low-velocity H/He anomaly (the relative stopping powers are contrary to established theory) is explained by the substantial involvement of the d electrons in the screening of the projectile even at the lowest velocities where the energy loss is generated by s-like electron-hole pair formation only. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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Cognitive radio network is defined as an intelligent wireless communication network that should be able to adaptively reconfigure its communication parameters to meet the demands of the transmission network or the user. In this context one possible way to utilize unused licensed spectrum without interfering with incumbent users is through spectrum sensing. Due to channel uncertainties, single cognitive (opportunistic) user cannot make a decision reliably and hence collaboration among multiple users is often required. Here collaboration among large number of users tends to increase power consumption and introduces large communication overheads. In this paper, the number of collaborating users is optimized in order to maximize the probability of detection for any given power budget in a cognitive radio network, while satisfying constraints on the false alarm probability. We show that for the maximum probability of detection, collaboration of only a subset of available opportunistic users is required. The robustness of our proposed spectrum sensing algorithm is also examined under flat Rayleigh fading and AWGN channel conditions.


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Spectrum efficient multiple relay selection strategy for two-hop cooperative decode-and-forward relay networks is proposed for the case when the sum power among all relay nodes is limited. Based on the outage-multiplexing tradeoff (OMT), the number of active relay nodes is maximized so that the resulting sum-relay capacity is maximized while each relay outage capacity remains greater than or equal to a certain target level. Using asymptotic analysis, it is shown that for the proposed OMT relaying strategy the associated multiplexing and cooperative system diversity gains improve proportionally with the number of active relay nodes. It is also shown analytically that the proposed OMT relaying outperforms the conventional opportunistic single relaying in terms of the sum-relay capacity.


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We examine the impact of primary and secondary interference on opportunistic relaying in cognitive spectrum sharing networks. In particular, new closed-form exact and asymptotic expressions for the outage probability of cognitive opportunistic relaying are derived over Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading channels. Our analysis presents revealing insights into the diversity and array gains, diversity-multiplexing tradeoff, impact of primary transceivers' positions, and the optimal position of relays. We highlight that cognitive opportunistic relaying achieves the full diversity gain which is a product of the number of relays and the minimum Nakagami-m fading parameter in the secondary network. Furthermore, we confirm that the diversity gain reduces to zero when the peak interference constraint in the secondary network is proportional to the interference power from the primary network.


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A wireless energy harvesting protocol is proposed for a decode-and-forward relay- assisted secondary user (SU) network in a cognitive spectrum sharing paradigm. An expression for the outage probability of the relay-assisted cognitive network is derived subject to the following power constraints: 1) the maximum power that the source and the relay in the SU network can transmit from the harvested energy, 2) the peak interference power from the source and the relay in the SU network at the primary user (PU) network, and 3) the interference power of the PU network at the relay-assisted SU network. The results show that as the energy harvesting conversion efficiency improves, the relay- assisted network with the proposed wireless energy harvesting protocol can operate with outage probabilities below 20% for some practical applications.


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In this paper, we investigate secure device-to-device (D2D) communication in energy harvesting large-scale cognitive cellular networks. The energy constrained D2D transmitter harvests energy from multi-antenna equipped power beacons (PBs), and communicates with the corresponding receiver using the spectrum of the cellular base stations (BSs). We introduce a power transfer model and an information signal model to enable wireless energy harvesting and secure information transmission. In the power transfer model, we propose a new power transfer policy, namely, best power beacon (BPB) power transfer. To characterize the power transfer reliability of the proposed policy, we derive new closed-form expressions for the exact power outage probability and the asymptotic power outage probability with large antenna arrays at PBs. In the information signal model, we present a new comparative framework with two receiver selection schemes: 1) best receiver selection (BRS), and 2) nearest receiver selection (NRS). To assess the secrecy performance, we derive new expressions for the secrecy throughput considering the two receiver selection schemes using the BPB power transfer policies. We show that secrecy performance improves with increasing densities of PBs and D2D receivers because of a larger multiuser diversity gain. A pivotal conclusion is reached that BRS achieves better secrecy performance than NRS but demands more instantaneous feedback and overhead.


