958 resultados para Open-air schools.


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A thermoacoustic refrigerator driven by a thermoacoustic primemover is an effective way to produce durable and long lasting refrigeration due to high reliability, no exotic materials, and no moving parts. Resonator geometry is also one of the important factors that influence the performance of a thermoacoustic prime mover, namely, frequency. Computational fluid dynamics simulation of performance comparison of thermoacoustic prime mover with a straight and tapered resonator is chosen for the present study under an identical stack condition with the air as a working fluid. The frequency and pressure amplitude of oscillations obtained from simulation results were found to be more in the tapered resonator than the straight resonator. Apart from computational fluid dynamics simulation, the simulation studies have also been conducted using design environment for low-amplitude thermoacoustic energy conversion, which predicts the performance of thermoacoustic primemover comparatively well. Simulation results from computational fluid dynamics and design environment for low-amplitude thermoacoustic energy conversion were compared and found to be matching well, representing the good validity of computational fluid dynamics modeling.


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We present here observations on diurnal and seasonal variation of mixing ratio and delta C-13 of air CO2, from an urban station-Bangalore (BLR), India, monitored between October 2008 and December 2011. On a diurnal scale, higher mixing ratio with depleted delta C-13 of air CO2 was found for the samples collected during early morning compared to the samples collected during late afternoon. On a seasonal scale, mixing ratio was found to be higher for dry summer months (April-May) and lower for southwest monsoon months (June-July). The maximum enrichment in delta C-13 of air CO2 (-8.04 +/- 0.02aEuro degrees) was seen in October, then delta C-13 started depleting and maximum depletion (-9.31 +/- 0.07aEuro degrees) was observed during dry summer months. Immediately after that an increasing trend in delta C-13 was monitored coincidental with the advancement of southwest monsoon months and maximum enrichment was seen again in October. Although a similar pattern in seasonal variation was observed for the three consecutive years, the dry summer months of 2011 captured distinctly lower amplitude in both the mixing ratio and delta C-13 of air CO2 compared to the dry summer months of 2009 and 2010. This was explained with reduced biomass burning and increased productivity associated with prominent La Nina condition. While compared with the observations from the nearest coastal and open ocean stations-Cabo de Rama (CRI) and Seychelles (SEY), BLR being located within an urban region captured higher amplitude of seasonal variation. The average delta C-13 value of the end member source CO2 was identified based on both diurnal and seasonal scale variation. The delta C-13 value of source CO2 (-24.9 +/- 3aEuro degrees) determined based on diurnal variation was found to differ drastically from the source value (-14.6 +/- 0.7aEuro degrees) identified based on seasonal scale variation. The source CO2 identified based on diurnal variation incorporated both early morning and late afternoon sample; whereas, the source CO2 identified based on seasonal variation included only afternoon samples. Thus, it is evident from the study that sampling timing is one of the important factors while characterizing the composition of end member source CO2 for a particular station. The difference in delta C-13 value of source CO2 obtained based on both diurnal and seasonal variation might be due to possible contribution from cement industry along with fossil fuel / biomass burning as predominant sources for the station along with differential meteorological conditions prevailed.


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This paper extends the air-gap element (AGE) to enable the modeling of flat air gaps. AGE is a macroelement originally proposed by Abdel-Razek et al.for modeling annular air gaps in electrical machines. The paper presents the theory of the new macroelement and explains its implementation within a time-stepped finite-element (FE) code. It validates the solution produced by the new macroelement by comparing it with that obtained by using an FE mesh with a discretized air gap. It then applies the model to determine the open-circuit electromotive force of an axial-flux permanent-magnet machine and compares the results with measurements.


