985 resultados para Olfactory Epithelium
We describe the characterization of influenza A virus infection of an established in vitro model of human pseudostratified mucociliary airway epithelium (HAE). Sialic acid receptors for both human and avian viruses, alpha-2,6- and alpha-2,3-linked sialic acids, respectively, were detected on the HAE cell surface, and their distribution accurately reflected that in human tracheobronchial tissue. Nonciliated cells present a higher proportion of alpha-2,6-linked sialic acid, while ciliated cells possess both sialic acid linkages. Although we found that human influenza viruses infected both ciliated and nonciliated cell types in the first round of infection, recent human H3N2 viruses infected a higher proportion of nonciliated cells in HAE than a 1968 pandemic-era human virus, which infected proportionally more ciliated cells. In contrast, avian influenza viruses exclusively infected ciliated cells. Although a broad-range neuraminidase abolished infection of HAE by human parainfluenza virus type 3, this treatment did not significantly affect infection by influenza viruses. All human viruses replicated efficiently in HAE, leading to accumulation of nascent virus released from the apical surface between 6 and 24 h postinfection with a low multiplicity of infection. Avian influenza A viruses also infected HAE, but spread was limited compared to that of human viruses. The nonciliated cell tropism of recent human H3N2 viruses reflects a preference for the sialic acid linkages displayed on these cell types and suggests a drift in the receptor binding phenotype of the H3 hemagglutinin protein as it evolves in humans away from its avian virus precursor.
The first pandemic of the 21(st) century, pandemic H1N1 2009 (pH1N1 2009), emerged from a swine-origin source. Although human infections with swine-origin influenza have been reported previously, none went on to cause a pandemic or indeed any sustained human transmission. In previous pandemics, specific residues in the receptor binding site of the haemagglutinin (HA) protein of influenza have been associated with the ability of the virus to transmit between humans. In the present study we investigated the effect of residue 227 in HA on cell tropism and transmission of pH1N1 2009. In pH1N1 2009 and recent seasonal H1N1 viruses this residue is glutamic acid, whereas in swine influenza it is alanine. Using human airway epithelium, we show a differential cell tropism of pH1N1 2009 compared to pH1N1 2009 E227A and swine influenza suggesting this residue may alter the sialic acid conformer binding preference of the HA. Furthermore, both pH1N1 2009 E227A and swine influenza multi-cycle viral growth was found to be attenuated in comparison to pH1N1 2009 in human airway epithelium. However this altered tropism and viral growth in human airway epithelium did not abrogate respiratory droplet transmission of pH1N1 2009 E227A in ferrets. Thus, acquisition of E at residue 227 was not solely responsible for the ability of pH1N1 2009 to transmit between humans.
Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 : H7 is a bacterial pathogen that can cause haemorrhagic colitis and haemolytic uremic syndrome. In the primary reservoir host, cattle, the terminal rectum is the principal site of E. coli O157 colonization. In this study, bovine terminal rectal primary epithelial cells were used to examine the role of H7 flagella in epithelial adherence. Binding of a fliC(H7) mutant O157 strain to rectal epithelium was significantly reduced as was binding of the flagellated wild-type strain following incubation with H7-specific antibodies. Complementation of fliC(H7) mutant O157 strain with fliC(H7) restored the adherence to wild-type levels; however, complementation with fliC(H6) did not restore it. High-resolution ultrastructural and imunofluorescence studies demonstrated the presence of abundant flagella forming physical contact points with the rectal epithelium. Binding to terminal rectal epithelium was specific to H7 by comparison with other flagellin types tested. In-cell Western assays confirmed temporal expression of flagella during O157 interaction with epithelium, early expression was suppressed during the later stages of microcolony and attaching and effacing lesion formation. H7 flagella are expressed in vivo by individual bacteria in contact with rectal mucosa. Our data demonstrate that the H7 flagellum acts as an adhesin to bovine intestinal epithelium and its involvement in this crucial initiating step for colonization indicates that H7 flagella could be an important target in intervention strategies.
