860 resultados para Nutrition of athletes


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Objective: To demonstrate the utility of a practical measure of lean mass for monitoring changes in the body composition of athletes. Methods: Between 1999 and 2003 body mass and sum of seven skinfolds were recorded for 40 forwards and 32 backs from one Super 12 rugby union franchise. Players were assessed on 13 (7) occasions ( mean (SD)) over 1.9 (1.3) years. Mixed modelling of log transformed variables provided a lean mass index (LMI) of the form mass/skinfolds(x), for monitoring changes in mass controlled for changes in skinfold thickness. Mean effects of phase of season and time in programme were modelled as percentage changes. Effects were standardised for interpretation of magnitudes. Results: The exponent x was 0.13 for forwards and 0.14 for backs ( 90% confidence limits +/- 0.03). The forwards had a small decrease in skinfolds ( 5.3%, 90% confidence limits +/- 2.2%) between preseason and competition phases, and a small increase ( 7.8%, 90% confidence limits +/- 3.1%) during the club season. A small decrease in LMI (similar to 1.5%) occurred after one year in the programme for forwards and backs, whereas increases in skinfolds for forwards became substantial (4.3%, 90% confidence limits +/- 2.2%) after three years. Individual variation in body composition was small within a season (within subject SD: body mass, 1.6%; skinfolds, 6.8%; LMI, 1.1%) and somewhat greater for body mass (2.1%) and LMI (1.7%) between seasons. Conclusions: Despite a lack of substantial mean changes, there was substantial individual variation in lean mass within and between seasons. An index of lean mass based


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The suitability of cow slurry as a substrate for vermicomposting by Eisenia fetida was investigated. Particular attention was given to the effects of the earthworm on the decomposition and stabilisation of the slurry; and to the interactions between E. fetida and the microflora of the substrate. Assessment of the chemical and microbiological changes in cow slurry stored under forced aeration, and subsequently in shallow trays, showed that neither method was suitable for the treatment of slurry. A comparison of two methods of vermicomposting showed that top-feeding of slurry was more efficient in promoting earthworm growth and cocoon production than the mixing of slurry with solid materials. Management practices were found to have an important influence on the efficiency of the process. An investigation o:f the effect of E. fetida. on the decomposition of slurry indicated that the presence of this earthworm enhanced the stabilisation of the substrate and increased the plant-available nitrogen content. Specific nutritional interactions were observed between E. fetida and micro-organisms in sand/cellulose microcosms. The earthworms were found to be feeding directly upon the cells of certain micro-organisms. Other species were found to be toxic to E. fetida.. A technique was developed :for the production of axenic E. fetida., and the use of such earthworms in :feeding experiments confirmed the importance of some micro-organisms in earthworm nutrition. The seeding of vermiculture beds with one such micro-organism stimulated earthworm growth and consumption of the substrate. Vermicomposted mixtures of cow slurry and spent mushroom compost were shown to have potential application as casing materials in mushroom cultivation. The findings of this study indicate the suitability of vermicomposting as a method for the stabilisation of intensively-produced cow slurry, and give some indication of the importance of micro-organisms in the nutrition of E. fetida.


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Context: Due to a unique combination of factors, outdoor athletes in the Southeastern United States are at high risk of lightning deaths and injuries. Lightning detection methods are available to minimize lightning strike victims. Objective: Becoming aware of the risk factors that predispose athletes to lightning strikes and determining the most reliable detection method against hazardous weather will enable Certified Athletic Trainers to develop protocols that protect athletes from injury. Data Sources: A comprehensive literature review of Medline and Pubmed using key words: lightning, lightning risk factors, lightning safety, lightning detection, and athletic trainers and lightning was completed. Data Synthesis: Factors predisposing athletes to lighting death or injury include: time of year, time of day, the athlete’s age, geographical location, physical location, sex, perspiration level, and lack of education and preparedness by athletes and staff. Although handheld lightning detectors have become widely accessible to detect lightning strikes, their performance has not been independently or objectively confirmed. There is evidence that these detectors inaccurately detect strike locations by recording false strikes and not recording actual strikes. Conclusions: Lightning education and preparation are two factors that can be controlled. Measures need to be taken by Certified Athletic Trainers to ensure the safety of athletes during outdoor athletics. It is critical for athletic trainers and supervising staff members to become fully aware of the risks of lightning strikes in order to most effectively protect everyone under their supervision. Even though lightning detectors have been manufactured in an attempt to minimize death and injuries due to lightning strikes, none of the detectors have been proven to be 100% effective. Educating coaches, athletes, and parents on the risks of lightning and the detection methods available, while implementing an emergency action plan for lightning safety, is crucial to ensure the well being of the student-athlete population.


