331 resultados para OXO


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Mutations in the gene encoding cytosolic Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) have been linked to familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS). However the molecular mechanisms of motor neuron death are multifactorial and remain unclear. Here we examined DNA damage;p53 activity and apoptosis in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells transfected to achieve low-level expression of either wild-type or mutant Gly(93) --> Ala (G93A) SOD1, typical of FALS. DNA damage was investigated by evaluating the levels of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2`-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) and DNA strand breaks. Significantly higher levels of DNA damage, increased p53 activity, and a greater percentage of apoptotic cells were observed in SH-SY5Y cells transfected with G93A SOD1 when compared to cells overexpressing wild-type SOD1 and untransfected cells. Western blot, FACS, and confocal microscopy analysis demonstrated that G93A SOD1 is present in the nucleus in association with DNA. Nuclear G93A SOD1 has identical superoxide dismutase activity but displays increased peroxidase activity when compared to wild-type SOD1. These results indicate that the G93A mutant SOD1 association with DNA might induce DNA damage and trigger the apoptotic response by activating p53. This toxic activity of mutant SOD1 in the nucleus may play an important role in the complex mechanisms associated with motor neuron death observed in ALS pathogenesis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ni(II)GGH (GGH, glycylglycyl-L-histidine) reacts rapidly with S(IV), in air-saturated solution, to produce Ni(III)GGH. A mechanism is proposed where Ni(III) oxidizes SO(3)(2-) to SO(3)(center dot-), which reacts with dissolved oxygen to produce SO(5)(center dot-), initiating radical chain reactions. DNA strand breaks and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-20-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) formation were observed in air-saturated solutions containing micromolar concentrations of nickel(II) and S(IV). The efficacies of melatonin, (-)-epigallocatechin-gallate (from green tea), resveratrol, tannic, and ascorbic acids in terms of their inhibitory activities of DNA strand breaks and 8-oxodGuo formation were evaluated.


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This study describes the antichagasic potential of five compounds isolated from leaves of Piper crassinervium (Piperaceae). Two prenylated benzoic acid derivatives, one prenylated hydroquinone and two flavanones, were evaluated. The in vitro trypanocidal activity was determined against epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi (Y strain), the etiologic agent of Chagas disease. The most active compound was the prenylated hydroquinone [1,4-dihydroxy-2-(3(0),7(0)-dimethyl-1(0)-oxo-2(0)-E,6(0)-octadienyl)benzene] with an IC(50) value of 6.10 g mL(-1), which was in the same order of activity if compared with the positive control benznidazole (IC(50) = 1.60 mu g mL(-1)). This is the first report of trypanocidal activity for prenylated hydroquinone and benzoic acid derivatives.


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A new vanadium (IV) complex with the monoanion of 2,3-dihydroxypyridine (H(2)dhp), or 3-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridone, was synthesized, characterized by physicochemical techniques and tested biologically. The EPR data for the [VO(Hdhp)(2)] complex in DMF are: g(x) = 1.9768, g(y) = 1.9768 and g(z) = 1.9390; A values (10(-4) cm(-1)): A(x), 59.4; A(y//), 59.4; A(z), 171.0. The vV=O band in the IR spectrum of the complex is at 986 cm(-1). The complex is paramagnetic, with mu(eff) = 1.65 BM (d(1), spin-only) at 25 degrees C. The irreversible oxidation process [V(V)/V(IV)] of the [VO(Hdhp)(2)] complex, as revealed in a cyclic voltammogram, occurs at 876 mV. The calculated molecular structure of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] shows the vanadium(IV) center in a distorted square pyramidal environment, with the oxo ligand in the apical position and the oxygen donor atoms of the Hdhp ligands in the basal positions. The ability of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] to mimic insulin, and its toxicity to hepato-biliary functions, were investigated in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and it was concluded that the length of treatment and the amount of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] administered were effective in reducing experimental diabetes.


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2,3-Dihydroxynaphthalene (H(2)dhn) reacts with [ReOCl(3)-(PPh(3))(2)] or [ReOBr(3)(PPh(3))(2)] in a 1:1 molar ratio with formation of the isostructural complexes [ReOCl(2)(PPh(3))(2)(Hdhn)] (4) and [ReOBr(2)-(PPh(3))(2)(Hdhn)] (5). They have distorted octahedral coordination spheres with the halide and the triphenylphosphine ligands arranged in equatorial trans positions to each other. The Hdhn-ligand coordinates monodentately in trans position to the oxo ligand. Intramolecular hydrogen bonds between the Hdhn and the halogeno ligands stabilize this coordination mode. The products represent the first examples of oxorhenium(V) complexes with monodentate catecholate-type ligands.