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In winter, natural ventilation can be achieved either through mixing ventilation or upward displacement ventilation (P.F. Linden, The fluid mechanics of natural ventilation, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 31 (1999) pp. 201-238). We show there is a significant energy saving possible by using mixing ventilation, in the case that the internal heat gains are significant, and illustrate these savings using an idealized model, which predicts that with internal heat gains of order 0.1 kW per person, mixing ventilation uses of a fraction of order 0.2-0.4 of the heat load of displacement ventilation assuming a well-insulated building. We then describe a strategy for such mixing natural ventilation in an atrium style building in which the rooms surrounding the atrium are able to vent directly to the exterior and also through the atrium to the exterior. The results are motivated by the desire to reduce the energy burden in large public buildings such as hospitals, schools or office buildings centred on atria. We illustrate a strategy for the natural mixing ventilation in order that the rooms surrounding the atrium receive both pre-heated but also sufficiently fresh air, while the central atrium zone remains warm. We test the principles with some laboratory experiments in which a model air chamber is ventilated using both mixing and displacement ventilation, and compare the energy loads in each case. We conclude with a discussion of the potential applications of the approach within the context of open plan atria type office buildings.


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This paper presents a combined experimental and numerical study on natural convection in open-celled metal foams. The effective thermal conductivities of steel alloy (FeCrAlY) samples with different relative densities and cell sizes are measured with the guarded-hot-plate method. To examine the natural convection effect, the measurements are conducted under both vacuum and ambient conditions for a range of temperatures. The experimental results show that natural convection is very significant, accounting for up to 50% of the effective foam conductivity obtained at ambient pressure. This has been attributed to the high porosity (ε > 0.9) and inter-connected open cells of the metal foams studied. Morphological parameters characterizing open-celled FeCrAlY foams are subsequently identified and their cross-relationships are built. The non-equilibrium two-equation energy transfer model is employed, and selected calculations show that the non-equilibrium effect between the solid foam skeleton and air is significant. The study indicates that the combined parameter, i.e., the porous medium Rayleigh number, is no longer appropriate to correlate natural convection by itself when the Darcy number is sufficiently large as in the case of natural convection in open-celled metal foams. Good agreement between model predictions and experimental measurements is obtained. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral analisar as representações sociais da hierarquia construídas pelos militares da FAB, considerando suas segmentações em termos dos círculos de oficiais e graduados, dos respectivos processos de formação, dos sexos de seus componentes e dos estágios, se formados ou em formação, em que se encontram. A fundamentação teórica discorre sobre a hierarquia, princípio geral das instituições militares, previsto por lei e regulador do comportamento militar, conforme prevê o Estatuto dos Militares (BRASIL, 1980); a respeito do poder, na perspectiva de Max Weber (1999) que trata a obediência, a partir da autoridade de uma pessoa sobre outras, e de acordo com Amitai Etzioni (1974), que entende o poder como a capacidade que uma pessoa tem de induzir outra a seguir suas orientações. Apresenta ainda a Teoria das Representações Sociais, proposta por Serge Moscovici (1961), para quem as representações sociais servem de instrumento de leitura da realidade, e a partir da abordagem estrutural, proposta por Jean-Claude Abric (1976), segundo a qual a representação social é composta pelo sistema central, constituído pelo núcleo central, e pelo sistema periférico, formado por elementos periféricos. A amostra foi composta por 600 militares, oriundos das escolas de formação de oficiais e de graduados, do âmbito do Comando da Aeronáutica (COMAER): Academia da Força Aérea (AFA), cuja finalidade é a formação dos Oficiais da Ativa dos quadros de Aviação, de Intendência e de Infantaria, a Escola de Especialistas da Aeronáutica (EEAR), responsável pela formação e pelo aperfeiçoamento dos graduados e o Centro de Instrução Especializada da Aeronáutica (CIEAR), responsável pela capacitação de oficiais e graduados em áreas afins à sua especialização. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da técnica de evocação livre ao termo indutor hierarquia, da aplicação do questionário de caracterização e do questionário geral, composto por questões abertas e fechadas. As evocações foram processadas pelo software EVOC, desenvolvido por Pierre Vergès (2005), as questões fechadas receberam o processamento com o auxílio do software SPSS e as questões abertas sofreram uma categorização para o refinamento das análises. Os resultados encontrados nas comparações do conteúdo temático e da estrutura das representações sociais entre os diferentes segmentos permitem afirmar que os temas respeito e disciplina são os prováveis elementos centrais da hierarquia para o conjunto dos 600 militares pesquisados e caracterizam a base comum e consensual compartilhada na caserna. A hierarquia, norteada por um conjunto de regras que regula e assegura a disciplina e o respeito, direciona o comportamento dos militares, durante a formação e no decorrer da carreira. Da análise, conclui-se que os diferentes segmentos de militares da FAB possuem a mesma representação social de hierarquia.