Umami taste is produced by glutamate acting on a fifth taste system. However, glutamate presented alone as a taste stimulus is not highly pleasant, and does not act synergistically with other tastes (sweet, salt, bitter and sour). We show here that when glutamate is given in combination with a consonant, savory, odour (vegetable), the resulting flavor can be much more pleasant. Moreover, we showed using functional brain imaging with fMRI that the glutamate taste and savory odour combination produced much greater activation of the medial orbitofrontal cortex and pregenual cingulate cortex than the sum of the activations by the taste and olfactory components presented separately. Supralinear effects were much less (and significantly less) evident for sodium chloride and vegetable odour. Further, activations in these brain regions were correlated with the pleasantness and fullness of the flavor, and with the consonance of the taste and olfactory components. Supralinear effects of glutamate taste and savory odour were not found in the insular primary taste cortex. We thus propose that glutamate acts by the nonlinear effects it can produce when combined with a consonant odour in multimodal cortical taste-olfactory convergence regions. We propose the concept that umami can be thought of as a rich and delicious flavor that is produced by a combination of glutamate taste and a consonant savory odour. Glutamate is thus a flavor enhancer because of the way that it can combine supralinearly with consonant odours in cortical areas where the taste and olfactory pathways converge far beyond the receptors.
Background and Aims Despite recent recognition that (1) plant–herbivore interactions during the establishment phase, (2) ontogenetic shifts in resource allocation and (3) herbivore response to plant volatile release are each pivotal to a comprehensive understanding of plant defence, no study has examined how herbivore olfactory response varies during seedling ontogeny. Methods Using a Y-tube olfactometer we examined snail (Helix aspersa) olfactory response to pellets derived from macerated Plantago lanceolata plants harvested at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 weeks of age to test the hypothesis that olfactory selection of plants by a generalist herbivore varies with plant age. Plant volatiles were collected for 10 min using solid-phase microextraction technique on 1- and 8-week-old P. lanceolata pellets and analysed by gas chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometer. Key Results Selection of P. lanceolata was strongly negatively correlated with increasing age; pellets derived from 1-week-old seedlings were three times more likely to be selected as those from 8-week-old plants. Comparison of plant selection experiments with plant volatile profiles from GC/MS suggests that patterns of olfactory selection may be linked to ontogenetic shifts in concentrations of green leaf volatiles and ethanol (and its hydrolysis derivatives). Conclusions Although confirmatory of predictions made by contemporary plant defence theory, this is the first study to elucidate a link between seedling age and olfactory selection by herbivores. As a consequence, this study provides a new perspective on the ontogenetic expression of seedling defence, and the role of seedling herbivores, particularly terrestrial molluscs, as selective agents in temperate plant communities.
Cobalt is one of the main components of cast metal alloys broadly used in dentistry. It is the constituent of 45 to 70% of numerous prosthetic works. There are evidences that metal elements cause systemic and local toxicity. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of cobalt on the junctional epithelium and reduced enamel epithelium of the first superior molar in rats, during lactation. To do this, 1-day old rats were used, whose mothers received 300mg of cobalt chloride per liter of distilled water in the drinker, during lactation. After 21 days, the rat pups were killed with an anesthetic overdose. The heads were separated, fixed in ""alfac"", decalcified and embedded in paraffin. Frontal sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin were employed. Karyometric methods allowed to estimate the following parameters: biggest, smallest and mean diameters, D/d ratio, perimeter, area, volume, volume/area ratio, eccentricity, form coefficient and contour index. Stereologic methods allow to evaluate: cytoplasm/nucleus ratio, cell and cytoplasm volume, cell number density, external surface/basal membrane ratio, thickness of the epithelial layers and surface density. All the collected data were subjected to statistic analysis by the non-parametric Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. The nuclei of the studied tissues showed smaller values after karyometry for: diameters; perimeter, area, volume and volume/area ratio. Stereologically, it was observed, in the junctional epithelium and in the reduced enamel epithelium, smaller cells with scarce cytoplasm, reflected in the greater number of cells per mm3 of tissue. In this study, cobalt caused epithelial atrophy, indicating a direct action on the junctional and enamel epithelium.