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Reactions of N-[N`,N`-diethylamino(thiocarbonyl)]benzimidoyl chloride with 4,4-dialkylthiosemicarbazides give a novel class of thiosemicarbazides/thiosemicarbazones, H(2)L, which causes a remarkable reduction of cell growth in in vitro experiments. These strong antiproliferative effects are also observed for oxorhenium(V) complexes of the general composition [ReOCl(L)], which are formed by reactions of the potentially tridentate ligands with (NBu(4))[ReOCl(4)]. A systematic substitution of the alkyl groups in the thiosemicarbazone building blocks of the ligands do not significantly influence the biological activity of the metal complexes, while the replacement of the chloro ligand by a PPh(3) ligand (by the replacement of the oxo unit by a nitrido ligand) completely terminated the cytotoxicity of the metal complexes.


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Apomorfina é um potente agonista dopaminérgico D1/D2, utilizada no tratamento da Doença de Parkinson. Em maio de 2001, apomorfina HCl foi aprovada para utilização no tratamento da disfunção erétil, aumentando o número de usuários potenciais deste fármaco. Estudos sugerem que apomorfina e outros agonistas dopaminérgicos podem induzir neurotoxicidade mediada por seus derivados de oxidação semiquinonas e quinonas, os quais levam à formação de espécies reativas de oxigênio. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram de avaliar os possíveis efeitos genotóxicos, antimutagênicos, citotóxicos de apomorfina (APO) e de um produto derivado de sua oxidação, 8-oxo-apomorfina-semiquinona (8-OASQ), utilizando o teste Salmonella/microssoma, Mutoxiteste WP2, ensaio Cometa e teste de sensibilidade em Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Em adição, foram avaliados os efeitos de APO e 8-OASQ sobre a memória e o comportamento em ratos (tarefa de esquiva inibitória, comportamento e habituação ao campo aberto) e o comportamento estereotipado em camundongos. Ambos compostos induziram mutações por erro no quadro de leitura em linhagens de S. typhimurium TA97 e TA98, sendo que 8-OASQ foi cerca de duas vezes mais mutagênico que APO, na ausência de S9 mix. Para linhagens que detectam mutágenos oxidantes, 8-OASQ foi mutagênico, enquanto APO foi antimutagênico, inibindo a mutagenicidade induzida por H2O2 e t-BOOH em linhagens de S. typhimurium e derivadas WP2 de E. coli. O S9 mix inibiu todos os efeitos mutagênicos, provavelmente retardando a oxidação de APO ou devido à conjugação de APO e seus produtos de autoxidação, como 8-OASQ, a proteínas do S9. Em testes de sensibilidade com S. cerevisiae, APO foi citotóxica para algumas linhagens apenas nas doses mais altas. Para 8-OASQ este efeito foi dose-depende para todas as linhagens, sendo que as mutantes deficientes em catalase (ctt1), superóxido dismutase (sod1) e yap1 foram as mais sensíveis. APO protegeu as linhagens de S. cerevisiae contra danos oxidativos induzidos por concentrações altas de H2O2 e t-BOOH, enquanto que 8-OASQ aumentou os efeitos pró-oxidantes e induziu respostas adaptativas para aqueles agentes. APO e 8-OASQ induziram efeitos de prejuízo na memória de curta e de longa duração em uma tarefa de esquiva inibitória em ratos. APO, mas não 8-OASQ, prejudicou a habituação a um novo ambiente de forma dose-dependente. Os efeitos de prejuízo de memória não foram atribuídos à redução da nocicepção ou outra alteração inespecífica de comportamento, visto que nem APO e nem 8-OASQ afetaram a reatividade ao choque nas patas e comportamento durante a exploração ao campo aberto. Os resultados sugerem, portanto, que os produtos de oxidação de dopamina ou de agonistas dopaminérgicos podem induzir deficiências cognitivas.APO, mas não 8-OASQ, induziu comportamento estereotipado em camundongos machos CF-1. A falta da indução deste comportamento por 8-OASQ sugere que a autoxidação de APO causa a perda na sua habilidade de ligar-se a receptores dopaminérgicos. Pelo ensaio Cometa, 8-OASQ provocou danos ao DNA do tecido cerebral de camundongos sacrificados 1 h e 3 h, mas não 24 h após sua administração, enquanto que APO induziu um fraco aumento da freqüência de dano ao DNA 3 h após o tratamento. Esses resultados sugerem que ambos APO e 8-OASQ desempenham uma atividade genotóxica no tecido cerebral.