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O principal objetivo deste estudo é estimar o alcance dos poluentes emitidos pelo Aterro Controlado do Morro do Céu (ACMC), localizado em Niterói e as possíveis áreas afetadas. Utilizou-se um modelo matemático para o estudo do transporte e difusão dos poluentes que fornece a concentração nas vizinhanças, a partir dos dados de emissões, meteorológicos e topográficos. Foram analisados e tratados os dados meteorológicos e a topografia da região de alcance da pluma. As amostras foram coletadas por uma bomba de ar a uma vazão de 500 mL min-1 por um período de 10 min, em dois dias e horários diferentes. A câmara de fluxo empregada foi de 30 L e de PVC, no formato cilíndrico, cuja boca foi emborcada no solo por 5 cm e a amostragem realizada por uma válvula posicionada no fundo. Foram empregados como meios de amostragem cartuchos de carvão ativo de leito duplo e as análises químicas foram realizadas por cromatografia de fase gasosa com detecção por ionização na chama. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o ACMC pode conter quantidade significativa de vários compostos químicos, principalmente compostos orgânicos voláteis, impactando a vegetação, prejudicando a saúde e a qualidade de vida da população do seu entorno. Foram obtidos valores de compostos orgânicos voláteis acima de 400 g m-3 a menos que 500 m do ACMC. Considerando que o ACMC não será desativado em um tempo próximo, creches, escolas e postos de saúde devem ser deslocados para uma área onde o impacto dos poluentes atmosféricos seja menor, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população


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The effects of temperature and relative humidity on the rate of drying of split open fish and salted fish in a tunnel dryer have been studied at a constant air velocity. By a judicious combination of these two, the rate of drying could be considerably accelerated, 10 to 12 hours only being required for drying to moisture levels below 30% in the case of mackerel, lactarius, otolithes and kilimeen (Nemipterus japonicus)


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We propose an ultracompact triplexer based on a shift of the cutoff frequency of the fundamental mode in a planar photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) with a triangular lattice of air holes. The shift is realized by modifying the radii of the border holes adjacent to the PCW core. Some defect holes are introduced to control the beam propagation. The numerical results obtained by the finite-difference time-domain method show that the presented triplexer can separate three specific wavelengths, i.e. 1310, 1490 and 1550 nm with the extinction ratios higher than - 18 dB. The designed device with a size as compact as 12 mu m x 6.5 mu m is feasible for the practical application, and can be utilized in the system of fiber to the home.


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Direct air-sea flux measurements were made on RN Kexue #1 at 40 degrees S, 156 degrees E during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Coupled Ocean-Atmospheric Response Experiment (COARE) Intensive Observation Period (IOP). An array of six accelerometers was used to measure the motion of the anchored ship, and a sonic anemometer and Lyman-alpha hygrometer were used to measure the turbulent wind vector and specific humidity. The contamination of the turbulent wind components by ship motion was largely removed by an improvement of a procedure due to Shao based on the acceleration signals. The scheme of the wind correction for ship motion is briefly outlined. Results are presented from data for the best wind direction relative to the ship to minimize flow distortion effects. Both the time series and the power spectra of the sonic-measured wind components show swell-induced ship motion contamination, which is largely removed by the accelerometer correction scheme, There was less contamination in the longitudinal wind component than in the vertical and transverse components. The spectral characteristics of the surface-layer turbulence properties are compared with those from previous land and ocean results, Momentum and latent heat fluxes were calculated by eddy correlation and compared to those estimated by the inertial dissipation method and the TOGA COARE bulk formula. The estimations of wind stress determined by eddy correlation are smaller than those from the TOGA COARE bulk formula, especially for higher wind speeds, while those from the bulk formula and inertial dissipation technique are generally in agreement. The estimations of latent heal flux from the three different methods are in reasonable agreement. The effect of the correction for ship motion on latent heat fluxes is not as large as on momentum fluxes.