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Previous research has identified the relationship between athlete sport anxiety and various sport outcomes (e.g., performance and dropout). For the majority of athletes involved in sport, the coach is an influential element of the competitive experience. Two hundred and twenty-eight athletes from 15 sports, completed the Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport (CBS-S). The predictive ability of athletes' perceived frequency of seven coaching behaviours (physical training, mental preparation, goal setting, technical skills, competition strategies, personal rapport and negative personal rapport) on four forms of sport anxiety (total anxiety, somatic anxiety, concentration disruption and worry) was examined. Results indicate that negative personal rapport was a significant predictor of all measured forms of sport anxiety while competition strategies was a significant predictor for total anxiety, concentration disruption, and worry. Other behaviours were not significant. The findings suggest that negative rapport between coach and athlete is an important contributor to athlete anxiety. In addition, behaviours that the coach demonstrates relative to competition can be influential in reducing athlete anxiety.


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The purpose of this study was to analyse the developmental pathway of skilled and less skilled volleyball players by focusing on the quantity and type of sporting activities, as well as their age and height in comparison to peers in those experiences. Retrospective interviews were conducted to provide a longitudinal and detailed account of sport involvement of 30 skilled and 30 less skilled volleyball players (15 male and 15 female players per group) throughout different developmental stages (stage 1: 8-12 years; stage 2: 13-16 years; stage 3: 17-20 years). Results indicated that the developmental pathway of these volleyball players (i.e. skilled and less skilled) was characterized by an early diversified sport involvement with a greater participation in sport activities during stages 1 and 2. However, skilled players specialized later in volleyball (between age 14 and 15) and performed more hours of volleyball at stage 3 (from 17 years of age onwards). Also, skilled players (male and female) were younger in both the diversified sport activities and volleyball at the later stages of development (i.e. stages 2 and 3), and skilled female players were taller than peers in those activities in the early stages of development (i.e. stages 1 and 2). The present findings suggest early diversification as a feasible pathway to reach expertise in volleyball and highlight the importance of practicing with older peers once specialization in the main sport has occurred. The findings highlight the need for coaches and sport programs to consider different stimuli existing within the training environment (i.e. characteristics of athletes, such as age and height) that influence the quality of practice and contribute to players’ expertise development.


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In this paper,we propose different definitions of coaching excellence based on two principles. First,the application of coaching skill,as in any other domain of excellence,is context-dependent. Second, excellent coaches are knowledgeable and constantly assemble mental models that enable them to meet their athletes' needs and to effectively manage the central duties of coaching - organization, training, and competition. Four categories of coaches and corresponding definitions are proposed based on the characteristics of athletes and the developmentally-appropriate sport contexts: 1) participation coaches for children, 2) participation coaches for teens and adults, 3) performance coaches for young adolescents, 4) performance coaches for older adolescents and adults.


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Participation in organized activities is associated with many markers of positive youth development (PYD) such as improved self-esteem, social competence, and academic achievement (Mahoney et al., 2009). Sport is an extra-curricular activity that is particularly popular among youth, as nearly three quarters of Canadian children and adolescents are engaged in organized sport or physical activity (CFLRI, 2012). Much of the research in this area has examined sport programs which are explicitly structured to promote life skills or PYD outcomes; however, the sustainability of such programs has recently been called into question (Turnnidge, Hancock, & Côté, 2014). The purpose of this program of research was to conduct an in-depth case study of a successful, sustainable community youth basketball league. Study 1 was a qualitative descriptive exploration of coaches’ perceptions of the basketball league. This study provided a general overview of the structure and perceived benefits of the league, from the perspective of current coaches. Coaches highlighted the unique emphasis that the league places on fun and positive immediate sport experiences. Study 2 expanded on selected themes from Study 1, namely, the salience of the league’s culture and tendency for former players to return to the league as volunteers. This study used an ethnographic approach wherein the first author volunteered as an assistant coach on a basketball team over the course of a six-month season. This approach enabled him to gain considerable first hand insight into the organizational culture of the basketball league. The third and final study adopted a quantitative approach using both systematic observation and questionnaires to investigate the relationship between PYD outcomes and observed athlete behaviour during basketball games. A cluster analysis revealed the presence of two distinct groups of athletes characterized by relatively high and low perceptions of PYD outcomes, which were also associated with varying behavioural characteristics during competition. The results of these three studies provide a detailed blueprint of a successful youth sport program that has been sustained over 60 years. While not without limitations, many characteristics of the league should prove useful in structuring youth sport programs in other contexts.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Bio-floc shrimp culture systems have been investigated in an attempt to optimize water use and prevent the discharge of effluent into the environment. The importance of microalgae in maintaining water quality and nutrition of the shrimp is well known in conventional systems; however, its maintenance amid bio-flocs and its role in the shrimp performance in this system are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of diatoms in the performance of Litopenaeus vannamei reared during the nursery phase in intensive system with minimal water exchange. Shrimp (0.31 ± 0.10 g) were reared among diatoms, bio-flocs and the combination of the two forming the mixture medium. The survival of shrimp was high in all treatments (90–97%). However, the shrimp reared among diatoms showed higher weight gain (P\0.05) and feed conversion ratio significantly more efficient, reaching a value of 0.47. The results indicate the importance of diatoms in bio-floc culture systems and points out to future research in an attempt to maintain a constant presence of these microalgae in culture medium without requiring successive inoculations.