Early-life environmental events, such as the handling procedure, can induce long-lasting alterations upon several behavioral and neuroendocrine systems. However, the changes within the pups that could be causally related to the effects in adulthood are still poorly understood. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of neonatal handling on behavioral (maternal odor preference) and biochemical (cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation, noradrenaline (NA), and serotonin (5-HT) levels in the olfactory bulb (OB)) parameters in 7-day-old male and female rat pups. Repeated handling (RH) abolished preference for the maternal odor in female pups compared with nonhandled (NH) and the single-handled (SH) ones, while in RH males the preference was not different than NH and SH groups. In both male and female pups, RH decreased NA activity in the OB, but 5-HT activity increased only in males. Since preference for the maternal odor involves the synergic action of NA and 5-HT in the OB, the maintenance of the behavior in RH males could be related to the increased 5-HT activity, in spite of reduction in the NA activity in the OB. RH did not alter CREB phosphorylation in the OB of both male and females compared with NH pups. The repeated handling procedure can affect the behavior of rat pups in response to the maternal odor and biochemical parameters related to the olfactory learning mechanism. Sex differences were already detected in 7-day-old pups. Although the responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to stressors is reduced in the neonatal period, environmental interventions may impact behavioral and biochemical mechanisms relevant to the animal at that early age. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An acute enteritis is commonly followed by intestinal neuromuscular dysfunction, including prolonged hyperexcitability of enteric neurons. Such motility disorders are associated with maintained increases in immune cells adjacent to enteric ganglia and in the mucosa. However, whether the commonly used animal model, trinitrobenzene sulphonate (TNBS)-induced enteritis, causes histological and immune cell changes similar to human enteric neuropathies is not clear. We have made a detailed study of the mucosal damage and repair and immune cell invasion following intralumenal administration of TNBS. Intestines from untreated, sham-operated and TNBS-treated animals were examined at 3 h to 56 days. At 3 h, the mucosal surface was completely ablated, by 6 h an epithelial covering was substantially restored and by 1 day there was full re-epithelialisation. The lumenal epithelium developed from a squamous cell covering to a fully differentiated columnar epithelium with mature villi at about 7 days. Prominent phagocytic activity of enterocytes occurred at 1-7 days. A surge of eosinophils and T lymphocytes associated with the enteric nerve ganglia occurred at 3 h to 3 days. However, elevated immune cell numbers occurred in the lamina propria of the mucosa until 56 days, when eosinophils were still three times normal. We conclude that the disruption of the mucosal surface that causes TNBS-induced ileitis is brief, a little more than 6 h, and causes a transient immune cell surge adjacent to enteric ganglia. This is much briefer than the enteric neuropathy that ensues. Ongoing mucosal inflammatory reaction may contribute to the persistence of enteric neuropathy.
The dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMd) has a critical role on the expression of defensive responses to predator odor. Anatomical evidence suggests that the PMd should also modulate memory processing through a projecting branch to the anterior thalamus. By using a pharmacological blockade of the PMd with the NMDA-receptor antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5), we were able to confirm its role in the expression of unconditioned defensive responses, and further revealed that the nucleus is also involved in influencing associative mechanisms linking predatory threats to the related context. We have also tested whether olfactory fear conditioning, using coffee odor as CS, would be useful to model predator odor. Similar to cat odor, shock-paired coffee odor produced robust defensive behavior during exposure to the odor and to the associated context. Shock-paired coffee odor also up-regulated Fos expression in the PMd, and, as with cat odor, we showed that this nucleus is involved in the conditioned defensive responses to the shock-paired coffee odor and the contextual responses to the associated environment. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
As the content of Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF beta) wanes in the milk of lactating rat, an increase in TGF beta is observed in the gastric epithelia concomitant with differentiation of the glands upon weaning. Whereas TGF beta has been shown to inhibit the proliferation of gastrointestinal cells in vitro, its functional significance and mechanisms of action have not been studied in vivo. Therefore, we administered TGF beta 1 (1 ng/g body wt.) to 14-day-old rats in which the gastric epithelium was induced to proliferate by fasting, and determined the involvement of signaling through Smads and the impact on epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis. After the gavage, we observed the progressive increase of active TGF beta 1 while T beta RII-receptor remained constant in the gastric mucosa. By immunohistochemistry, we showed Smad2/3 increase at 60 min (p < 0.05) and Smad2 phosphorylation/activation and translocation to the nucleus most prominently between 0 and 30 min after treatment (p < 0.05). Importantly, TGF beta 1 inhibited cell proliferation (p < 0.05), which was estimated by BrDU pulse-labeling 12 h after gavage. Lower proliferation was reflected by increased p27(kip1) at 2 h (p < 0.05). Also, TGF beta 1 increased apoptosis as measured by M30 labeling at 60 and 180 min (p < 0.001), and by morphological features at 12 h (p < 0.05). In addition, we observed higher levels of activated caspase 3 (17 kDa) from 0 to 30 min. Altogether, these data indicate a direct effect of TGF beta 1 signaling through Smads on both inhibiting proliferation, through alteration of cycle proteins, and inducing apoptosis of gastric epithelial cells in vivo. Further, the studies suggest a potential role for both milk and tissue-expressed TG beta 1 in gastric growth during postnatal development, (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: There is general consensus that the effects of intrinsic aging on the oral mucosa are relatively small, though potentially important to understanding the pathologies present in the aged animals. Objective: In this paper, the development of dorsal surface of rat tongue was examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) in order to understand the age-related structural and ultrastructural changes experimentally. Methods: In this study, we used female rats 75 and 720 days old (adult and aging). Tissues of rat tongue were prepared and the specimens submitted to HRSEM and TEM techniques. Results: The analysis of HRSEM and TEM demonstrated that the same characteristic keratinous epithelium was found in aging animals, however with some modifications. Conclusion: We agree that there are obvious changes in the oral mucosa with aging and these modifications can be observed starting from the ultrastructural aspects. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
Olfactory sensory neurons are able to detect odorants with high sensitivity and specificity. We have demonstrated that Ric-8B, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), interacts with G alpha olf and enhances odorant receptor signaling. Here we show that Ric-8B also interacts with G gamma 13, a divergent member of the G gamma subunit family which has been implicated in taste signal transduction, and is abundantly expressed in the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons. We show that G beta 1 is the predominant GP subunit expressed in the olfactory sensory neurons. Ric-8B and G beta 1, like G alpha olf and G gamma 13, are enriched in the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons. We also show that Ric-8B interacts with G alpha olf in a nucleotide dependent manner, consistent with the role as a GEF. Our results constitute the first example of a GEF protein that interacts with two different olfactory G protein subunits and further implicate Ric-8B as a regulator of odorant signal transduction. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Madeira wine is a fortified wine with impact in the Madeira Island’s economy. Similarly to other wines, its acidity should be well controlled in order to ensure Madeira wine quality, mostly the volatile acidity. Due to Madeira wine complex flavour, it is crucial to get a better knowledge about the volatile acidity impact in its features, namely determine the perception limit of acetic acid and ethyl acetate, as both are the main contributors for volatile acidity. Firstly, the olfactory perception threshold of volatile acidity was assessed by a trained and an untrained panel, using 5 and 10 years-old Sercial and Malvasia wines. Moreover, the current work also presents the evolution of organic acids, acetic acid and ethyl acetate during 540 days of ageing of Madeira wines (Malvasia, Bual, Verdelho and Sercial), comparing the same wines aged by both traditional ageing processes: canteiro and estufagem. Other wine samples, aged in wood casks (canteiro) for at least 5 years, were also evaluated. HS-SPME followed by GC-MS analysis was used to determine ethyl acetate concentration and IEC-HPLC-DAD was used for the organic acids determination, including acetic acid. The results indicated that acetic acid and ethyl acetate olfactory perception threshold depends essentially on wine’s age. Concerning acetic acid, the untrained panel was in average 5.45 g/L (5 years-old) and 6.22 g/L (10 years-old). Training the expert panel to recognize acetic acid odour, the values decreased for 1.44 g/L (5 years-old) and 1.87 g/L (10 years-old), but still remained higher than the established volatile acidity legal limits. Ethyl acetate threshold was similar for both panels (in average 327.97 mg/L). Both compounds tend to increase exponentially with age, being more evident in sweet wines. Organic acids in young Madeira wines depend mostly on the nature of grape varieties, but this difference is minimized with wine ageing.