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An investigation of 24 buildings in the Greater Boston Area revealed that one-third (8 of 24) contained caulking materials with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) content exceeding 50 ppm by weight, which is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) specified limit above which this material is considered to be PCB bulk product waste. These buildings included schools and other public buildings. In a university building where similar levels of PCB were found in caulking material, PCB levels in indoor air ranged from 111 to 393 ng/m3; and in dust taken from the building ventilation system, < 1 ppm to 81 ppm. In this building, the U.S. EPA mandated requirements for the removal and disposal of the PCB bulk product waste as well as for confirmatory sampling to ensure that the interior and exterior of the building were decontaminated. Although U.S. EPA regulations under the Toxic Substances Control Act stipulate procedures by which PCB-contaminated materials must be handled and disposed, the regulations apparently do not require that materials such as caulking be tested to determine its PCB content. This limited investigation strongly suggests that were this testing done, many buildings would be found to contain high levels of PCBs in the building materials and potentially in the building environment. The presence of PCBs in schools is of particular concern given evidence suggesting that PCBs are developmental toxins.


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Coccolithophores are the primary oceanic phytoplankton responsible for the production of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). These climatically important plankton play a key role in the oceanic carbon cycle as a major contributor of carbon to the open ocean carbonate pump (similar to 50 %) and their calcification can affect the atmosphere-to-ocean (air-sea) uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) through increasing the seawater partial pressure of CO2 (pCO(2)). Here we document variations in the areal extent of surface blooms of the globally important coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi, in the North Atlantic over a 10-year period (1998-2007), using Earth observation data from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). We calculate the annual mean sea surface areal coverage of E. huxleyi in the North Atlantic to be 474 000 +/- 104 000 km(2), which results in a net CaCO3 carbon (CaCO3-C) production of 0.14-1.71 Tg CaCO3-C per year. However, this surface coverage (and, thus, net production) can fluctuate inter-annually by -54/+81% about the mean value and is strongly correlated with the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) climate oscillation index (r = 0.75, p < 0.02). Our analysis evaluates the spatial extent over which the E. huxleyi blooms in the North Atlantic can increase the pCO(2) and, thus, decrease the localised air-sea flux of atmospheric CO2. In regions where the blooms are prevalent, the average reduction in the monthly air-sea CO2 flux can reach 55%. The maximum reduction of the monthly air-sea CO2 flux in the time series is 155 %. This work suggests that the high variability, frequency and distribution of these calcifying plankton and their impact on pCO(2) should be considered if we are to fully understand the variability of the North Atlantic air-to-sea flux of CO2. We estimate that these blooms can reduce the annual N. Atlantic net sink atmospheric CO2 by between 3-28 %.