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Introdução e objectivos: A saúde oral em atletas é parte essencial para a saúde geral, sendo um factor determinante para a qualidade de vida e desempenho desportivo. Logo, um bom estado de saúde só existirá se a cavidade oral se encontrar ausente de patologias. Os desequilíbrios nutricionais possuem efeitos sobre a cavidade oral, condicionando assim a qualidade de vida e desempenho do atleta. Desta forma, o excesso de ingestão de alguns alimentos podem ser factores de risco para a saúde, tendo conta em que, a etiologia da cárie dentária está relacionada com a ação de microorganismos orais que produzem ácidos orgânicos, a partir do metabolismo dos hidratos de carbono. O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a saúde oral bem como os hábitos alimentares e o uso de protetores bucais durante a prática desportiva. Participantes e Métodos: Foram observados 55 atletas de voleibol entre os 15 e 18 anos de ambos os géneros, do clube de voleibol Academia José Moreira e Leixões. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, no qual foi realizado exame clínico intraoral (índice de cárie CPOd, indice de erosão dentária BEWE) e preenchimento de questinário, em que os indivíduos foram caracterizados em 5 componentes: dados sociodemográficos (idade, peso e estatura), dados sobre perceção de saúde, dados sobre comportamentos de saúde oral, dados sobre prática desportiva e dados sobre comportamentos alimentares (questionário semi-quantitativo de frequência alimentar). A análise estatística descritiva e inferencial dos dados recolhidos foi realizada com o auxílio do programa informático SPSS, versão 23.0. Resultados: Os hábitos de saúde oral não são os mais adequados e a percentagem de atletas que visita o médico dentista é elevada para “só quando tem dores” ou “ocasionalmente”. A média do CPOD geral foi de 4,22 ± 4,55. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) entre o CPOD geral e o IMC. Nenhum dos atletas usa protetor bucal durante a prática desportiva. Os alimentos mais consumidos foram a carne, fruta, leite, peixe e, biscoitos, bolos e bolachas; e os menos consumidos foram as bebidas alcoólicas, mel ou compotas e café. Conclusão: Os hábitos de higiene oral são um melhor indicador do que o IMC para a presença de cárie. Não há relação direta entre índice CPOD e IMC. Seria importante prestar mais informação sobre vantagens do uso de protetores bucais junto dos atletas e de treinadores bem como, esclarecer que a consistência e as propriedades sensoriais ligadas à textura e à consistência dos alimentos na superfície dentária interferem com a cárie.


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The aim of this study was to assess the relative contribution of natural productivity and compound food to the growth of the juvenile blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris reared in a biofloc system. Two experiments were carried out based on the same protocol with three treatments: clear water with experimental diet (CW), biofloc with experimental diet (BF) and biofloc unfed (BU). Shrimp survival was significantly higher in biofloc rearing than in CW rearing. The contribution of the biofloc to shrimp diet was estimated through measurement of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in shrimp and food sources. Different isotopic compositions between feeds were obtained by feeding natural productivity with a mixture rich in fish meal and the shrimps with a pellet containing a high level of soy protein concentrate. Using a two source one-isotope mixing model, we found that the natural productivity of the biofloc system contributed to shrimp growth at a level of 39.8% and 36.9%, for C and N, respectively. The natural food consumed by the shrimps reared in the biofloc system resulted in higher gene expression (mRNA transcript abundance) and activities of two digestive enzymes in their digestive gland: α-amylase and trypsin. The growth of shrimp biomass reared in biofloc was, on average, 4.4 times that of those grown in clear water. Our results confirmed the best survival and promoted growth of shrimps using biofloc technology and highlighted the key role of the biofloc in the nutrition of rearing shrimps. Statement of relevance In this study, we have applied an original protocol to determine the respective contribution of natural productivity and artificial feeds on the alimentation of the juvenile blue shrimp L. stylirostris reared in biofloc system by using C and N natural stable isotope analysis. Moreover, we have compared, in shrimp digestive gland, the α-amylase and trypsin enzyme activities at biochemical and molecular levels for two different shrimp rearing systems, biofloc and clear water. In our knowledge, the use of molecular tool to study the influence of biofloc consumption on digest process of shrimp was never carried out. We think that our research is new and important to increase knowledge on biofloc topic.