Propõe-se, neste trabalho, o uso de microscopia eletrônica de varredura para avaliar perda de epitélio intestinal da mucosa intestinal de pintos machos e fêmeas submetidos a prolongado jejum pós-eclosão de água e ração. Dois segmentos do duodeno, jejuno e íleo por ave foram coletados e processados pelo método de rotina para microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Seis diferentes graus de perda de epitélio intestinal foram determinados: grau 0, vilos normais, sem extrusão; grau 1, vilos com pequenos pontos de extrusão; grau 2, vilos com perda de epitélio no ápice; grau 3, vilos com perda de epitélio na região apical; grau 4, vilos com perda de epitélio em sua metade superior; grau 5: vilos sem epitélio; grau 6: vilo quebrado. As três regiões intestinais das fêmeas apresentaram aproximadamente 90% de seus vilos normais (graus 0 e 1), enquanto nos machos ocorreu 38% de vilos normais no duodeno e jejuno e 85% no íleo. Além disso, machos apresentaram graus mais acentuados de perda de epitélio (graus 3, 4, 5 e 6) que as fêmeas (grau 3). Os dados indicaram que a mucosa intestinal de pintos machos é mais sensível a prolongado jejum pós-eclosão que a de pintos fêmeas. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura pode ser usada como um método de rotina seguro para a caracterização e quantificação de perda de epitélio intestinal.
Objective: The objective was to analyze the effect of raloxifene oil the vaginal epithelium of postmenopausal women.Study design: In this non-randomized clinical trial, 80 women (mean age = 60.6 years) were prospectively studied. Forty patients received 60 mg/day of raloxifene (RG), and 40 women constituted it non-treated control group (CG), paired by age and time since menopause. The treated group consisted of patients with osteoporosis of the lumbar spine. Those with a diagnosis of infection ill the lower genital tract and using hormone therapy (HT) up to 6 months prior to the study were excluded. Vaginal smears were collected at baseline and after 6 months of intervention. The vaginal maturation value (VMV) was determined, and counts of superficial, intermediate and parabasal cells were performed. Smears were analyzed by only one cytopathologist who was blinded to patient data. The t-test, Wilcoxon test, and Chi-Squared test were used in the statistical analysis.Results: The study groups were homogeneous regarding age, time since menopause, parity, HT use, smoking, and body mass index. No statistically significant differences were observed in VMV median values (RG, 39.7 and 35.7; CG, 50.0 and 50.0, respectively) or in the percentage of superficial, intermediate and parabasal cells between the groups at baseline and after 6 months (p > 0.05). There was no significant correlation between VMV and age, time since menopause, previous HT use, or body mass index, in either of the groups.Conclusion: Treatment with raloxifene for 6 months has no effect on the maturation of the vaginal epithelium ill postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.