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A new vanadium (IV) complex with the monoanion of 2,3-dihydroxypyridine (H(2)dhp), or 3-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridone, was synthesized, characterized by physicochemical techniques and tested biologically. The EPR data for the [VO(Hdhp)(2)] complex in DMF are: g(x) = 1.9768, g(y) = 1.9768 and g(z) = 1.9390; A values (10(-4) cm(-1)): A(x), 59.4; A(y//), 59.4; A(z), 171.0. The vV=O band in the IR spectrum of the complex is at 986 cm(-1). The complex is paramagnetic, with mu(eff) = 1.65 BM (d(1), spin-only) at 25 degrees C. The irreversible oxidation process [V(V)/V(IV)] of the [VO(Hdhp)(2)] complex, as revealed in a cyclic voltammogram, occurs at 876 mV. The calculated molecular structure of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] shows the vanadium(IV) center in a distorted square pyramidal environment, with the oxo ligand in the apical position and the oxygen donor atoms of the Hdhp ligands in the basal positions. The ability of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] to mimic insulin, and its toxicity to hepato-biliary functions, were investigated in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and it was concluded that the length of treatment and the amount of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] administered were effective in reducing experimental diabetes.


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Várias amostras de solo do Brasil foram semeadas em placas de ágar e diversas cepas de actinomicetos produtoras de antibióticos antifúngicos foram isoladas. Foram desenvolvidos meios para eliciação da biossíntese dos antibióticos e métodos para determinação rápida do seu rendimento. Ao todo, foram isoladas 41 cepas de actinomicetos aeróbios produtoras de metabólitos antifúngicos. Destes, 11 (26,8%) eram macrolídeos tetraênicos, 13 (31,7%) macrolídeos pentaênicos, 1 (2,4%), macrolídeo oxopentaênico, 1 (2,4%) macrolídeo hexaênico e 6 (14,6%) macrolídeos heptaênicos. Os antibióticos antifúngicos produzidos pelas restantes 9 cepas ativas (21,9%) não eram poliênicos. Os poliênicos mais utilizados atualmente na clínica são do tipo tetraênico (nistatina) e heptaênico (anfotericina B). Um meio à base de leite de soja favoreceu extraordinariamente a eliciação da biossíntese de polienos por algumas cepas, enquanto que para outras não houve favorecimento e para outras foi prejudicial. Os rendimentos obtidos atingiram cerca de 6000 U de antibióticos poliênicos por mL.


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B3LYP/6-31 + + G** and MP2/6-31 + + G** calculations have been carried out to study six tautomers of the nucleic acid base cytosine in aqueous media. Solvent effects have been analyzed using the self-consistent reaction field theory with two continuum methods. Relative stabilities and optimized geometries have been calculated for the tautomers and compared with experimental data. The present results show the importance of electrostatic solvent effects in determining observable properties of the cytosine tautomers. The amino-oxo form (C1) is the most abundant tautomer in aqueous media while the other amino-oxo form (C4) is the most energetically favored when solvent effects are included. These results can be justified by the larger values of the dipole moments for both C1 and C4 tautomers. Theoretical and experimental results of the harmonic vibrational frequencies and rotational constants show good agreement. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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B3LYP/6-31++G** calculations to study seven tautomers of 5-methylcytosine in aqueous media have been carried out. Optimized geometries and relative stabilities for the different tautomers have been calculated in the gas phase, including interaction with two discrete water molecules and taking into account the solvent effects by using the self-consistent reaction field theory. The role of specific and bulk contributions of solvent effect on the observable properties of the 5-methylcytosine is clarified. The amino-oxo form is the most abundant tautomer in aqueous media. A reaction pathway connecting amino-oxo and amino-hydroxy forms along the corresponding transition structures has been characterized. Good agreement between theoretical and available experimental results of harmonic vibration frequencies is found. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Sol-gel derived poly(oxyethylene)/siloxane organic/inorganic di-ureasil hybrids containing different amounts of methacrylic acid (McOH, CH(2)=C(CH(3))COOH)) modified zirconium oxo-clusters (Zr-OMc) were processed as thin films deposited in glassy substrates via spin coating and as transparent and shape controlled monoliths. Channel monomode waveguides and diffraction gratings were UV patterned using the Talbot interferometer and the Lloyd mirror interferometer experimental setups. The time dependence of the diffraction gratings efficiency was studied for hybrids containing different amounts of Zr-OMc. Finally, the number of propagating modes and the refractive index gradient within the waveguide region, determined as a Gaussian section located below the patterned channel, was evaluated and modeled, a maximum index contrast of 2.43 X 10(-5) being estimated.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)