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Volatile halogenated organic compounds containing bromine and iodine, which are naturally produced in the ocean, are involved in ozone depletion in both the troposphere and stratosphere. Three prominent compounds transporting large amounts of marine halogens into the atmosphere are bromoform (CHBr3), dibromomethane (CH2Br2) and methyl iodide (CH3I). The input of marine halogens to the stratosphere has been estimated from observations and modelling studies using low-resolution oceanic emission scenarios derived from top-down approaches. In order to improve emission inventory estimates, we calculate data-based high resolution global sea-to-air flux estimates of these compounds from surface observations within the HalOcAt (Halocarbons in the Ocean and Atmosphere) database (https://halocat.geomar.de/). Global maps of marine and atmospheric surface concentrations are derived from the data which are divided into coastal, shelf and open ocean regions. Considering physical and biogeochemical characteristics of ocean and atmosphere, the open ocean water and atmosphere data are classified into 21 regions. The available data are interpolated onto a 1 degrees x 1 degrees grid while missing grid values are interpolated with latitudinal and longitudinal dependent regression techniques reflecting the compounds' distributions. With the generated surface concentration climatologies for the ocean and atmosphere, global sea-to-air concentration gradients and sea-to-air fluxes are calculated. Based on these calculations we estimate a total global flux of 1.5/2.5 Gmol Br yr(-1) for CHBr3, 0.78/0.98 Gmol Br yr(-1) for CH2Br2 and 1.24/1.45 Gmol Br yr(-1) for CH3I (robust fit/ordinary least squares regression techniques). Contrary to recent studies, negative fluxes occur in each sea-to-air flux climatology, mainly in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. "Hot spots" for global polybromomethane emissions are located in the equatorial region, whereas methyl iodide emissions are enhanced in the subtropical gyre regions. Inter-annual and seasonal variation is contained within our flux calculations for all three compounds. Compared to earlier studies, our global fluxes are at the lower end of estimates, especially for bromoform. An under-representation of coastal emissions and of extreme events in our estimate might explain the mismatch between our bottom-up emission estimate and top-down approaches.


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Coccolithophores are the primary oceanic phytoplankton responsible for the production of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). These climatically important plankton play a key role in the oceanic carbon cycle as a major contributor of carbon to the open ocean 5 carbonate pump (�50%) and their formation can affect the atmosphere-to-ocean (airsea) uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) through increasing the seawater partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2). Here we document variations in the areal extent of surface blooms of the globally important coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi, in the North Atlantic over a 10-year period (1998–2007), using Earth observation data from the Sea-viewing Wide 10 Field of view Sensor (SeaWiFS).We calculate the annual mean surface areal coverage of E. huxleyi in the North Atlantic to be 474 000±119 000km2 yr−1, which results in a net CaCO3 production of 0.62±0.15 Tg CaCO3 carbon per year. However, this surface coverage and net production can fluctuate by −54/+81% about these mean values and are strongly correlated with the El Ni˜no/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) climate os15 cillation index (r =0.75, p<0.02). Our analysis evaluates the spatial extent over which the E. huxleyi blooms in the North Atlantic can increase the pCO2 and thus decrease the localised sink of atmospheric CO2. In regions where the blooms are prevalent, the average reduction in the monthly CO2 sink can reach 12 %. The maximum reduction of the monthly CO2 sink in the time series is 32 %. This work suggests that the high 20 variability, frequency and distribution of these calcifying plankton and their impact on pCO2 should be considered within modelling studies of the North Atlantic if we are to fully understand the variability of its air-to-sea CO2 flux.


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In this study, Evernia prunastri, a lichen growing in its natural habitat in Morocco was analysed for the concentration of five heavy metals (Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cr) from eleven sites between Kenitra and Mohammedia cities. The control site was Dar Essalam, an isolated area with low traffic density and dense vegetation. In the investigated areas, the concentration of heavy metals was correlated with vehicular traffic, industrial activity and urbanization. The total metal concentration was highest in Sidi Yahya, followed by Mohammedia and Bouznika. The coefficient of variation was higher for Pb and lower for Cu, Zn and Fe. The concentrations of most heavy metals in the thalli differed significantly between sites (p<0.01). Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed a significant correlation between heavy metal accumulation and atmospheric purity index. This study demonstrated also that the factors most strongly affecting the lichen flora were traffic density, the petroleum industry and paper factories in these areas. Overall, these results suggest that the index of atmospheric purity and assessment of heavy metals in lichen thalli are good indicators of the air quality at the studied sites.