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In this paper, we propose cyclic prefix single carrier (CP-SC) full-duplex transmission in cooperative spectrum sharing to achieve multipath diversity gain and full-duplex spectral efficiency. Integrating full-duplex transmission into cooperative spectrum sharing systems results in two intrinsic problems: 1) the peak interference power constraint at the PUs are concurrently inflicted on the transmit power at the secondary source (SS) and the secondary relays (SRs); and 2) the residual loop interference occurs between the transmit and the receive antennas at the secondary relays. Thus, examining the effects of residual loop interference under peak interference power constraint at the primary users and maximum transmit power constraints at the SS and the SRs is a particularly challenging problem in frequency selective fading channels. To do so, we derive and quantitatively evaluate the exact and the asymptotic outage probability for several relay selection policies in frequency selective fading channels. Our results manifest that a zero diversity gain is obtained with full-duplex.


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In this paper, we investigate secure device-to-device (D2D) communication in energy harvesting large-scale cognitive cellular networks. The energy constrained D2D transmitter harvests energy from multiantenna equipped power beacons (PBs), and communicates with the corresponding receiver using the spectrum of the primary base stations (BSs). We introduce a power transfer model and an information signal model to enable wireless energy harvesting and secure information transmission. In the power transfer model, three wireless power transfer (WPT) policies are proposed: 1) co-operative power beacons (CPB) power transfer, 2) best power beacon (BPB) power transfer, and 3) nearest power beacon (NPB) power transfer. To characterize the power transfer reliability of the proposed three policies, we derive new expressions for the exact power outage probability. Moreover, the analysis of the power outage probability is extended to the case when PBs are equipped with large antenna arrays. In the information signal model, we present a new comparative framework with two receiver selection schemes: 1) best receiver selection (BRS), where the receiver with the strongest channel is selected; and 2) nearest receiver selection (NRS), where the nearest receiver is selected. To assess the secrecy performance, we derive new analytical expressions for the secrecy outage probability and the secrecy throughput considering the two receiver selection schemes using the proposed WPT policies. We presented Monte carlo simulation results to corroborate our analysis and show: 1) secrecy performance improves with increasing densities of PBs and D2D receivers due to larger multiuser diversity gain; 2) CPB achieves better secrecy performance than BPB and NPB but consumes more power; and 3) BRS achieves better secrecy performance than NRS but demands more instantaneous feedback and overhead. A pivotal conclusion- is reached that with increasing number of antennas at PBs, NPB offers a comparable secrecy performance to that of BPB but with a lower complexity.


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Spectrum sensing is a key function of cognitive radio systems. Sensing performance is determined by three main factors including the wireless channel between the primary system and the cognitive radio nodes, the detection threshold, and the sensing time. In this letter a closed-form expression for the average probability of detection for energy detection based spectrum sensing over two-wave with diffuse power fading channels is derived. This expression is then used to optimize the detection threshold for cognitive radio nodes, which operate in confined structures that exhibit worse than Rayleigh fading conditions. Such fading conditions can represent a behavioral model of cognitive machine-to-machine systems deployed in enclosed structures such as in-vehicular environments.


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Nuclear mnagnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy involves the excitation of nuclei by electromagnetic radiation in the radio-frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. For a nucleus to absorb energy from radiowaves in this way, it must hve the quantum mechanical property of spin. A spinning nucleus, such as that of the hydrogen atom, will dopt one f only two possible states when placed in a magnetic field. (In NMR, the hydrogen nucleus is often referred to as a proton, and is given the abbreviation 1H.) Az the strength of the magnetic field is increased, there is a proportional increase in the energy 'gap' between these two states. We can predic the resonant frequency at which any spinning nucleus will absorb energy from radio-frequency radiation as it jumps from the lower energy state to the upper state.


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Soon after its discovery in the 1950s, NMR had become an indispensable tool fr chemists. In the 1970s and 1980s, the power of the technique was extended from one dimension to two and even three dimensions, opening up exciting applkications in both chemistry and biochemistry. the success of one dimensional. high-resolution NMR stems from the unique insights that it can provide about molecular structure. The chemical shift of a nucleus gives invaluable information abut the chemical environment in which that nucleus is located, Coupling interactions between hydorgen nuclei, as revealed by characteristic splitting patterns inthe 1H-NMR spectrum, provide informaton about the loaction of one group of hydorgen atoms relative to others inthe molecule. And the nuclearf Overhauser effect (nOe) can shed light on molecular stereochemistry.