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Background: Early childhood lead exposure is associated with numerous adverse health effects. Biomonitoring among susceptible populations, such as children, has not been previously conducted. The aim of the study is to evaluate the blood lead (Pb) and total blood calcium (Ca) levels; blood zinc (Zn) levels. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed to collect healthy children age 1-36 months (Mean ± SD: 1.5 ± 0.6 age, 60% boys) in the study from January 2010 to September 2011. Results: The overall mean blood Pb levels were 42.18 ± 12.13 μg/L, the overall mean blood Zn and total blood Ca concentrations were 62.18 ± 12.33 μmol/L and 1.78 ± 0.13 mmol/L, respectively. The prevalence of elevated blood Pb levels in all children was 1.3%. A significant difference was found between female and male subjects for the blood Pb and Zn. After controlling for gender and age, there was a weak positive correlation between total blood Ca and Zn level. Conclusions: The blood Pb levels had a significant negative correlation with total blood Ca level after adjusting for age and gender, and these findings suggest that Pb had effect on positive blood Zn and total blood Ca levels; parents should pay more attention to the nutrition of girls.


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Over 2 million Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries occur annually worldwide resulting in considerable economic and health burdens (e.g., suffering, surgery, loss of function, risk for re-injury, and osteoarthritis). Current screening methods are effective but they generally rely on expensive and time-consuming biomechanical movement analysis, and thus are impractical solutions. In this dissertation, I report on a series of studies that begins to investigate one potentially efficient alternative to biomechanical screening, namely skilled observational risk assessment (e.g., having experts estimate risk based on observations of athletes movements). Specifically, in Study 1 I discovered that ACL injury risk can be accurately and reliably estimated with nearly instantaneous visual inspection when observed by skilled and knowledgeable professionals. Modern psychometric optimization techniques were then used to develop a robust and efficient 5-item test of ACL injury risk prediction skill—i.e., the ACL Injury-Risk-Estimation Quiz or ACL-IQ. Study 2 cross-validated the results from Study 1 in a larger representative sample of both skilled (Exercise Science/Sports Medicine) and un-skilled (General Population) groups. In accord with research on human expertise, quantitative structural and process modeling of risk estimation indicated that superior performance was largely mediated by specific strategies and skills (e.g., ignoring irrelevant information), independent of domain general cognitive abilities (e.g., metal rotation, general decision skill). These cognitive models suggest that ACL-IQ is a trainable skill, providing a foundation for future research and applications in training, decision support, and ultimately clinical screening investigations. Overall, I present the first evidence that observational ACL injury risk prediction is possible including a robust technology for fast, accurate and reliable measurement—i.e., the ACL-IQ. Discussion focuses on applications and outreach including a web platform that was developed to house the test, provide a repository for further data collection, and increase public and professional awareness and outreach (www.ACL-IQ.org). Future directions and general applications of the skilled movement analysis approach are also discussed.


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Thesis (Ph.D, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2016-07-21 14:22:50.954


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Collecting and analysing data is an important element in any field of human activity and research. Even in sports, collecting and analyzing statistical data is attracting a growing interest. Some exemplar use cases are: improvement of technical/tactical aspects for team coaches, definition of game strategies based on the opposite team play or evaluation of the performance of players. Other advantages are related to taking more precise and impartial judgment in referee decisions: a wrong decision can change the outcomes of important matches. Finally, it can be useful to provide better representations and graphic effects that make the game more engaging for the audience during the match. Nowadays it is possible to delegate this type of task to automatic software systems that can use cameras or even hardware sensors to collect images or data and process them. One of the most efficient methods to collect data is to process the video images of the sporting event through mixed techniques concerning machine learning applied to computer vision. As in other domains in which computer vision can be applied, the main tasks in sports are related to object detection, player tracking, and to the pose estimation of athletes. The goal of the present thesis is to apply different models of CNNs to analyze volleyball matches. Starting from video frames of a volleyball match, we reproduce a bird's eye view of the playing court where all the players are projected, reporting also for each player the type of action she/he is performing.